/DCG/ Divide and Conquer General

I'm coming to you live, deep undercover from a real leftist enclave and I'd Like to report my findings from the front lines!

I have been living among the leftists for some time and have arrived at a few intersting insights that will help our cause.
In reference to the title of this thread, consider for a moment that the right is generally a homogeneous and cohesive group.
Not so for the leftists, a patchwork jerry rig of rogues and traitors from every backwater the jews can pull from.
So the key lies in simply inspiring infighting between the various "oppressed" peoples holding up the whole faceade of the leftist movement.
Here are some of my observations you can take note of and add some of your own.

I] The jews hate the blacks.
Jews view blacks as violent and unintelligent. Then jews view all other races as useful tools and blacks most of all as ignorant muscle.
The blacks are not coherent enough for the jews to engage in verbal discourse and schisting, jews instead rely on methods of propaganda to mass-communicate sentiment amongst the poor.
On an individual level, however, the jews are intimidated by the blacks and offended by their presence. HEre jew neighborhoods have private agreements with local police to safeguard their
jew-nests from interlopers and place priority on keeping their streets black-free over other neighborhoods.

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Other urls found in this thread:


II] The blacks hate the jews.
Though not always with full cogniscience, blacks take to the streets regularly to portest their nebulous ideas of "opprssion"
They see themselves as victims and will interrupt any conversation they can hold to discuss their victimhood.
These are usually rooted in socio-economic inequality, unflattering depictions of blacks in media, and lack of representation in politics and policies both public and private.
All of these things, the financial industry, the media, and the political landscape can easily be identified as direct results of jew influence.
If the black masses were to be clearly instructed enough in this principle, a schism between the blacks and jews would develop overnight.

III] The blacks hate the gays.
Black culture is still fairly tribalistic and unsophisticated.
They are less susceptable to the concepts of liberalism and any-price porgress that have brainwashed their egalitarian white counterparts.
Black families will often shame and cast out gays, and black men and women often use the word faggot as a derogatory term unconcerend with modern politically correct conventions.
This speaks to a deep anti-gay sentiment in the black community.

IV] The gays hate the blacks.
The gays have a long standing mute competition with the blacks on whose level of "oppression" in modern society exceeds the other.
The gays have sense enough to recognize the black community's animosity toward them and are intimidated by their urban competitors.
The gays will lash out at any perceived slight and take the deepest offense to any intolerance directed at them.

V] [Under Review]

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VI] The jews hate the gays.
I can't say this with certainty, but I imagine that orthodox judaism dows not allow homosexuality in the temple.
If the jews consider the gays to be an out-group than it can be taken for granted that the jews views gays with begrudging disdain at best and destructive contempt at the worst.

VII] Women hate the jews.
Women constantly speak out against the objectified nature of their work in the media.
They often complain, but only complain, about the undignified way their bodies are used in media.
All principles of body-shaming, the submissive role in the household and the complacant nature of women are attributed in feminist literature to the corruptions of the media.
The media is a vague term used in this context to describe the various entertainment industries, from fashion to music videogames to music videos.
The Media is too nebulous to confront directly, but a clear causal line can be demonstrated between the jews and these industries.

VIII] Women hate gays
At a core emotional level women are disastisfied in the presence of men they cannot influence.

IX] White women != black women
Women also have a long standing mute competition with the blacks on whose level of "oppression" in modern society exceeds the other.
Black culture is still fairly tribalistic and unsophisticated.
White women also show through constant charts posted on this website as being the least likely of all women to participate in race mixing.

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X] Other Minorities hate blacks
Latinx and Asians have a similar deep distrust for blacks, similarly seeing them as violent and incoherent.
Latinx and Asians have demonstrated an industriousness that the blacks, in a more generous timeframe, have been unable to emulate, let alone capitalize on.
When blacks are aggressive, Asians and Latinx immigrants are just as likely to defend themselves.

XI] Legal immigrants hate illegal immigrants.
Those with the fortitude and wherewithal to enter the USA legally to work and send money back to their home country take deep personal offence at the actions of invaders
who exploit the system and tarnish the image of legitimate worker/contributers of the same minorities group.

XII] jews hate muslims.
This requires little explanation, as does

XIII] muslims hate jews.

