Tom Hanks in the crosshairs.
Sarah Ruth Ashcraft reports being sold to Tom Hanks and her account of Pedowood.
PEDOHUNT - Tom Hanks New Drop
Other urls found in this thread:
Oy vey do you even consida what you are doing to these people's careers. Just look at the founder of my favorite show, Rick and Morty. Because you wrongly accused him of raping babies, he is out on the street cowlecting welfare.
I didn't do anything wrong by the way. Just representing the people who did.
good night pedo kikes
stay mad kikes
She's obviously mentally ill, you fags really eat this shit up?
Nope. But it's nice to hear the lamentations of your women from time to time.
I prob would be too if pedo kikes raped my butthole, just saying
This slide thread is the same people responsible for the Tuscon "human trafficking" hoax. This guy has the exact same M.O. He spams his slide threads simultaneously Zig Forums, cuckchan, Gab and most likely twitter and facebook, and he attempts to make his larps looks like pizzagate threads with the exception that he replaces evidence with arguments. In the Tuscon larp he found a children's fort in the desert and made a human trafficking camp out of it and now he's trying to prove tom hanks is a serial killer with nothing but stupid pictures on instagram of tom hanks attempting to be clever.
Tom Hanks is probably a pedo. He's a big star, and those generally go hand in hand. However, he hasn't left any evidence lying around. Other elite have. This guy's schtick is to try to get us to forget about all the valid leads we could investigate and waste our time focusing on innuendo and coincidence. The whole goal of this shill's repeated efforts to create elaborate pedophile/trafficking cons is manipulating the right to cry wolf on the pedo issue enough to ruin our credibility.
this guy is the same shill that was behind the tuscon "trafficking camp" con. He's copypasting and commenting on his larp everywhere under different aliases, just like he did with the tuscon scam.
It's "Tucson", not "tuscon", you inbreed kike.
The fucking mayor is a Rothschild, you double inbreed yid.
And your first post is clearly copy pasted from somewhere, you triple mongoloid.
they scared
thanks for proving that it's you,faggot
t. retard
Is that Dicky Spencer in the background?
fucking kikes
Who the hell is using goddamn RegEx here!? RegEx *CANNOT* handle balanced parentheses!
you glowing nigger
The Tucson larp I have a feeling was developed to memory hole Eric Glosson. Eric Glosson lived in Tucson Arizona and worked with CPS and the highschools as a P.E Teacher, Coach and Counseler as well as Youth groups like Vision Qwest (Sp?) (Catalina Highschool and I believe Tucson Highschool). In 2009 the police responded to a call at my house made by my roommate, with evidence they did nothing, he stayed in town for another 6 months. I was hit by a car riding my bike, I managed to get away from the scene and called for help from inside of a semi truck. When the police arrived, covered in blood and with a concussion I was subjected to FSBT and then 5 hours later taken to the hospital after a med check revealed I had a pulse of 214~. Looking back on it I believe what i was going through was called excited delirium.
Eric was just a pawn in the pedo rings, I suspect as a finder/conditioner. He had a focus on Satanism and would feed me things like "Ur a holy warrior" "one day you will be in the center of a holy war" and stuff like that. yet the amount of money he spent was far more than he earned.
After the police burned me I took my complaints higher and to social media, Facebook and Twitter. With my Opsec ruined and nothing to lose I have been non-stop putting them on blast with 3 - 4 Twitter Accounts Blocked by them (TPD, Obama, McCain Etc) I pretty much have sent an email to every Arizona Politician in regards to this as well as any emails I could get my hands on.
I left messages with the media but none have ever spoken to me. I was somewhat responsible for Eric getting caught as I was homeless and unaccounted for many years and was constantly threatening him over social media. I've been in contact with several Police departments that have had to deal with me during my unaccounted including the arresting Sherrif I've told them every thing I can but no one but Internal Affairs has jurisdiction over accountability of the Tucson police department.
