So their plan is to do it slowly and not how you guys expect it. Maybe you need to think of something else now, mass confiscation won't come it will be gradual.
Hudson Bell
It won't fly. It'll get a law suit, go to the State Supreme Court and then get thrown out. Unless the individual has been convicted of a crime that would warrant the firearms to be taken, this law will not last long. It gives too much control to judges to determine an individuals ability to distinguish right and wrong.
So they confiscated so far 200 guns, 30,000 rounds, and the first rifles they took belonged to an army vet, FUCKING BASED. But hey who gives a shit right? These are "gun seizures under the law". Guns are just for giving them up to the government when they ask for it.
Jason Reed
nigger they have already confiscated firearms and ammunition, read the fucking article
Robert Rodriguez
I would her Boise Not a Jew
Jayden Gutierrez
Is this that bullshit RED FLAG 'law' crap they are pushing as of late?
Matthew Edwards
Not a nigger
Nathan Powell
It’s cuckholds pretending they are in charge of something
Yeah… it's the red flag law bullshit - You have to bundle all of these "phrases" they keep putting out to the public. That's their fucking trickery at work - search with quotes "Red Flag law" or "Red Flag Laws" in youtube.
Imagine, in the current year, keeping everything at home.
Jeremiah Hall
god damn thats an awesome mug
Liam Smith
I don't get it, who are they taking guns from? Violent offenders?
Josiah Wilson
No violent offenders are already barred from owning. It's from a judge who decided those are unsafe to turn in their guns. the Risk protection orders are unconstitutional.
Gabriel Wood
Love how you go out of your way to avoid stating WHY they are confiscated, faggot.
Benjamin Scott
this is the town I grew up in in 1908. didn't have a single nigger or spic in it, no mosque either. Didn't even have to lock your doors at night in the 1970's.
I now wish I lived then, instead of now, and sadly compared to what the future seems to hold for my children. The USA has rotted from the inside out.
The measures signed by Scott on March 9 raised the minimum age for buying rifles in Florida from 18 to 21 and established waiting periods and background checks for gun buyers.
Many Parkland students and their families became vocal anti-violence advocates after the shooting, and a group of survivors launched the multimillion-dollar gun control group March for Our Lives.
The group’s most visible leaders have become public figures with millions of followers on Twitter.
So yeah, pretty much violence, also drugs and being an unhinged fucktard which are both degenerate. I would like to see an example of every case because taking guns away from niggers is a public service.
Samuel Sanchez
This entire website is "unhinged", all the boards and every participator in them
Adrian Garcia
Nice. At least this law states that there are TWO genders , Him and Her That's funny and awesome and probably inadvertent all at the same time
Stay ASSMAD and salty. Your distress amuses me
Hunter Davis
We found a can of beer in your fridge, now give up your guns.
# 13 , ther recent purchase of gun or ammo is now grounds you need guns confiscated. Covers everything.
Mason Myers
My point is that by participating in this website any bureaucrat will call you unhinged because of le racist meme and extreme politics. How do you not get this?
Robert Walker
Show me one case where the guns were taken from someone not as demented and violent as this nigger fuckwit. Just one.
Jacob Smith
Yeah, the reason why is because trumpstien is saber rattling Iran and ZOG can't deal with a civilian uprising when WW3 kicks off.
Know what else is degenerate? Sucking Zionist cock? You going to give up your guns you little fed bitch?
Because this board is full of based fashy neocon civnat faggots who didn't fuck off when the election was over.
Hunter Parker
Pretty much everyone involved in the Bundy ranch standoff.
Jayden Cook
Asher Lewis
Matthew Wood
Ruby Ridge, Waco, and those are the known headlines. Thousands of people, have had their guns taken away from them. If you believe the Jew media you are a fuckwit.
I do not like niggers at all but, I see how this is used against whites via niggers. Black guys cellphone was stolen from him by a nigger, nigger thief puts a gun at him, he returns fire, he's the criminal now. The cellphone thief was a gub boi, dindu nuffin, days best friens
FUCK OFF KIKE I may hate niggers but I hate jews more.
Nathaniel Perry
So anyone can petition a judge to take someone's guns. It's like if a plumber does a job for my mom and notices she didn't hear the buzzer of the stove go off, figures she needs to be put in a home, and some judge says "oh, yeah, lock her up."
John Cooper
Really? So Florida law was cited in all those events? Can you autistic bumblefucks even try to focus?
Elijah Myers
the point is that the law will be perverted to be used against people who are not subservient or who aren't good little goys, as history has shown us in the past
Seattle passed a similar law but I'm not sure it has been used against so many people so rapidly
that's why Florida state is going to be sued into oblivion
Blake Peterson
strange bot
Anthony Stewart
The retards would be the ones who, when asked to provide just one example of this Florida law being used on someone not a gross, violent degenerate, decided to sperg about Waco instead.
Austin Richardson
Felons lose their rights. Why are you trying to scaremonger when the faggot was charged with a felony in the first place?
How would they know you have guns at all? Surely people aren't so FUCKING STUPID as to register their guns, right?
Aaron Baker
We don't have registration yet but see someone ie neighbor family or friend has to file a petition to a judge
Brayden Lewis
The most important thing is: can we use this against kikes and their pets?
Cooper Davis
They may have signed the law, but as soon as people LEGALLY contest the law in court, it will get overturned.
