A Comprehensive Listing of Masonic "Divert the Discourse" Gambits


Learn and move on! Don't engage them Anons

1. Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil. Regardless of what you know, don't discuss it – especially if you are a public figure or Lodge official. If it's not reported, it didn't happen, and you never have to deal with the issues.

2. Become incredulous and indignant. Avoid discussing key issues and instead focus on side issues which can be used show the topic as being critical of some otherwise sacrosanct group or theme. This is also known as the "How dare you!" gambit.

3. Create rumor mongers. Avoid discussing issues by describing all charges, regardless of venue or evidence, as mere rumors and wild accusations. Other derogatory terms mutually exclusive of truth may work as well. This method works especially well with a silent press, because the only way the public can learn of the facts are through such "arguable rumors". If you can associate the material with the Internet, use this fact to certify it a "wild rumor" which can have no basis in fact.

4. Use a straw man. Find or create a seeming element of your opponent's argument which you can easily knock down to make yourself look good and the opponent to look bad. Either make up an issue you may safely imply exists based on your interpretation of the opponent/opponent arguments/situation, or select the weakest aspect of the weakest charges. Amplify their significance and destroy them in a way which appears to debunk all the charges, real and fabricated alike, while actually avoiding discussion of the real issues.

5. Sidetrack opponents with name calling and ridicule. This is also known as the primary attack the messenger ploy, though other methods qualify as variants of that approach. Associate opponents with unpopular titles such as "kooks", "right-wing", "liberal", "left-wing", "terrorists", "conspiracy buffs", "radicals", "militia", "racists", "religious fanatics", "sexual deviates", and so forth. This makes others shrink from support out of fear of gaining the same label, and you avoid dealing with issues.

6. Hit and Run. In any public forum, make a brief attack of your opponent or the opponent position and then scamper off before an answer can be fielded, or simply ignore any answer. This works extremely well in Internet and letters-to -the-editor environments where a steady stream of new identities can be called upon without having to explain criticism reasoning – simply make an accusation or other attack, never discussing issues, and never answering any subsequent response, for that would dignify the opponent's viewpoint.

7. Question motives. Twist or amplify any fact which could so taken to imply that the opponent operates out of a hidden personal agenda or other bias. This avoids discussing issues and forces the accuser on the defensive.

8. Invoke authority. Claim for yourself or associate yourself with authority and present your argument with enough "jargon" and "minutiae" to illustrate you are "one who knows", and simply say it isn't so without discussing issues or demonstrating concretely why or citing sources.

9. Play Dumb. No matter what evidence or logical argument is offered, avoid discussing issues with denial they have any credibility, make any sense, provide any proof, contain or make a point, have logic, or support a conclusion. Mix well for maximum effect.

10. Associate opponent charges with old news. A derivative of the straw man usually, in any large-scale matter of high visibility, someone will make charges early on which can be or were already easily dealt with. Where it can be foreseen, have your own side raise a straw man issue and have it dealt with early on as part of the initial contingency plans. Subsequent charges, regardless of validity or new ground uncovered, can usually them be associated with the original charge and dismissed as simply being a rehash without need to address current issues – so much the better where the opponent is or was involved with the original source.

11. Establish and rely upon fall-back positions. Using a minor matter or element of the facts, take the "high road" and "confess" with candor that some innocent mistake, in hindsight, was made – but that opponents have seized on the opportunity to blow it all out of proportion and imply greater criminalities which, "just isn't so." Others can reinforce this on your behalf, later. Done properly, this can garner sympathy and respect for "coming clean" and "owning up" to your mistakes without addressing more serious issues.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Infowars or r/the_donald?



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What does the G stand for?

pic related you fucking retard

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Post like these are vague fear mongering tatics.
OP is a faggot idiot that probably live in his moms basement.
Im pretty sure this guy has been posting por identarian por lauren southern shit here.
Ive been here for 4 years and have created a script to identify people by writing style. OP has been responsible to 9 jew loving posts this month


Mason's talking about the internet, or larpy OP? Either way, all basic bitch shit we see daily and as such, know.

The number 7.

masons serve the jews


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God and Geometry.

stop talking about things you do not understand

there is already one bullshit mason thread up, no need for more than one.. which means this is a low-effort slide thread or you don't know how to post here. i'm betting it's the former.

masons are just another kike-inspired ritual-performing group of old farts. we already know this. anyway, have some holocaust redpills for your shitty slide thread.

