Druid/pol/ #0022 "LAMMAS NIGHT STORM" edition


Again, I greet you in the manner to which we have become accustomed. The time for our portentous new thread is nigh! I therefor bid you a warm welcome to our most auspicious XXII (vigintiduo) thread.
Lammas Night is almost upon us and the B.O.N.D prepares its rites and celebrations in honour of this most glorious and portentous of nights.
This summer has seen an incredible amount of rising heat - both physically and metaphorically - the heat of Bel/Belenos has bathed us our isles and the heat of righteous anger is burning away in millions of hearts across the globe. What follows heat of the sun? Why the storms of course! The storms shall follow the heat, again both physically and metaphorically. Taranis shall nourish the land with his rain, his presence portended by magnificent peals of thunder as glorious flashes of lightning streak the sky and lick the highpoints of the earth.

A storm is coming. OUR STORM. And when it arrives it will shake the face of the entire world!

The arcana governing this thread is that of The Fool. A unique card in the major arcana, The Fool can either number 0 or XXII - essentially the beginning and the end - alpha/omega and the continuous circle of the ouroboros in the cycle of infinity (fitting for the site that is our home)
As for the cards meaning, The Fool is shown at the beginning of his journey with unlimited potential. The sun rising up behind him represents the beginning of his journey. He is facing north-west, the direction of the unknown. He is looking upwards, toward the sky, or Spirit. He is about to step off a cliff into the material world but is he prepared? He has all the tools and resources he needs in the bag on his staff but he has not opened the bag yet. The white rose in his left hand represents purity and innocence. He has a guardian in the little white dog who will protect him throughout his journey but who will also push him to learn the lessons the Fool came here to learn. The mountains behind the Fool represent the realms of Spirit that he has just left and will spend his life trying to regain.
Upright, the card represents: Beginnings, spontaneity, originality, innocence & a leap/leaps of faith.
Reversed, the card can represent Naivety, poor judgement, folly, lack of direction, stupidity and chaos so be aware of these aspects in your day to day dealings.

This threads governing planetary body is Mars - The Red Planet. He signifies war, strength and martial prowess. Under the governance of Mars we will seek to hone our spiritual and physical fighting prowess and ask for a portion of his strength to aid us in the war to come.

On the homefront the B.O.N.D remains vigilant and strong in our resolve. The time has come for the annual revision of the B.O.N.D Charter Tenets (as written in the document Codex Druidicvs) so that task shall be accomplished (via lodge consensus) throughout this thread. Any lads who wish to contribute to the new, updated charter are welcome to post ideas, suggestions and pictures/symbols to be added to the amended document.

As ever, the topical newslinks are presented for the readers perusal and delectation

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Other urls found in this thread:



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Very nice lad

"Naivety, poor judgement, folly, lack of direction, stupidity and chaos" about describes me right now smh

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Nice work lad, don't forget our board


Dumped a whole load of good reads there today

Thanks lad. It applies to me too - i mean who manages to drop their phone down the bog while they are having a piss and lose all thir important contacts
me thats who
The fool at work right there.

Of course. Sorry, forgot to include it in the OP lad like I should have done. /druid/ is a great resource. Ill have a look at what you dumped in a bit

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I wanted to take a moment to say I'm so very proud of all you lads (and lurking lassies). Keep up the great work. Never get demoralized. I love you.

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This post is satire, do not ban or delet pls

Thanks lad, we try our best

(((schizoposter))) how we missed you. Truly your presence always enriches the quality of out threads content.

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good satire too tbh lad, you got him down to a tee
Bet us talking about him will summon him and hell make an appearance at some point. He cant keep away from here.

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Reminder that (((Robert))) became a global mod and switches IPs to bump a thread nobody reads. He also anchors your threads.

He does this to promote pedophilia religions like (((esotericism))) which is a branch of larping Judiasm within Christianity and Islam and always has been. It has no historical legitimacy but it a re-writing of our ancient traditions just like wicca.

