Immigration to Poland

Here is the map of immigration to Poland from other countries published by the government:

As you can see it is quite significant on contrary with what is commonly believed by Zig Forums.
I'm not a Pole myself so I'd like to ask Poles what do they thing about it?
To me it seems like the Polish government uses anti-immigration rhetoric as a smoke screen to pacify the Poles who generally don't like immigrants. But at the same time the rhetoric doesn't match real actions and the Polish government pursues the same goal of replacing Poles with immigrants as any other European government by importing tons of immigrants from third world instead of combating emigration from Poland or trying to return Poles that immigrated to other countries.

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Other urls found in this thread:

A lot of Ukrainian jews being let in for some reason.

Poland is backup israel

Look the americans are still in denial

My family's been here for at least 15 generations. Sorry, but I'm not giving up my land to a bunch of shitskins.

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You filthy fucking goy. Don't you realize Americans will never have their own identity so you had better just go to Europe and let the land your ancestors conquered, made theirs and built rot?

We had our own dialect of French before it started to die in earnest because it was decided Americans spoke English.

Goy if you don't start larping as something you are not like all of the good Bostonians right fucking now I'll have to put on my European VPN and start saying how America has no culture. You wouldn't want that now would you?
Now be a good little goy and start saying that you are some inconsequential number like "20% x European ethnicity" so all of the good old world goyim can ridicule you.

My ancestors didn't fight off injun raids long before the USA was an idea so I could be told what I am by some newcomers, kneelers, or those afraid of a trip on a ship. We ventured into the unknown and carved out a place for ourselves and those who try to remove me will learn why Missouri's travel advisory from the NAACP was well deserved.

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Europoors don't want a bunch of cultureless mutts with cut dicks anymore than they want abdul or jamal

Countries from outside Europe barely make 10,000 i think you are just a shill.

Same as Hungary. And we were much smarter than this. All of us.
Blame kikey and it's hahwhite nationalist policies.

Unless these numbers start to become negative, that is, non europeans go home in significant numbers nothing is changing for the better, only getting worse.

- Yurop is being played by both sides (in the political sense) of the conflict.
- Negroes and exploding towelheads are being used in this conflict as scarecrows and allowed to wreck havoc. Were the rules of law properly applied, they wouldn't as much as lift a finger. Interesting observation: the majority of crimes they commit here? Also punishable in whatever shithole they came from. Severely punishable. Well, perhaps with the exception of some totally backward negro lands, but let's be honest here: it takes a twisted mind to fuck a child, not "a lack of understanding of local culture" or whatever pro-negros use as the explanation.
- There are plenty of people who are really in need thanks to the general "muh democracy" politics (fuck you, Obango). Yurop should do something about that, because heck, why not, but it should be something along the lines of remote help, and certainly not at the cost of local safety and stability.
- The biggest problem therefore are local folk, those who actively support this criminal ideology of mass, uncontrolled immigration for whatever reasons they have, AND those who want to use it to gain power and control at cost of common man's freedom. So yeah, no, that our government does the only reasonable thing and oppose the Merkelian march, doesn't make them "good guys". Not at all.

That'd be it, afaic.

Pretty controlled immigration, isn't it?
We just don't like human trash

There are probably already movies there where a woman abandoned by her husband falls in love with a stronk and brilliant Ukranian financier. Once more Ukranian Poles get elected, the next generation will see niggers will flood in to help the economy. The generation after that will be niggers. Just like Afrimerica.

Pretty much. The Polish government is Jew/American controlled false opposition.

PiS kikes sperged out about muh muslims and nogs, when no muslims and nogs wanted to come to Poland because almost no gibz. They got instaled by (((USA))), increased gibz and flooded Poland with 2mln hohols. Now they want bring darkies. Based!

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Like hardline Conservative Thatcher bringing in more violent negros than anyone before her
Like Orban allowing a soft trickle of Africans into Hungary
Basically the entire purpose of kosher Conservatism is to talk a traditionalist game to their supporters but do the same as any leftwing government.
Meanwhile the jewish leftwing media pretends the conservatives are uber hardline far right while the right ring jew media pretends the Conservatives are right wing traditionalists

As some MAGA kiddies are going to eventually realise once the Orange kike psyop is over and America is blacker than before and the jews have even more complete control

JIDF working overtime today
While it is true that PiS is kosher (been saying this for years) and them and the (((big business lobby))) are trying to import 3rd world workers in big numbers, it's not working as well as they thought.

First they tried with the Ukrainians, but a few problems arose:
I live in a large city and I hardly ever see them but we're rather insulated from the rest of the country so it may be biased, I know that Wroclaw is packed with them though

Then they tried with pajeets

Now they'll probably try with Flips and they'll most likely fail as well but many Poles have become aware of the labor shortage kike scheme (((Morawiecki))) is trying to pull off. More and more people are waking up. We'll see.

t. Pole

I may be biased*

And they coming right back. But dont worry, (((PiS))) already drafted law that work visa will last 5 years (just so they can claim residence and bring back family). Pure cohencidence.