XIV] muslims hate gays.
Muslim writing explicitly condemns homosexuality to a violent degree unmatched by other religions.
Mustlims are also incoherent and violent like blacks but are already treated with discretion by the police of foreign nations.
When their religion is brought to scrutiny, muslims become violent and regualarly participate in unpoliced acts such as murder, assault and rape, which brings us to

XV] muslims hate women.
Muslims view women as property to be exploited and therefore their theology runs counter to the fundamental principles of feminism and liberal thought.

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XV] well-off blacks hate poor blacks
median income blacks despise the atrocious way their asshole poor counterparts behave and make a nuisance of themselves.
every store I ever worked at witnessed several blacks coming in daily with bags ready to steal with and they would just shout about racisim when confronted by the staff.

XVI] Poor blacks hate well-off blacks
a deep seated jealusy dwells in the mind of all poverty-ridden black who view their mor socio-econmically successful brothers as litte more than sycophants and "uncle toms" with elitist behaviors and traitors to the black race.

XVII] Women hate eachother.
At no time can a group of over three women assemble without a conspiracy and accompanying slander getting launched between the contstituants.
Mid-range attractive women despise attractive women and all women have the unstoppable urge to compete with one alnother for dominance without any natural instinct for collaboration.
Slights are interpereted with major hostility and the smallest transgressions are magnified or just manufactured in groups of women excfeeding three members.

XVIII] Gays and women hate Trannies
Trannies are a small, suicidal, sterile portion of the populace
Feminists and gays view them as disruptive to the hierarchy of oppression
Gays despise having their image associatd with a group most would secretly agree are clinically mentally damaged
Women are no fond of men larping as women.

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XIX] Orhtodox Jews hate Secular Jews
-Quoted from another user-
The only thing that unites them is their ancient fear that if some Hitler type comes to power he'll kill both groups no matter how they acted.
Orthodox Jews think reform jews are fake jews.
Reform jews consider Orthodox insane racist embarassing anachronism.
Oh secular Israeli Zionists hate hate hate globalists left wing jews with a passion.

So how is it all these groups can come together and threaten the work of the white man. There are countless other demographics competing for supremecy in the category of who faces the most oppression. White Men in fact seem to be the onlyu group not majorly concerned with threats to their well-being.
How can we capitalize on the hatred these groups feel for eachother? memetic warfare? Trolling incognito? Infiltration?

Even when briefly described here, It is hard for even laypeople to understand how such a divided, schizophrenic assembly of people could unite on any ground to cause as much grief to the master-race as they have.
How can things have come this far when basic ideological strategy recognizes so much surface area on which to launch attacks to further wedge these groups apart?
If a single participant on this board could imagine a tactic for exacerbating one of these observable divides, the war of ideas would be over before the end of the year.

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You Are Doing God's Work.

Larping as a mouthpiece for an identity-political group and gaining their sentiment.
Calling for sensationalist demands of the other identity-political groups that they can not satisfy.

The mutually exclusive goals of these groups.
The philosophical conflict in the methods of these groups.
The opposed platforms these groups occupy and use to voice their messages.

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Orthodox jews vs secular jews

Gays vs Trannies

gays vs jews

Black women vs White women

Poor blacks vs well off blacks

Women vs islam

Women vs gays vs jews vs muslims

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Muslims must protest the next hollywood movie that fails to feature a muslim character or features a muslim character that's anything short of a hero.

The single greatest thing that this board can accomplish is the turning of women against islam.

muslim communities must call for a return to traditionalist, misogynist culture across all their participants. Female Genetal mutilation must be publicized on social media and the perpetrators demonized as threats to national security.

The orthodox jews must be revealed as conservative and pro-trump to draw the ire of the gays, among others.

The gays need to protest every hollywood film that comes out that fails to feature a gay character, or features a gay character as anything short of a hero.

To appease the gays the secular jews must allow the gays to protest the orthodox jews, who will then retreat into isolationism against the secular jews' increasingly degenerate behavior.

The trannies must also protest hollywood. They must feel entitled to protest alongside the gays, who abhor their presence in secret. Frisciton will build between the gay and the tranny.

Black women must collectively talk shit on white women on social media 24/7. White women must feel persecuted on social media.

Poor blacks must collectivley denounce well-moneyed blacks. blacks must protest jewish businesses that fail in diversity hires. blacks must protest jew politicians that do not introduce policies that expressly favor and reward blacks. poor blacks must portray themselves as victims of the free market. blacks must behave themselves as the enemies of the free market.

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I also live in a liberal bubble of a city, user. The plight of the Palestinians is our wedge.