This is not brit/pol/
He makes a brit/pol/ copy in order to hide his intentions. The BOND were freemasons that sacrificed children and deeply connected to Crowley's teachings. The golden apple is part of these groups and so is the tarrot. Last thread about about Saturn worship
It has nothing to do with REAL Druids. It is Christian Freemasonry.

We are not Neanderthals
And exposing this fact, exposing that Cro-Magnon are our ancestors and that Atalantis was more than likely the Knosis civilization of pre-Greek/Thracian/Sparta pisses him off. He wants you to believe Hitler is a Luciferians. Serrano was a CIA agent working in South America during a time when the CIA was created false nationalists groups like the Alt-Right in order to fight the Soviet take-over but also to demoralize German transplants, expose them to Luciferian doctrines, and out them as potentials.

This is a psy-op thread and the only reason it's allowed is because it functions as one. It doesn't belong on Zig Forums, brit/pol, but is /x/ at its most Jewish.

>(((schizoposter))) how we missed you. Truly your presence always enriches the quality of out threads content.

Here we have (((Robert))) doing fake bumps of the thread and already establishing a strawman to attack. He's hoping anyone who he can bait into this strawman of "schizo" (his favorite insult across both chans) will bump the thread and create false opposition to a false thread. Diagnosing the goyim is a natural instinct for the pathological Jew. The same way the Alt-Right uses Morpheus, (((Robert))) will often use Alt-Right terms like this because he lacks creative thinking.
Just look at the memes. They're all try-hard bullshit and lack any personal inspiration to match his comments. His replies mirror Alt-Right FED shills because he thinks that's how its done. Often he will Imkamphy smug post to fit in. It's all about fitting in because he's a 40 something year old kike with no job who has made it his mission to lurk here, gather info, then make videos.
His videos are 100% based on Zig Forums's comments over the years, mixed with /fringe/ books. He's lazy and can't invent or research for himself. His youtube page is full of sock-puppet comments that read like they're fake as fuck praises of his work, "you change my life, you are truly a visionary!".
He often virtues signals for the Jews but then jumps right back into pretending to be an Aryan because that's his obsession. He also calls himself Bodi Mantra on youtube and 4chan but has used it less and less now that it's been exposed.

The fact that these threads are left up is for the same reason the Alt-Right rally threads were left up. It's a kind of inverted neet MGTOW self debasement that FEDs enjoy inflicting on the cattle. Hence Serrano and other esoteric shills larping as 'Nazi'.
It's a long term program we see in music videos for blacks larping esoterics, but this is the white nationalist version.
Unfortunatly for (((Robert))) no one is funding him, he's a trustfund baby from Los Angeles. He has no charisma or leadership skills so he will continue to pine away hoping his fellow Jews will notice his demoralization techniques. But he's a bad writer and will often criticize people's spelling and punctuation in order to feel more secure in his abilities. But it's pure projection. Again, he lacks basic creative skills and that's why he steals from Zig Forums like a Hollywood kike steals screenplays.

It's a very sad sad life for poor old man (((Robert))). And it's only going to get worst for him. Feel bad for him. He makes Smiley look like rock star, he's that pathetic.

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Well speak of the devil….

maybe schizolad could have a place in the druid enclave, in a pit where people can come and watch him rant for amusement

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topkek, just as predicted. Like a moth to the flame, the (((schizoposter))) approacheth…

Kek, he is practically the resident village idiot at this point so why not. Hes become a permenant feature. He wants us off the board but instead just gets laughed at and meme'd while his cries and protestations of "muh (((bobbert)))" fall on deaf ears.

Schizoposter, this tune goes out to you

(((robert))) the global mod speaks. Alreadys posting his shitty 90s yuppy Jew taste in music.

Here is a ban that was in a thread anchored 3 days after the ban occured. He did it for spite because that's how Jews roll.

Reminder that the shithead pedo who screams "OH GREAT ANOTHER BOOM SCHIZO THREAD!" in every pedophile investigation thread is (((robert))).

