Noam Chomsky: ‘Israeli Intervention In U.S. Elections Vastly Overwhelms Anything The Russians May Have Done’

While Noam Chomsky may not be a proponent of what's been dubbed Russiagate - although he does not deny vehemently Russia interfered in the 2016 U.S. election - most of the American public disagrees with him.


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Other urls found in this thread:

This is some lazy fucking shilling

Kill yourself

Kike free first post


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This is some lazy fucking shilling

Kill yourself

Non kike free first post.

I remember when kike free use to mean something.
All burgers need to sign this petition.
Why no petition on dual citizens not being allowed in gov?

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jews constantly name themselves as part pf pilpul

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Based, thanks.

…this is true. Pic relates

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Commie psy op. Don't be so naive. Chomsky one of their main commie mouthpieces.

It's a good ace card when engaging a Liberal, no?

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bump for actual hilarity

Sure, but then once goys start saying, 'fuck da Jews I wan't our foreskin back', Chomsky will the first to go all 'Oh vey, gib guns!'

it's good cop bad cop bullshit
nothing will come of it. israel will still exist and stupid goyim will think some of them are on their side. the only way to truly trust a jew is if they convert to christianity. converted jews are a lower class than even the goyim. look at how they tried to destroy bob dylan

This is just another jew trying to become the "voice" of a idea. They do this so they can pretend to be on your side while still jewing you. For you refugees this is just like when those jews Milo and "based mom" became the voices of gamergate.
No jew is on your side and they never will be.

I mean, I definitely agree with all of you, but imagine this scenario in social media or real life:
You: *somethingsomething Trump/fuck lib ideas*
Them: Are you a Russian bot, low IQ Russian idiot?
You: Israel actually interferred more with the election. Just saying.
Them: What far-right website told you that? Alex Jones? Stormfront?
You: /youkike/ Noam and all these other sources.

It's just ammo guys. Not suggesting any kike is every /ourguy/ or that Noam should be. In fact, I have an anti-Eric Clopper copypasta saved in notepad.

Attached: inb4provenforgery.png (2790x9886, 1.62M)

Based and saved, 1st time I've seen this image. It is a pain running into the "proven forgery" line. Take my copypasta in return:

Step 1: Take action!
Step 2: Meme these!

-Gittin 57a. Says Jesus is in hell, being boiled in "hot excrement."
-Sanhedrin 43a. Says Jesus ("Yeshu" and in Soncino footnote #6, Yeshu "the Nazarene") was executed because he practiced sorcery.
-Shabbos 104b. He learned witchcraft in Egypt and, to perform miracles, used procedures that involved cutting his flesh, which is also explicitly banned in the Bible.
-Sanhedrin 57a. When a Jew murders a gentile ("Cuthean"), there will be no death penalty. What a Jew steals from a gentile he may keep.
-Baba Kamma 37b. The gentiles are outside the protection of the law and God has "exposed their money to Israel."
-Baba Kamma 113a. Jews may use lies ("subterfuges") to circumvent a Gentile.
-Yebamoth 98a. All gentile children are animals.
-Abodah Zarah 36b. Gentile girls are in a state of niddah (filth) from birth.
-Sanhedrin 55b. A Jew may marry a three year old girl (specifically, three years "and a day" old).
-Sanhedrin 54b. A Jew may have sex with a child as long as the child is less than nine years old.
-Kethuboth 11b. "When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing."
-Hagigah 27a. States that no rabbi can ever go to hell.
-Baba Mezia 59b. A rabbi debates God and defeats Him. God admits the rabbi won the debate.
-Gittin 57b. 4,000,000,000 Jews were killed by the Romans in the city of Bethar.
-Gittin 58a 16,000,000 Jewish children were wrapped in scrolls and burned alive by the Romans.

Thanks. I post it on half chan any time someone is confused by their tricks. Playing both sides is a classic kike trick.

That tactic is backfiring something major. The kike isn't creative enough to come up with new strategies like whites do on the fly.

We've immunized a large swarth of people to kikes, so all they're doing is fanning the flames they lit themselves, and being seen as a kike while doing it.

Meet Noam Chomsky, Academic Gatekeeper

When it was becoming obvious that Mossad carried out the 9/11 attacks at the WTC in NYC, Chomsky was asked what he thought of the attacks. He said it doesn't matter who did 9/11.

Imagine if after December 7, 1941 Roosevelt had given a speech to Congress in which he said "Boys, it doesn't matter who bombed Pearl Harbor."

Or try to imagine an American academic saying, "WTF - why bother the Japs about it?"

Chomsky is a duplicitous Kike.