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You first.

Sage, it's the jews.

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Is it worth looking into the knowledge of the “honorary” kikes so to better understand them as enemies, or is it literally just kike shit with the aesthetics changed for old wasp boomers?

it's literally a religioun about walking through a door what do u expect

As best as I can gather, masons are white men who act like kikes and often serve as butt-buddies and co-conspirators with them.

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The others are uninitiated.






All equal Gnosis

Noice You managed to hit almost all of them. Should have touched on "old news" though. You're still a faggot anyways.

I've seen these in big bear lake, there was also a big pedo bust recently.
Anyone know any Jewery that occurs in this place?

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piG farming goyim souls

I've got masons and shriners in 3 of the Ontario small towns near me and I don't see their lodges or logos in any other towns, big or small. Which really disturbs me. I'm in a hot spot, certainly. The only surprise is how there aren't more missing children, at least reported…

FYI Shriners are only known in the community as a weird fraternity of old people that only focus on kid's hospitals and "are good people". Then realize only the Uber Masonic Order of Jester applicants can come from Shriners. I'm so furious and disgusted that they can have their public parades of "helping children" and have their own secret meet ups in their out in the open lodges.

I have always felt nervous of them as a child during the parade and now I know my suspicions were warranted.

Also the G also stands for "Generative Principle", according to Mark Passio. This stands for the emotion of caring because nothing at all can be done if someone is apathetic. All causes, all actions, all creation must first be cared for enough to do it, then the will carries it to fruition. You either cared for something to happen, or cared more about ignoring it to spiral out of control, but the principle of care is the bedrock of all other principles.

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It always spooks me that there's fraternity signs everywhere in America no one notices.

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Yea, I would have thought the Illuminati MLG meme from years back would have had the youth a little paranoid about mason signs around them, but nah.

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List of current diversions from real issues:

1. This thread

Reminder that Muh Freemasonry is used to make Zig Forums look like tinfoil schizos.

Nah, Freemasonry is a problem as it supplies the information on how to build the perceived reality the farmed goyim live in but yes this thread isn't important.

Impale thyself, anus-licking masonigger.

They are any place you can find a fraternal club and chamber of commerce to put up their placards after donations of time and money to the community, asswipe.

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You cocksuckers just love labelling with that term.


Lol you guys have no idea what you’re talking about. We are very good at misdirection and feeding misinformation to hide our secrets. There are good factions within masonry and very bad factions too. The vast majority of us are good people but there are always people that get caught and give us a bad name

Goyim slave

Last good one was Henry Ford. I doubt there's any of those type left.

>discredited term having the same weight as being accused of sharing attributes with well-known basket cases like (((Gene Ray))) and his Jewish Time-Cube science


(((Robert Sepehr))) is bumping so I'm saging

oyyyy veyyyyyyy


capped and bumped, masons and shriners get burned with the rest of the child molesters.

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Anyone ever notice how whenever people who know a freemason always assure you they were a "master mason" and "the head of their lodge" who was "voted in" and that they "are just old guys playing cards" who "can't even agree what kind of sandwiches to have/caterer to come"? Strange how they all tell the same story. But it's not really once you know that "master mason" is a bitch rank, all of them "run the lodge" and everything that happens is ritualistically voted on by the group. Funny isn't it?

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Fuck yes bump

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Masons are part of the judeo masonic faction.

The protocols of the elders of zion explicitly mentions a global masonic apperatus to control the affluent and goyim of prestige. That is why it is a constant minding of anything but themselves. Look into everything except masonry is their agenda. They always will say "its just a boys club

This is exactly what they do by the way. Think of all of the satanic orginized satanic research threads and this kind of rhetoric really adds up. What I do not understand is how people will just assume there is a false dichotomy between the kikes and masons kikes use masons as pawns so in no scenario is it not naming the kikelings. They are worse than kikes they are kikelings.

When will you faggots shut up. Imagine being in a glorified pyramid scheme that lost all relevancy a century ago.

Found the Freemason.

Jesters are pedophile perverts, and not a single mason has ever been kicked out for his involvement in this shit.




Daily reminder that these honorary kikes own state PD’s call over the country, and this control even extends to the court systems/state government as well. The majority of judges in the United States are Freemasons, and Im certain that the alphabet agencies are filled to the BRIM with these fucks. Kinda adds extra meaning to the term “zogbot”.