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I wasn't expecting this my Limey friends. It's funny to see how schizoposter has evolved over the years since I first met him in those threads about Europe's Neanderthal heritage.

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> but instead just gets laughed at and meme'd while his cries and protestations of "muh (((bobbert)))" fall on deaf ears.

Notice that (((Robert))) likes to be called Bob and will correct you if you make that mistake.

Again, the Jew who tries to promote Neanderthal race mixed whites meme is (((Robert))).

Get him mad enough and he'll make a Neanderthal thread. And then everyone on Zig Forums trolls him into a fury of pathological Jew nose bleeding.

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The fool is truly blessed.

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Notice the prepared meme. He was ready to promote himself in this thread. It's a ban meme. The kind you would see Left/pol/ bastardizing because he in essence is a lefty/pol/ type delusional faggot with no creative skills or genuine sense of humor.

Again, I'm only doing OPs work for him in these posts.
This is the run-down of what we will get from Druid/pol/. A expectation of what the theme is about.

So all the Jewish esoteric pedo and /fringe/ kids can come in and posts mentally ill commentary while (((Robert))) encourages them to become more "spiritual" and reject natural life, hoping to find his next video subject matter (mostly stolen from other youtuber's scenes).

Notice the lack of inspiration from any of his memes. He doesn't know how to meme. He has a collection of Zig Forums memes from 4chan he attaches to comments without any real reason for doing it because he doesn't have that Aryan creative spirit. He's just mirroring it.

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We've had some good druidic content lately, thanks to the lads posting it.

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kek, seems the threads governing arcana is asserting its influence, no doubt.

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There are no lads, just you posting over and over again with an occastional /fringe/ fag asking questions you can't really answer. There is nothing about celts or Druids, just freemason esoteric shit. Your memes suck (((Robert))).

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So you so deep set in your delusions its actually hilarious. I dont usually laugh at the mentally ill but in your case i'll make an exception.

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Poor old man (((Robert))). Nobody loves the creepy occultist Jew? Do you have to spend all day sockpuppeting youtube and Zig Forums to get attention? Do you even know who is who, is it a thousand avatar personality split?

Did you get monarched as a boy growing up in Los Angeles? I feel bad for you.

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Take your chlorpromazine you fruitcake headcase.

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Stealing Brit/pol/ and doing a shit job of it. Not even writing like the typical old brit/pol anons but just including "lad" in every post doesn't make you British. You're an LA kike, and you post LA club late 80s early 90s music in every thread.

The tell tale sign you're arguing with a beta Jew is the lack of creativity in memes and the adherence to supplementing real humor or whit for a high vocabulary. Jon Stewart was famous for this. It gives the false impression of a thoughtful joke to stupid normies.

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Interesting to note that Tintin represented the sacred fool as well in the form of the explorer accompanied by the little white dog Snowy. The Broken Ear demonstrated the tactics of international arms and banking cartels, and Herge's final (((uncompleted))) work, Tintin and Alph-Art, was going to be about airports, art smuggling, and occult societies. It is extremely likely this plot was considered too dangerous to let him complete the work, and his assassination by mossad pedophiles is a reasonable hypothesis to explain his untimely demise. There is a lot of esoteric symbolism in the Tintin series. Herge knew his stuff. Letting him tell a story so close to the truth might have made a lot of people uncomfortable.

Supposedly his design was also based on a native fascist/nationalist that herge knew

The tell tale sign you're arguing with a beta Jew as mentioned is the fact that they will always try and push their Jewish racket of psychotherapy and diagnose their enemies while at the same time engrashiating themselves to the enemy.

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Love me some tintin lad. I liked the overarching "modern art is a racket" theme. Herge was also very redpilled on (((them))).

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I'm not Robert you schizoid mongo. Also where do they have plug sockets that look like this? Hmmmm….

