9/11 redpills

Dump your best 9/11 redpills on this thread.

There is very little on the subject I can put as OP (will do bellow), as I don't want to manipulate the flow of the information.

Bigger (((false flags))) will happen if we're not informed.

Other urls found in this thread:


♥ esoteric trips ♥

I like my dubs are I like my immigrants

Attached: 911 pentagon.png (852x568 2.45 MB, 821.68K)

2/10 thread
This is the only video you need

(won't let me embed "this file already exists")

It was done by Jews and Masons in finance and the MIC.

It was done to hide crimes committed by the Clinton Admin. It was done as part of a deal with Saudi Arabia. Clinton set the up deal before he left office.

Rare Pentagons

Attached: Pentagon Exterior 3.jpg (768x509 160.99 KB, 149.95K)

Israel did 9/11
In this interview Chris Bollyn names the Israeli intelligence operatives who carried out the attack. He also names some American Jews that were part of the bloody crime against America.

Lots of curious facts are revealed.

Three words.

sliding with 9/11 shit now, dan?

"There are some people who realize that the physical evidence indicates that the official story is wrong, but don't understand what purpose or interest the government may have had in carrying out the attacks and thus have a psychological relation to the entire event as remaining quite mysterious even though the government's claims are patently absurd. I'll resolve that for you.

On 9/11/91 Bush Sr. spoke before Congress calling for a new world order. Alright, so the president is announcing a major initiative to the world. What could he be up to?

As the USSR was collapsing, there were major operations underway to seize control of their industry. We need to lay down a little historical context for those unaware before proceeding.

Throughout the 1980s the CIA was heavily involved in cocaine and arms trafficking, money laundering, etc. The most famous name here might be Oliver North, but Bush Sr. is neck deep. Mena, Arkansas is a major hub for this operation under the jurisdiction of Bill Clinton. Long trail of deaths surrounding North, Clinton, Bush, Mena, etc. You can educate yourself on those details.

This scandal goes mainstream around 1986. In 1989 you get the first major form of collateralized debt obligations in the form of Brady Bonds, invented by Bush Sr.'s treasury secretary. Minimally informed people are aware of the centrality of CDOs to the 2008 financial panic and the endemic fraud to securities trades of this type.

One of the Bush/North associates is Neil Livingstone, who acts as a go between to Semion Mogilevich. Mogilevich is one of the biggest mafia leaders in the USSR at the time. Mogilevich has had money laundering through the Bank of New York exposed to the tune of $10 billion. He is a major arms dealer at the time, and also heavily connected to al-Qaeda. Part of a bargain Livingstone tried to broker with DoJ involved Mogilevich handing over a bunch of his al-Qaeda connections.

Around 9/11/91 a bunch of fraudulent Brady Bonds are issued through the Bank of New York, Mogilevich's personal money laundering machine. This manifests ten years later. If you go back and look at the settlement imbalances at banks after 9/11, even the banks operating out of WTC complexes don't have any real settlement issues. There is one major exception however: Mogilevich's money laundering hub, the Bank of New York, is reporting book imbalances in excess of $100 billion per day following the attacks. The rules governing security clearance were lifted immediately after 9/11 - allegedly due to widespread problems - but really just to allow BoNY to clear it's balances without a record. It's worth noting that BoNY did not sustain structural damage on 9/11 - not in the WTC.

So these 100s of billions of fraudulent securities that were not clearing in the days after 9/11 - where did they come from? What were they used for? This is how the west launched their invasion of Russia following the collapse. You'll find exposes about crates of freshly printed US bills being shipped to Russia like The Money Plane in NY Magazine, used to buy influence; the other side of this is the securities fraud used to buy assets. It's estimated that something like 40-50% of Russia had been bought up through the mafia by late 92 or 1993.

In 2000/2001 Putin comes onto the scene. He starts nationalizing Russian assets that were seized by the US via the above mentioned securities fraud / money laundering and putting pressure on the mob. Next thing you know 9/11 happens. There are a lot of bones to pick with the official story, but rather than taking up those issues I'd like to highlight the importance of some officially acknowledged but underreported facts.