My first report I believe was 2004-2005 and I reported regardless of the fact that Eric Glosson said I would be killed if I ever spoke.
As far as the Tucson larp goes pedophiles are not keeping kids in holes in the ground, they are keeping them in spare rooms, counseling offices, and youth programs and try to be as in-con-spic-uous emphasis on Con and Spic. It's the Academies like Silverlake, The (Court ordered) Programs like
I wish – it'd be better pay.
What is this gay wompwomp shit?
This channel has great pizzagate topics and definitely knows the Gestalts
The "4chan down" LIVE STREAM EVENT!!!
Good theories and bants!! Great chat !!
Check it out
this is a bad drag and drop photoshop, the graphic on the shirt is not twisted or wrinkled as the fabric, black of the added image background is a different shade than the shirt its self, the back of trump at the bottom of the skyline has the most obvious pixelation
Sarah Ruth Ashcraft is most likely a delusional conspiracytard who is making things up.
Does she remember the day/month/year Tom Hanks allegedly raped her? Most girls would write that day down in a diary or at least remember it forever. It's Tom fucking Hanks!
Also apparently the rape occurred in a smalltown in Michigan called Birmingham she has claimed. Tom Hanks appears to have no ties to Michigan that I can find. One movie he was in called "Road to Perdition (2002)" was filmed in the Grand Rapids, Saugatuck, Zeeland and West Olive parts of Michigan in the year 2001. All of those cities are 2-3 hours away from her location in Birmingham, MI! No other movies of his were filmed in Michigan. So far it seems as if she's spinning a fairytale and doing a really bad job at it!
She's also apparently 33-38 years old so if you subtract 17 years (going back to the year 2001) she would have been at least 16 during the time Tom Hanks was filming in Michigan for a movie role so it doesn't add up since she says she was 13 when it happened. She's clearly lying through her teeth!
good to see Bellagio on here
hello Tom
There was a news-cast, about that stupid crying illegal girl (the TIME mag cover) and one guy was getting ready to wax eloquent about "oh how terrible that ICE agents tore her from her mother!" [a lie, but fit the narritive] – and anoter commenter cut him off with a verbal "womp womp"
She claims it happened in the winter of 1994/1995/1996.
She claims Tom Hanks son was there and he looked 14ish (around her age).
Tom Hanks oldest son was born in 1977 and he's 40 years old.
He would have been 17-19 at the time the rape occured, not 14ish.
This girl really sucks at making believable lies.
you're definitely convincing us Tom Hanks is not a pedo. good job.
Here's something even better..
In the winter of 1994 Tom Hanks was working his ass off. He was winning awards for Forrest Gump that year and filming Apollo 13 & doing voiceovers for Toy Story! What would bring him to Michigan during this time?
In the winter of 1995 Toy Story was released, his son Truman was born, and he was doing promotional stuff and writing and directing the movie That Thing You Do! You really think he's doing to fly out to Michigan to rape some 13-yo-girl when he could literally get any girl he wanted without travelling out of California?
I just wikipediaed this shit. You truth seekers need to do your own research. Many people are liars and demented.
So this Sarah Ruth Ashcraft has no leg to stand on. She might have been raped by her dad or someone else but the chances of it being Tom Hanks are very slim.
you're Toms lawyer, aren't you?
I'm a truthseeker who calls out bullshit when I see it.
on the other hand if everything she says is true that's exactly how she'd sound too.
Physiognomy anyone? Tom Hanks doesn't remotely look like a pedophile let alone a rapist to me.
I just gave you facts about why it's not true:
I just blew her faux-rape story wide open as far as I'm concerned.
Do your own due diligence people. People lie for popularity/fame on social media. People eat sensationalized shit like this up without provided evidence/facts.
you type exactly like a lawyer bro, just sayin
I'm actually a court judge.
Worse than that. She's a Jew
Yeah she seem like crazy person to me.
I would not pursuit her as she will try to prove how this was all real.
