Ending Pedophilia Starts with Ending Circumcision




>pic unrelated is 'Otome Saotome' from the hit TV series 'Shimoneta'

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Other urls found in this thread:


Sage for slide thread and obvious shit but was he right?

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Its not a slide, you (((shit-eating faggot))).



Yeah it is, and you're a reddit spacing cunt.

its easy
white man is king of world
circumcision and rape at birth to make him feelbad
continual psychological abuse throughout childhood

I want my god damn foreskin back. Gas the kikes.

What is Zig Forums's obsession with kiddie diddling these days? Nearly every thread is about pedos or pedophilia. What's up with that?

This. I don't care about subversion of the state, of culture, and of international jewry.
My foreskin will be avenged. 1,000 yids for each lost nerve ending.
Sage for shit thread though.

circumcision is the most bizarre practice in america and the fact that most of you cant see it shows how sick its made you.

Everyone knows the circumcision meme is purely JIDF driven. Fuck off, were cut and we like it just fine. No adult should think about their dick this much.

Circumcision is male genital mutilation. It affects the brain in bizarre ways that last for decades. Jewish ritual circumcision often involves a rabbi putting his lips on an infant's freshly-circumcised penis to wick away the blood, which has resulted in multiple deaths in New York state due to hepatitis infection. It completely ruins the nerve endings for the rest of your life.

We all fucking know exactly how brutal and pedophilic circumcision is. We all know how horrific the practice is. Where the fuck have you been, fucking newfag?

Your OP is low-effort nigger-tier trash with an unrelated picture that you actually have to, for some fucking reason, actually identify as being from a goddamn anime about a world where naughty jokes are literally outlawed and the government is trying to put chastity belts on the entire populace because "muh bad thoughts are degeneracy" bullshit. You provide no links, no evidence, no room for discussion, and no encouragement or incentive for moving forward in a productive manner.

This thread is shit, and everybody in here that isn't saging it and moving on should lurk for another two goddamn years before posting again.

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Fuck off leddit.


kys kike. cutfags feel no pleasure at all and there is no point to a cutfag's life but suffering

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It's not even that. It's that people who support circumcision are worse than most pedophiles. That's not to speak well of pedos, after all, Jesus recommends the death penalty for all of them.

KEK!!! Every time I look at my dick I think "HAH, JEW, That is one foreskin YOU WILL NEVER GET!" Just because YOUR cut, and the majority of americans are, does not mean we shouldn't expose the disgusting history of where it's from, and how it propagated, and also expose the trauma it causes the babies who are abused. Circumcision is a KIKE creation that was pressed into our culture through LIES.

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But I would recommend, since we can all agree that circumcision for the purpose of avoiding urinary tract infections, without consent, is permissible, let us prosecute this generosity upon women: Let us take every woman who is of age, and tie her up - as the babies when circumcised - that she may not move, and of course completely naked, because that's how circumcision is done, and then circumcise the woman fully, and without any anesthesia - as circumcision of boys is done - and then declare that everything is fucking normal.

It's only fair! After all, women need to be protected from urinary tract infections the same as men!


That is a true story.

starts with ending ANIME*

Fixed that for you, degenerate weebkike, gas yourself, stop trying to lure white people to your loli hentai trash, you fucking pedofaggot.

also, kill yourself, weebnigger.

Seek sexual intercourse asap, coolkid

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>"coincidence" that jack the ripper, a mass murderer that preyed on white women, was jewish en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aaron_Kosminski

jew detected

The goon fears the anime, and always will

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What makes you think samurai will be on your side, breedless weebkike?

Anyways, not an artform.

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Oh, that's why. You're art autist. Enjoy this (you), spend it on a new hobby

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Reminder you've never posted an "art autist original". Post your own work. You are almost entitled now that I gave you this extra (you)

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Not an artform.

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Filter (((63235a))) by ID+

How about you kill yourself instead, weebkike?

I agree. I'm American and my cut foreskin is just one more reason to hate these fucking kikes.
I like your attitude user.
Never be ashamed of being completely intact.
What board do you think you're on, faggot?
You think we don't know that leftists and jews hate anime, because they know we use anime memes? They're just looking to attack absolutely everything they perceive us as loving. It's blatant as hell, too. Eat shit, shill.

If you're going to make a thread about pedokikes, you might as well drop the pedo material, if you're against pedophile, you should be against lewd cartoons aimed at children, simple, faggot.

also learn how to reply back, you stupid newfag.

I'm not giving (((you))) any shill shekels, fag.
And I don't give a fuck what stupid reasoning you give us, we know how to spot your kind.
Anime is welcome here. Anime has always been welcome on the chans. The only people against it are faggy bitter queers like you, trying to subvert. Enjoy my filter, shill.

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you get the rope too, you pathetic weebnigger.