A good list. The "Trannies vs. Homos" one is probably the most valuable to disrupt the entirety of SJW culture, as both groups are a core component of it and both have deep hatred for each other without being able to express it properly. This needs to be built up until the point where they openly attack each other.

Blacks should be seen like livestock that needs to be trained to connect their shitty lives with the kikes shenanigans, and then let loose. Their destructiveness is a risk, but also holds potential to be used as grunts against the kikes.

Mudslimes are useful because of their hate for kikes, but their clan-like structures and ideology is dangerous and needs to be closely watched, as they are not as easily controlled as niggers, but are just as aggressive.

Other minorities are a problem because of their numbers and opportunism, although some of them (mostly asians) could be acceptable as workers.

Trannies must demand to occupy the same spaces and operate in the same communities as gays. Trannies must be made to feel they are subjugated and second class compared to gays. They will act out against perceived intolerance and the gays will defend themselves and react, doing our work for us.

Where do the gays nest? Where and how do they organize? How can the tranny population be targeted, and made to feel they are being excluded from these organizations. Their natural tendency to invade will trigger the confrontation. Friction will come with exposure.

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Please elaborate with specific examples of how we can apply this principle.

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Bumping because I love using the D&C strat against our enemies. They have almost no incculcation against it.

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Bump for unironic based nigger army that chimps out and kills kikes

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This, alternatehistory .com destroyed itself on that issue

were it not for the members only writing forums most members wouldn't even visit that nigger ian's site.

It's really fucking easy to divide & conquer the left.

Just ask them if the USSR is socialist, and why or why not? And let they kill themselves with rage.

Wait, what does that have to do with Palestine? Ian is a flaming faggot communist liberal who runs a site where any support of Germany (any era) is a near-instant ban. A site where you must actively support faggots and trannies. A site where any talk of gamergate (either side) is an instant ban. site where you must actively protest “the muslim ban” otherwise your 10 year old account will be instantly banned forever. You’re not understanding this: Unless you ACTIVELY SUPPORT EFFORTS TO REMOVE THE MUSLIM BAN, you will be instantly banned. You can’t say you like it. You can’t even say NOTHING and take no side. You MUST publicly support it or be banned. The site isn’t about alternate history, except insofar as there are stories about the colonization of Europe and extermination of whites by nonwhites. But what did it ever have to do with palestine?

I understand the impossibility of this happening, but would it be possible for Zig Forums and Zig Forums to team up to cause an irreparable schism between faggots and trannies? The tranny BO would be a likely supporter of this. I can't think of any kind of meme because I don't understand, nor will I ever understand, faggot and tranny culture (except faggots want AIDS and trannies inevitably kill themselves). It's a completely mutual operation, Zig Forums hates fags, Zig Forums either hates faggots or trannies, depending on what they are.

Mircotargeted political ads.

Why do you think that after eight years of helping Obama that Facebook and Cambridge Analytica and Bannon are public enemy number one with the left?

They obviously haven't watch Timecop.

(Wasn't Ahmadinejad great?)

That's called a war, user.

*TERF war

Does anyone know any fags? Literal homosexual men?

How about trannies? Does anybody know any literal transexuals?

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I used to be a leftist. AMA.


Oh, this thread is good. I'm in.
Who is the most fragile relationship right now? I want to say women v islam but the government sucks so much brown cock they stifle any islamophobic news.

Could create a fake account pretending to be muslim and promote these things as a cultural right…

Maybe start a "gay safe space" movement? Say no trannies allowed? The lesbians already started a rift for the mtf trannies… So if the trannies felt the male homos also were pushing them away the mtf and ftm should come together and stew with resentment and retaliate

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I've been thinking a lot lately of finding a way for Muslim immigrants to preserve their conservative views rather than joining the crazed shitlibs. Not sure how though.

95% of people won't. But how do just 5% have such power and political sway?
Homosexuals, transexuals, feminists, black rights activists are all just weapons used by jews, to attack default western culture.

You don't have to think of anything. They already to retain those beliefs. Some go secular but even the "moderates" are waaayyy more hardcore conservative than our conservatives. What needs to be done is encouraging them to get more aggressive about spreading their message and fighting the infidel. Msm suppresses news but it could spresd online

Kill yourself you stupid jew fuck.