On 9/9/01 Ahmad Massoud is assassinated by a fake TV crew that disguised a bomb as a TV camera. Two days later the secret service denies access to a couple of guys claiming to have an interview lined up with Bush in Florida on the morning of 9/11. This is our first direct threat against Bush of the day and indication of some larger plot than hijacked planes. Upon learning of the attacks, Bush insists on returning directly to Washington. In flight, a threat is received in the form of a call from an unknown source saying "Angel is next," angel being code for the president that only insiders would have. (* "Can you confirm the substance of that threat that was telephoned in…that Air Force One is next and using code words?" Fleischer: "Yes, I can. That's correct."(September 13)* )Bush is at this point aware that there is some sort of coup effort going on; for example, all the reporter's onboard AF1 are required to turn their cellphones off because they are worried about the attacking faction tracking cell signals - a capability we can all agree is well beyond that of al-Qaeda.

So Bush is under threat from people with high level insider knowledge. Press secretary acknowledged all this on national TV the day after (Angel is next being called in). Bush diverts to Barksdale which is basically the #2 nuclear command site. After a couple hours there he proceeds to Offutt, which is the #1 nuclear command site. You should also be aware of a variety of drills running on the day of 9/11, Vigilant Guardian. This is a full scale mock up of nuclear war; the whole infrastructure is activated for first strike (incidentally, part of the Vigilant Guardian drill in 2001 included a hijacking of planes as the instigator of the conflict). So what is Bush doing going to Barksdale and Offutt? Clearly trying to bring the nuclear forces to heel in light of learning of high level insider power plays.

This might be starting to sound a bit over the top - high level insiders seizing control of nuclear infrastructure and threatening the president with it. But only a few years later we have a similar incident in 2007 as 6 nuclear weapons are seized, generally regarded as intended for use starting the war in either Iran or Georgia. Later, in 2013, we again have nukes going off base unauthorized. Hours after it was reported in the media Sen. Graham is on TV warning of a nuke hit on South Carolina to be blamed on Syrian rebels; two of top nuclear commanders get dismissed in the following weeks. So high level insider fighting over the nuclear arsenal is pretty standard stuff, well known to the public.

With the question of a struggle over the nuclear arsenal now being common sense rather than shocking, we consider Bush caving to the terrorism line and starting the whole war on terror. You have Putin immediately backing off the seizure of assets in Russia. It won't be until the last couple of years that Putin resumes his assertion of authority over Russia; the US responds in kind with attacks on Syria and Ukraine but Russia has since quietly updated it's missile program and is prepared for nuclear war this time around; you now see a defiant Putin in the face of the 9/11 coup faction. Alongside this remarkable shift in geopolitics, there is an emerging anti-dollar block with the BRIC countries establishing an infrastructure bank last year. Just weeks ago, Glazyev announced this and is widely regarded as being the mouth of Putin; he organized the recent gas deal with Chin for example.

So you see 9/11 was a pivotal event used to extend the US dollar empire under threat of nuclear war for another 10-15 years in the face of an assertive Putin back in 2001 and growing domestic problems for the US Government. (You may recall the 90s was full of anti government militancy, concern over globalization, NAFTA, extraordinary distrust, in general what you would expect of citizens in an empire with no apparent external threat … the cold war had ended)

So now that broad outline of purpose and motivation for 9/11 is clear, it's easier to come to terms with what your eyes tell you looking at Building 7 implode into its foot print at free fall for example. You don't even necessarily have to view it as an evil thing; the US people are quite severely fucked without something being done to backstop the US dollar."

Worth noting that wherever POTUS goes, he has the football; perhaps required at Barksdale and Offutt?

Good stuff, I just wish someone other than me watched it.

Do you think we can trick these israel-firsters posters by posting a video a video named "Trump is awesome an schools a liberal" but in reality it's that?

Attached: lotgh.jpg (1280x720, 137.14K)

911 is one of the most fun conspiracies because it's so fucking obvious but you still can't dare to talk about it.

911 is (still) the holocaust of the 21st century.

Attached: 911.webm (1280x720 106.66 KB, 855.82K)

Rarely see anyone show this.
Highly methodical, dry and very compelling.

The Jews did 911. It's not even a question.


No I'm not messing with formatting. Watch it or don't.

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My latino cousin (big extended family) showed me that video a couple years ago.

According to the official story 30,000 liters of aircraft fuel melted steel beams a the WTC 1 and 2 each.

But at the Pentagon we know from the recovered flight recorder there that the plane that crashed into the Pentagon also had 30,000 liters of fuel.

