Obama-era Consumer Finance Protection Bureau was: "Like the NAACP with subpoena power"
The Consumer Finance Protection Bureau, one of President Obama's dwindling number of surviving signature accomplishments, routinely shook down finance companies and forced them to charge higher rates to good (i.e. white) borrowers to cover bad loans to risky (i.e. black) ones. This complaint, given by former Ally CEO Michael Carpenter to the New York Daily News in February 2016, got effectively zero press coverage at the time, on the grounds that Trump is racist and electing Hillary was murble-furdle-FUCK DRUMPF!!!
According to Carpenter, who inexplicably seems not to be Jewish, despite decades spent working in consumer finance, the regulatory agency approached him in a manner just like a Mafia shakedown. One day, out of the fucking blue, his company, Ally Financial, got a letter accusing the firm of racially discriminatory lending practices and demanding $100 million. In lieu of what would have been a backbreaking (and unprecedented) settlement for largely fictional wrongs, the Administration offered a way out: adjust future lending practices to create car-loan welfare and make sure niggers get the same loans normal people have to earn through hard work and careful saving. According to Carpenter, it was basically a strongarm maneuver on behalf of Obama's natural constituency of deadbeats and welfare cheats:
The CFPB was founded during Obama's first term and was, like the royal nog himself, largely a reaction against Jew-run banks by well-meaning liberals which used to be a thing. The creation of the Bureau, which was intended to be a sort of FBI for mortgages, car loans, and credit cards, is largely credited to Indigenous-American Senator Elizabeth Warren.
Meanwhile, under the direction of Obama's chosen stooge Richard Cordray, the Bureau got confused on its way to regulate banks and accidentally wound up using its horrific leverage to advocate social change, largely on behalf of niggers who couldn't qualify for a payday loan without government intervention. Federal thrift regulators regularly demanded reports from private lenders that included the racial breakdown of their clientele, and they issued warnings when there weren't enough Basketball-American borrowers to keep America's Buick LaCrosses with all-leather interiors on the road. This was apparently a huge operation that actually shifted the demographics of car ownership in the United States.
Hilariously, by April 2011, some publications were burbling about how cool it was that nigger car registrations rose by over 10% in a single year (2010). Those same publications, however, sadly missed the part where all the niggers woke up one morning in 2012 to find a tow truck in the parking lot of their public housing, towing their Cadillac Escalades away.
Naturally, none of this was free. Lenders were forced to abandon discretionary pricing and charge flat rates across racial categories, which in practice meant overcharging good borrowers like whites and, surprisingly, spics, while undercharging niggers and chinks, who both have awful rates of loan repayment.
Carpenter describes the federal bureau as being staffed by a bunch of civil rights activists who seem to have viewed their role as key to forcing social change, as if what's wrong with black America is the lack of easy credit. The let's-help-niggers attitude prevalent at the Bureau led them to behave like, as Carpenter put it: "the NAACP with subpoena power."