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The mason is a diversion tactic by the jew anyway.

Right here another example of how masons try and damage control.

This is fucking easy.


These people are literally bullying you guys out of your own fucking freedoms. Every day these are what shills are this right here is what the fuck is a perfect example of this mason, This mason fucking peice of trash all he has to do IS POST SCHLOMO AND YOU WILL CHASE THE PICTURE OF THE KIKE EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TIME.





This is what they do.




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Easiest way to root out masons is to make them pass a shibboleth by posting masonic secrets that would violate a mason's oaths.This can be found instantaneously on google.

I'll start:


Form now on, all comments that do not contain similar violations of the masonic oaths are proven to be coming from Freemasons and can be filtered or subjected to the utmost verbal abuse.

Why are they even putting it on the same level as kikes the asumption is they are a tight knit group why is it automatically as powerful as kikery to where multiple people sage and concern troll like that.

These are the same people who lead others on in other threads about anything they can think of to get people busy and off of this subject. A lot of times people will pretend a thread or an idea is good when its mediocre. Its not just that these people post only when the subject arises they are here all of the time giving us kosher targets things to occupy our time and ways to think of other shit in a way that it supersedes having to mention freemasonry.

They are completely fake people posting like generic monster energy drink people hyping up shit that does not matter in the fucking slightest.

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freemasonry is judaism for the goyim, prove me wrong

Yep, all their "esoteric knowledge" and satanic rituals are based on Jewish mysticism… Straight from the Talmud.

it is that. It is how to associate with jews. It is literally the jewish mafia. The jewish mafia uses expendible goys aka masons. That's what it is. The actual mafia was created by albert pike and guiseppe mazzini. So in the actual mafia there is a masonic foundation.

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didn't NXVIM have a sash system too?


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Your time is short, travelling man.

Oh endchand, should of seen that one coming

Thanks for screen caping my post! I was going to filter you but you're such a nice guy

You also failed the shibboleth, travelling man. I hope you have life insurance.

That is fucking hilarious!!!

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Silly Jew being subversive.

This is another example. Notice how he says subversive as if this is even contriversial its supposed to be common sense. Look its one thing if that is what you actually belive man. But you don't you are trying to throw a blanket on it so it goes away. And this is because it is the most attainable position of which one can be corrupted. It is the most corroberatable conspiracy. And it condemns the jews because jews are what makes masonry a problem.

I have not read the thread so I may be wildly wrong. But this really seems like an attempt at freemasons co-opting Zig Forums. There are many examples of this. Some of the very symbolical kek memes had OTO symbols on it.

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Gay. They are gay as fuck user. So is OP and so is this thread. Die of AIDS already OP.

Did you ever stop to think that maybe the truth is just less interesting than your fiction?

Except for the ones involved, you mean?

How, and why?

Good goy.

By simply having a worldwide brotherhood. Jews are regarded as equals in freemasonry.

That is how they protect jews. Its more of a tool of the jews but it as a hidden system of prestige is something that protects jews from direct involvement with things they control.

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It's not worldwide, though. And if they're equals, then they're not superiors. Doesn't make them protected.

This is your brain on mental gymnastics.


You can't say the largest fraternity in the world is not worldwide. There are all kinds of visitation clauses by grand lodges and people staying a mason abroad. The lodge in texas that is associated with the nasa folks. Tranquility lodge. They on their website said they are promoting brotherly love on an interplanetary scale. So it is worldwide. People are thinking that because there is association with kikes that you are doing mental gymnastics. I think you are doing that with the worldwide aspect. Also if you have to use masonic obligations with jews you must warn a fellow jew of anything important regarding his interests and to intervine if it is a life or death matter so you do in fact defend brothers who are jewish

Banned fom cuck chan. My blood is boiling at the audacity of these kikes. Much murder and blood soon.