So why couldn't the fuel even singe an open book on a stool or melt a plastic monitor at ground zero?

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this is one of the fake narratives forced by (((them))), that's not the hole. loose change faggots started this bullshit, you're staring at a rabbit hole of how they fuck with the narrative to make us look crazy.

Another example of this is the dancing israeli moving van pics that get passed around are also mostly fake. I don't know why they faked them, I guess so if someone showed them to someone it would be easy to debunk and it's hard to listen to someone who's easily led

Ryan Dawson is good on this topic with some excellent vids and he constantly names the jews youtube.com/watch?v=gl7OkEBXu-E
(((They))) even try to disinfo him through the taliot faggots, not sure yet if they're controlled op, useful idiots like qtards and being led away by kikes or something else. talpiot is real, it exists, but the people pushing it do a lot of speculation and jumping to conclusion, like they're from the alex jone's school of journalism

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the pic on the left, the first one, is the real pic, the second is fake.

here's the loose change debunk video


You're a babbling idiot with nothing to say. I never watched loose change mainly because it's Jason Bermas the kikenvermin shill.

ok kike, not an argument, keep promoting that bullshit.
They started it, other useful retards like yourself, repeat it.


The photographic evidence is clear; at Pentagon ground zero there is no evidence of any fuel fire despite the fact that the flight recorder found there says that there was 30,000 liters on board. I didn't need anything from a movie I never watched to understand that. But just keep muddying the waters jewboi. By all means don't trust your lying eyes.

Jet fuel that melted steel beams at WTC 1 and 2 couldn't even melt a plastic monitor on a desk at Pentagon ground zero.

Attached: Pentagon exposed interior.jpg (526x480, 61.45K)

Oi vey, the American public won't do anything to us, in fact they'll love us with religious fervor as the apple of God's eye, jes like Pastor McWhinney sez, as long as we've got meat scrap franks sizzlin' on the grill and a big black Dodge Ram pickup truck out on the driveway and we don't give a shit if the jews fuck our own kids up the ass. It's all good, buddy.

underrated post.
this is unbelievable.
I would say BIG IF TRUE
but we all know its not even a dot compared to their propaganda machinery



One commonly asked question is: "If it is impossible for a standard 767 to perform at the speeds reported, why would the alleged terrorist or elements within our govt fly the aircraft so fast?"

Here you see the planes that hit the towers were flying way over VMO and would not have flown straight or even realistically held together.

Attached: 767 plane vmo vd 911 modified planes.jpeg (925x634, 97.36K)

Attached: 911 aircraft over vmo vd speed.png (1407x781, 467.35K)

Here's a good combo pic.

Attached: 911 aircraft 767 flew over vmo vd skygate 911.png (2497x768, 785.93K)

That ((Comedy Central)) up to their old tricks again

Attached: oyjew.png (452x338, 100.38K)

Just shut the fuck up, kid. It’s the only thing you post. You clearly don’t care about the topic.

Condensated redpill

Attached: c6ecf2aa05c41969e972272e714793d11a674b719aca6950c24ea0152595f2ba.webm (640x360, 7.92M)

who's the black guy in the vid they circle? 3:20

did a nigger make those?
or a jew?
not even a fuckin scale what is this shit

or condensed

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my eyes are open.
they fucking engineered the destruction of the twin towers.
it was those military explosive ordinance people!!

Attached: redd.jpg (700x573, 52.02K)

The material was military grade and very controlled.

all the jews that worked there, though…
some say it was the arab oil peoples' way of getting ride of some evil americans

If only Dawson wasn't so autistic, and didn't have such an unwarranted sense of self-importance.

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They're from the "767 type certificate data sheet A1NM" as the pic shows, you fucking shill.


Attached: Boeing_767_VG_Diagram.jpg (998x636, 111.32K)


Christopher Bollyn: The Man Who Solved 9/11

at 35:00 the interviewer asks Bollyn to go through the evidence of Israeli involvement

39:00 - two senior Mossad agents - old men who in the 1960s captured Adolf Eichmann, and who smuggled uranium for the original Israeli nuclear weapons program, were the two men who got a contract in 1987 for a lease for the World Trade Center in NYC… but that contract was torn up when some American noticed their history.

Michael Chertoff
After the 1993 car bomb at the WTC Chertoff became a key prosecution figure who targeted (the purported suspect) 'the blind Sheik'. Chertoff was the chief investigator.

