Lauren Southern goes full 1488

Lauren Southern goes full 1488

She was /our girl/ all along, Zig Forums. Admit it.

/our girl/ should be at home with a strong husband and a gaggle of white children.

anything else is a waste of flesh.

pick one

Lauren is much more useful as a propagandist for now then she would be as a mother. She is a modern day Leni Riefenstahl or Hanna Reitsch. Gas yourself you low iq subhuman.

Fuck off hasbara kike.



From the video title alone I can tell she's talking about "western civilization" while ignoring the fundamentally European racial component.

She would be far more useful having white kids
Having navel gazers who would much rather thrive off attention than actually breeding are absolute-fucking-trash

Shill your bullshit elsewhere kike.

Want to know how I know you don't have a triple digit iq, subhuman?

She's a literal Jew that has fucked niggers.

yea shes actually hurting the movement more than helping.

Shes legitimizing the jew media by interacting with it and giving it her face so she can be the bait for white goys.

If her face was 1) not as transvestite hot as it or 2) was not on this show you would never watch this show.

They use her to get your eyes and she allows it because instead of a mother shes a whore

and shes a man

Any white woman can have kids. Not any white woman can be as effective of a propagandist as Southern. Do you know what division of labor means you low iq subhuman?

Is this the latest shilling strategy the splc taught you, Schlomo? Just call everyone a jew? Sad!

Back to /r/the Donald you senile low iq boomer.

Our birthrates say otherwise kike

Yeah, as effective as Sargon, except she's the one fucking niggers, instead of getting fucked by em' like Sargon.

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nice thread. vapid attention whore and everyone with a brain knows it.
time in tel aviv: 9:19 AM.

You sound like a porn producer.

So she got up and hailed hitler huh?

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I'm not one of the jew shills user, I'm just genuinely not attracted to coal-burners. I don't care for any race-mixers, no matter the race. I think there's a level of self-hatred that goes along with wanting to race-mix.
I like her message well enough, and she does a good job opening up normies to the truth, but I think she's far from /ourgirl/

Leftist birthrates say otherwise. Conservatives are thankfully picking up the pace in recent years.


Friendo you don't belong here.

i went to see her show last night in Brisbane

her and Molymeme were literally saying Whites were superior as a people and that they were integral to the western identity.

shills will ignore this and instead claim she isn't indentitarian enough despite flat out being pro white in her talks

Lauren Southern is not Jewish and if you got gaslit into believing otherwise you're a low iq subhuman that needs to be euthanized for his own good.

Is this the last refuge of a manlet that has been wanking it to a kike it thought was white because of its miserably weak and inefficient shitskin brain? I am blindingly Aryan, you will address me with respect.


Let me know when lauren southern does a 6 hour movie night on HeelTurn with TGSNT then I'll consider the possibility of her being a converted thot to /ourgal/

Glad to hear they've both taken a hard right turn.

This board has been mostly Jewish shills masquerading as true dyed in the wool white nationalists for a very, very long time user. It's quite obvious. Nobody with a triple digit iq actually falls for their demoralisation propaganda.

I'm glad to hear that, and it makes sense for them to go that route.
The whole Tommy Robinson thing has pretty much shown that the jew won't let them play the middle anymore. Even their previously tame messages are being labeled as 'hate speech' and 'intolerant'. So, might as well go full white nationalist.

no , now what bitch

I fucking reddit space and trans illuminate all over your little white kike cunt. Get fucked

moly in particular was shitting on Abos for an hour straight as a pathetic people it was great.

i thought most of what Lauren was saying was pretty entry tier for someone who uses Zig Forums but you have to look around the audience and see a very diverse group of people with very differing levels of knowledge, there were many middle aged and even an 90 year old with a cane attending and you can't expect these people to be especially research savvy so i think she serves the purpose of tl;dr'ing for the uninformed.

Moly was more substantial bringing statistics and research about aboriginal tribal practices like the fact 50% of aboriginal infant deaths are attributed to immediate murder in what is essentially post term abortions via shoving sand down infants mouths until they choked and died, or the fact that it was illegal under aboriginal custom to imitate a kookaburra (a type of bird here that makes what sounds like a human laughing as a call) and if you were female and imitated the sound you would be dragged out into the bush and gang raped to death. great stress was put on the fact that aboriginals absolutely do not question their laws and they absolutely cannot be changed or reformed. at all. under pain of death. combine this with the law that you are forbidden to talk about the dead and you have a society that represses itself and its free thinkers, actively shuts down any striving to improve conditions or create new ideas through legacy building by destroying the idea that you will be remembered for your achievements. it is why they are pathetic people subsisting on 200 calories of itchy grubs and dirt a day any why they never en-devoured to invent anything better then a curved stick.

there was also a Sudanese leftist who asked about multiculturalism and claimed it worked in Australia because he took the "best of Sudanese and Australian culture" together but Lauren and basically shut him down by pointing to several suburbs where the minorities just instate their own cultures as an enclave defeating the very argument of the "melting pot". another guy tried to claim there were "based imams" and the first gay imam in Australia as proof of it working but then moly basically started shitting all over this skinny little emo looking 16 year old about how their loyalty was to sharia and how you can't have competing law systems without a civil war, the kid was so intimidated i almost felt bad for him

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thats not was gaslighting means jew .. but she is a pretty male jew



keep this shit on cuckchan where it belongs

And while you're supporting Lauren in her struggle make sure you click donate on her patreon and buy her merch and whatever else OP is shilling for this pure Aryan huwhite waman. /ourgirl/ goy-guys say it with me. coal burning kikess
dicks out for Lauren


we have established that indentitarian is a jew trap

so they are doubling down because not enough people give a shit. So they bring their little trans whore out to make the call

shes the youtube jew of arch

by the way shes a trans coal burner

God damn newfags LURK TWO YEARS YOU NIGGERS. E-celeb cancer is not welcome here for a reason.