Also if some buzzfeed journo sees we are taking her serious, they will use this to mock us as, "they thought there is pedo torture room in basement of pizzashop with no basement.">>11938166
I knew it
Gives a whole new meaning to "You've got a friend in me," doesn't it?
Yeah seems like some schizophrenic or bipolar during mania or some something similar.
Really reminds me on That Fousey dude on youtube, who is completely delusional how he met Drake.
damage control detected
ironic shitposting is still shitposting and that one wasnt even funny.
taking obviously false leads like this is what gives lefties opportunity to dismiss all our efforts as conspiracy theory nuts
taking obviously false leads like this seriously*
I think she just read too many books about sex slavery and mind control, as well as many conspiracy websites to the point she started having fearful fantasies of the world. She justifies her lies by believing she's helping people to see the truth of what's really going on. The lies bring her more attention and she can just write tweet after tweet about every little thing she has read and believed over the years.
There was a time in my life when I fell into the same spell after reading Trance Formation of America by Cathy O'brien. That book scared the crap out of me and made me think was I raped too or used as a mind control slave and I don't remember it? After going to college and learning logic & reason and how to discover the truth I realized the book is 90% bullshit as are most conspiracy theories.
They are going to do all that and more regardless of the validity of our endeavors, you triple nigger.
If dirty dan or any of the others who have more against them go down, go at hanks like a damn bloodhound.
for now, be patient and gather evidence.
Sauce on this
nice theory but no shekel
Too bad the eye and the star are one and the same
You've been spamming your channel for weeks now faggot, nobody wants to hear your lisping ass talk about video games and conspiracies. Fuck off back to halfchan cuck.
yeah, eye on the crotch chakra I guess
Holy shit you are right! They are trying to frame as a liberal when he is clearly not
Mmmmmm, that's kinda tasty symbolism right there
I wonder how much this slide thread is costing him?
Thats is true. But what matters is how credible their hitpieces look to casual reader.
For example, pizzagate. Buzzfeed and all other hard left outlets have plenty of 4chan posts and infographics that are obviously speculation based on speculation about speculations.
When they shjow posts like "Hillary was running children sex trafficking ring from her deleted server.", normies dismiss whole Pizzagate stuff, despite some parts of Pizzagate being based on reality.
Not giving them this ammunition makes a lot of normies chose our side.
Like for example that comicsgate Comedy Central Jim Jefferies hit piece. Comedy Central got 11k dislikes vs 3k likes and almost zero positive comments on this video. It absolutely backfired.
hang yourself and your family shill.
can't help but agree
Either there's some intellijews that are actually going to drop some high level paedos in the shit or this is just a scam to discredit. Isaac Kappy is pretty text book. If he wanted to really make a difference and have people believe him he'd actually talk in a way where people believe him.
Instead he just says "Steven Spielberg is a paedophile" then moves on and say "Now it's your turn goys, time to throw yourselves into the shredder i've done my part" … what ?!!?
hey Toms PR team
Jews rape kids btw
dont be a retard
I know, you know, everoyne knows that 95% of pizzagate stuff was just speculation that turned out to probably not be true.
But problem is that 5% of it were REAL PEDOS. And they got a pass because lefties and normies didnt take pizzagate seriously.
Almost nobody knows how disgusting paintings in apartment of Podesta are. Nobody even believes those pictures if you show them. They just dismiss you as pizzagater and think you are some Alex Jones devoted fan.
Why not file a police report then? If you end up chasing false leads every time people will begin to think pedowood is all bullshit and you'd be back to square one.
read the post you're replying to next time
and normies lack any shred of discernment and will believe what ever snopes fucking runs. Since when do we care about MUH PR holy fucking shit go back to fucking reddit or where ever the fuck you came from. You don't seem to understand what kind of people your rubbing shoulders with.
Also we found multiple flags hidden around the world by analyzing chemtrails and frog croaks like holy fuck. Don't fucking try to educate me on pizzagate I've been at this since 2009.
