Portland 2.0 - August 4th - Civil War 2.0 Goes Hot



The 2nd American Civil War begins in less than a week.
Will you be in Portland on August 6th when the shot fired around the world is heard?

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Other urls found in this thread:


My money is on PP

No, I'll be watching the chaos on my computer screen

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Why are you shilling this psy-op here? You realize that they’re baiting right-wingers into carrying guns into the city, right? Then they can false flag us. Fuck off.

be a shame if, somebody told the ATF


I'm warning your ass, so you don't go and get shot.

Perhaps everyone should start reporting this to the FBI, under homeland terrorism, which, it is.

What will happen when they bring guns?

They probably already know.

Don't forget to bring your AR-15's.

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Their brown people will clash with the other brown people, who are apparently opposed to them. Because of marginal tax rates or the exact total of billions to be sent to israel or whether the formality of rubber stamping billions of other brown immigrants into the country is worth doing to keep up appearances.

Forget that, let antifa bring the guns, and with any luck use them.
Any man who falls in antifa becoming a domestic terrorist organization will be remembered as a martyr.

Why? The more people from either side that get shot the better as it will light the powder keg.

Especially the baste brown proud boys. Make sure you bring your star of david centurion helm.

Proud Boys is a Civic Nationalist group, plenty of white folks going to the party as well as brown, black, Asian and middle-eastern.
It's going to be mostly whites though as it's all the way in Portland - a few browns and fewer blacks.

ANTIFA has tons of whites as well.

Remember, the best weapon to use against an enemy is another enemy.

So, the question is, how do we make BLM chimp out in Portland on the 4th?

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Fuck off, nigger.

Civic nationalism is the future you baby booming faggot.


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The future of what? Every single rising force in the world is unified in race or religion. Civic nationalism is already over.

Wake me up when they try this shit in a city where they aren't surrounded by a sympathetic cuck populace and a complicit marxist police force.
You may also wake me up if one of them gets mercilessly hospitalized in a comedic fashion like last time.

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I was at the Chapman square rally in June 4th 2017, heavily considering going to this one. What equipment should I bring this time, full gear or just the ballistic vest? Also I know it's legal for me to open carry a rifle without a concealed weapons permit, but I don't think I can carry ammo with it legally in Portland. I was considering just carrying ammo if I take my full gear, so if the guys that bring rifles need ammo (lord forbid) I have some. What should I do, anons?

So somewhere outside of the West?

Your MAGA kippah.

Be cautious. Oregon has very reasonable gun laws but I believe Chapman plaza and the surrounding area is technically federal jurisdiction. I believe there may be a blanket firearms ban in this square and in the adjacent park. Not trying to discourage you, just double check the laws before you go.

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Christianity with a mix of civic nationalism.
You won't agree, and that's fine, we can talk about it in another thread - right now I'm too hyped that SHTF finally.

It's finally happening.
It's really, finally going to happen.

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Are there even any niggers in Portland?
There’s this trend right now of uncovering old racist twitter tweets. You could take some random police officers and doctor twitter images to make them say things like “that nigger boy Trayvon got what he deserved” or just something overtly racist and inflammatory.

Alternatively we could just make the Patriots Prayer civnats look like ebil nazis by doing a social media blitz of how PP Hates faggots and niggers and loves dead kikes and Hitler.

Completely delusional. Filtered.

Enough niggers to make the city miserable and niggardly, but not enough niggers to redpill the complacent whites living in the city limits via personal enrichment.

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Actually, the problem is that antifa is White. If they lived by their own creed of "diversity is our strength" and recruited nothing but niggers, then their actions might very well start a race war.
However, because they're predominantly a White gang, it is the unfortunate effect of confusing Joe Sixpack and Sally Soccer Mom. White people need to see racial violence in order to understand it.

To give credit where it's due, Civnat resulted in Trump being elected and Antifa being demoralized because of portland. White nationalism resulted in you losing Ricky Vaughn (a top influencer doxed by a WN retard), two states, and WNs being demoralized from Spencer being punched. The most WNs achieved were superchat donations from youtube streams.

I don't want to punch right, but look at reality and play your appropriate card at the proper time.