I think this is not accurate. Jews embrace faggotry themselves. Jews are natural degenerate, scatophile dirty faggots who like fucking kids of the same sex. This goes for both sex of the kikes. SOME orthodox jews may be just not gay, but they won't say a word about homosexuality nor comment against it. Homosexuality is huge in israel and israel is also nicknamed the middle east host of homosexuality. Besides, all the kike celebrities are often faggot themselves and kid samesex fuckers, and all jews also are cannibalistic ritual murdering demonspawns mixing sex with blood and murder in their rituals.

Ok, I have read the rest and you are categorically wrong on everything about the jews. I take it you are a kike piece of shit yourself and wasted my time. I will burn you myself, jew, the fire cleanses everything. Magran's fire will be your judgement

You could d&c spics by thier nationalities, they all hate each other
Porto Ricans vs Mexicans
Colombian vs Porto Ricans
Colombians vs Venezuelans

I dedicate a lot of my free-time to make that come about. The violence we routinely see displayed toward us, is meant for the jews, and the blacks have no idea.
When they're educated on what the jews are doing to them, and have done to them throughout history, then they're easily made to hate the them with that same level of rage they would otherwise have for us. OP is right, too. Blacks have close-knit communities, too. When you redpill one of them, you're really redpilling several families.
While blacks are only useful to jews as blunt objects to bash white people with, the jew fears them. The jews know when they see their routine violence displayed toward whites, that it's meant for them. That scares the hell out of them.
Incidentally, slightly-off-topic, but that's a large part of the reason Hollywood so frequently tries to emasculate black male actors and musicians.

This is also a great wedge. White leftists look at non-whites as like their pets, or even their children. They feel a strong desire to defend them, even above their own people.
I've turned the most shitlib woman I've known (bull-dyke man-hater) into a jew-hater, partly by using what the jews do to the Palestinians.
I gave her a few gruesome photos, along with the question, 'You ever wonder why they don't talk about this on the news? It's because the jews do in-fact run the media.'
Then I gave her the jew media memes. She was then very receptive to all the other jew redpills.
Most normie-leftists have no idea what goes on over there. The moment you shine a light on it, they start to quickly become suspicious of jews.
That information, combined with quotes showing the jews intense hatred of both whites and blacks, tends to be enough to fully redpill them.
And all you really need, is for them to be redpilled on the jew. Once they see the genuine threat, they start to become way more tribal and rightwing naturally.

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user might not get their racial dynamics as well as some of us do. Don't jump right to accusations until they give enough evidence.
There's reasonable doubt, because the majority of what they said is actually spot-on.
From a perspective of someone who doesn't know their inner dynamics as autistically as we do, it might appear on the surface as if orthodox jews would hate secular jews, because they do squabble. Though we know it's mostly either over minor cultural shit, or how best to subvert other groups.

So a gay version of TERF [trans exclusion radical Fem]

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Don't you ever call me a jew again you dogfucker. You're so indoctrinated with respect for the jews you capitalize te word "jew" without even thinking about it. You are either a babbling shill or a retard or both.

I am wrong on everything I have said about the jews, you say?
I am wrong that the jews hate the blacks and vice versa? They hate eachother4 without expressing it, surely but many would agree that the jews view the blacks as dumb muscle and the blacks, once instructed in the jew's culpability in their disenfranchisement, would direct their niggardly aggression toward the jews rather than us with little hesitation.

Women hate the jews. Have you been paying no attention to the last ten years or more of women all over the country protesting the "Media" and the "publishers" for their depitctions of women? If shown the jew's grip on the media women must be made to recognize the jew as the true root of their gripes rather than direct their ire at cis white men.

This principle is that the anger these groups feel toward the "establishment" and the "media" and "polititians" ends up directed at cis white men while the rage is meant actually for the jew, who has cleverly dodged it and used the aryan race as a shield.

Orthodox jews hate secular jews. The orthodox jews are conservative and voted for trump. Orhtodox jews will not stand for degenerate, dildo-waving naked men attacking their temples at the behest of secular jews.

I am categorically wrong about everything I said about the jews you say?
Am I wrong that the jews hate the muslims and vice versa? Did you truly read what I wrote or just skim it? Explain to me the many ways I am wrong.

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my point is that if Orthodox jews do not hate secular jews, they must be MADE to hate them.

The principle is simple: Mutually Exclusive Goals.
The Secular and Orthodox jews are not united fully, by definition. They cannot cross the finish line together. There must be a wedge driven between them based on objectives each wants that gainsays the objectives of the other.

