Battle of Golan/Northwestern Syria Thread 2
Syria - Golan comped - Battle of Idlib begins
Battle of Golan/Northwestern Syria Thread 2
Syria - Golan comped - Battle of Idlib begins
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Link the map for newfags
sounds like a good deal to me
What does this mean?
Get me up-to-date on this.
Is Syria going to try and take back the Golan?
What are the current numbers of forces in the area?
Any official statements from Assad or Syrian Generals?
How about Iran or Russia?
From the looks of it they wanted to recomp all the land up to Golan and hold down that territory. Now they work on the rest and probably save Golan for last. Make the kikes sweat a little.
Still there and never leaving.
read the previous thread, wow
Sounds more to me that they're war exhausted and that trying to take a mountainous region back from a highly advanced army who owns nuclear missiles can't just be done on a whim
Retaking Golan means restarting the war with Israel. Serious shit, which Syria is not ready for after almost a decade of war already. I'm certain they do want to take it back at some point, but the focus right now is to defeat all enemies within Syria's boarders, secure them, and strengthen and rebuild the country. With the help of Russia and Iran, Syria may be ready to attempt to retake Golan within 5-10 years.
With things winding down and Syria having pretty much won the war, Israel is put in a place where they have little excuse for more westttern intervention, so it will be interesting to see what happens in the future.
Yep. Bit by bit they'll rebuild their offensive once the other areas are cleared and then move in. I would wait until the next israel election (November 5 2019) when
Netanyahu is out of office and a possible shitlib pres is installed. Also gives syrian forces a bit of a breather. The other two areas (north and east) are massive enough to keep the SAA busy for a while.
Within 10 years america will be financially destroyed so its best they wait and retrain a proper army with russias help.
Great to see Assad going all totalen kreig now Syria has upper hand.
Fucking breath of fresh air.
Salutes to all the Syria oldfags who have been following this kike-caused tragedy since 2011.
Based Assad
Remove the imperialists
The borders of occupied Idlib haven't begun to shrink, so here's a picture of the aftermath of an incendiary balloon. Also a terror cell that calls themselves "the beatles". No fucking joke. The beatles.
Got curious about what the Palestinians were using for the incendiary balloons, and it's even funnier than I imagined.
I still have no idea what these things are and how they are making jews go crazy with firecrackers?
Like this.
they startle easily
wat de fugg, whats the recipe?
keked and
God bless Assad, God bless Syria, God bless Russia.
Assad the Muslim king reigns supreme, Erdogan's delusions BTFO, Russia stronk, kikes on suicide watch…I'll have a Coke
From what I've read, it's mostly helium balloons tied to improvised incendiary payloads. That's all there is to it.
There's also the matter of Syria needing to rebuild their economy. With Bibi out, who knows, they could even broker a peace deal with da joos and the UN and gte back their country without shedding any blood, although we all know they won't give it up so easily.
They have the fuse tied on to the balloon string, so at a predetermined distance it will burn through and the incendiary device lands on the ground.
Straya tier shitpost
arent you the israeli poster that posts pics of that homosexual neocon bolton?
Southern Idlib getting shelled more than before.
So has this become a Syria v Turkey war now?
For now, no.
Oh look its this guy again
Then my next question is, when will the Assyrian empire re-emerge?
Probably soon after Palestine is liberated from the Israelis
Southwest Golan border and surrounding areas officially and completely comped, Kikes officially BTFO!
Only a kike would take that stance. Kikes need to be BTFO permanently. America wont be around forever and the Chinks wont give enough of a fuck to step in. Good luck with that.
Anyone got the archive of the previous thread?
Great thread on the (((white helmets))) with tons of photo & video proof: https://
Previous thread:
Those sneaky fucking shits
It means it's a LARP thread for BF niggers who think they are actually getting authentic real time updates of the strategic, operational and tactical situation on the ground kindly provided by (only) one side freely over the internet.
Basically, it's information by retards for retards. They should go and off themselves.
That's because a guerilla war doesn't have frontlines. Something the BF niggers ITT do not understand.
There's going to be kikery until the glassing.
Funny right? All of Israel's remaining operatives were fleeing towards the border when Israel decided to do what kikes always do. Never. EVER. Trust a jew.
Stay mad torkike.
Alawites are muslim though. They're a subsect of shiites.
Made a final version of the Golan reconquista animation. Also, about 43 days left before things get really interesting in Israel.
Eye of the Tiger.
Sorry, meant to post this as well.
Not until the glassening. Besides, the Golan is still kiked, so fuck this final version.
Until the six million gallon televangelical donations start pouring in. At least update the graphics, and explain -214.4 is the pipe level, pic related. Rolling for a new record historical low level.
user, you don't need to samefag - the thread will keep slow burning long before it can be slid.
I am still baffled on how many countries' armies are involved in this conflict and on Syrian ground… with no international repercussions.
Israel being one of the worst offenders
Fucking beautiful. Those boys earned that. Godspeed Assad, and good to see all those dead SAA men are at last vindicated.
There is no such thing as International Law user or International Human Rights. Those are just weapons to be used by used and tucked away when counter to Semitic interests.
Hey, I'm impatient to see more ground gained as well, but it might be at least a few days. The rebels in Idlib seem to be putting up a fight despite being softened up by artillery. Assad has begun starving out the rebels in the south, so maybe something interesting will happen there.