I'm aware the US is rat hive of zionism. Thankfully, emerging world powers aren't.

even though it's the whitest major city, whites still make up less than 3/4s of the population

lmfao I guess Antifa's beloved mullato boyfucker leader won't be attending the festivities this weekend.
archive wont load plz no bully

rhodes.mug.jpgMicah Isaiah Rhodes from Wednesday, July 18, 2018 – taken by the Multnomah County Sheriff's Office before he was transferred to Washington County. MCSO

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Photoshop some pictures of police eh? That's not that hard really…

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stay home let the retards wreck their own city to show solidarity with aidsfrica

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Ricky Vaughn was a faggot to begin with and got called out for being a faggot. Lets not pretend he was WN because he was not. All the drama that's ever plagued White Nationalism is because personalities rise up and cause problems. Same thing TRS did with Zig Forums and TWP, Anglin with Cantwell, Duke, and others not following the TRS pos-line. Retards over at Renegade constantly starting shit.

It's the leadership which is why its always been a disaster because it always reverts back to egos. Civtnats have this exact same problem. Butt plugging Gavin McGinness. Milo the so conservative gay fag nigger loving jew who laughs at gays being molested as children. Kike Cernovich whose largely a basic bitch republican now that he got big. Jordan Peterson the straight up commie who was only pushed to action when Universities started pushing this random gender crap. Literally nothing else pushed a tenured professor to act in his whole liberal-marxist time as an educator until 43 genders being recognized made him do it?

Civnats will accomplish nothing but speeding up the collapse at the expense of slowing down our growth and the racial awareness of whites who have to jump through yet another step before they wake up.

Kek. I like how a bunch of so called "anarchists" have leaders.
In any case, I hope that this mongrel invites hordes of other mongrels and they all stand out in front and start attacking these White conservatives.
That would be an educating experience for everyone.

Unfortunately, while the leader of the anarchist organization may be a mongrel, the great majority of these parasites are White. Especially the thugs and grunts.
Still, it's good to spread this information around.

You walk around UNARMED nowadays? Our country is almost minority White…these people have no love for you…THEY don't walk around unarmed. My fellow wypipo be crazy n sheeeit.

Thanks for the laugh while I imagined that…and then I realized that they wouldn't do anything anyway. This is not 2015 when there was a hope that some sort of law prevailed in the USA.

Bake me a mutherfucking cake wypipo!

I can even kinda understand being nofunz becasue poorfag or whatever, but unarmed?
Jesus christ get a little mini fairbairn-sykes or something. Unbelievable.

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Fun fact, Oregon is an open carry state.


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What if antifa, blac bloc, blm and every other malcontent group protests in portland, armed with firearms or not? I say let them have portland. Let them block streets, smash garbage cans and windows, burn and loot businesses, chimp the fuck out. The vast majority of portland residents are lefties and fellow travelers, so there is probably no better red pill than to have antifa shit in their own nest. Fuck portland. If federal facilities get attacked, let's ask the democrats in government how to fix this problem. They not only have no answer, they enjoy this shit. So let's leave them to their shit-show dumpster fire. Until they try this shit in MAGA Country, fuck 'em, let them have these blue cities.

I’ve been thinking about it too. Feels like taking the bait, but I’m so tired of doing nothing

Sad fact:
The last time someone defended themselves against a horde of antifa in Portland using a firearm, they got fucked over hard.

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You clearly don't understand what is going on.

you forgot to add the words 'and they don't care'.

What is wrong with me, when I see hapas freaking out, I actually feel really sorry for them even though I know they are mongrels.

You can open carry a rifle with ammo chambered. OKAY FBI read the rules.

Ricky Vaughn is a faggot, but he did more to help white nationalism than embarrassing faggots like Spencer and Enoch. Regardless of our views about him, Vaughn was Twitter's top influencer and had several followers. To throw that away because he mocked the movement once in the podcast is retarded.

White nationalism would be effective if nearly every person was hypothetically a self-sacrificing martyr like George Lincoln Rockwell, William Pierce, or James Mason. Unfortunately, a lot of the personalities are egotistical fatasses who care more about shilling their brand than protecting white civilization. I've been trying to keep quiet about the infighting as me criticizing them won't help, but it's ridiculous that they're frequently acting like petty women. What ever happened to being a man and talking face to face?

They just want to flex their muscles and tear each other apart as opposed to fighting against the real enemy. If they put the same effort into attacking antifa and journalists, then they would be more successful.