Has anybody here interrogated a secular jew? What is their win-state? How does it differ from the orthodox? The solution lies in each group insisting on demands that the other side cannot satisfy

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Please continue the list

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We need a
clear, irrefutable, concise, viral,
presentation on this matter.

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The new term is intersectionality.

And where, oracle, do we advertise?

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Easily accomplished with a well places campaign towards the shitlibs: "Good get women in bee suits." The appearance of uniting on the premise of subjugating women would turn a few heads.

Push for all future movies to make diversity mandatory and the main characters. China won't buy it and americas wont watch it.

The core intractable concept is ritual female genital mutilation. We must frighten them into thinking this is being pushed for by muslim doctors, hospitals and communities.

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Continually point out that jews aren't white and show them the MSM for evidence.

Quick clips of Farrakhan (while also pointing out he works for them) and pointing out showing them (((whos))) at the top of each industry they prosper in.

As someone living in a large city, I can tell you that working hispanics against blacks is a real go to. Both groups are involved in gangs and gang warfare, and everyone knows someone who lost someone at the hand of the other gang. Theres a lot of unspoken animosity. The "PoC" collective alliance is a sham, being held together by ignoring the crimes committed by the other group.

Guatemala vs Mexican
Honduras vs Guatemala
Mexican vs Honduras
Mexican vs Belize
Ecuador vs Colombians
Cuban vs Porto Rico
DR vs Haiti
Jamaica vs Haiti
Jamaica vs DR
Chilean vs Bolivians
Peruvian vs Bolivian
chile vs Argentina
Those are the ones I could think about for now. I don't know much about Brazil or the Caribbean

Yeah, hispanics against blacks or spics against each others nationality is a good tactic. I had so many spic banter don't trust nogs Cubans, Porto Ricans or whoever

Giving my own anecdotal about spics against eachother right now would be difficult. A lot of the ones I know tend to be quite defensive given Trump and all this border wall talk. It would be tough to get them all to stop having eachother's backs and start having them calling ICE on eachother, but that would be the goal. Knowing who is illegal and who isn't is a sort of open secret. Getting spics to turn on eachother would likely cause an explosion of ICE calls, but getting there would be tricky.

Undercover lefty here, would just like to throw in that there's some anti-jew sentiment amongst the libs at my university. The dean is a Jew, and everyone hates how he hikes their tuition every year while he hides behind his jewish identity and reframes criticism of his actions as white supremacy.

Everyone hates him, and while a lot of the lefties here are still lefties who believe in utopias, they've had to confront the JQ.

What does one do then, user? Should we still despise both of them? You said so yourself, the Orthodox Jews are still right wing as comapred to their leftist, secular counterparts. The same applies to Israel. The Israeli Jews are more conservative and traditional as compared to their Western counterparts that promote all the bad things we see today (not to say that Israel doesn't have a hand in this of course).

Easy. Gas chamber. There are no good Jews.

The secular Jews must be inspired to attempt to overplay their hand and have that event disgust othodox jews to the point that of asmonishing and comdemning the seculars. The seculars can not be allowed to appease the orthodox due to pressues from their degenerate constituency.

Orthodox must be on outed politically and branded as the enemies of leftists. Pride parades in orthodox neighborhoods. Excommunication of homosexuals from the temple. Antisemitic sentiment at pride orgies.

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bumping for an important thread. good work.

Zig Forums will get as much welfare in the work camps as they desire, and they can act like faggots in an isolated area away from prosperous civilization. They can be used to cause a war between faggots and trannies, which will spill over into other wars. Remember, the jews sold each other out for zero benefit for themselves in WW2, Zig Forums is no different.

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You want the ultimate meme to destroy the pinkos?

Egalitarianism is prejudice.

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Meant to post this also

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In your autism spiral you missed the obvious: why each group named hates white men.

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Trans Exclusionary Radical Faggots?

bumping thread that deserves more attention

I know a couple of faggots. They despise trannies and lesbians.