The most comprehensive, well thought out and hard hitting analysis of just who and what Chomsky really is was produced by Jim Corbett in the linked video.

Couldn't agree more user, but we can still use his quotes for our own purposes.

Thank you for being the voice of reason here. It saddens me how many anons these days fall for the "based /ourkike" meme.



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no, we fucking can't because it implies that jews in the usa are separate from israel with their own motivations. they are not. they are the same faction

Fuck your shilling kike OP

That worked so well in Spain. It only took the Spanish inquisition to correct that problem, if that even really was effective.

I don’t think you get it. We want Israel to exist. We want them to all go live there.

Kill yourself, kike.

Not really, at all. In fact you can reverse it on them. Let's say someone forges the signature of "John Doe". Does that signature say "John Doe" or not? Does that signature cease to say "John Doe" when it is forged?

Given they say "forgery" and not "fake", they are admitting that the content is true, but it is not an authorized copy. This is the legalistic language of the lying kike.


Naming the Israeli is not naming the jew. Centuries before Israeli's inception the jews had a lot of power but nobody knew who to blame. For many jews they'd want Israel to go away so they can remain behind the curtain.

This. I'd argue the inquisition was effective though, the Spanish Empire was a result of their purge. Every revitalized civilization in the west in the past 800-odd years was a result throwing the jews out. They cause a sort of walking death. The British colonial empire just kept losing after they got their foot in the door.

America became great because it was relatively untouched by jewry until somewhat recently and we all know the story of German rehabilitation in the 1930s.

jews are stagnation and death.

Run by the jewess Amy Goodman.

wrong though considering all the countries they got kicked out of

Spmeone finally fucking said it.


o v e n


Eh…between the Ruskie and the kike, he did name the kike though.

There are a lot of anti-Zionist kikes. Pic related.

Are you a faggot?

Relax. I am aware'D of pic.

He's not the 1st. There are a few other suppressed articles. Just kikes trying to hijack the narrative as usual.

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Nope. Guess again.

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Could just shadow troll the fuck out of them and keep calling him "gnome Chomsky" but spell everything else perfectly. Like speech to text going awry. Should go far in triggering the fuck out of them.


Yep. We're doomed.

Michael Scheuer did too and godaddy took down his blog. 22 years in the CIA and his right to free speech was taken away by a corporation who, even though the Supreme Court declared is a human being, doesn't have to follow the Constitution if it claims the laws could hurt profits.

im shocked honestly

In a contract that remains secret, Amy Goodman is also receiving $1 million per year for a five-year period that began in 2002, according to Pacifica Treasurer Jabari Zakiya, to continue doing what has become Pacifica's flagship morning news program. This is more than double Goodman's officially stated stipend of $440,000 per year from Pacifica Radio.

Democracy Now! receives indirect funding from George Soros, and direct funding from the Ford Foundation, the Glaser Foundation, Soros' Open Society Institute, the Public Welfare Foundation, the Schumann Center for Media and Democracy, the Tides Foundation, and other left-leaning foundations.

yes noam is facing up to issues alot of others wont face like brother nathaniel and others and that is worthy of praise, a classical liberal in a way which is good but he is also really quite liberal and leftist still

left or right, don't get all your news from infowars or democracy now, they are hysterical blowhard programs which distort the news far too much.

If the Jews have been thrown out of more than 108 countries (and they certainly have) then sadly they have been let back in more than 108 times. Each time some poor deceived Goy thought some of the Jews were 'based' and trustworthy.

It's said that the essence of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting you'll have a different result the next time.

pic unrelated

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Never engage with them in conversation.
It's fucking stupid to do so.
The old meme is "xD Dude, like, everyone feels like that" isn't true. Look at memes or relatable memes. Go check them out right now. They're all about 'depression/being trash/getting drunk/hating themself' and are popular amongst everyone. Why are they popular? Because that's how the masses view themself "xD JUST KILL ME LOL"

They won't wake up - they don't want to.
They won't "rise" - They're sheep.
They won't do anything but nod and follow a herd. I hate purity spiraling, a fuck ton, but the truth of the matter is that atleast it gives you something to aspire to. Like the Stoic King, someone who is unobtainable as the standard is better than "everybody wins"

Fuck I hate normies more than niggers at this point because atleast niggers feel shit.

Here made this for you guys

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9/11 truthism destroys professional/academic careers, ask your shabbos goy trump who did it and he'll tell you the exact same thing

Laughable. The jews will use the bible and even hitler's words to push their causes. Let's not forget that christianity is the example of jews calling themselves out so they can sell the solution: jew worship.

They weren't wholly purged. The ones that converted became the "sephardic" jews and later became the jews who created the nigger slave trade and brought slaves to the americas.

based Noam