That's because he pointed a gun, he didn't shoot to kill. All communists deserve the bullet.

Northeast Portland has the most.

No shit the (((laws))) change as soon as carrying it becomes an act of aggression or self defense. I think it is different in Florida or Texas. Need some law anons to chime in.

Doug Mackey is a republican astroturfer.

Silly rabbit, it it's homeland terrorism, it was planned by the FBI. They already know about it.

Go on then hero. Suit up and hit the streets hard, the good people of portland are counting on you, and will be so grateful. When joe lefty business man sees antifa burn his shit to the ground, the civil war is over, and "we" did not fire a single shot. Wake up.

Very nice hood ornament. It definitely makes a statement. I kind of want one for my vehicle. You need to put some sort of antifa sticker on the helmet like it was a piece of luggage that had country stickers on it…but yours could be the enemies that you vanquish. I think you need some bling on those teeth as well.

patriot prayer hasn't disclosed the location, as far as i know. However, they have a permit for it, so it could be found.

I don't give a shit if the portland tri-met burns but so help me god if those lesbian turboniggers harm so much as one tree in my beloved Oregon outside of it, I will shit the fury of God.

Gresham and Rockwood are positively lousy with california niggers

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They have all different type of 'brandishing' laws as well, be sure you look into those. One of the states I visit has some really whack 'brandishing' laws that I always have to consider carefully.

Those guys won't be remembered as martyrs, they'll be remembered as fodder.

Um, where does it say there will be guns?

Gresham is a shithole.
Portland is a shithole, but that's a totally different discussion.


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Portland has the same flavor of shitskin problems as any other west coast city, but to a smaller level of infestation than LA, SF or Seattle. The faggotry is worse than most cities but still nowhere near as bug-chasingly virulent as San Fran. The real problem is all the goddamn glow in the dark turbomasnonic pizza niggerdry. I've never been to a city in the country so saturated with dubious occult shenanigans. I am well aware that I sound like a /fringe/faggot right now, but any user who has been to Portland will tell you that I'm not wrong.

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Literally nothing will happen. Screencap this post for August 5th after nothing happens.

Maybe if we're lucky we will get to see another meme beating.

Splatter all commie filth

Again, you don't seem to understand what is going on.
You say that you don't give a fuck about Portland and I agree. Who cares?
But you act like we can just "give" antifa cities. As if we're planning army meneuvers and planning to trade space for time.
That's not what's going on.
And just leaving Portland alone is also not a useful idea. The Christian civnats are protesters. They have a grievance and want it addressed. And if you have a grievance, you don't go marching in the forest. You march in a city because like it or not, cities are the economic, political, and cultural centers of nationas and states.
And even if marching around in the hills was as beneficial for publicity as marching down mainstreet, it is a GOOD thing that we I am using the term "we" loosly as these "patriots" are not pro-White per-se. They're just civic nationalists are invading their territory for once. It is a good thing to be on the offensive. And if being on the offensive leads to antifa chimping out and destroying the city center, all the better.
That is a good thing.

Besides, the closer we get to civil war, the more unstable things get. And the less stable things get, the more opportunity there will be to strike back at the monster that is devouring our future.

The patriot plebs had a tranny leading their prayer circle.

I'm literally about to go catholic because of that.

Join the Mormon church cause they're the one true jesus church cause of golden plates and olden zarahemla days

rather than typing up that pile of bullshit, why not link some laws so that anons can figure out the actual risk of attending with firearms.

Moreover, who are the organizers? Is this like the DC one with (((kessler)))?

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Because I'm not a lawyer and only a witless idiot seeks legal advice from anonymous posters on Zig Forums, you fuckwit nigger.

And why the fucking hell would I know who the organizers are? You drooling idiot.

Christ left a church, not a book to create a church with. I don't need to LARP to get into polygamy.

Take the interdenominational pissing contest to an appropriate thread, ladies. This is a thread about Antifa making fools out of themselves and Portland being a shithole. Thanks.

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How much do you wanna bet that one of Joeys armed security is going to be a fed who fires the first shot?

