Why? It's the Jews.
Britain didn’t accept a single Christian refugee, accepted Muslims only
How about white refugees only?
Jews fear the Christian.
Who cares? Christianity is just as anti-White as Islam
It's like kikes are prone to stupid decisions and logic that will get them killed en masse.
Jews want to destroy western civilization. They will take collateral from muslims if it means the death of European culture. To them a weak European culture is a strong Jewish supremacy.
They fear Europeans more than they fear muslims.
It seems like everyone in parliament has agreed on the displacement of English people before any of the boats ever came.
oh that's just dirty.
They dont fear muslims at all.
Pretty sure it's worse than that 'cause, technically, aren't butter knifes banned 'cause of some Indian getting cut/killed/injured by one?
there is no difference between a christian shitskin and a moslem shitskin
All trolling aside, there really is. There is between all religions. I had the displeasure of growing up in London and while it would be preferable to have no immigrants at all, one could definitely see how some were better than others. Muslims really are the worst of the worst; very few work, those that do put in an absolute minimum of effort and need constant rewards, breaks and exceptions. Hindus on the other hand, despite being stinky and the exact same ethnicity, will show up to work on time, obey instructions without question, and at least pretend to work when people aren't looking. I have only known of one "Indian/Pakistani Christian" and they actually worked and never complained, though that is a very small sample size compared to the muds and Hindus that were around.
Point is that if you absolutely had to have immigrants - you would want pretty much any other religion before islam. For general integration.. and again from our perspective this isn't necessarily a good thing, you will also find that, to some extent, black Christians and brown Hindus will go to pubs and general stores and actually participate in every day life.. while muslims avoid everything to do with the host nation and create parallel societies that only interact when the muds need gibs.
I don't want any of them, but I hate the muds and yids more than any other.
I kive in israel. There is a blind hatred in young and old alike towards christianity. Arabs are just made fun off for being savages but christians get the serious cursing.
There are over 140,000 gun licenses in my home county.
they know what the outcome will be. NATO will have to respond to the Muslim uprising and that will keep our troops busy for god knows how many more years. I think if Muslims start a civil war over there, we should just invade fucking Mexico. No more immigration problem ;)
Shotgun - 2 shots, 3 if you're flash and buy a triple
You need a license for a gun that would be useless for defending against anymore than 2 people.
Yes we can have inconsequential guns in the U.K. big whoop.
Absolutely incorrect.
Can you kindly provide evidence, user? I'm trying to find the percentage of this happening or some evidence of Christians being persecuted in Israel, but I can't seem to find them. Maybe you can help me by directing me to israeli sources or something like that.
why would they? Muslims are inbred and brainwashed. They can be easily manipulated and beaten into submission. They are ill disciplined and easily tempered too.
Learn the facts, moron.
7:11 - 8:30
I'm assuming you've never met one in your life, have you? Christians assimilate really well into their host country. They are hardworking, loyal, and partake in the country and its native citizens actions. They go to pubs. They do almost anything the natives do.
Whatr the fuck this should be news on every nook and cranny of the web
Technically you're right. In reality, Christianity is even more anti-White than Islam. I was being generous.
That makes them worse than Muslims, dumbass. Assimilated shitskins are much more of a threat to the race than unassimilated.
You can look at 90% Christian Brazil to see how that turns out.
Kill your self kikel filth
Moslem shitskins can have 4 wives, can behead decedents and need no stinking approval rating. Christians can't. Guess what English crooked teeth aristocracy prefers more.
Muslims can be put to work too. To very hard work.
See migrant worker in the oil states.
Its just in the al-London Muslims occupy privileged positions. They are future kangs of Britain how can they work?
Jesus the cuck was wrong
When you kill your enemies YOU win cause they are fucking dead
The only path forward now is total war with lots and lots and lots of fire and fast projectiles and large pits filled with diesel and spiked sticks and trrrible car accidents it's a bloomin shame I tell ye
To be honestly the same applies to whites as well. The amerimutt meme has some truth to it in that white Americans of European heritage are not of pure blood. They are the result of European mixing. And don't tell me Americans, Canadians and Europeans are not on a large scale brainwashed already.