Not what I heard, I heard that they literally assrape them, make them suck kike cock and videotape it as blackmale/mail [kek] if a black man wants to get ahead in Hollywood. So…wanna be famous? Given how the black community feels about homosexuality, the kikes know that they have every black man they blackmail over a barrel when they agree to this. This is the same thing they do with Whites and pedophilia etc. They have either figured out or manufactured the weapons that they use against a culture to control the leadership. So with black culture they encourage hatred of homosexuality because it allows them to blackmail and control leaders and heroes (whatever that means) in the black community. The effectiveness of DIVIDE AND CONQUER is to encourage both sides of the division so that you can act as the fulcrum in the middle. So by encouraging Europeans to favor gays while encouraging the black community to hate them they can effectively control the whole leadership of the black community. If they gave one FLYING FUCK about 'muh, multiculturalism' they would encourage faggot acceptance across the board rather than selectively in different races for CONTROL purposes.

Tide has tuned my friend. It is time to end all other races on Earth. It is time to destroy completely and leave nothing human moving or standing in our wake. It is time to slaughter everything in front of us and leave the land a barren waste behind us with no sign of human life. We have given them every opportunity to become human that they shall ever get, they failed…we gave them every gift, every resource, every advancement that we could conceive of and they turned on us and attacked us.

Bumping to fling the D&C shit back to the kikes

no, none

Seen this around also. Transfucks are going after the lesbian/gheys hard. I take degeneracy 1.0 isn't sticking up for their new overloards degen2.0.

We must prioritize turning people against the Jews. I think turning blacks and feminists against them looks very promising

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I have done some dc work, while i have gathered a lot of information i still haven't processed it to a summary.
the jews think that they have lost the mainstream but they try anyway, all jewish force goes in to the universities. to effectively fight the jew we must talk with people in universities, but only send people who are studying themselves, otherwise its counter productive.
the divide the jews themselves you need to talk to them in a way that makes them believe that you could adopt the jews viewpoints, otherwise the jew will not talk to you.

Today OP was not a faggot

Thing with universities is that you can beat them only from the inside. I'm in my early 30s, got phd, and those dumb, kiked fucks fear me but they keep me because they can't do my job and I can to theirs. I know and feel it every fucking day.
My point is, if you are smart, like to teach, like to write, can talk, got some real fucking skills beside standard uni brainwashing - than you are already better than most of those kiked, boomer-tier faggots.
You can become very valuable to them as an asset with particular set of skills. You need to be really, really good. Hide your power level as long as you can and make your way up. They're old, afraid and often socially retarded.
Replace them. Reclaim your institutions. Long-march them all the fuck out.

White women are rightly beginning to realize more and more that the kike system hates them. It's a good thing they have people like the Odinist Lady to listen to at Odinia.org.

I strongly support all d&c strats on the enemy. Our people need to fix their ideologies to the extent that we are simply not vulnerable to any at all. Right now, religion needs uncucked for the common White Folk.

herro bamp

One thing that I've noticed is that its a lot easier to turn blacks against muslims than it is to turn white leftists against muslims because unlike the whites the blacks don't have the fear of being called racist/islamaphobic.

Flanking the Left From Their Ideological Flank

In order to defeat censorious platforms, we must get close to our opponent. Not engage them as open opponents. Engage them as disruptive comrades.

When attacking from the right-wing perspective, we force them to retreat ever further to the left, seeking safe space. By advancing the narrative from the leftward flank, we can begin driving the Overton Herd towards the center by normalizing core Centrist ideas incorrectly associated with the "Right".

By couching our criticism of their policies in leftist terminology, with a clear left wing bent, it will better allow us to bypass the algorithmic censorship on any platform that has been specifically tailored to target certain speech patterns used by those on the colloquial "Right".

The idea is not to be a Poe. The use of the "Poe" is to go so far to the extreme, posing as authentic, as to drive away moderates. Problem is, this post-modernist Intersectionalism is immune to Poe-ing. At this point, you could Poe as an intersectional pedophile, and you would likely be celebrated as a stunning and brave trend setter, breaking the silence or some other retarded platitude.

When we Poe them, they only seem to flock towards the Poe, and make that their new Overton baseline by which everyone else is judged.

In the recent censor purges, it has been noted that these algorithms are not yet able to distinguish sarcasm from sincere expression. Essentially using acceptance of the corporate narrative to camouflage dissent.

In order to target 'Left Flanking' types of critique, censors will have to censor by the post, by the user, or utilize algorithmic learning against our speech patterns. Speech patterns which will be designed to mirror those of the post-modern Intersectionalists, thereby making such censorship a tenuous double-edged sword.

When utilizing enemy social media, trans-dentify as a minority voice to better deflect knee-jerk racial accusations, and to add increased weight to your arguments for those afflicted with White Guilt, or those hostile to Whites.