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wew lad, hope you wiped the exif

no hook

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Uh oh. Ya done posted ur face on teh intarwebz

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some more berties for you


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How's Zig Forums working out for you lads

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can't complain

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It's just the angle lad, my nose is actually pretty small and straight.

Yeah don't worry lad, I'm not daft.

Idgaf tbh lad, schizo needed proving wrong. His delusions are unhealthy and need countenance.

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All good lad

Think they have bigger fish to fry than me tbh lad.

Well Schizo was right. Druid/pol/ OP is (((Druid/pol/))) OP. That's a kike if I've ever seen one.

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based PREVENT will come knocking and force you to make vegan burgers lad, watch out

yeah ok mr (1) who suddenly appeared after schizo left

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Your j-dar is well off m8

2/10 jdar skills. Apply yourself harder

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Wew lad, ballsy move on your part, shame it didn't do the slightest bit of difference kek

some dune OC about everyone's favourite morbidly obese norwegian larping as a welshman

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But that was on Zig Forums last week

Kek. I remember the hell and tedium you described them putting you through on that course. Iv posted pics before on outer/pol/ in the past and nothing came of it. Not too worried tbh.

At least he cant accuse us all of being robert all day every day now though.

Kek, very good lad.

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yeah that's what I mean
been banned from there for pointing out their newest Bongo Bongo Land lackey was Moonman, an odious literal eunuch dedicated to collecting homosexual smut and stirring up bulshit drama

not mine, not sure who made it now
one of the few good lads on brit

'LOL, that's a fucking Jewish face. (((Druid/pol/))) mod is a kike, lololololol. Shizo was RIGH!!!!! Neanderkike BTFO for life.'

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oh fucking hell lad you've made him go into schizoi overdrive


I hope Golden Dawn is doing alright

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Pathetic. Stop ID hopping you schizomong we all know its you.

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This is the funniest shit I've ever seen. Druid/pol/ shill is a fucking Rothschild. It all makes sense now.


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As do I lad, they really need to get into power, shits pretty desperate over there

Lad he's mental, what do you expect nice sunglasses and necklace btw and is that a robe you're wearing too?

tip top quality


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Not heard any news from them for a while now. I remember the leaders all got imprisoned and some members were involved in the killing of some rapper but news of them seems to have dropped off the radar. Its all Italy these days. GD were popular too, had massive public support. We'd prob have to find a greekanon on outer/pol/ for some updates.
I always wondered if they knew they shared a name with a late anglo/teutonic 19th century occult lodge with hermetic principles. I dont think there is any connection between the two other than coincidence though. HOGD had a massive hard on for their ancient egyptian symbolism and sheeeit.

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It is indeed lad. Wear it to do my rituals and to chill in at night sometimes coz its nice and airy. Its emblazoned with my own sigil I have a black one too

Very nice lad, where did you get it from?

POST MORE PICTURES OF YOURSELF, ROTHSCHILD! I want to see more of than smug Jewish grin.

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Ebay, I think and I did the sigil emblazoning myself with a little help from the other half coz shes better at sewing than me

Rude tbh, im waaaay better looking than david de rothschild. Wish I had his money though.

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Well you are better looking but you're still an esoteric faggot like he is, so it makes sense. Feel better?

This Rothschild is better bred than you are though, kike. Your father must of been a lowley jewler or something.

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PEDOS GTFO OF MY Zig Forums reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

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He was on about the greek grass roots nationalist political movement you absolute mong

You have absolutely no proof to back up your assertions. You have been BTFO on the robert sephr claims and now you are falling back into desperate strawmanning. I could take a pic of my uncircumcised member to BTFO you again but im not going to because the other lads dont want to see that shit and you would probably just wank off to it.

