Israel steps up its war on mixed marriages!

Why don't we get to see these stories on the trash talk shows like Jerry Springer and Maury Povich?

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B-b-but you told me multiculturalism was such a wonderful thing….

Imagine if a christian said this.

Stupid fucks. Bet their porn is partially to blame for this.

I agree with him, jews should unassimilate and go back to israel and commit mass suicide.

Side note but kind of related: do you think it's a good time to start a "love your own kind" campaign? I was thinking of spreading posters around towns

I gotta stick to my principles and say good for them for forming an ethnostate, but fuck them for brainwashing everyone else into not forming one.


What a bigoted, racist view of the world! Doesn't Israel know that diversity is our strength? Sounds like we need to tell young Jewish women that they need to be liberated from the oppressive Israeli state and their propaganda! Love is free!

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Seeing pets in costumes always makes laugh.

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never gonna happen schlomo, the cultural poz effects everyone including its creators.

Spread this shit everywhere

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checked and heil

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Kek. Thats fantastic work

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Based. I'm taking notes.

Lol. Every single time a thread like this posted it gets ignored by pol. Why is that?

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There’s only about 4-5 people here that aren’t shills or feds.

Because it's stupid, nobody gives a fuck about israel short of the whole shithole burning, and people have more important things to post about.
Compared to pedo hunt threads, this is slidey bullshit.

What are you trying to hide Chaim? Afraid the goyim will notice all the kike TV shows focus on goyim only race bait stories and wonder why they never talk about the jews?

You almost have to be a boomer to fully appreciate these. Turnabout is fair play.

Director: Stanley Kramer
Producers: Stanley Kramer, George Glass
Screenwriter: William Rose

Don´t be racist schlomo, embrace the enrichment.


It is really important that we promote multiculturalism, open borders, and race mixing with niggers for isreal, just like they did for Europe and her former colonies. Remember, nobody loves black cock like Jewish women!

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Its good to have a comedy thread every once and awhile.
Cheers cunt

We should start funding Arab pro-miscegination groups within Israel. Pay niggers $100 for every jewess they impregnate.

Posting here isn't nearly as smooth on mobile as 4chinz. It's gotten better by virtue of Clover allowing you to add non-4chan sites but it's still buggy


lol get fucked kikes

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Amazing that our greatest ally has anti-miscegenation laws. We need them here too.

They even hate niggers (like every other sane person and nation on earth) and have state backing to sterilise, forcefully deport, and kill niggers. Why can't we be more like Jews?

They even have death squads with complete public backing.

Americans must learn from our greatest ally and their teachings such as "death to all shitskins". Yahweh bless.

They have a pretty sweet border wall too, I hear.

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That they do. We must learn from and emulate our greatest ally. It would be antisemitic otherwise.

Excellent must-see video on a highly influential and very creepy Jewish supremacist group:

Amplify this on leftist social media. Hoist them by their own petard.

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Oy! That doesn't look like 110 IQ brains to me. Actually, they look like Mexicans.

All the far-right politicians in western nations should follow Israeli policy and then point to Israel when their own (((media))) or anyone else dares to question policy.

I second this one

Israel is too (((White))) FIFY



White single and into petite White girls that are athletic and not stuck up thots, yes I am.

I cant harass mixed couples but i stare at them, not sure if i am allowed to stare at them, might be illegal in europe.
also not sure if staring at them makes them feel worse or better, they definitely feel uncomfortable, the question is what they will take from it?

Someone alert the ADL. We cannot have such vile hatred and human rights violations to exist in this world!

>Why don't we get to see these stories on the trash talk shows like (((Jerry Springer))) and (((Maury Povich)))?

You. Know. Why.


I cant let you do that, Israel!

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Wow, yet you Jews push it on us white goyim instead. The hypocrisy is real.

Just keep bumping it with quality posts, my dudes.