Your final sentence should be a question that encourages the respondent to engage themselves and their own biases on the intellectual level, in the pursuit of proving you wrong.

Create Problem - Curate Reaction - Propose Solution. In using Hegelian Dialectics tactics against Hegelian Dialectics, identify the problem, employ appeals to emotion to humanize the problem, and propose solutions from a Centrist perspective, coated in left wing terminology, in order to better move the Overton window to the right, making right wing arguments more palatable to liberal bubble Normies.

Attribute to white supremacy, WHITE-PASSING corporate heads & politicians pushing increased levels of immigration of more and more low & high skilled foreign workers to drive down wages from blacks, Latinx's, Asians, current migrant residents and even lower class whites, in order to funnel more of the worlds wealth into the hands of the top 0.1%.

"WHITE PASSING" allows us to embed the idea, with their own terminology re-trannys, that not everyone of fair complexion, especially in the top 0.1%, is actually "White" by 'White Supremacist' standards.

MS-13's primary victim demographic is other Latinx's. They are being hunted by the gangs they fled their home countries to get away from. This is factually true, and can be used to our advantage. Also, dealing with MS-13 while their victims are, currently, predominantly Latino, before they get around to directing their abuse to White, would be preventing of a lot of tragedy, for a lot of people.

Perhaps even going so far as to start a "Minority Victims of Illegal Immigration" project similar to that of 'WVoBC'.

That would get the uninitiated inoculated to this style of Meme without any of the "racist" connotations of 'WVoBC', so that later when 'WVoBC' redpills start getting slipped to them, they won't be automatically rejected in a knee-jerk anti-racist fervor.

Global Warming is being used by the global elite to generate taxes and redistribute the wealth of the developed world further into the hands of the top 0.1%, instead of focusing on more pressing and undeniable current environmental issues.

Over-Fishing, Plastic in Ocean, lack of carbon in soil, over forestation exacerbated by ethanol agriculture.

Transgenderism as misogyny. By obfuscating the clear distinctions between the Feminine and the Masculine, both have been watered down with the other, so that neither is left intact.

Devaluing what it means to be a female to the point that everyone and anyone can become female at will, also diminishes the validity of uniquely female issues, or issues that when addressing, need to be done so through definitive female lens.

Menstruation, sexual abuse, domestic violence, child birth, feminine health issues, etc.

Issues to address from the Democrat/Liberal/Leftist/Progressive perspective:

CIA / FBI / Deep State

Drug War

Asset Forfeiture


Gun Rights


Foreign Wars

Democratic party corruption, focus on the existence of super-delegates.

American Appreciation, The Holocaust & Jewish Blood Debt to America.

Islam from the Left:

Feminism - FGM, Multi Wives, Arranged Marriages,

Rape Culture - Burka, Female Testimony, Harems

Gay Rights

Anti-Black Racism

Arab Supremacy

Predilection Towards African Slavery

Faggots tend to nest in bathhouses and fag districts, but trannies are a distinct thing from drag which is a gay bar and dance club thing. Trannies tend to be exclusionary, and faggots accepting as long as their cocks get sucked.
See this degenerate article for an explanation: dailyxtra.com/a-slurp-ramp-of-our-own-20237
Also theres another divide in the fag community you can exploit. Leathermen vs twinks and powderpuff types.
Let me explain. Leathermen are typically middleclass working tradesmen, skilled labour, everything from HVAC to machining to mechanical engineering to even sprinkler installation, they typically own their own businesses and work hard, very low time preference people.
Now as for their tastes, I'd say they want masculine, muscular men to either worship or compete with, and lesser faggots as servants or child substitutes so they can grow into a replacements. Their honor code is a descendant from the military discipline of the Allied Soldiers of WWII, who formed their founding members, and unlike most of the new ones, will not throw someone away once the novelty is dry, which is a fracture point with powderpuffs.
Now, how can we use these cigar smoking, human dog in catsuit owning, boot worshiping people against the sissy types that are also literal cucks that humiliate themselves in public? Play up the masculine leatherfag against the sissy girly alices-in-wonderland little-bo-peep types? Or make them hate the niggers because entitled parasitism and hardworking, honest enterprise do not mix.
Crap I can't embed, phone posting on Everychan, here, a Vice cuck enters a Leather Bar in NY and learns about their unique culture, which horrifies him. youtu.be/0lxGkPt0OSM