Donations? Even if the donations are massive, it won't be enough to power industry, agriculture, and a war effort. Even six million gallons a day would leave maybe 2 liters per person. If they don't have to cook and are willing to be thirsty, there might be enough to bathe in after a few weeks. And how will it be shipped? I don't even think your roll being off by 4 will help them.
I'll check those nice digits though, as Kek has favored your reply. As for the donations, I was referencing user in the previous thread. It's years of cynicism that make me think (((they))) have something planned to weasel through this. Still, I expect the northern front to be much more active than the western in the near future.
Checked in return. But I have to imagine their plans are pretty fucked up. How long ago did they realize there was a strong possibility that Netanyahu was not going to take Syria?
And, yeah, SAA was firing a lot of artillery into the area around Idlib while the Golan offensive was finishing up. And it looks like they capped more rebels in Hama recently.
That's pretty ingenious considering how dry the area is and how Israel desperately needs the farmland.
These bastards can cause millions of damage with some party baloons, lighter fliud and cheap chink fuses.
And the cleared area around the walls prevents the fires spreading into Gaza.
That reminds me, I haven't seen anything recently about Netanyahu criminal investigations. Is he going to give up his cunt Sara? Losing in Syria incurs an elevated level of internal jewing.
Why the hell can't SAA shoot down any kike planes? They downed exactly one like a year ago, but since then, they've just been getting bombed. I thought all those S400's from Russia would be able to handle it, but so far kikes are still doing free bombing runs. Can any Zig Forumsanon explain?
becauseshooting down jets is alot harder than it sounds to armchair generals.
first thing right off the bat is the fact that you need to both detect incoming strikes, calculate their path and retaliate with appropirate systems.
the SAA still uses S200 tier SAM systems which can be defeated with electronic and thermal countermeasuers.
alot of people that worked in the military in the AAD in whatever country will tell you that shooting down a jewt with a SAM is as difficult as hitting a bird with a rock.
and thats just the hypothetical situation.
you have to account for the fact jews attack from jordanian or lebanese airspace aswell as their own, and syria shooting down or just fireing missiles over another countrys territory would be bait for the jews to say
and you might be thinking
the jews violate lebanese, syrian and jordanian airspace 24/7. that way the syrians will know about the strike only when the missiles are already flying toward airfields and bases.
not to mention that the jew cries out in pain as he strikes you and even is jewts are shot down over syrian territory they can go full retard and "punish them for defending themselves" or just call america for backup
Maybe the new jets they bought aren't as shit as we were lead to believe.
Russia doesn't want to deploy stuff for fear of giving away performance data, just to defend some Syrians. Also it depends what planes the kikes are using. F-35's, for example, are an absolute bitch to take down.
syria is doing the jesus thing and turning the other cheek rather than starting WW3.
syrians arent fucking retards like the jews because they dont have america in their pocket to use as a "get out of trouble" card every single time
Kurd reinforcements are a problem.
As if Israel only uses America as a 'get out of trouble' card and not as their private mercenary forces. It's more like if Assad uses his 'get out of trouble' card, Putin and Khomeini are dragged into a proxy war, putting Trump in an awkward position.
what's next for the Lion of Damascus?
I'm guessing Suweida as noted by . The terrorists executed one of the hostages recently.
did they get tired of raping the same one every day?
Apparently it was this guy that they killed. They took many more hostages after the 14 women. Think it was either 30 or 50 in total. Assad can't even negotiate with the stinking Israeli-funded goatfuckers because their demands are so unreasonable.
Finally some activity! Also the Chechens offer their blessing. Kadyrov has some good advice, honestly. I think Assad should do it.
I was wrong; it appears solidifying Al-Suwayda is militarily more pressing than the Idlib neighborhood. Checking your digits, although pic related has been a family man for quite awhile, and just a Chechnya figurehead now.
This had better be bullshit, I don't want chinks anywhere near Syria.
They want to tweak israel's nose for the south china sea crap, get the PLA some experience against a mostly defeated enemy, and likely have economic interests as well.
Perhaps they'll do a swap: We'll pull out of Syria if you get the US off our back in the South China Sea.
you could say the same thing for their hobby store rockets that have killed almost no one, but caused them to develop the billion dollar scam iron dome. When Iran actually lends military grade rockets, they are in for a yuge surprise being that they needed to cover the expenses with usual kike lies and the thing only operates functionally in simulation.
But why not?
Definitely not bs. This is nothing more than practice and a positive imo from syrias perspective. They'll need a lot of manpower to hold down the west, continue in the north and wage a whole new battle in the east.
My guess is China/Iran/Syria will become the main army for the eastern push as russia begins holding down recaptured places and setting up defensive weapons.
Kush really should pull his money from Genie now, before it becomes a bigger loss than the devil tower. Also
It might have worked if they hadn't wasted the entire fucking Kinneret. They might be able to subsist on stolen Syrian water for a good while, provided they don't try to expand their territory or population.
That isn't going to happen. (((Putin))) would not allow it. Israel is his greatest Ally.
He looks like that Jewish actor
Once again, the god damn fucking kikes ruin everyone's fun. I hope they get a goddamn armada of flaming kites thrown at them over this.
Truly a bizarro timeline
>German government is actually giving refugees three weeks paid vacations INCLUDING airfare BACK to the very countries that claim they are fleeing because it is unsafe.
Rolling for a new historical low, now that the only kike freshwater is down to -214 meters below sea level. At -214.4 the pipes are no longer operable, and even Moishe will be taking a whore's shower.
(((complete media blackout))). this is big
The water or the lollable army chicken pecking an indestructible nation?
Here comes a new challenger!