QTDDTOT: Questions that don't deserve their own thread

QTDDTOT: Questions that don't deserve their own thread.
Please direct all single-line and low content questions to this thread rather than creating a new thread for them. Threads of this nature will likely be deleted without warning or explanation. Don’t worry, just ask your question again in this thread instead.

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Other urls found in this thread:

dropbox.com/sh/gnhudntm89xbcdj/AAA7lA-vMyWIAFp33hF1rJESa?dl=0&preview=An Infinite Dream.mp4

How accurate is this?


It's pretty retarded. Rich and Powerful people do shit that hurts themselves all the time.

See: Global Warming.

Can our minds be read remotely through some technology for MKULTRA or something like it, thus undermining the "don't tell anyone what you're going to do, just do it" ideology?

You're bumping this shit as soon as pedo hunt threads get bumped. That's extremely suspicious. Your anime girls aren't going to save you.

I'm aware of technology that can monitor your brainwaves, but know of no such tech that can actually read your thoughts.

But both girls are good and are flawed in different ways that make them endearing.

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The board breaks down at 600+ post threads.
Making a cyclical would make it perpetually unpostable.
This OP sucks anime shit I have to hide every time I open the thread? NO thx.

10:10 AM

ntmo-e: I don't know if he's (Flight 90) landed; the last position of United I'm going to give some coordinates united 93

doug: yes

ntmo-e: 3 9 5 1 North, 0 7 8 4 6 West

What did he meant by this?

It won't change anything but it makes me feel better than normies (knowledge junkie).

Yeah, because traffic is so high right now

Huh, really? I’ve never had any trouble with high post count threads, even on my mobile devices. And hell, back in the days of the summer chimpouts (remember how shit the board software was back then?), even when I’d let a cyclical hit 1200 posts before refreshing it would still be smooth. The meta thread takes a bit longer to load than most, but it’s still usable like any other, even when perpetually locked at near-750.

Why is Trump so based?

He's calling out muslims because they are subhumans that hate America and Israel (it said so in the anthrax letters). I invite you to read the comments in vid related, it reads like 8/pol/ a year ago. Let's protect Israel from Anti-Aryan muslims! They have /ourback/ ♥

Is it okay to have friends of different races?

This but unironically

I don't know what Spanish says but Lina > Megumin

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8/pol/ told me the North Korea was super-important because it proved that Trump was /ourguy/ fighting the lizard globalists… after watching this video, why did (((you))) lied to me?

What is Zig Forums's consensus on (((American Sniper)))??

Yes, most of us have Asian girlfriends

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non whites can't false flag for shit. Also Trump is a truther as well

What will cause the collapse of California's economy, and how long do I have to get out? I'm trying to convince my wife that this place isn't going to be "comfortable" for very long.

Thanks for that link, it led me to The Infinite Dream. I'd heard of it but hadn't seen it before. It's a bit spaced out and acid washy, but watching it finally.

dropbox.com/sh/gnhudntm89xbcdj/AAA7lA-vMyWIAFp33hF1rJESa?dl=0&preview=An Infinite Dream.mp4

Can anyone explain the high amount of furries in white nationalism?

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werewolves are Aryan

Fringe groups like other fringe groups. Can anyone explain why so many wiccans are sjw/communists?

Same shit.

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If you're implying white nationalism is purely autism then you're on the wrong track. A lot of us don't care about internet fetishism. The internet is a megaphone for everyone. I'd ask you if you could explain the amount of jews against white nationalism.

Possibly too meta.
What were the conclusions, by oldfags, of 8chans current ownership? And why are users still here?
Video related.

Is the reason the powers that be are pushing humanity to join races and become a sea of stupid brown people paying attention to computer media because it's been decided that we can never leave the earth? I mean you can't help but see the coincidence that they are pulling all this shit at the same time space programs are gutted and Space X wraps up the rest of the people who are in to this shit and feeds them fraudulent footage and lies.

I think the jews and the whites they control are agreeing that to ensure humanity can live forever is to have us significantly dumbed down and to eliminate differences so there's no reason to fight so educated programs are destroyed while race mixing and social media is pushed.

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I'm an oldfag but I use anything that's given to me. I'm on a hundred different websites.

『J』『E』『W』『S』 『R』『A』『P』『E』 『K』『I』『D』『S』

░J░E░W░S░ ░R░A░P░E░ ░K░I░D░S░

(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ JEWS RAPE KIDS ♥

J҉E҉W҉S҉ ҉R҉A҉P҉E҉ ҉K҉I҉D҉S҉

This is actually the first encounter of such thing for me…

What the fuck kind of autism is that? I'd take you're a bot but you posted before as a human.