>(((southern))) and (((molyjew))) saying whites are superior
Any video? What was the meet up called if not?

Yeah. I agree brother.

I've never donated a single red cent to Lauren nor do I plan to. And guess what Moshe? She will still have you kikes running scared all the same.

I watched Molyjew's Melbourne talk on Youtube. It was fucking hilarious when he had a go at abos and got sworn at by faggots in the audience. (I'm a pretty big fan of his work, despite is step-granddad being jewish).

I think the Overton window is really starting to shift in the right direction. I'm hoping that our natural Australian xenophobia will help us change course before it's too late, despite the political class being full of communist wankers.

Blatant shill.

it was a talk held by Axiomatic events at the Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Center.

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user, she sells shit because she's blacklisted. She kinda has to do that shit to make a living.
The jew would have everyone who disagrees with their insanity starve in the gutter.
Also, I'm curious about the claims of her being a jewess. All I've ever seen from that claim was that Hitler took her family's business over. That wasn't uncommon back then, as he was restructuring his nation and those who had leftist leanings didn't fare well, and rightly so.
Can you provide me with proof of that claim?
I'm sure you understand why.
The shills first tactic is to claim that this person or that one are jews, to get you to not like who they don't want you to like.

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It's not hard to see you glow in the dark. Maybe instead of giving her shekels you can be her nightlight to help her find Tyrones cock in the dark while she sucks it and makes you watch you cuck.

















(_(_)::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::D~you and OP should choke on these and die

Thanks anons.
Requesting someone to drop the 'southern is a kike' infographics.

blantant coal burner lover

you are a nigger lover lover

I wouldn't call anyone a jew just for fun. That's a terrible insult to fling around. It's obvious she's controlled opposition as most of the alt right ecelebs are. Also this kind of slide thread belongs on cuckchan where it will undoubtably receive 6,000,000,000,000+ replies.
The focus of this board is related to Pedowood investigations and anything sliding that subject should be saged and or pruned/deleted.
t. Schlomo Shekelbergsteineliebowitzmannshekelsteinburg
the nose has been exposed shill for the high score
oy vey shut it down!

choke on it like lauren southern chokes on big black dicks

This isn't 1488, it's not even 744


Both are crypto-semitic surrogates tailored to local custom.

Forgot my image.

Daily Reminder
Islamic terrorism and Islam in Europe are not the cause, but the symptoms.
The cause, the source, is Jews.

>(((DAVE RUBIN))): ""Even if he (Spencer) could convince me that a White ethnostate is the right thing…"
Reminder: (((Dave Rubin))) is an ARDENT Israel supporter
"…I wouldn't, I would never agree it should be the United States, its the reverse of what the United States would be for. So shouldn't he be trying to have that White Ethnostate somewhere else?"

>(((RUBIN))): If you're trying to do it here (ethnic nationalism), that's against all of the, against the whole Constitution and the premise of the United States of America."

Attached: Lauren Southern - Ethnonationalism.jpg (1640x1083, 396.43K)


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Yeah, that's nice bro, but when I look around, its not the Christians or the Muzzies who are the source of the constant and ubiquitous conflict… Its Jews.

Do milk

Milk truck just arrive

Sorry op not even close… 1488 knows islam isn't the enemy but da kikes. Islam is a symptom of kikery as everyone knows.

Well I can hardly castigate you for agreeing with me, I suppose it's' my own fault for not using smaller words.

You must be new here.
Lauren Southern LITERALLY stated that her grandparents 'escaped the Holocaust' in Denmark.
Is it just summertime, or have their always been this many newfags?
Honestly though as long as Lauren is furthering our agenda I couldn't care less.
I'm not about to start 'supporting her' though.
Women in the movement as leaders are cancer in general.

I wonder what the holocaust in Denmark was? An ice cream shortage?

based, surprised sky news actually let her speak lol


Lauren Simonsen is either a leftist torpedo, a confused attention whore or a Shekel grabber or most likely all three.

Hey is it just me or Zig Forums on 4chinz doesn't work? i can't see anything on Zig Forums can see stuff on other boards but can't post to ask anybody getting a bit spooked

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Post vagene too.

i'm seeing the same thing, what the fuck

4chan is down for everyone. Site works but boards are either frozen or empty.

Molyneux is yet ANOTHER literal Jew…

Lauren is a KIKE you KIKE

She's a coal-burning jewess. Rebel Media and its affiliates don't hire non-jews, plain and simple.

They gave Milo a go, so why not Lauren. Of course, they wouldn't have been too happy she made their (((Caroline Marcus))) look like the buffoon she is though. I'm more surprised Moly didn't get a load of airtime. Maybe he'll get a shot when they leave the country. shrug. Either way, at this moment in time, if it sends more people off in research and wakes u others, I'm good.

Funniest thing though was all the people emailing Paul Murray Live asking about Tommy R when he wasn't covering it. Made me realise there are a LOT of people/citizens in the know down in Australia