Then the lawsuits will start.
David Phillips
Sure Isn't the adl based down in Florida? If so I'd bet the splc isn't far away either. The kikes got busted for cp and one of them is going to prison cause of it. We can use this to report in any suspected of harboring or doing anything illegal. All that's needed is a "justification" and a heresay that says they're depressed or suicidal or literally anything. Use this law to get funs taken from spics beaners niggers bugs muds poos and kikes There is no way this could backfire on the (((lawmakers)) ) of fla at all topkek
Carson Harris
They can invent any felony they want and charge whites with it. This bill lays the groundwork for wider weapon confiscation from white men. As long as ZOG is in control, we should never relinquish our arms.
Adam Fisher
BACKGROUND CHECKS CREATE TWO REGISTRIES 1. The feds have list of br checks with names and timestamps. 2. The seller has list of names, timestamps, and make/model of every purchase. The sellers also can and do sell this "consumer data" to others for "advertising" purposes. They are required to hold purchase data for three years. BACKGROUND CHECKS VIOLATE 2A PROTECTIONS Since the requirement of permission to purchase a fire arm, the only way the average citizen can aquire one, is how br checks are a violation.
Nathan Cox
Soon this law is going to be used on "people I don't like" because it can function without evidence.
Then it will be used on people who don't even own guns, and they'll be arrested for refusing to turn their guns in.
Austin Cooper
Weapons are automatially registered upon purchase from a dealer. The only way to get one unregistered is to buy it second hand off of someone else.
Leo Phillips
Ok Sounds good to me Use it on nogs and heebs
Henry Butler
It's like the old laws that allowed people to be thrown in aslyums in the 1800s or burned at the stake or drowned for "witchcraft" in the 1600s; it is political philosophy from hundreds of years ago. Same with Marxism.
Aaron Harris
You will be in with them, you gungrabber with a hidden stash.
Cooper Phillips
I wonder (((who))) could be behind this
Ian Bailey
Refuse, take them on, it's clearly unconstitutional.
Anthony Hall
I remember when this image came out. It may be the most important one produced all year.
William White
All of my funs were lost in a terrible ice fishing accident , so sad
Thomas Lewis
People should contest the law with bullets. -t edgemaster
Lucas Gray
Nigger you ask me for examples and then you turn around and move the goalposts? fuck you double nigger
Brayden Murphy
Convenient muh 3d gun distraction.
Nicholas Reed
LAW and ORDER *nationalistic cheering* #MAGA
Jack Ramirez
Not a law. Not order.
I can get ellected and make it a law that everyone has to eat their own shit and destroy America. That doesn't make it a law you dumb Communist anarchy fags.
It isn't a distraction as much as it's just an additional reason to kill all politicians, since all of them are kikes or kike footsoilders.
Owen Nguyen
Not a law. Not order.
I can get ellected and make it a law that everyone has to eat their own shit and destroy America. That doesn't make it a law you dumb Communist anarchy fags.
Isaac Gray
I hope you're not implying this news is to distracts us from the (((feeling))) of victory…
Thomas Cook
It is a law, and it creates a new world order.
Christian Scott
The law will get shot down, but it might be a while depending on what the jurisdiction of the first legal challenge to it is. Remember that Florida has entire kike-infested counties. Hopefully some ZOGbots get shot down first.
Ethan Cook
Need to keep voting in these based conservatives because without them democraps will take ARE guns!!!
Nolan Williams
jesus fucking christ I once had a disagreement over a written lease, real estate is governed by the written word, paoral contracts are foolish and unenforceable as a matter of law. Fucktard dialed 911 because, muh dick, that's what everyone does nowadays, we need the authorities in our lives every second of the day. Obviously it was noting but calling 911 empowers people. Niggers are good at calling the cops on each other, and now so are white people, because if you see something, say something. ….and no one can live in a cabin and be left the fuck alone anymore even if they try. Just look at welfare checks, it allows for warrantless entry now. I think it might even be illegal to go into the woods, sit on a rock and cry when your dog dies…. or grounds for a mental health evaulation.
Jack Gutierrez
or more recently, south africa. they passed into law the confiscation without compensation of white lands, and their bulletproof argument is EVERYTHING WE ARE DOING IS PERFECTLY LEGAL also look forward to more (((happenings))) for each state they want to do this in… with the incidents more trending towards unhinged white men
Tyler Phillips
the judges which approve the warrants have names and addresses. They all have families, assets and influence to lose as well as their own lives.
By the way, you're still a really obvious kike shill. Nobody is fooled.
Aiden Phillips
Wyatt Robinson
How hard is it for a brainlet to just say "no, we have no examples of this law being used on anyone but a violent, insane nigger zogbot"
Nicholas Reyes
I think it's about time for chemoposter to make a cameo in this thread.
Easton Ramirez
Or, you could stop having the IQ of a niggerjew and talk about things that actually effect white people. A law that takes guns away from wife-beaters, pillheads, fucktards, and niggers doesn't affect me. I have a hunch it affects you, probably all four ways.
An ugly spic, of indeterminate gender, tearing apart the constitution, while looking coked out, it's symbolizing all of the things they insist isn't happening.
I want to believe that was accidental.
Brody Foster
It's just a good shop. It wasn't the Constitution la creatura was tearing apart, but a shooting target.