Preaching to the choir much?

Well shit…

what happened to the degenerated people of the weimar republic once the natsocs drove the jews out?

At times it does seem like that doesnt it?
Like they're trying to min/max humanity to ensure maximum longevity from the Earth.

OP is a filthy spic degenerate.

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This never occurs, there will always be fighting (see every brown or black country), they’re eliminating the high-IQ white population for a reason.


Because mutts, browns and nigs are more easily swayed towards being mindless consumerists, mutts especially since they can easily have the void of not having a concrete identity filled with electronic gadgets that don't really do anything, overpriced clothing which was marked up over a 1000% and shitty foods filled with soy and more chemicals than a chemistry play set.

Ben is reportedly missing since a few days ago


Oldest trick in the *chan book that I am surprised that I have to repeat it over and over: the easiest way to make anons hate a meme or group or idea on an imageboard is to associate it with things that are low status or annoying. It's why you see retards on /mu/ or /lit/ spam the same meme, album, or book over and over in an obnoxious way.

Do you mean the degenerates in power, or the people that were degenerates from those responsible? If you mean the first, they moved to America. Many of them took up key positions within American power. Not joking either. Check out a book called The Weimar Century: German Émigrés and the Ideological Foundations of the Cold War, published by an academic press and jew who fully admits that the same people that created Weimar came to America (and other parts of the West) and did the same thing. "Weimerica" is such an apt term it's not even funny.


what is this?

Which is true?

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Die of Cholera, spic

can someone with a VM download this and screenshot contents, link dropped on cuck chan last night


It doesn't work that way, user. There's metric ton of cases where it simply didn't work. Case in point: Pepe. No matter how many attempts to steal the froggy, or paint it in wrong light, people still like it and continue using it.
So no, this hypothesis doesn't hold.


Meant for

Oldfags here (started Zig Forums around 2010, because (((college))) had computers), no comment :/

Probably to bring the emergence of the Legendary Super Aryan.

A previous thread died for this cancer, and mods are unironically using it as a second QTDDTOT

now every question deserves it's own post because no one will be forced to post here because OP is a massive living faggot lifeform riddled with aids.

Kill yourself.

Both of these, plus the fact that with no racial identity, all you've got is a cultural identity. But since most new buildings are being made with a concrete soviet-like look or with a futuristic, asymmetric mess, that too will be diluted into a mass culture (Americanization is something that has happened quite a lot in most Western European and some Middle Eastern nations). At that point there'd only be social class as a way to identify oneself, but even that is being thrown out of the way because of the way social media classifies people not based on subjective qualities but by the number of connections they're able to form, making it easy for them to THINK that they're conversing with those way out of their leagues. By that point, the only thing moving people would be material shit and consumerism.
So basically it's not a single reason, but a min/maxing to ensure the elites will still be around and look differently than the average fag, which could be seen in a positive light (in terms of world peace or to prep up a single or almost monolithic human race to direct their efforts towards exploring the cosmos) or in a negative light, with the elites just making sure that there's no unity and that the masses can be quelled with a shitton of mercs.
Which isn't working as well as they think because they want to enforce it when Homophilia (which is a real thing and not liking homos) still makes people seek, on average, the most similar to them (in tastes or race or personality) rather than making them mix and match with other races or tastes.

On that note, I wanted to ask a more historical question that has puzzled me and I haven't found any actual response that didn't seem biased: why exactly did the Germans burn down every document they had in the final phases of the war? We know that the Americans investigated the so called concentration camps in the West and found them to be no different to their camps, which only left the disputed Polish camps. But what is the reasoning behind destroying the evidence of basically nothing happening? Did they fear Soviets getting their hands on the documents first? Couldn't they have just taken official records and located them elsewhere? It's also widely known that even as late as the final months of the war, SS officers and Fascists were trying to contact the Allies to broker a peace deal before the Soviets could enforce a much more devastating complete surrender. So what gives?

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((( )))
you hasbara-shills need to gtfo

Furries are based obviously.

Why is there such a discrepancy in nigger durability? Some are decently capable in physically demanding activities, but others have bones so brittle they fucking shatter at the slightest impact and in webm related this napa goes down in a single hit.