This murzynek gets it. I'll add, as living in Warsaw, it's kiked to some extent, but overall by Korwin's aura, things don't get out of control. Nationalist ideas are freely shared, I see stickers with black suns and other edgy shit, no one calls for gassing kikes, but lots call for deportation / murder of mudslimes (maybe kikes are behind this).
The only things that I am concerned about are chinks / vietnamese (although I had not a single problem with gooks, they just annoy me by their sheer quantity), a small bunch of mudslimes, and worst of them all, racemixers. Kick chinks, mudslimes out, come back to openly shaming racemixers, and Warsaw would be in much better shape.
Niggers are, thankfully, very rare and behaved by sheer virtue of standing out like sore thumbs, and Simon Mol's aidsventures.
Hohols, they annoy me as well, but much less. They usually travel in packs, speak perfect russian, and have red necks. I'd deport the fuck out of them too, but if I had to choose, I'd rather see hohols than pajeets and niggers.

t. Ruski

I say let them in. Hope they like this retarded country.

Wow we are so "western", telling other Euros to go home. Don't get me wrong, fuck hoholstanis, but fuck hoholstanis in their own home, those who escape have fucked up lives and we shouldn't be like this to them. Not to mention, loads and loads are Polish descendants, those who remained in Ukraine when our eastern provinces were annexed into the Soviet Union.

Small amounts are fine, but there are way too many of them. Official statistics say 700k, so if you add illegals you get to, at best, 1 million. At worst 2.

If they keep importing immigrants I can definitely see a nationalist party rise very fast (maybe RN if they get their shit together) once people realize that PiS is controlled oppo.

Not gonna happen, trust me.

Have a guess on why I know that you are not from here?

"They are not sending their best" is not a meme. 90+% of migrants, (economic or refugees) are pure trash. I know a few hohols, and most of them are braindamaged libtards. Western hohols (those who don't even speak Russian mostly) are quite a bit better, but also rarer. Same thing applies to Poles in UK - majority are faggots. Stereotypes are there for a reason, and 10% who don't fall under them don't magically make 90% disappear.

That's how fucking things are, hell yeah.

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Why ever would they do that?

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wtf I love PO now

Ding ding ding, we have a winner.

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lel, some people try to tell me that we can get along with the Poland, but then I remind them that the hypocritical (((Polacks))) are worthless. Collecting gibs from EU for so long while having masses of Polacks flood into everyone else's countries, but the second some Ukrainians go to Poland, they lose their fucking minds and start crying about Lviv and other stupid shit. Fuck Poland.

Its better we take "the hit" and side with the Ukies for now ans leverage this for future prospects than leave them to Russia and gain nothing. They're not as bad as the gyspies or muslims, many are escaping a retarded war with the country they basically belonged to twenty years ago, they're not going to be perfect, I understand that and can't help but feel pity and sadness to whatever degree. We have to be the better ones here, we are a Christ of nations afterall xD


t. hohol

Local elections this year, make sure to vote guys. RN or Korwin, maybe Kukiz '15 if you can't convince anyone to vote for the former


Are you retarded?
PO is marxism, PiS is zionism.

You subhumans didn't even get it on your own
Other than petlura your nationalism was and still is quite literally "we wuz"-tier

Are you so fucking retarded to actually believe that Germany or whatever country is supplying the gibs in your mind does it without any interest or ulterior motive?
I'm sure whoever supplies those gibs that seem to always get embezzled (unless 3 benches in a park amount to 300 million €) just does it out of charity and good will that gets abused by those pesky non-white slavs and greeks (^:

This, at least people counting votes will have more work falsifying them!

No wonder a Russian dude I knew called Polish people the "niggers" of Europe.

It's meant to be a honour.

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Get the fuck out already, here's your (((You)))

Every time

Why Soros & his tribe Hate Poland - -This Map Says It All

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Ukrop education is just autistically screeching all day and denying reality?

If you were familiar with a certain Champion of Democracy, you'd know that in a democracy voters don't matter, and people who count votes do.
In addition, the most important element of democracy is preparing alternatives that ensure that no matter the result, democracy is the winner every time.

Also, there's nothing suspicious in Korwin getting 4.76% (epic meme btw. plesae repost it multiple times on social media like faceberg and wykop), .Nowotworowa getting 13% without Petru even managing to open his mouth in public but getting stellar reviews from Huj Maurice Marie Louise Verhofstadt

I won't be giving jidfniggers their (You)s, they may as well fuck off.