They're not christians if they're out stealing your shit and killing your family. Think about it. They're just hypocrites. But the muslims who do jihad and kill and impose sharia and jizzya, are actually real muslims living according to their holy book.
Care to explain how? To my knowledge, Christians aren't going around slaughtering people, especially those Christians that came from warn torn areas. The Muslims, on the other hand, are the ones doing such acts.
Thats the whole fucking point. If they aren't doing anything wicked, you end up taking in all the exception(al) people. Consequently, your native populace–due to being retarded–end up thinking all arabs are good people. That is to say, it pushes the "they're just like you and me" narrative. It starts with the exceptions, maybe they keep to their own, maybe a few mix. Then those exceptions get places of power over time/breed. Then, they attempt to help bring their kin over from other areas, ethnically displacing your people.
Killing people outright is not the issue arabs/muslims/etc. are. Those are short-term inconviniences. Ethnically displacing those currently living in places (e.g. Europe, U.S., Canada, etc.) is the issue.
What do you want me to rage over christian shitskins not getting in? What about no refugees?
I don't care about christian or muslim flavours of shit so you can fuck off OP.
The last 2,000 years as evidenced seems to be in conflict with your rather modern day jewish inspired interpretation.
So, according to this pedophile, drug addicted torjew, the ZOGs denied all the brown bible-thumpers because they are bad, but let in all the goat-raping mudshits because they are good.
We need to build a wall around Zig Forums to keep these insane torniggers out.
Not while they have the Anglo-goy doing all their dirty work for them in the Middle East
Britain wants to be a Muslim country. They're pursuing policies to advance the spread of Islam and erase what remains of Christianity in the UK. It's that simple.
and thus it's more difficult to get normals to hate them. it's actually a good thing that all these moslems are dong mass rapes and terrorist attacks, living off welfare etc., because otherwise the only way we could get normals to hate them is "uhh they look ugly!!1! and no wipepo left soon!!11" which looks retarded to the vast majority of the population that is retarded. but since muds are gonna mud, even Joe Normalfag is getting pissed off at all the migrants.
I take it you're a (((shitstain))) considering you're shilling christian shitskins and capitalizing "christian" so I will kindly remind you to fuck off back to your containment board
>>>Zig Forums
What did he mean by this?
CivNat faggot detected.
Race mixing you fucking retard. Unassimilated immigrants don't mix.
Muslims being a hostile group makes them much less of a racial threat because it creates hostility and distrust between Whites and muds.
But they were assimilated under the pretense of "we're all Christian so it's okay." After that, you're stuck with all the racial detritus that produce those types. It's a package deal.
Wrong. Christianity has always been anti-White. Christianity is the reason much of Spain and France and Italy have nigger and Arab admixture. It's the reason that nigger slaves were freed in the USA, instead of being genocided or castrated after they became obsolete like they should have been. It's the reason South and Central America are shit holes, since the colonizers married "converted" muds instead of just wiping them all out. The Americas could have been a paradise, but Christianity ruined any chance of that ever happening.
Maybe you're incapable of reading, but the person I responded to (the one who advocated for Christian arabs–or at minimum didn't seem against them) was not a TOR user. I, who detailed why it's an issue to let even Christian arabs in is a TOR user. Therefore, I can only assume you're calling me a torjew when, in fact, you're either a jew or someone lacking reading comprehension.
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You guys seem to misunderstand my point. I do not advocate for the mixing of our races, in fact I think it is better if we remain segregated for obvious reasons, the kid is mixed and has a plethora of health problems, and grows up without an identity. My whole point was that Christians should be taken in IF they are refugees from war, and given refugee status, the same way the Muslims were and were given higher privilege over the Christians. When the war in their country is over, these Christians should return. That's my whole point guys.
>muh special (((Abrahamic))) faith
Shit OP. Reported.
Same goes for the whites when it comes to work. Mass immigration gives the illusion that they all don't work, the fact is immigration around the 60's and such imported real hard workers, it's just the mass you need to worry about, they add onto the already lower classes here, couple that with less focus on poor whites, more focus on poor immigrants which contributes to less poor whites getting educational attention & also missing on jobs in event of diversity hiring even in trades.
Also many other contributing factors, poor whites really are the main victim these days, it's a shame they don't complain and whinge as much as their immigrant counterparts, although they still whinge.