Then why are there no circumcision pics and vids to be found on pedo sites?

In you go

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If I rephrase my question without giving you the opportunity to call me a pedo kike..will you answer me then?

Let's find out…Why are there no circumcision pics and vids to be found in police records of pedo site busts?

B-but someone has to verify that they exist!!!

Don't disturb him…he's busy shoving honest police officers into the oven for frequenting pedo sites. Next in line are the kids themselves for being in those photos.

I wish it were 2006 again

I couldn't begin to answer that user. I'd have to first accept your premise, and I have no evidence one way or another. Nor do I want to see any evidence.
I think OP's point was more that circumcision is bad. In jew culture, there is also a sexual element to it, on top of the ritualistic and sadistic one.
Early childhood trauma leaves the brain in a completely different state, as well.
What I've seen from researching mental manipulation shows that early childhood abuse leaves the mind highly susceptible to mental programming throughout their entire lives. Almost like a very early onset Stockholm syndrome.
The elite families around the world (most especially the kikes) have used early childhood abuse for many generations to mold their children's minds more effectively.
Also off-topic, but feds are faggot pawns of the jews. If you are one, consider killing yourself.

Nah. I know they're the biggest demons on earth, but if that were true there would be a circumcision fetish. And if there is no fetish in the adult scene (yet) you certainly wouldn't find it in the pedo scene. How are the chances to be pedophile, into infants, into hurtcore, into religion, into Jewish religion specifically and gay at the same time? And please do not post the "challenge accepted" meme…please don't.

I'm uncut. Honestly if I don't wash often and wear tight underwear my dick can start smelling like a can of sardines.

I wish I were cut. Would allow me to not have to bathe so much.

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If that is your desire I would question the origin of the smell in the first place.

Foreskins are a bacteria, stray hair/fabric, and a lint magnet. Things can collect under the foreskin quite easily. It's kind of like a vacuum cleaner.

How about stop being a massive degenerate faggot and wear confortable underwear to let your balls breathe while showering once a day and washing your dick properly? You were given the blessing of having sexual pleasure intsct and given the chance to provide it fully to your females. Dont fucking waste it.

As a proper human being I have one of those myself so no need for science classes.

wearing loose boxers allows stray hair/fabric/lint/dust to find it's way up my tight and gets stuck under my foreskin

I constantly have to pull out stray hairs of my sisters that somehow make their way under my foreskin (we share the same bathroom).

thigh* not tight

I don't know about you, but I bathe once a day (possibly more if strenuous activity/sweat/etc.) If you don't want to do that, go to >>>/r9k/ and piss in bottles as well.

btw it's the sebum produced under the foreskin that causes it to become sticky and act like a magnet

You sure about that?

Listen to Jordan Peterson's one good piece of advice, wash your dick.

This. It's their primary control mechanism.


you ruined what could have been a good thread with your fucking autistic anime shit.


Kill yourself easternfag.

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About what I was expecting

i'm sorry, you wanted me to give you instructions on how to kill yourself?

Scavenge through your parent's shithole for a bleach and drink the whole bottle, you fucking faggot.


more like every board since 2ch to 4ch to 8ch.

If an ADULT wants to get themselves cut. then go for it.
That would be a full grown ADULT choosing to CONSENT to being circumcised.
Go ahead and get it done.

But, there is a VAST GULF OF DIFFERENCE between a consenting ADULT and a HELPLESS INFANT.
Circumcision of anyone under the age of majority should be strictly BANNED.
The only exception should be in cases of severe deformity which legitimately warrants some sort of surgery on that area, and specifically NOT for "religious reasons."
It is a vile and abusive practice.

gas yourself

Pedophilia is abuse of children.
Circumcision is abuse of children when it is done to children (and traditionally it is).
They are both a form of child abuse.
Furthermore, circumcision of infants produces changes in the brain. These changes tend in the direction of making the child "more controllable" or "more impressionable" or similar (according to the theories and some studies I've read).
As such, circumcision could make a young males more susceptible to the advances of pedophiles.
Thus circumcision is tied to pedophilia.
Furthermore, the entire concept of mutilating a kids dick is "pedosadistic."

I'm cut, and if I had a choice I'd be in-tact, but it honestly doesn't bother me. However, what gets my attention is that if IGM (infant genital mutilation) were outlawed, then all jews would leave. That, right there, is all the argument I need.

Do you seriously expect me to read this fucking wall of text nigger? i'm not going to read a wall of text explaining how its okay for you to stick your cock in printed pillows from chinese stores, I don't give a shit you faggot, you're a degenerate weebkike that needs a tight rope around your neck, hanging in the gallows, fuck off already.

Well said user.


posts pedo jap crap. Makes slide thread

Literal samefag with VPN, how sad can a weebkike get.

If you faggot shills don't like anime, then you shouldn't be on any of the chans.
Filtered and no (you) for (((you))).