You can get a cheap military surplus helmet at places like Andy and Bax which should be good against batons and decent against 9mm. Be careful though, not of antifa, but of Joey. If he suspects you are an user he will kick you out of his event as well and make you walk through antifa alone without support, or if he thinks you are a Nazi he will attack you before antifa does to prove to antifa he is not racist. Oregons gun laws are good, but Portlands are absolute shit, which makes me question why he is doing that there and not Vancouver since Vancouvers gun laws are way better than Oregons. Also if you want, but not as reccomended and you didn't hear it from this board as both are not something you are usually allowed to carry in Portland. If you go to the Vancouver mall in the weapons store you can get pepper spray for cheap, and if you go to the weeb store in that mall and ask for a "belt buckle" they will give you brass knuckles. Not as recommended, and possibly not legal in Portland, just pointing out your options. Bringing milk is decent or learning how to make the L.A.W mix, if someone gets pepper sprayed they are essentially blind. Also watch out for Luis, he is a local antifa leader and gets in your face, spits on you, everything he can to get you to hit him first

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''Twas merely a shitpost
I wholeheartedly support this thread
Good luck oregonanons fucking wipe these enemies from the face of our friendly planet

video of Owen from Infowars talking about it.

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Are you mad at me or daddy? I was talking about trannies and polygamy.

that wouldnt necessarily be that significant actually.

a Klansman shot a gun at Unite the Right and it wasnt that big of a deal. he got out on bond

antifa would have to really do something epic, and even then Whites arent necessarily going to arm up and hit the streets, so it wouldnt be the start of a civil war

No, you sound like anyone with experience in Portland that isn't a retard.
Just like if you were to say that there's a massive gang problem across the river that's largely unreported.

How hard is it to link relevant laws or further the research thereof in some way?


SEIGEniggers out

Alright then. Now go be retarded somewhere else.

The 2nd American Civil War already started, you're living in a soft civil war.

Saturday - it might just go hot.

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not sure how much that would benefit you in portland.

its the shitlib self-hating White person capital of the planet, they currently have a democrat mayor, and an infamously corrupt PD

there was also the 2010 Christmas "bomb plot" which may or may not have been a total FBI setup to frame this somalian. granted i dont give a fuck if they go after somalians, but it does show that they proactively look to create terror plots and frame people to justify their hopped up positions


Let's fucking do this! The Old Man will be watching over us. Hail victory!

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filtered, shill.

If this event is organic, anons should be informed of the law and if the law provides for their self defense, why should they not participate in irl activism?

The last few clashes have almost resulted in dead commies, and there is no reason why that shouldn't escalate in the face of a known terrorist organization.

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They are starting on the busses in Vancouver Washington, then moving to Portland Oregon. Portland has different gun laws than the rest of Oregon. You do have to keep ammo and gun separate and unloaded at all times, and Joey plans his march on a park. Portland Oregon doesn't honor Concealed Carry licences from any other state. Talking about Washington state laws does't help when Joey refuses to hold any more rallies in Vancouver because antifa doesn't show up and attack people

What's going on with this post, big guy?

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See that guy in the green hat? He's a legal observer there to assist antifa. if you get yourself a green hat like that, antifa will think you are there to help them.

Yo should have been at the earlier ones that involved a lot of meeting and organization from the far right. Several other groups including even cuckchan Zig Forums are doing other things because Joey has singled people out one at a time and even doxed a few guys to show antifa how anti racist he is

actually most people would never hear about that if it did happen, or hear that it was "gombletly justified" by the lugenpresse

it would be nigh impossible to create a martyr without MSM approval. by your logic we should have had several by now

Oh, the projection cop-out. I guess you win.

Tell me, what do you see in this image?

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the worse a beating antifa takes, the less likely they'll be to want a civil war. They have to be humiliated though, not killed. Killing them will give them martyrs, which generally energize political movements.

This is actually bullshit, kill them and they will never rise up more.

See the assassination of that leftist politician by the japanese.

The problem is you never kill enough.

I've honestly never seen anything like it outside of maybe New Orleans. Can you even technically call it the occult when it's nobody even pretends to hide it?

You can call me Alex Jones little buddy, cause I got a filter for you.

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remember lads, let them fire first

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if that were to happen, it would be condemned by official organs of the globalists, who would follow up with increased focus on and vilification of white supremacy and racism(nationalism), and the trivialization of the event. But it would be celebrated and glorified by the cultural mouthpieces of the elite and criticism of those mouthpieces would be silenced further silenced. Acts of violence by antifa would multiply around the country, with no press attention and responding violence blamed on Trump and used as justification for a coup.

I’ll pass.