Ale jaja
But seriously, no matter how kiked is PiS, I'm glad that "Total opposition" just dies harder every day. Whoever has no idea on how stupid most polish political parties are, look up "Total Opposition Hysteria", a comedic sketch. Even if you hate (((Dziób Prezesa))), that sketch is pure lulz, especially on the matter of how Establishment reacts to it.

Stop replying to shills. They profit out of it.

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Here it is. Polite sage for doubleposting.

It is always the same with the beggars and parasites in the EU. Never ever will they utter a thank you for our new streets, railways, airports jadajada.
Instead they curse you and claim they would have the same without billions in subsidies and direct aid. We have seen that with the Club Med and Ireland and we see that with eastern Europe.

I for my self be quite in favor of tactical nuclear strikes, to smoke out the vermin once and for all.

This. Same with Hungary. These are - compared to other countries - very jew-friendly.

>imports (((Multi national corporations))) instead
>implements cut and kickback scheme to (((share))) EU money while building 3 full metal benches in a park, good for winter and summer alike

You and all of eastern Europe should never have been allowed to join the EU, same for the Mediterranean.

The EUs fuckery that is ruining small businesses is the same for all countries and not related to the unbalanced payments you retard.
Once again the same for every country and as you may have noticed these are American companies.

Take your D&C elsewhere. Europeans need to stick together to fight the (((EU))) and infighting is directly supporting the kikes plans of weakening each individual country.

Based med bvlls bullying the sissy westoids for money.

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Now you are laughing, in the future you wont

Sorry fam, I guess I'll just have to wait and see what you're preparing for us then.

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Wow a threat with comic book depictions of bad copies of cold war Soviet tanks I’m impressed…

Remember where you live, Tyrone

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I'm in Wroclaw and I see ukrainians a lot. It's really bad. I guess if you compare it to Germany and France it's not that bad, nowhere close, but why should we accept it. I agree on the stickers though, I see them a lot, especially for ONR. And it's cool that even though I'm in a major city I'm not afraid of talking about right wing politics. The one thing that is really killing me about Poland is the holohoax. It really sucks, I don't know anyone talking about it, I know it's illegal and that's probably why, but even the supposedly national socialist movements are complaining about "polish death camps being really german!!" it's bullshit. call the kikes out daily (or as they like to call them, the eternaly wandering tribe ) but the holohoax is never questioned and the members and viewers of this site (judging by the comments) seem to believe it really happen (too bad Hitler didn't go all the way there etc.)

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More like russian slavic turko-mongolic call their neighbors who also happen to be slavic turko-mongolic 'non-whites', slavic infighting are always entertaining to watch.

Like anyone on Zig Forums supports immigration. People like me think the same about poles abroad as we do about Ukrainians here.

user is right and said the same few times when there was a thread on Poland.

get a load of this kike

Literally no one thinks of whiteness in Eastern Europe. WE know we're descendant of Sarmatians and based med bvlls (none which are white), this is why Slavic, or Polish specifically, is ~40% Latin and 50% ancient Indo-European, more closely related to an Indic language like Urdu than to other European ones like German. WE are descendants of the first men who build civilization and the Aryans who spread it while c*mskins were squabbling in their mudhuts.

Oops wrong file.

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Be that as it may, at least we won't rape your daughters. And circumcision is losing popularity even among white Americans.

Nice D&C kike.

In reality, slav, celt and germanics share the same goddamn stock.

That's how it happens. It's a slow multi-generational (((drip))). You Poles need to expel your 8,000 kikes. At least you guys have a lot less to go through (thanks to Uncle Adolf). We have more work on our hands, unfortunately.

8000 is a very small number to by either ways.

I think there are currently more jews in Germany for some reasons?

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Yeah, Germany has ~120-250,000 out of a total population of ~83 million.

And Wroclaw is probably the most pozzed and cucked city in the country in terms of politics (Gdansk is a close second, wondering why it's always cities with a historical German influence)
Fucking ((((((((((((((((((((Dutkiewicz)))))))))))))))))))

I bet most of them live in Frankfurt, that place is crawling with (((them))), it was the only airport in europe which I saw a sinagogue especifically for them in an airport.

Out of a total pop of ~38.5 million.

Frankfurt was always kike infested (except during the NSDAP era, that is), the Jewish ghetto there at one point was the largest in all Europe. It's also the birthplace of the Rothschild family. Shame, because I'm told it's a beautiful city.

But it's true, this is the average pleb
while our small businesses and entrepreneurs are getting fucking slaughtered by (((multinational corporations))) and endless regulations put in place to fuck the little guy in the ass

>have a very good knowledge about cuts and kickbacks, and (((who))) gets the money (if anything, that shit is common knowledge)

Not all people think like that of course, but this is popular opinion.