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Schizo seems to have stfu for the time being now. How about a little music to add to the ambiance…


Very nice lad May see about getting one myself

You really seem to have kicked the hornets nest with this lad, at least he isn't calling you robert anymore, which is a nice change

wait for it….
Esoteric Ezra Of Essex


Kek, was pretty spur of the moment too but I felt it was the only way to get him to stfu with his constant "everyone on druid/pol/ is robert" essays. Hes reaction was pretty amusing. Went from
"Y-you are a rothschild because reasons"
Hes nuttier than a fruitcake and I shouldnt encourage him but I was in a mischevious mood. Must be the influence of the Fool governance tbh. Im sure he'll sperg some more about it but like you said, at least he's btfo on the robert accusations. Fuck I think the real robert has even popped in here on a couple of occasions to goad and tease him a bit.

Kek, Magickal Moishe of Macclesfield

God damn this thread is full of gay shit.

It's obvious OP is a Jew since he posted his pics (no non-Jew would expose themselves here) and we already know (((Robert))) uses shit from Zig Forums. That was proven in a 4mnth thread and his "cromagnon" videos that turn out to be about neanderthal theory.
It's been well known on 4chan; but 8ch is not even unified enough anymore to catch on. Graveyard…

It's weird how these Jews collect on here. It's weird how they unite. The fact that the mods never corrected it proves they are either retarded/weak or maybe there are a few Jews pushing the occult as part of a collective effort the same way that Spencer and the Alt-Right were allowed to recruit here so intensely.

You have some intensely homosexual taste in music, OP. I'm not saying you have to be a metal head but it's very odd you keep posting gay new wave shit here as part of Druid thread. At least it's English this time because the last 5 threads you posted nigger 90s pop.
Although I kind of like the stone roses song. It's like gay grunge for soyboys who find Sound Garden offensive.

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…and yet again the schizoposter hops IDs. We know its you. Your posting quirks give you away.

Druid/pol/s taste in music is very eclectic. We post everything here from 80s classics, 50s blues, classical, 90s indie, rave, techno etc etc. 90s house is a firm favorite here though and one of druid/pol/s leitmotifs.

Midnight has passed and a new day begins the cycle continues but we always have the chance to make our own way and it is time to get back to the true purpose of /pol freeing our people and securing their future.

We need to work on our memes and messages.

Stop saying "we". Everyone knows it's you bumping your own shitty pedo thread. Unless you mean wee, as in your wee willie winkie.

Why don't you EVER post anything about Celtic or real Druid culture? Is it because Jews hate the Ire Aryan race? Instead it's all horrible music.

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I dont disagree. What do you suggest though?

Literally every thread contains celtic and druidic themes. Take this piece of music for example. Modern but entirely inspired by the traditions we revere and hold dear.

You were adamant it was robert posting everything and you got absolutely BTFO on that. There are several regular anons beside myself who are all disguishable by their prose, mannerisms and posting content. You are a fucking idiot grasping at straws.
Also there is no pedo shit in our threads and I resent the accusation. Point me to one instance of anything that could constitute pro-pedo sentiment here. You have the archives to check. Protip: You wont find anything because NO ONE here is into that shit you disingenuous cunt. And dont be spouting "muh crowley" shit because it doesnt wash. No one here is a thelemite. People might have read his works (as most with an interest in the occult will be wont to do) but no one here holds the man up as any kind of god or role model. Back up your spurrious accusations with concrete proof or fuck off schizomong. I dont appreciate insinuating that decent british nationalist B.O.N.D lads are pedos tbh. Irl you'd get a slap for that.

GTFO poser. I was honestly enthusiastic the first time I saw a Druid Zig Forums but then it was all the same old new age stuff. Now I see it's very Jewish… and Schizo was right. You think we're all one person and accuse us of being one person, and scream about cromagnoidtards, and I don't know wtf is wrong with you. Everyone Zig Forumslack has called you out on your neanderthal obsessions.

That wasn't me, retard. Stop being so paranoid. You do look Jewish as fuck. It's not our fault you posted your own pictures. And everyone on 4chan knows about Robert. It's Zig Forums that has ignored it because we've lost our culture with the 5000 mod changes and weird fluctuations going on here.

