"I am looking into 3-D Plastic Guns being sold to the public. Already spoke to NRA, doesn’t seem to make much sense!"
"I am looking into 3-D Plastic Guns being sold to the public. Already spoke to NRA, doesn’t seem to make much sense!"
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I am looking into 3-D Printed Foreskins to make you halfdicks feel less alone.
implying he wants to make it illegal?
What is the best place online to learn how to make homemade firearms in case the Rus invade?
Perhaps he could look into a wall instead.
Rus or E.T. or privatized militancy like protection against mafiosos and African barbarism.
He could mean that he doesn't understand the technology, or the NRA's position on the matter. Regardless, it's just a fucking TWEET and should be taken as such.
There are plans out there, some of them quite simple. Like the Sten; bedsprings and bolts.
They all require a gun barrel. Making the gun barrel is the hardest part; long straight bore into some pretty hard steel, and then you need to rifle it. My buddy did a pretty shitty ass job of it but he made one.
Try origami.
meant for
oh no time to panic if it leads to changing the laws regarding manufacturing your own guns
The issue is the State Department claims it has the power to control the export of weapons under the Arms Control Act of 1976. The plans are available to the entire world and not export controlled.
Hell, even my copy of "SPICE" was export controlled. How stupid is that?
I think this "Liberator" gun has a plastic barrel. I mean, it's shit firearms wise.
and then you would still need ammo
better off making muskets tbh
It's not a NRA problem, it's a "it's illegal to photo-copy your butt on a photocopier"-problem.
Uh, that’s obviously what it’s doing, retard. We’re going to have these guns taken from us.
AR-15s are useless, shlomo?
A shotgun can be any old tube, doesn't even need to be steel.
What is the point of these guns? Why would you want to print a gun with plastic parts when ones with metal parts are readily available?
$3 5-shot disposable gun.
muh capitalism
learn to read instead of projecting your red herring onto my statement doublenigger
What I see when I read this is, "Selling plastic 3-D printed guns to the public doesn't make much sense".
It doesn't. Why the hell would I buy a 3-D printed plastic gun? That leaves a record of sale, and would require the gun be serialized.
Now, if Trump had said "making 3-D printed guns doesn't make sense", then I might be concerned.
I'm just not concerned about this tweet since there seems to be nothing at all to be concerned about.
why in the fuck do (((they))) think they can stop this? boomers man, shit. they dont get it
Not likely. You can make a better 3d printer yourself out of junk than you can buy.
burner gun for shooting on-Whites late at night while you are driving home. shoot them and toss that shit out the window next to their dead body
More likely the first.
what the fuck is GOING ON!? This fucking man is NOT a president.
Grow up, you fucking pussy.
Thanks for admitting you were wrong. You have no argument.
This makes it impossible for the government to take away guns.
Being pro gun control is one of the few if only issues Trump has ever been steady on his entire life.
Yes, the pipe shotgun, I've seen some designs that seem likely to kill both the target and the guy using it. Some are quite good tho.
Maybe a double barrel pipe shotgun 3D printed… humm…
He's having a "WTF is anyone supposed to do about it?" moment.
Trump has always been pro assault weapons ban
Your skin isn't very fair, is it?
good you spics are dumb
All I need to make ammo is some lead, the brass, and maybe some children's fireworks.
Saw one guy make powder from matches; the kind of shit I did as a kid to make little bottle rockets.
Well that's a heuge waste of money. Just use a steel plumbing pipe for each barrel.
It really doesn't matter either way.
Nice to know Feinstein's gun grabber in chief buddy the orange kike is looking to shut down all loopholes for American's rights to bear arms
Makes all the cartoon frogs and support for genocidal NeoCon jews seem all worth it in the end…
you can print ar15 receivers now, so yeah; it doesn't matter
Why dont you go sell some pogs you fucking boomer.
It's illegal under the 1976 Arms export law, is what the state department is saying.
I guess they fear the North Koreans and the Iranians are going to steal our advanced single shot lame ass gun technology.
Seriously, that's just a pretext. The problem is that the gun has almost no metal, even the barrel is plastic. It has a nail and a bullet and can easily be smuggled though TSA checkpoints.
"Hey, esse? Wanna -buy-(snrrk,. LOLOLOLOLOLO AHHHH-HAHAHAHAHAAA!) a plastic gun?
that was a genX/millennial thing. boomers didnt fuck with pogs
Im in the millennial generation and I used to fuck with pogs and yes that shit was gay
So, you print the lower receiver and the mechanics; the part that is the firearm under the law, and then buy all the rest of the parts without having to ID…
Not sure I like the idea of a shitty ass plastic lower receiver… but okay.. Easier than finishing an 80%.