Bullshit map.

Frankfurt is kike infested because it was the headquarter of US forces in Europe.

As an absurdly racist antisemitic white American, I want to leave this shithole country and go to Visegrad, Austria, or Italy. Any recommendation

Did you know that jews in Europe mainly pander to American tastes to keep their CONTINENT SIZED JUDEA II GOLEM INTERESTED?

When they virtue signal with Christianity then they really are banking on the Americans to think that's really cool because NOBODY in Europe except jew bastions are unironically into Christianity.

You think I would be motivated to go to Poland because of "based Christianity"?
I'm German. My people tried their best to keep things close to the true powers despite leaders going jewish.

The entirety of Europe did.
Even basic building blocks of "Christianity" from Europe like Halos on saints (which had to be created too, appropriate heathen heroes, etc) and such are heathen, they represent the Sun, so the people of Europe can bask in it, pay tribute to it, confide in it even under jewed leaders who fell for the jew version of Christianity (aka basic Christianity that jews pushed for Europe and would have loved to have done without Saints and co, after all, to expel jews from nations, they had to have gotten into the nation somehow. Christianity.)

American Christianity is pretty close to the jewish ideal, almost no customs, especially the Germanic ones despite many many Americans being of Germanic genetic stuck, circumcision, etc.
It's sad.

But they love "Christian news" the most. They didn't see the carnage and treason and bullshit it created.
It's a young nation and they see Christianity like naive liberals see Niggers.

But yeah, whatever.

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Also, many Americans see jews as a sort of ally, etc
This is also very important to them and one of the cornerstones of Christianity, jews trying to sell Egyptians and other enemies of theirs as enemy heathens and the poor jews as more of the nation to be infested.
That's why they have figures like Samson and co, too.

While in reality no fucking jew ever had any physical battle prowess.
They are the Fievel Mouskewitzes, the small little harmless…parasites.

As explained here ( "file" exists)
How jews converted Anglos by passing themselves off as Anglos and Egyptians like Vikings, etc.

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…assuming one gets caught, which can be pretty unlikely in a major shithole

Which city is this??! I already lost hope that such a place still exists in this enriched country.
t. wrocławfag

Don't worry though, we are going to pull a China on these kikes. Just use the resources they give us until they stop doing so.
I'm actually very convinced of this. Also PiS is closely following to what is going on in Hungary with Fidesz and Orban specifically.
This time Hungary has taken the lead against the Globalist elite.

For now it is wait, I'm pretty idealistic about our future though… I even see a possibility of getting something bigger out of the Three Seas Innitiative, taking Austria with us as well.

Please enlighten us what colonial crimes did our white ancestors supposedly do to you niggers.

Pokaż mi paragraf, cwelu. Nie ma takiego.

Well, they weren't Polish and they weren't death camps. So I guess fixing at least one of the lies is a move in the right direction…

No one thinks of whiteness because we were always only white, blacks etc simply never existed for us except tv, and barely as that. Till i was 18, ive maybe seen a black person total of 3 times. People are completely shocked with multiethnicity.

Good. It's time to get the Jews out of Ukraine.

Here is more people in Wroclaw who share Zig Forums views.
That's the fact there is no pression if you talk about your right wing opinions in Wroclaw but here is much than more leftist scum than you could imagine (look at the facebook group "wrocław sorry że nie w temacie"), (((Razem))) socialist party is one of the strongest opposition to PIS in Wroclaw

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nie spinaj sie tak, jezeli nie ma to dobrze ale w takim razie nie rozumiem dlaczego nie ma o tym mowy. Jesli chodzi o obozy to ja powinno sie mowic z3 byly to obozy wojenne tak jak w USA byly dla japoncow a nie jakis wielke plany na zajebanie zydow

I don't have a Facebook so I wouldn't know, but I can believe it. Would be cool to meet up or something but how to arrange that without doxing yourself

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Right on brother, my ancestor William Bradford came here in 1620 on the Mayflower. Come what may, I shall live and die on this land, for freedom, for forever.

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defeatism thread
your claims are false

Nie wiem stary, ja mam ziomka, który wkręcił mnie w Zig Forums i chętnie w sumie poznalibyśmy kogoś normalnego tutaj.

art. 55 ustawy ustawy z dnia 18 grudnia 1998 r. o Instytucie Pamięci
Narodowej Komisji Ścigania Zbrodni przeciwko Narodowi Polskiemu.

Proszę bardzo.

All Mayflower descendants will be killed on the day of the rope


I think he was simply saying Slavs are "white" Europeans not "brown" modern Turks. But you are also correct. Euros unite.

All """white""" Polakcs need to go back to Sweden we are Sarmatian bulls.

are you sure

i asked my grandparents if the person i saw that was black was burnt, he just kinda hurried me along