SPLC Co-Founder Accused of Trying to Molest Step-Daughter With Sex Toy
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SPLC Co-Founder Accused of Trying to Molest Step-Daughter With Sex Toy
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They can't help themselves folks, it's true
at this point im no longer shocked and disgusted merely disgusted
I've become stoic and expectant about the whole jews raping kids thing but I still want to bring them to violent justice.
If it's true, then no wonder there's a lot of "RACISM IS WORSE THAN CHILD RAPE, GOY" hollywood types. These people treat their cum as a deity.
gimme splc.jpgs
People should spread this to Alt-lite and cuckservative outlets. Tear away their sponsorships too.
Spread it as far and wide as it can go.
My sides legit hurt
Also I'm 200% unsurprised
This was inevitable.
A recently-uncovered court document from the divorce proceedings of a prominent Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) figure alleges horrific conduct on behalf of one of the most influential lawyers in America.
Maureene Dees, ex-wife of SPLC co-founder Morris Dees filed for divorce on March 8, 1979 after a decade-long marriage marred by difficulties, according to an appellant brief obtained by Big League Politics. The brief was filed by Maury Smith, Julia S. Waters and Charles M. Crook, attorneys for Maureene, in the Alabama Court of Civil Appeals:
According to court testimony, among other perverted sexual behavior, Dees attempted to molest his 18-year-old step-daughter with a sex toy. Holly Buck was Maureene Dees’ daughter from a previous marriage.
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“Holly testified that, in the summer of 1977, Morris attempted to molest her in the following incident: One night Maureene and Morris were sitting drinking wine and discussing a case Morris was trying,” the brief says. “[Holly] was with them. Around eleven or twelve o’clock, Maureene went to bed and Holly stayed up with Morris discussing the case. Morris kept offering Holly wine, some of which she accepted.”
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Holly testified that she declined, choosing to go to bed instead.
“She went to her room and then went into the bathroom,” the document says. “Looking out the window, she saw Morris in the bushes beside the bathroom window looking in. She said ‘Morris, is that you’, but he said nothing and ran away.”
Two months later, things got worse.
“[M]orris entered [Holly’s] room from [Morris and Maureene’s daughter Ellie’s] room, through the bathroom, the document says. “He was in his underwear and he sat on the bed where Holly was lying on her stomach facing away from the door. He touched her on the back and woke her up. He told her that he had brough [sic] her a present, and he presented her with a vibrator. He plugged it in and said he had brought it to her. He proceeded to rub it on her back and said ‘Let me show you how to use it.'”
According to Holly’s testimony, she declined, but Morris proceeded anyway.
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“[H]e started to place it between he [sic] legs when she raised her voice and said no loudly,” according to the brief.
He was wearing only a pair of bikini underwear shorts during the incident, according to Holly.
“About two hours later, she had fallen back asleep and he came back in,” the brief says. “He brought the vibrator with him, plugged it in and said again, ‘Let me show you how to use it.’ He tried to show her again by putting it between her legs, but she raised her voice again and he stopped. He took it and left.”
These idiots need the #metoo treatment
It doesn't need to be pedo rape to take SLPC down. They run on a standard of moral grandstanding for the #metoo progressive crowd while this guy is megacreeping on his step daughter. It doesn't even have to be true really. SLPC is a cancer on this world, as such it must be purged.
I read some fuckery about morris dees years ago along these lines
I am glad to see it is finally bubbling up to the surface.
So he either really did it because he's so progressive or he was in some jews way in the corporate ladder. Either way I'm OK with this outcome.
Where's the link to the brief?
>>>Zig Forums191007
Morrie is perched on top of the ladder user.
That's just a copy from the article.
Wheres the actual document?
just as bad. probably descendants of slavers owners.
Source: splcenter.org
Why does a "law firm" need so much money?
How many "parties" do you think they have a year at very interesting places?
It sounds like this dude has made a career out of banging jewish sluts.
And fags.
And his family.
Spiritually Jewish.