On 9/11 Chertoff was Assistant US Attorney General - he had final say in all decisions re 9/11 attack investigtations.

Chertoff's dad was one of Israel's top Mossad agents, a rabbi. After the atrocity of 9/11 Michael Chertoff was acting as an American law enforcement figure, but he got rid of evidence, confiscated video tapes, released Israelis from US jails and sent them home, etc.

Later Chertoff's cousin bought Popular Mechanics and then the magazine tried to whitewash and endorse the absurd 911 Commission Report.

43:00 - the junkyards where evidence from WTC's Ground Zero was destroyed were under the control of Israelis - dual American/Israel nationals.

44:30 - Bollyn names PTech as the Quincy Massachusetts 'venture company' that had their software running on all the relevant US government computers on that fateful day.

Bollyn then names an Israeli 'security company' owned by a company in Holland that is in turn a Mossad security company. That company was in charge of airport security and passenger screening operations at the NY and Boston airports that the ill-fated planes took off from on 911
at the World Trade Center a different security company was in operation; Kroll associates - owned by Jules Kroll and Morris Greenberg - these are both high level Zionists
at 46:00 ish Bollyn points out that Phillip Zelikow's PhD paper was about Creation of the Public Myth – and that's exactly what he did with the 9/11 Commission Report (Zelikow was the Executive Director of the 9/11 Commission.)

It's an 80 minute video. There's lots more curious information..

how to write red on this fucking board


Lurk two years before posting. This isn’t a joke.


This is the best article if you want to start with redpilling someone from scratch. It doesn't go into "conspiracy" territory so you avoid that immediate shut down of thinking. You can even act like you don't know what to make of it either, you've just been doing research. Because there is no was to reconcile the Israeli "art student" mystery and not put 2 and 2 together.

Anyone have a high res NYT photograph of the guys setting up their "art installation?" The one with the guy in the ski mask and all the cardboard boxes.

archive link

Depends who you ask on Zig Forums…

Some (((anons))) will say, "a fucking nigger that deserves to die on the DOTR, 14/88, stop looking into 9/11 and instead focus SOLELY on pedo-celebs which only will get a slap on the wrist."

While some anons will say, "Barry Jennings, who was with another man, and were almost blown up by an explosion on their way down BEFORE either of the towers collapsed. They were helped by the firemen before they left (first tower collapse). This happened a second time with the second tower. The third time firemen came, they told them NOT to look down at their feet, he did so BUT felt he was stepping on people's corpses. Some time before he was supposed to testify, he died of natural and organic causes."

Attached: jojo reference.jpg (255x255, 33.28K)

>Facebook Loses $119 Billion – or 19% – in One Day

Big if true

They may be semites user, but we can't take obfuscation for fact, the jew must be called out. Here I'll show you an exampleas:
jews did 9-11
kikes did 911

Attached: Israel Did 911 - All the Proof in the World.webm (1754x1240 768.59 KB, 1.38M)

Barry Jennings interview

One of the best.

:56 Started praying to Allah.

I feel that a more comprehensive look into Zionist foreign policy is in order. I'm just letting my mind wander a bit and it occurred to me that the kikes probably engineered the Iran-Iraq War in the 80s. Gaddafi at the Arab Summit in 2008 rebuked the chamber for standing silent in the wake of Hiding Hussein's capture and death, warning that they would be next. I'm curious to know just how much Gaddafi knew then. Also, is Saudi Arabia at war with Yemen for geopolitical reasons or because they really are bought and sold by Isnotreal? Have the kikes struck a temporary accord with a KSA that has aligned geopolitical goals, or are they doing it fully on behalf of them?

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I noticed that as well but it is pretty much irrelevant compared to the rest of what he is saying about bldg 7.
Some more infos on our nigger emergency manager


3000 in the area (according to Israeli press) but only 3 died. Almost like they were warned or something…..
Still I suppose it beats 3000 being in the area and 6million dying.
Arab oil? You mean Saudi Arabia aka Southern Israel?


Actually the Harzet (don't know how to spell it) newspaper reported it the advance warning. However, the Jerusalem Post later did with the 4,000 figure, which makes me wonder if that number was used to discredit 911 Truth.

Also, there is a newspaper in the US I think, that interviewed a jewish CEO who says he was among those warned. The email said, "don't come to the ETC on the 23rd of Elul (Sept 11).