In the old days your posts wouldn't even be allowed. Anons would of called you out because they had high IQs. Now it's just a bunch of Zoomers larping as their Gen-X ancestors.

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Literally never been discussed on druid/pol/ apart from perhaps in some the schizos ranting posts. The fact that you use such terminology is what leads me to believe you are infact, the schizoposter.

It literally was though. Everyone knows the schizoposter is notorious for swapping IDs and replying to himself.

Then your jdar is shit tier. Im mostly welsh with a bit of english on my fathers side. You/schizo got btfo on the robert angle you continually pushed and now you are grasping at straws.
Dont even get your beef tbh. Druid/pol/ keeps to itself and bothers no one. Schizocunt started it with constant raids and accusing druid/pol/ of all manner of shit. No provocation was provided yet we have been targeted for months now with slanderous accuse and wanton spurrious assertions.

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OP, a little tip from a real man. You don't have to speak like a hipster faggot. It's not something you have to engage in. Maybe part of learning REAL MAGIC (not pedo magick) is learning not to be programmed with modern pop-culture diction that makes you look like a common hipster beta. You don't have to fucking larp tarot cards like a feminist or emotional "spiritualism".

Most of us old/fags know your work. You even did it in this thread. You freak the fuck out when people tell you that Neanderthals broke from Europe during the ice age and fought to the death with "early modern humans" or cromags. You call everyone schizophrenic; it's your calling card. You are obsessed with it. Just like Robert Sepehr who posts here all the time. We all know he does it. We tease him. It's just a fact. You can deny it but that's weird. Why would you deny this?


Yeah well, Robert said he was Zoroastrian, which made us all laugh. But you do act Jewish. Maybe if you act Jewish and support Jewish beliefs it makes your nose and face into something crooked and inhuman?

It's funny that you never sound like you're from Britain, lol.

That's a weird thing to say on an open forum. It almost sounds like you're bumping your own shit. Maybe Zig Forums is sick to death of (((esoteric))) shit because we've all studied it and realized that Freemasons are shabbos goy faggots. Maybe not the Deists of the 1700s but it soon returned to the beta faggot sickness of the Templars. It had a short run. Much like Druidism could of had an interesting rebirth of culture that was European as Celts were fully the majority of Europa, but was easily subverted by Jewish-Christian-Freemasony. The kind you post in every Druid/pol/ thread. You speak their memes. You betray your blood and bond (unless you're a kike and by your behavior I'm guessing you are — no love for the culture).

Stop writing like a fucking hipster. You are NOT intelligent because of vocab. It makes you look stupid in front of high IQs. It only works around demoralized/programmed college kids. You're not allowed to be a poser here.

If you can't take critique, you're not fit for the gladiator school that is Zig Forums. It's time to level up, kiddo. Don't act like a feminist. I have faith in you.

Ben Shapiro types get murdered here without help from the (((mods))). Earn your metal.

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Okay, delusional treehuggers. Keep the Q-LARPing to zero, please.

It's a quote from "Dune" you illiterate philistine

Christkike you're on a Natsoc board. Calling people tree huggers while you cuckservatives open boarders to Catholic jungle apes, so the subhumans can work to burn down every tree in America isn't helping the situation. I suggest you talk shit about kikes on FOX social media and do some good.


That’s not relevant to what was said.

I don’t care what you have to say.

KEK agrees

And KEK is wizardy, Aryan, Ire, Nature Law… Not pedo faggot Jew-Christian-Muslim-Hollywood pedo sex magicK like Many P Hall or Serrano or Crowley or BOND or modern Freemasons or Templars or any other demoralized hypnotized zombies not fit to call themselves wizards (wise-ards)

You fucking hipster nationalist cunts are lucky a few old/fags are here (and I'm not talking about gay shit from 4chan like Rickrolling). Because if we weren't you would be subject to 150yrs of shitty mind control themes like in these threads.