The SPLC's founding father ((Morris Dees))) should try to get a part in the new Woody Allen movie…
Honey, I Married the Kids
Morris Dees is one of the biggest conmen in the world. Not surprising that he's also a child molester
It's mildly perverted. Boring too. I could see boomers pretending to be horrified by it though after celebrating the release of a real rapist immigrant.
I honestly didn't think at first that was Soon Yi in the picture, in it she actually looks like a cute kid, not even close to the "my mother used to slam a door on my face" look she sports nowadays.
Age really did a number on that dumb cunt.
Found the kike
OP's archive has all the information, faggot.
The brief was filed by Maury Smith, Julia S. Waters and Charles M. Crook, attorneys for Maureene, in the Alabama Court of Civil Appeals:
Docket number is CIV 2114
Instead of being a crybaby why don't you email Big League Politics and politely ask them to upload the whole thing?
It's a tactic that I'm sure was very effective at replacing whites with real pedos back in the day. Why not just give a nigga a job killing him if he's not obeying orders to retire and let Juan or Jamal take over?
Longtime followers of the jew have known about this for decades.
We should get some youtuber user with social skills to do some nice friendly interviews with the ex-wife and step daughter! If we could get them on the #metoo bandwagon we could signal boost the fuck out of this through the normiesphere.
We also could D&C the Left by pointing out that they are using Literal Rapists to vet organizations for social media. How can this bikini wearing incest rapist be the white male who determines what organizations are allowed to be on social media?
True dat… nowadays Soon Yi looks like she fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down.
Her countenance reflects her life style perhaps.
But goyim dont you just hate southern poverty?
what the fuck
What sucks is this is a HUGGGGGE thread but you faggots are too stupid to realize the potentional
Imagine being so depraved by years of excessive pornographic consumption that an old man creeping on his own daughter is "tame" to you and only "boomers" a.k.a. anyone older than 22 and/or remotely well adjusted according to the faggots that use that term starting in the past few months would be horrified by it. Imagine being such a depraved piece of negro shit like (((df9c25))).
I can't tell whether Morris Dees is an actual kike or not. He might as well be. Mark Potok is most definitely a kike, though.
It just keeps happening!
Are there any links between the SPLC and Cartoon Network?
Fucking duh.
Also, OP is a time-traveling faggot. This story was on Daily Stormer 20 years ago, including an early proto-meme of him waking up his stepdaughter by rubbing her back with a big dildo.
Stormfront, rather.
Acroterion is keeping this off Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org
By "20 years" do you mean "4 days"? stormfront.org
Clarification guys: Holly Buck was eighteen when her mother Maureen divorced Morris Dees in March 1979.
In summer 1977 when the vibrator molestation occurred, Holly was only 16 (sixteen) years old. This is clarified at fathersmanifesto.net
Holly was 7 (seven) years old when Maureen and Morris married in 1969, so he had 9 (nine) years to groom her.
Well, the Talmud does say it is ok and freedom of religion is important, right go- boys?
Them being pedos is no different. Simply another source of Jewish projection onto the gentiles. Their inbred (kek, see more of the Jewish projection they attempt through their (((media)))?) Jewish genetics do not help either
jewishencyclopedia com/articles/8123-insanity
haaretz com/israel-news/.premium-1.560128
>something more notable than outright court documents
Dox that kike, he's probably a pedo.
I dunno, I don't read Hebrew. The following quote is allegedly in the Talmud according to rense.com
Does anyone know any alternative translations of Hadarine, 20, B; Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 348 ? I don't know any online databases like what BibleHub does for Old/New comparing different versions of each passage but for the Talmud or any other Jewish scripts. Would also be useful for the muslims documents.
For fairness sake, trying to put a dildo inside your 16 year old daughter who has lived with you since she was 7 does not necessarily mean you have pedophilia. 16 year old girls are pubescent, not prepubescent. I am not aware of any accusations Holly Buck has made against Morris Dees during her preteen (7-12) years with him.
Of course, even if he hadn't acted on it until she was 16, he could have certainly been coveting her for years prior. Odds are there were other subtler instances prior to then. I doubt anybody works up to trying to dildo their step-daughter from 0. More likely he gradually built up to it with subtler harassment / touching which she tolerated/ignored but the dildo bullshit was the final straw and she focused on the most recent, most extreme and most memorable incident of abuse.