What's a "pog"? A pokyman character?
People along the border have already received notice that government officials will be coming through in relation to building the wall. So nice try faggot.
To the boomer, the pog was the wax carboard insert at the top of the milk bottle that the milk man under the paper cover.
You'd play with the pog as the milk man fucked your mother, IIRC.
agreed. but the point is, we have access no matter what (((they))) try to enforce. even if this was all we had, a small group could take over a lightly guarded armory and get some better shit if need be.
it was a game. look it up, although you already know this
Yeah, I googled it right after I asked.
Thanks for reminding me I'm a durr.
Like the jew mafia boss thread, suddenly this thread seems overly preoccupied with the relevance of "pogs" forgetting completely the subject is the kike puppet in chief going after all loopholes to curtail gun ownership
I suppose if we talk enough about pogs we can forget about allthis gun grabbing stuff
pog is an injin drinking game
Pic related
Old stuff. Cap on a glass milk bottle from the middle of the last century.
Literally, the game was first placed with milk bottle pogs.
People didn't have computers then and they played with garbage.
Dude, it was over.
Why do you keep talking about plastic, motherfucker? THESE ARE METAL GUNS WE’RE CREATING.
Still not an argument. Now you’ve outed yourself as a paid shill.
Playing with garbage is how the white race conquered the world. Only our creativity could have come up with something for this shit.
No you stupid kike cuck anything potentially bad that drumplpf says is automatically absolute fact and already happened because he's a kike plant and also don't fucking vote in the midterms.
Actual Epiphany.
Since Trump is also the one who put an end to the federal case against 3D2A, only a nigger would worry about it. Just more concern trolling so he appears to gaf about it and appease women.
exactly. this cant be stopped anyway. 3D printers will only become more common
POGS are a Jap invention by the way.
Who was fuckin slammin the pogs back in the day?
Sounds like Menko, Bettan or Patchin and not not "Pog".
Japanese didn't even drink milk. Lactose intolerant.
Oh Schlomo, your bot couldn't have kicked in on a weaker target. All of the files are already out there. There's whole shit heaps more than what you'll find on the normie web out there.
god damn it I fucking hate (((Boomer Blumpf))) so much
Foregen is unironically going to do that once they have their procedure available with decellularized foreskins from fresh cadavers
You know what? I'm gonna download it tomorrow and make a AR-15 lower receiver and one of these shitty sidearms, just to see how fucking scared I am to actually fire one.
Maybe take it to the national forest, put it in the vice, and pull the trigger with a string from 50 feet.
Why the fuck is the guy in the black shirt holding the filter mechanism for a Dyson vacuum cleaner?
shills are really upset by this, its pretty funny
your already filtered, I cant hear you :) thanks, thats what I wanted
its pretty vague amigo. and bump stocks are still legal….
They won't make it illegal. Can you imagine the man power required? They would probably create bait PDFs (they probably already have) and then it would create a huge legal crisis.
Wow I'm so tired of winning, please stop Mr trump. Really after jerselum, and Syria and those tax cuts. How could I take anyone winning
What could go wrong here? yah seems good.
Yeah, they were too busy smoking weed and fucking niggers.
syria bombing of an airport? tax cuts that gave me 400 dollars a month extra? the moving of a jerusalem that made israel get hated openly?
dont forget about the wall, ICE deportations, meltdown of the dnc and media, hollywood burning,
i never thought his presidency would lead to half of this.
Let us know how it goes, I'm legitimately curious.
plz make video
I think this one is preddy cute
Im stoked. throwaway pistols for murdering niggers, spics, and kikes with impunity? sounds good to me
Yes. Just like bump stocks. Trump is a gun grabber at heart.
Ah, yes: The round built for the microdick male.
This was the same fucking excuse you bozos used with bump-stocks. TYPICAL SLOW-BOIL TACTICS.
you mean this wall, the one that is being built. or are you going to call this a fence too :)
You don't. Non rifled barrels are perfectly fine inside 50 yards fro practical applications of such guns.
Hey look its the same pics from a year ago
such progress
also, rifled bullets exist. my shotgun has a smooth bore and when i get rifled slugs, those hit 300 yards… not accurately. but its also a 1oz hunk of metal. i can easily hit something at 200y though.
interesting, I did not know this
That is a fence. It is the same type of fence that has been on sections of the border for years. Congress allowed repairs to a few miles that were damaged and/or old.
Its a wall
Its only see-thru so you can see the beaners on the other side attempting to climb it.
The problem is NO PROGRESS
It's fake news anyway. Trumpcucks are suffering from a reverse form of trump derangement syndrome, where they believe the fake stories put out by MSM to scare progressives are true.
It is not a wall. It is a fence and has always been referred to as a fence.