The real wizards (wiseman) can only put up with your apathy for so long nu/pol/ if you REFUSE TO FIGHT. After awhile we will abandon Zig Forums to the shit and fith of this world which includes the same kind of people who programmed you wifu Miley Cyrus (or fill in the blanks).

The real wizards (wiseman) can only put up with your apathy for so long nu/pol/ if you REFUSE TO FIGHT. After awhile we will abandon Zig Forums to the shit and fith of this world which includes the same kind of people who programmed you wifu Miley Cyrus (or fill in the blanks).

The real wizards (wiseman) can only put up with your apathy for so long nu/pol/ if you REFUSE TO FIGHT. After awhile we will abandon Zig Forums to the shit and fith of this world which includes the same kind of people who programmed you wifu Miley Cyrus (or fill in the blanks).

The real wizards (wiseman) can only put up with your apathy for so long nu/pol/ if you REFUSE TO FIGHT. After awhile we will abandon Zig Forums to the shit and fith of this world which includes the same kind of people who programmed you wifu Miley Cyrus (or fill in the blanks).

Not copy/paste for shilling, just for Uber Emphasis. We old meme wizards who created your culture are about to abandon you for lack of trying and apathy Zoomers.

A sign of weakness… Ben Shaprio.

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Read this OP

It may save your life

So pretend for a moment I don't think your entire movement is played-out pablum meant to pander to the disaffected.

What does your movement/group/whatever thing actually mean? "Pagans" who disown crowley and masons is different enough to be interesting.

I want to know more. And I swear to god if this boils down to "kek is an egregore", I will find you and stab you with your own athame.

this user is correct

the rightwing has been infiltrated by glow in the darks operating out of the church of satan front for ages now

After lurking these threads in the hope of learning more about my own culture, I've only found a very small percentage of the information posted here to be anything good and legitimate. Even then, the information is given by those anons tired of the shit that gets posted here and provides actual source materials on what they are discussing (I recall one user coming in here posting various books on the Celts and Druids, being pissed off at what was going on in the threads). Even so, there are times where questions or discussions on actual Celtic culture are ignored or shrugged off here in favor of whatever the "main group" wants to focus on (which may or may not be related to the actual topic of the thread). The rest is focusing on subjects of other European cultures besides the Celts, esoteric topics that have no relation to the culture, blogposting about each other's lives, posting pop culture music, or discussing unrelated topics when the threads are slow. On occasion you'll get a few posts regarding the Celtic holidays and festivals (such as the OP of the thread) and some posts on the current events regarding the various Celtic lands (which are fine as it gives insight on what's happening with the homelands of the Celts), but you would think that a thread that a thread that is meant to shed light on Celtic and Druid culture would have more focus on said topics rather than the trival bullshit these threads tend to have. One could argue that discussing topics (esoteric or otherwise) could help with learning from other cultures (or in some cases, how to deal with a potential enemy down the line), but it should not overshadow the importance of learning and teaching the lessons of your own culture, ancestors, and gods.


As one of the founding fathers of KEK (created on 8ch during the deepest more hidden times) I can tell you that it has nothing to do with that. It was naturalism. Natural force.

Usually, in those terms (/ourguy/ or our movement) you're talking to Federal agents or Dugin/Spencer trolls. They will be killed, violently. We're not ANTIFA, we have long term game theory plans.

Well it's "disowning" military industrial complex brainwashing. You have to understand that Crowley is a meme. He ate shit, killed kids, and burned out on drugs. He's like glorifying any shitty actor or musician, except he didn't have actual talent. For rich kids that are interested in being totally edgy, Crowley is interesting because they feed it to us. They being the military. Just like Jim Jones or L. Ron Hubbard.

The REAL point of learning magic is learning idealism, ideas, planting seeds, propaganda. It's not larping. It's reality and narrative.
Only the wizard knows this. The witches and warlocks who suck old fat Jew dick dont. They're slaves.