Newsflash for the white knights of Zig Forums:
And the most powerful (and frequently abused) weapon of a woman looking to earn the sympathy of the judge and secure the most favourable resource grab possible, is the sexual abuse trope.
Where's the police report? I mean, surely she reported the crime…. right?
This story is a great example of why only a fool involves himself with single mothers.
Poor bastard took in the woman and her child by another man, funded their lives, probably paid for the girl's college, treated her like his own flesh and blood, but the moment mommy decides to pull the eject lever it takes not 10 seconds for them to get their stories straight, to fuck him over in the most royal way possible.
The story is ridiculous. If he had groomed the child since she was 7, blah blah, position of power etc etc, she wouldn't have "raised her voice" and said "no". This is feminist "grrrllll power" LARP.
A real groomee would smile, spread her legs and help him push in the vibrator, while enjoying it immensely (ooh, so edgy and naughty, doing this behind mom's back - and he loves ME more than HER, how EXCITING).
#metoo says we have to take her word for it. Too bad for SPLC.
Got a legit source for that?
Public Record, nice try fag.
Alabama Court of Civil Appeals. Maureene Bass Dees vs Morris S. Dees. Case No. Civ. 2114
Not surprised.
So make them be honest, honorable, and decent human beings?
this guy is right. groomed thots don't complain
I don't have access to public records.
< defend the SPLC
Subjective drivel and you know it.
It appears your brain does not have access to oxygen either
t. has never attempted to locate public records
Is there a version of the story with said corrected age which appears to be accurate? Waiting to share this and hoping for that correction for maximum shock value
What the hell is the sexual fixation Jews so often have for children?
This WWII German poster shows that even way back in the early 20th Century people were talking about Jews having designs upon children.
At the time this would have been called a "propaganda poster", but considering all that has been alleged about the likes of Jeffry Epstein (Lolita Island), Roman Polanski (anal rape of a 14 year old), Woody Allen, etc., and now this allegation about Morris Dees, the vintage poster's message seems to be quite valid.
Always a treasure, AWyattMann
Thanks for the kind words …
added some more detail to the
"Moe and his magic wand" image:
It's obvious that this is exactly the type of kike to partake in all kinds of horrible things. But, I'm a bit skeptical. You aren't under oath when accusing someone in a divorce, and it's very common for women to invent or exaggerate abuse towards their children. It would be hypocritical to believe the accuser now, and call bullshit on other accusations, like the ones on Roy Moore. I still support trying to ruin the guy's life in a Machiavellian way though.
Denny Elfman, a jew, too.
What if he caught his daughter whoring around or masturbating ?
Does he have ties to anything in paritcular we should know about?
Jewish cult practices on display
Any bets that the child was kidnapped, then made 'step-daughter' after the fact to make it (((legal)))?
subversive kikes slandering other people who dare to stand up for themselves
We absolutely should call him a pedophile at every opportunity, even if it's not technically accurate. Normal people don't make this distinction and every time we make people defend him with "he only wants to fuck minors, so he's not a pedophile" it will drive listeners further towards the viewpoint of just gassing every kike they can.
You're not wrong user, but Dees is a kike. I'm not going to cut him any slack and neither should you.
Well that's the (((SPLC))) for you. Seems like the kikes are falling apart everywhere and panicking, hence all their desperation and censorship lately.
That's not Soon Yi, it's his 'adopted daughter' named Bechet Dumaine Allen. Considering what he did with Soon Yi, the likelihood that the old kike is fucking this new kid as well is astronomical
No, I mean 20 years, as in 1998. I used to hit all the sites when the internet was basically brochures that took half an hour to load. This was the first time I'd heard of the SPLC, and I remember being amused when (((A&E))) ran a thing about how awesome this Klan-buster Morris Dees was.
I was pretty young, so of course I didn't have the K-factor figured out. I just knew it was weird.
And then I watched Seinfeld.