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Question: Based on this text alone, can you tell me whether or not you believe me to be a good, wholesome, honorable fellow?

not with those digits boaz

Most of Zig Forums believes that reproducing is a virtue because it’s the intended purpose of an animal. This extends to your genetic relatives(I.e race and family). Since they have some of your genes. My question, then, is if a rape of a woman would be morally justified if, PURELLY HYPOTHETICALLY, you knew it was your only possible chance at reproduction. Let’s say for creativity’s sake 1 hour before you meet the girl your going to rape, you become infertile. You have no former children, and will not meet another women until after you become infertile.

TL:DR fuck you go back and read it

No, I think. Extension of one's genetic lineage is only a boon if they are eugenic. The current system of courting and natural selection are the means for human genes to determine what traits are eugenic or dysgenic. Therefore, rape is a subversion of this system and potentially allows dysgenic traits to propagate. This is true because humans are social creatures with rigid social structures used to maintain societal health. Perhaps it would be morally neutral in an animal that is far less social, and whose genetics are almost wholly determined on a life or death basis rather than mate selection.

So the rape situation I proposed can be morally justified IF the man has good genes?

Let me continue further: you declare that it’s bad because it allows potentially dysgenic genes to flourish. Now, the important part is, would it be morally justifiable TO THE MAN in support of spreading his seed.

Jewish sci-fi meant to paralyze whites from acting
No, just good opsec

friends are someone you trust with your property or life. shitskins can't into trust. friends are possible only within the white race.


kike rhetoric. gas yourself.

based. You've also answered your question by
putting yourself in the mind of a German officer during WW2. You know jews are the enemy and are winning, but because jewish tribal networking, they've rallied your brother golems against you. You can't let them know your plans as you know the jews will use it against your offspring and brothers. wut do?

only whites are virtuous. we cooperate, create surplus, build civilizations, and care for our offspring and environment. shitskins copy whites, suck our teet, and destroy our work. jews parasite, create vice, genocide our race, and blame it on us. there is nothing virtuous about shitskin or jewish reproduction.
hypothetically, the best scenario is only if she is corrupt and unsecured by another white male, such as a wayward shitlib who needs a cage. You don't want to hypothetically rape a chaste virgin because she is better off forming a family. but for shitlibs, hypothetically forcing her biological imperative makes her useful to her race, honors her ancestors, and spites her jewish programmers. hypothetically, there is plenty of rape material in current year
tl;dr don't fuck because muh dick hypothetically

I feel a need to seek more education, but I realise that the subjects I am really interested in are not lucrative at all. On one hand I will likely be fucked employment wise if I choose anything but tech, engineering, math or economics, but on the other it's a low thing to pursue knowledge merely for economic reasons. How did others make this choice, if they examined it at all?

Hire the actors to attack your home.

Is there any point in trying to avoid buying kosher certified products? I just heard about this the other day. I can't find hand soap that doesn't have the U, and both of my favorite foods have it.

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I mean that's like walking into a football stadium and getting upset at sports.

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Any one here have good quality Third Reich films? I already have a few from a 1080p version of Titanic, Triumph of the Will and both Olympia films. However I would like a good quality HitlerJunge Quex, Hans Westmar, Jud Suss, or Der Ewige Jude would be greatly appreciated.

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i was told
"Don’t post zero-effort questions outside the QTDDTOT thread." by some jew larp cia nigger locking my thread like a tranny resisting questions about amounts of sexual identities

the more i lurk the more i realize there is ONLY misinformation
im grasping for straws here before completely abandoning this schizophrenic bitch of a website tbh

hello boomer Qanon, becoming "woke" is a two-step process:
1) buying into the Q phenomenon that you're becoming "woke" when being spoon-feed information that is mostly webs of lies spun from yarns of truth
2) realizing that Q is as full of shit as the people he's outing, you're finally "awake"…
The truth is whatever the source wants the facts to make it - so always question who is delivering the message, what are their motives, their incentives, who sponsors or pays for their messages
Six major media companies own all the outlets, all these companies are dependent on contracts with entertainment companies, do you really think they are going to out Hollywood? Jews? ZOG? Any other story that financially impacts the bottom line of commercial sponsors?

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What's your opinion on Ryan Dawson?

How does one go about redpilling his leftist parents?
Where the fuck do I even begin? Is it too late for them?

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When is the day of rope?
Well how soon?
Why build up my hopes?

If they are older then late 40s early 50s, don't bother, the conditioning has sunk in too deep by that point.


If reproduction is not a virtue, why is being a faggot wrong? I known it has health problems, but so does being fat.