What's more unfortunate is that the (((moderators))) of this site will destroy all deep study threads. They wont let us study or culture ourselves. It didn't use to be this way and we created a culture that affected and scared the entire world. It took us 2yrs to do this… Imagine if you had all 4yrs back.

As the Jews like to remind us
Yeah, they win. They got the bondage money. They control the internet. But we're better, smarter, faster, stronger, more creative. That's why they hate us.

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Freemason shabbos Jews slaves are not fit to lick the boots of the real Druids

Also see reason for the treason


We are what we are at the end of the day. Problem is regarding druidry, there was very little to go on considering they didn't write anything down and were almost wiped out to a man. We have always explained that we are NEO druids. That will of course, mean that the spirit of druidry will be applied to the modern situation rather than attempting to be 100% traditionalist in this regard (because its impossible)
Regarding the less serious and off topic posts, that's not a bad thing. The music posting or the in jokes show that a sense of cameraderie had developed. We try to keep shit posting to a minimum but bear in mind we originated from a brit/pol/ splinter faction so there is always going to be humour and banter.
At the end of the day druid/pol/ and the B.O.N.D is what it is. Its an open lodge and anons are always welcome to suggest improvements but they must also be the change they want to see. If you think we are lacking in some regard that and you could do better by all means contribute what you have. It would be most welcome if of genuine quality.

Neo Nazis

You're still here OP? Why can't you be a good Jew and go make a funny movie about black men fucking your daughter?

Zig Forums is superior to freemasonic lodges or anything you kikes can dream up.

Yeah you destroyed this place because you are a jealous fat girl who can't dance like the Prima ballerina. Your lodges are snarky college freshman pretending to be superior to the mature Zig Forumslack scholars. You censored us by hiring (((mods))). You safe spaced your arguments. You gave up on the validity of historical debate and deleted our threads. You will deny this but you know that when 6mnths of threads were redirected by mods to "esoteric pill" because they were historical or culture based that you're kike friends were behind this.
These druid/pol/ occult threads are without context outside of Jewish occultism. You even say "learn the kabbalah!"

There was a moment in time when Freemasonry (during the Deist days of the late 1700s) could of changed the world forever. Yes the created Nationalism and manifest destiny. But in the end they were destroyed by people like you (((OP))). Just like the MASSIVE technological jump during NatSoc Germany.

And so is the same for Zig Forums. A group of intelligent rebels that could of created a whole new high-minded culture. But it was destroyed by people like you, OP. And your (((mod))) friends.

What potential was lost. What invention was lost. What evolution was lost.
What a shame.

What a shame the Jews who control chans will never allow us to grow because they are so pathetically beta and believe the Aryan has no potential to grow. They live in our shadow but like niggers or angry feminists, they never understand out growth potential out of sheer jealousy. A victim culture.

What could of been. Makes me legitimatly sad, and I would of never done that to a group of Jews the way they did that to us. Because we Aryans appreciate greatness….. not victim, beta, pathetic, jealousy. If I see a nigger do great music I think, "good for that nigger". When the (((mods))) chan Jew sees a nigger do great music they think, "how can I exploit this to ruin it and make it about fucking your daughter?".
Hence all the loli anime shit and fake everything — fake….


But I'll leave you to your degenerate manipulations (((Druid pedo OP))))

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Any pagan lads feel free to make offering to Lugh

Lad we post plenty of Celtic stuff, posts about other cultures (Germanic, Greek ect.) are simply down to the fact we are connecting it to the wider IE pantheon. Not to mention you're free to contribute your own stuff




Wew, previously uncomprehensable levels of foolishness achieved. For Lughnasadh I made offerings of mixed berries we grew as was the tradition; additionally libations and incense were used at both our well and my usual altar inawoods. I didn’t have time for a hike up a mountain tbh, but I plan to on Sunday since it was posited that Lugh=Apollo in the last thread.


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I know, 40k druid has really triggered schizoid and his demented ramblings seem to have drawn in others
Goodlad, just come back from making my offering now, offered some good strong ale myself