You may not be a shill, I can not say, but persuading anons from taking paths less traveled is not the way of digging and is highly suspicious. lurk moar.
Pedophile glow nigger spotted.
New around here, huh?
that's rubbish imho, pizzagate is almost all real from the looks of it. Saying it's only 5% true is basically saying Alefantis couldn't be a diddler and honestly if you think he's not a diddler I question your agenda.
most of pizzagte was rubbish
but there were parts of it that lead to many real pedos in hollywood and DC
lots of them were able to deny accusations just by smearing pizzagaters as conspiracy nuts
pizzagate, pedoswim, pedowood, all of it is fucking real.
Pizzagate is real and has kept going and is the predecessor of the current happening. Get lampshaded pedokike.
look… majority of normies consider pizzagate as complete conspiracy
or at least they did until recently that it turned out that over representation of pedos in hollywood is indeed a thing
you can do this crowdsourced chan investigations in two was, you can make theb believable to normies or not
normies didnt buy pizzagate
example of well done chan investigation is that antifa bike lock attacker eric clanton, infographics, collages and videos we put together were enough for cops to arrest him and he is currently on trail
normies did buy it and everyone knows that pol was right that time
it doesnt really matter what is real, all that matter is what public perception is
this frens, is a prime example of pilpul.
yet, pictures of owners constructing a ladder down to the tunnels beneath the city, and kitting out a basement in a neighbouring site.
hiding in plain sight
whats your end game?
to shitpost here 24/7 or to actually get some pedos away from children and behind bars?
Your hubris will be the downfall of pol, you and others like you are too immature/stupid to realize that what this user said is the truth. But guess what? People don't care about the truth they care about PERCEPTION. Kind of ironic how he's right but your PERCEPTION of "jews and schills" overclouds your critical thinking skills. If people cared about truth marlboro and mcdonalds would have went out of business decades ago.
#pizzagate was huge. Even if people didn't believe it, it is firmly in their psyches.
Now, as more and more actual pedos are outed, that seed, buried deep, will start to grow, and normal people will have a different take on pizzagate next time it raises it head
I hope you are right.
All in all pizzagate is still ok, at least more people are talking about problem of pedophilia in our society and more people will be recognizing and reporting pedo behavior they come across.
weak attempt, the jig is up kikes. expect the rope.
I surely hope so, I am disappointed in how the digging has ramped down. It's overwhelming but needs to be done, I may not agree with pol all the time but I do believe we are doing gods work in exposing the debauchery. I want to name drop for some anons if they want to help with my side of digging.
This guy especially, he was involved in "anti child abuse" campaigns and was awarded with some thing that closely resembles a symbol associated with the national/global pedophilia agenda. Maybe it's all in my head I have been busy with work, haven't had time to dig as much, the thing that called my attention to the twitter below is before his death he was associated with a lot of "pro pedo" comedians.
Something his wife said to an user:
And finally some thing peculiar, I'm not sure if it's my computer or what ever but it seems like selma blairs twitter is down (a potential dig I was hoping to find some thing in.)
the ride never ends.
This right here is what I'm talking about, every one is the enemy here if they don't agree with the communal reeing. Get bent brainlet, leave this to the big boys and go get some fresh air.
you're totally not coming off as a D&C PEDOSHILL bruv
You going to take the whole world on by yourself bud? That war wouldn't last a day.
Says the torpedo.
Been living in that leftynigger echo chamber too long have you?
Who is this Selma Blair? She looks extremely creepy. Why are so many of her tweets about kids? How old is she?
Seems she deleted it recently
its one hell of an echo chamber I hear
I don't trap myself in any chambers, any way, feel free to have the last word. I'm not going to let the narrow-minded interfere with my dig. Have a good night user.
They're screeching even harder over Tom Hanks and Tim and Eric than Dan Harmon. I wonder what this implies.
for CP Im guessing?