Well, screencap number two in this post has very good reasons.


Sort of. It’s not accurate all the time, and it’s highly dependent on mental clarity and range.

If the target keeps their my clear all the time it doesn’t work.

What do you guys think about moving the U.S. capital to Kansas or Colorado?

I've been seeing many Zig Forumsacks who believe in white ethno-globalism (not nationalism). Is this a common view of Zig Forums anons because I used to think their view was white nationalism.

You should really be able to think for yourself on this matter, but of course it's okay, assuming you are able keep your friend in his proper place in your hierarchy of loyalties.

Why don't communists just move to voluntary communes?

What do you guys think of magic and mysticism? My thing is if either were real, wouldn't we know by now? I doubt it could be kept a secret for thousands of years.

Megumin only knows one spell and blows its 24 hour cooldown early in the morning to destroy random unrelated objects, and is not worth a crap otherwise. Lina is an exceptionally good sorceress that knows an absolute shit ton of spells, is good in hand to hand combat, is a skilled swordswoman and has a great sassy personality. Also she's not a fucking autistic chuuni; she's attractive on her own merit and not because you feel sorry for her. There's just no competition.

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It's LARPing dialed up waaaay past 11. I was doing that shit when I was 14, I would know. My forearms still bear a pair of gigantic pentagram shaped scars.

Among whites there is far too much diversity of thought for "white" to ever be one ethnicity. Anyone pushing globalism in any form is a kike, but hopefully whites can ally long enough to push through these hard times and into the stars.

That's not a reason. Any dumbass can pop out a kid. Have you tried having any honest conversations with them, or are you hiding your beliefs? If your parents are worth a shit they'll care about what you think - not necessarily agree, but care to understand what their child thinks. If they're trash then they'll get angry when you challenge the safe, ignorant positions they've taken.

Because what they really want is to destroy everything.

"Magic" is just the name for anything you witness without understanding. In that sense, magic is real.

If you don't mind I have some questions for you. One why did you get into magic or mysticism? Second what made you stop practicing? Third and final what were the benefits (if any) you got out of it?

My understanding any and all benefits stem from power of belief and positive reinforcement.

So it's basically trading one supernatural (religion) for another?

Almost forgot. Heiled.

I was an edgy underagebait and thought dicking around with necromancy was the shit, also having skeleton servitors and having extended lifetime as a lich warlock sounded cool. I stopped practicing because, to put simply, I grew up. I've stopped being an edgy faggot so that aspect stopped being appealing plus hard LARPing wasn't fun anymore. There's literally no benefit to it, unless you count the act of LARPing as a benefit, but there isn't much to it really. Mostly just reading, analyzing, meditating, and sometimes doing stupid shit involving setting up objects in specific "meaningful" patterns, ingesting psychoactive and/or poisonous substances, trespassing on cemeteries in the middle of the night, and thatsuch.

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Yeah I can agree on that. I tried to argue with the ethno-globalists that if they had their own homelands with strict, defined borders, they won't see spics et al anymore. But he kept insisting that these parasites will still be living and the user's kids will forego warnings of globalism and let open the doors to said parasites again.

Watch vide related

or this one:
youtube.com/watch?v=7ukhUJ1bNDQ (Fight Club has 9/11 imagery)

Anyways, my question is as it follows: What can we goyim around the world do to not get slaughtered by Israel's plans.

Well, annihilating our enemies might be the best option, but I don't see it happening. He's right though. Given the opportunity, history will definitely repeat itself.

Because they're lactose intolerant (depending almost solely on the level of Caucasian admixture), and don't eat anything else that would help strengthen bones in the absence of milk and other dairy products?

whats a good non-kiked and private search engine to use?

google is fucked, duckduckgo is owned by a jew, i heard startpage was too

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welcome to nu/pol/. It wasn't always like this.

ask him to watch a documentary of your choice with you. He's probably self-absorbed in fantasy, so when he balks, tell him you're interested in knowing the real world. If necessary, pretend you know nothing about the subject. Start with something normie friendly like Roman history, work your way towards TGSNT, but try to end on current year docs like Europa.

Reproduction is not a virtue for jews and shitskins because they are destructive. Faggots for the same reason.

double aught dubs confirm reverse white genocide

jewish mind fuckery. See the Kaballah and piss on John Dee's grave for bringing it into European scientific circles during the enlightenment.

hitler dubs confirm majik faggotry

here here. I can't believe they put that shit in Uncharted 3. darkness