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it's a reminder that theres are other places for you to be, like /a/ for instance, so whenever you see that banner, it's an indicator that you should seriously consider fucking off permanently to the underage board.


Get out.

wow, what a fucking surprise, here's a shocking reveal; imkampfy is gone, we own this place now, faggot.

WOW another foregen commercial on Zig Forums color me 'surprised' no doubt the mods who are paid by JEW FOREGEN won't do anything about this one as well

>Its not a slide, you (((shit-eating faggot))).
yeah this is the kikes new shill line
they post a shit tonne of slide threads and then call everything a slide thread, report it to the (((mods))) and have it delete
its probably the (((mods))) posting all of the fucking slide threads in the first place
on topic:
good rhetoric, will use

It was like three paragraphs. DIAF

just delete this shitshow of a thread already.
it only exists to slide important things like pedo hunt.

Sage negated. Reported for being pro-circumcision.

I haven't seen the kikes this scared in a long time.

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I would like to point out that since circumcision reduces the girth of the penis, it reduces the ability to enjoy penetrating large vaginas, thus encouraging men to seek out smaller vaginas. This works its way down the chain and results in more low-girth males only able to experience enjoyment with vaginas which have not fully grown.

The same also happens when degenerate feminists encourage women to stretch their vaginas with horse dildos. The pool of women who can sexually satiate men is reduced, creating a natural inclination towards smaller child vaginas.

Anyone who supports male genital mutilation deserves to be killed in the most heinous of ways. Christianity strictly prohibits it and within paganism the act is unthinkable.

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This is Zig Forums. Anime loli came from Imkamfy anti-Zig Forums.

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Not "no pleasure", just much less. Sort of like how a woman who has her clit cut off can still experience pleasure from a back massage. I can still ejaculate from rubbing on the ground (probably causing nerve damage though) so obviously I can still get SOME pleasure. I could do it by hand if I still had a foreskin though. I can get hard by hand but skin movement is minimal and painful once it gets erect so I can never finish that way.

No, this is an image board.
Anime is the one and only thing this was created to discuss, everything else is just a bonus and indulgence on part of the site owner.

Everyone knows that circumcision is a kike ritual to mark their property, just like branding cattle.
*SNAP* Yep. This one's going in my cringe compilation.
Every mutilated man should hate the kikes with every fiber of his being for robbing him of sexual pleasure and turning him into a pseudo eunuch.
We must end this disgusting kike ritual of male genital mutilation.

That was before kampfy newfriend. Way to officially out yourself as third exudes though ;)

Want to ban the kikes? Ban genital mutilation. Simple as that. Just do it, and enjoy the fireworks.

Anyone who thinks otherwise is a pedo-defender or a Stockholm-syndrome style cuck. That was always the point of importing "circumcision" - a neutral, (((politically correct))) word, by the way - to the Americas. Genital mutilation is used to mark slaves. What the fuck is so hard to understand about that?

Thems called pheromones. As others point out, it's not hard to stay fresh, but the real secret is that there's no reason to. The same goes for deodorant—wash your pits with water, but the musk of a man after a day of work is attractive to a woman.
t. biologist

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This is a shill. Asking a seemingly innocuous question with a suggestive undertone of Zig Forums being full of pedos. This uses the projection argument of 'since /pol hates pedos, it means they are pedos'. Probably the same nigger who unironically uses 'MAGApedo' in other posts too.

This is also a shill. Uses appeals to the majority and attempts to act as an authoritative figurehead who 'speaks' for everyone. Ignore because Zig Forums is not one person, and opinions differ.

Most don't know what actually happens user. You have to realize that the majority of new parents attend first time parenting classes where kikes/kikesses shill for circumcision. My wife and I attended one and my wife got into it with the cunt 'teacher' and pointed out in front of everyone else that there is no medical backing for the claim of uncircumcised being more prone to STDs. Flat out called it a fallacy to the woman's face. Did the same for when mention of hygienic practices came up too.

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Zig Forums*

Don't Jews get circumcised?

In Japan there is loli anime. Does that mean that circumcision is not the only thing to inspire pedophilia? Or do Japanese people get circumcised?

What it will do is make it impossible for Jews to live in your country if they can't mutilate your boys. And with no Jews there is no one who will abuse your kids, or condone and cover for the abuse of your kids. It's so entrenched in Islam that it would also remove them as well.

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But I'm not circumcised. Your premise doesn't make any fucking sense.

A short introduction

cutfags, not much of a competition for uncut cocks.
Enjoy your fucked up dick.

If you're not one, how would you know, you dumb nigger?

Okay newfag.

Japan also has among the lowest rates of actual, physical child sexual abuse in the world.

< it's totally a trick

jej kike you killed Christ.

You're right. They don't know how brutal it is :(

Kikes are sickos.