You mean Senator Al Franken.

I've been telling everyone this channel is the best, every video. They look at the thumbnail and think it's the same old shit.
I'll lead you right to some of the goods.

Start at 9:30

and trust me, all the videos deliver.

some right to the uniq
Start at 9:30

(((Larry Silverstein)))

(((The jew call)))

It was way more esoteric than that, Anons. I'm thoroughly convinced that those towers were built to fall.

Attached: ground zero 2001 monolith-2.png (640x265, 296.94K)

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To both anons odigo instant messaging sent warnings to all/most/many jews in the towers that morning. Odigo was similar to ICQ or AOL IM at the time but I had never heard of it at the time and have never used it since.
Odigo was/is an israeli based company and it appeared that all the messages generated were from the company server and mass messaged.
Another little tidbit anyone can look see and find.

I am not, second picture tells the story

Attached: wtc12.jpg (854x1256 49.5 KB, 333.65K)

Elaborate. What am I looking at here?

hey dudes i remember seeing this happen live on cnn (im in the balkans) and everytime i see a pic of the twin towers i feel like im seeing the correct reality, it gives me a weird feeling of nostalgia as if i was supposed to see them IRL. i admit as a kid i loved to read about skyscrapers and see pictures of them, but everytime i see pictures of the towers especially on the day of the event it feels like the day was perfect and every photo feels kind of alive. Sorry had to get this off my chest.

The redpill is very simple: the government story is impossible, stupid, and inconsistent with observed evidence. Buildings don't collapse at free-fall speeds without a controlled demolition.

World trade center construction photos before the skin is put on. Count over 4 columns from the left and look at the man standing there, if he is 3' wide how wide are the box columns he is standing next to?

The (((High-Fivers))) aka dancing Israelis.

Video is annoying as fuck, but it has decent anti-(((debunk))) material. Nothing new really, just a bit in depth.

the senator (((al franken))) thing is possibly disinfo, at least it seems that way

the current trend is that he was a comedian and was making fun of conservatives and muslims… a faggot who loves Israel more than the country he's "serving" either way

9/11 TRUTH Donald Trump's Good Friend Larry Silverstein is a LIAR

The next line is something like "Here's what actually happened" or something like that. It's obviously a joke. Interestingly enough, the same person responsible for some of the most easily refuted claims in Loose Change was circulating that quote a year or two ago.

Ah. Let me clarify; I don't think the towers were built with poor construction, I think they were built to be purposefully brought down as a ritual sacrifice.

Attached: e1a7a3b6149ce4acccf1ca7402d8f851--twin-towers-pictures-of.jpg (236x261, 13.7K)

Average common architects, engineers and such designed the towers.
None of them included the "ritual sacrifice flaw" as a design intent.
Whoever blew the buildings up threw the veritable kitchen sink at them otherwise they would not have come down. Search the rubble pictures not a office chair, no desks, no filing cabinets nothing even resembling what would be numbering in the 100's on each floor of a 100 story tower.

It is kind of like this picture of an airplane crash site where are the seats the wings the fuselage the rudder the landing gear the jet turbines passenger suitcases?

Attached: gallery3-4.jpg (1000x889, 181.14K)

Was there ever anything resembling an explanation for where the cash went?

Attached: y.jpg (800x603, 80.7K)

Is there any source for the Odigo thing other than Bollyn? I read his article and he only refers to "published sources." I would think that there would be a log somewhere.

Did you look at the google page screencap I posted?
You can find tons of both sides pretty much, scopes saying it is all false of course and many others allege it is fact.
If I remember correctly there were 0 israelis killed but NYC jews did not fair as well so then it was yah but a lot of jews were killed so this is not true.
I have not looked into this in a long time user I figured out all I could then got burned out and quit.

The chemical evidence, air spectrographs done by the usgs immediately after and ongoing for several months, prove that a fission weapon was used. The tritium levels alone are irrefutable, nevermind the many other byproduct isotopes they found. The fires were regenerating ffs, weeks later, after crazy rainstorms and however many tons of sand, water, and who knows what were dumped on it.

Read "dust" by jeff praeger and look at the research of dr.cahill, USGS. I bet it's scrubbed at this point.

