White Nationalists are incels LARPing as Chads

These white nationalists LARP as Chads on Zig Forums, /r9k/ (I include cuckchan in this), r/The_Donald, r/theredpill, r/mgtow, r/chadright, etc. (yes there is an entire sub-reddit r/chadright where right-wing incels LARP as Chads). But everyone knows that these guys are the biggest losers and genetic subhumans on the planet. "A white woman has consensual sex with niggers?! WHITE GENOCIDE! WHITE GENOCIDE! You're not supposed to be having sex with Tyrone, you have to have sex with me to save the white race! WAAAHH WAAAHHH!"
On both Zig Forumss they constantly whine about "degeneracy" and white women being total sluts and hypergamous. Yet they all pretend to be Chad? White Nationalism is a fox and the sour grapes ideology.
Meanwhile real Chads are indulging in degeneracy and debauchery and not whining about modern women on the internet. I have been dropping suicide black pills on the alt-right for awhile. But whenever I create a thread like this on cuckchan/pol/ or reddit I get banned because these triggered right-wing cucks need a safe space. Zig Forums Zig Forums is global now bitches. If you anchor/delete this you are anti-freeze peach.
White Nationalists are obsessed with being masculine and showing strength. The best way to destroy a white nationalist is to emasculate him. Bully them until they suicide or GO ER. Just like this fat balding neckbearded alt-right cuck (pic-related) who offed himself after getting doxxed. Then the government will just start preemptively throwing alt-right cucks in prison and throw away the key.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Don't be mad because we stole your useful idiots.

I'm going to kill your family. That's the part of this equation you don't seem to understand.

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Lmao I'm married faggot

kek keep dreaming

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That Pepe cake gets posted as a joke, but I think he did a pretty good job.

sorry Zig Forums, the shill kikes from 4chan here in full force.

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We get it. You people who are so not afraid of us and our ideas, feel the compulsion to come here on like a daily basis to shake your finger at "deh evil rayciz" who believe in nonsense. You know what I think? I think you know we're right and you're too much of a fucking coward to climb down into the mud with us, because you don't value truth or anything really - you just want to get off this ride and now you're starting to wake up to the fact that there is no getting off. No matter what side you picked. Enjoy the fear of the shrinking center as we sharpen our bayonets, and face our death laughing. And if we lose - enjoy the Orwellian Hellscape you pretend on the daily to endorse - just so long as it stays comfortable. I hope for your sake that it does.

The color is too close to Green Lime, it's supposed to be darker.

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Oh look, more anti-Trump posts. Same memes the 'Trump is an Israeli pawn' shills use, too. Interesting.

They're in a genuinely hostile environment now.

In case it's Mossad, -213.93.

"The massive rise in white nationalists groups across North Carolina has state officials concerned.''

Leader of the Special Operations and Intelligence Section of the state Department of Public Safety, Tony Taylor, told 'WRAL' on Friday the gang population in NC is steadily increasing. However, white supremacy groups are beginning to appear more often than the others.

“We’re not sure what’s causing it. It’s just a trend we’re starting to see, and we’re trying to figure that out,” Taylor added…

Gangland & Torch Burnings

The main gangs in the state are 'Crips', 'Bloods', 'Gangster Disciples' and 'Folk Nation'. (>all of the foregoing are non-White groups) Groups like the Aryan Nation and the Klu Klux Klan have expanded frequently… Studies revealed an increase of “in violence and violent behavior” according to DPS intelligence agent Russell Jackson.

954 Groups of Woke AF Whites

The Southern Poverty Law Center reported in February that hate groups have grown by four percent in the U.S. since 2017. 'Alt-right' organizations "increased from 784 in 2014 to 954 nationally in 2017."

"Over 32 White Nationalist groups of various kinds exist in North Carolina…"

"The growth of white supremacy fan sites and social media pages continues…"


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at least sage your shilling, mongoloid.

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there's no need to larp when you're a cute boy

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Yeah, that's right. You beat that strawman good, that will show those evil nazis. I'm really hurt right now. My self esteem is in a really bad state right now.

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This thing that Peterson is hounding even has a pair of balls to wash?

You can't cover up that you're all the same group of people anymore. Anti-TRS posters, anti-Trump posters, anti-White-Nationalist posters are the same people. Just leftist kikes and their fag army here to d&c.
But yeah, I did fuck up not saging, I'll give you that much.


You really have no idea what I am at all.

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Stale pasta

mutant glowkike over here

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That post is filled with white nationalist terminology. We live in their heads rent free