It needs to be the absolute number one lead to digging into all of this satanic pizzagate shit. We are being shilled so hard that people think they actually think there is generic satanists running around for the church of satan. they think hat its generic satanism and jews cordinating them like a cartoon and not a nuanced hidden in plain sight masonic thing. This is what ties everything together and these people pretend and bully their way out of it every time. Even if you try and debate them they (often in good intentions on their part because of the mind control) repeat sayings and refer to their dindoo manual about how its just a boys club.
I have collected this kind of shit and evidence because there is so much of it
I named the board horror because someone claimed /x/ on endchan and I made it to compete with /x/ because I made threads to compile the evidence on /x/ and someone claimed the board and wiped it. I remember there was a thread where we would post screenshots of their shilling and went back into the 4chan archive and found this kind of shit going back years and years hundreds of "its just a boys club" saging posts.but I basically just post the shit I find on /horror/

Not in every instance. But I would say that the word fam is a masonic indicator. A secret way for posters to guide threads by agreeing with what the people saying "fam" are saying.

F&AM is Free and accepted Masons what you see on the signs or the buildings of every fucking lodge

If they are not saying fam then they are using the white pride thing against white people. It happens all the time if you do not agree with something they will post a photo of a statue and call you a degenerate. What does the G stand for? Generation. So calling people a degenerate was so much of an old mans way of insulting someone that it caught on as a meme.

There are low level cults who own trash women who shit out unregistered babies and sell them. Getting their children from the streets is unusual

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I'm fairly certain kids go missing from foster families. We're talking about kids whose parents are too strung out on stuff to even go looking for them. I've dealt with foster parents through friends of friends and the like enough to know it's a racket. They pocket the money intended for the kids, send them to school with old ratty clothes and don't even buy them warm clothing when it's cold out. The CPS workers are friends with them and turn a blind eye. You can even find government statistics that admit most kids that go legitimately missing and end up in trafficking circles do so from foster care. That's why that Georgia senator and her husband were (((suicided))) when they started trying to raise a stink about it and looking into it too closely. Look into the border kids that are actually going missing and you'll find that they went missing in foster care.

I've known decent CPS workers - well meaning women who are drones of the system basically but I've seen those who abuse it too. They're literally forgotten kids. It's sad but they dont have the type of parents who will start raising a huge stink when they go missing so they just disappear.

according to wikipedia

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There are entirely separate branches all over the world. But there's no single body, and the links together are at all times very thin (like NY telling England and Scotland to fuck off, so there can be no visitation between members there).
A joke from Tranquility doesn't change that. It's just a bit of Texan wankery.
Individually, maybe, "without detriment to myself or my connexions". But doing that might put my own kith and kin in more danger. So it's a conscious call.

You should understand this is why people get upset at your lying.

The yorkies and the jobies beg to differ

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Jobies aren't Masonry, and that "Yorkies" thing is comically wrong. It's describing the whole American Rite, and conflating it with Royal Arch elsewhere. Which is still not global; there being three main versions of it in each entirely isolated and sovereign jurisdiction.

it's both you stupid retards.


Well you've already identified that one.


I did
It's Satanic gnostic faggotry pretending it isn't

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bump for awareness

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Job's Daughters is affiliated with masonry so it is sub masonic. The job's daughters have in fact shared a ceremony with the nights templar commandy. This happened in Iowa I believe I saw it in an image search one time.so its something that is publicly done with the york rite.

Center 'inner' pyramid are the female branches…located in the traditional Queens chamber position of the pyramid.

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'G' is for Genocide

Lots of things are affiliated with Masonry. Doesn't make them Masonry, though. Knights Templar, for instance (and that shared ceremony is certainly not common, even in the American Rite. Far more likely that they'll work together with De Molay groups, which are the boys counterpart).

That stupid picture has brought nothing but idiocy, and the American artist should have been slapped for it.

For starters? The Masons have a word to use in place of "Goyim". They complain of the "Profane" who are swine unworthy of knowlesge or freedom. There is a huge amount of other shit, mostly Kabbalah mysticism. But the entire purpose of "Masonry" is to rebuild "The Temple of Solomon". If you have ever seen the "temple" on Epstein's Island, it is a replica with most of the same design philosophy, just not the accurate (and "Holy") dimensions of the original.

Anyway, Masons believe they lay down their souls as bricks for the foundations of this temple, which is apparently a very high honor indeed. Of course, the only ones who would ever care about this shit are the Jews, who have much more exclusive and opaque socieities of their own.

It actually stands for Guardian

Guardian of what? Our genocide? lel
At this point I am not impressed in the slightest. Let them just keep shitting up American while they tell me that they are guarding something…what their pocketbook, their jewish mercantile 'interests'? The allow their power base to be chipped away and crumbled and they do NOTHING…

I am not a Jester