I distinctly remember the news reporting they could not put out the underground fires after a month and literally pouring over a million gallons of water on the pile.
I still think and every thread that comes up I state the same thing, it was not just one method to blow the towers up.
They used everything possible to ensure such a giant shit show for TV that no one would forget. There is evidence for thermite/thermate with the cutting of I beams. There is evidence for conventional explosives with windows far below the collapsing floors being blown out ahead of the of the failure zone. Also I know I will bring a ton of shit down on me for saying this I cant outright dismiss Judy Woods as well. Some of the giant beams found are bent into insane shapes that are basically impossible to accomplish with just force alone IE no fracture cracks along the flange and bent into a horseshoe. So nukes as well, sure why not. They totally scrubbed all the physical evidence under immense security to ensure that figuring out what happened at this point will be close to impossible.

PS I am getting fucking tired of having to fill out captcha 3 times for each post.

From what I gathered, the ORIGINAL claim was 2 people were notified. Then, when this gathered attention, the (((Jerusalem post))) said it was 4,000 people. The latter seems to be disinfo based on the lack of info, but the first 2 jews warned (warning was in Hebrew) seems to be legit based on the kikes kvetching and trying to ridicule it.

((( )))
Are you that ugly kikess spreading that misinfo?

What a (((coincidence))) that the professor that studied the WTC dust and discovered nanothermite was fired, but (((you))) managed to keep you position despite that and other scrap (hologram planes, (((attacking))) nanothermite findings, space laser causing collapse).

The fires lasted until Christmas, more than 3 months after the (((attack))).

Just for that year

They tried the same in Mx

This is a board for white nationalists. Not amerimutts.

Attached: amerimuttposter.jpg (600x600, 63.64K)

Rare high-res spire pics, you're welcome faggots. I have them in original quality (17mb+ each) if this is critical I can upload them. Have compressed slightly to 90/100 jpg quality.
But the easiest way to debunk is using conservation of energy principle applied to WTC7 using NISTs own data.

WTC7, a 47 story building owned by (((Larry Silverstein))) and occupied by various letter agencies and (((ENRON))) investigative records, fell at NIST admitted free-fall. You can measure this yourself off the videos available. Free-fall is a term for acceleration at gravitational constant, normally an average figure of 9.8ms-2.
NIST admitted at least 2.2 second free fall occurred, other data sources confirm most of the collapse sequence was free-fall youtube.com/watch?v=Ml_n5gJgQ_U, a much larger figure than 2.2 seconds. However to keep this official and simple, we'll use NISTs own 2.2 seconds. We have 9.8ms-2*2.2seconds which equals 23.73m of fall. In a bottom up collapse this translates to over 5 floors with 4 meters per floor height given. So over 5 floors, hundreds of steel columns, hundreds of desks, chairs, computers, cabinets, files, hundreds of tonnes of rebar concrete floor and other construction material provided no resistance to the falling mass and were crushed in less time than it takes to read this italicised text.

A free fall collapse violates the law of conservation of energy, which states that energy cannot be created nor destroyed, merely changed from one form to another. To collapse at freefall you are using all the gravitational potential energy (potential energy from being raised above the earth in this reference) to accelerate downwards, leaving no energy to bottom-up crush and pulverise 47 floors of rebar concrete and hundreds of interlinked steel columns supporting the structure.

To debunk this you need to do at least one of three things:
A) Show where the energy came from to simultaneously destroy each floor one after another, during the collapse sequence of the entire structure - it could not come from the falling mass without violating the law of conservation of energy.
B) Prove that the resistance of the structure is zero (again, where did the energy come from to cause dust clouds and other ejecta if not from falling mass, which would have slowed to less than free fall?)
C) debunk the law of conservation of energy

Perhaps Dr Judy Wood was right in asserting scalar electromagnetic weaponry was used to dissociate chemical bonds, because I do not know of evidence of thermite use in WTC7 rubble, only that it was proven to be present for WTC1 and WTC2.This also explains the burnt out cars, fire trucks and weird holes in shit many blocks away.

And to this date, no one has debunked the above, because to do so would debunk the laws of physics. Basically, NIST lied and falsified their data, even their simulations had to be 'sped up' as they didn't match the video evidence.

AE911 truth is also a top scientific resource on this matter, I have personally seen Richard Gage deliver his talk and was an OG truther in the early to mid-00s before it became hijacked by OWS soros faggotry.

Attached: wtc-72.jpg (5464x3924 3.2 MB, 3.31M)