Danish (((Imam))) calls for the final solution: ‘Jihad necessitates the Muslim invasion and conquest of Europe’

Danish (((Imam))) calls for the final solution: ‘Jihad necessitates the Muslim invasion and conquest of Europe’
Imam Mundhir Abdallah, of the Masjid Al-Faruq mosque in Copenhagen is calling for a new Islamic conquest of Al-Andalus, the Balkans, and Rome, to fulfil the promise of the Prophet Muhammad.


who's attacking your women again?

His men, of course! So it's Europeans' fault! Because the Jews are to blame!
A true scholar of the Koran, inshallah.

Attached: top fucking kek.jpeg (431x580, 95.85K)

The race war is going to be a shitshow that's for sure. Subcultures on all sides want to prioritize completely different angles. The lone wolf is truly the way to go in the end.

And the funny thing is how Whites never wanted a war. It's always these fuckers.

Won't laugh when they take over.

Muslims are inbred retards who are terrible at war. I welcome the opportunity to genocide them and call it an act of self defense.

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traditionally muslims were actually quite good at war and their 4thgen tactics involving light infantry are nothing to scoff at unless you are behind a keyboard or have air support

Eliminate kikes through europe, not israel. Peak retardation.

We love lone wolves, please go into the lions den one by one.
-t FBI
There is a need for de-centralized independent resistance cells not idiotic suicidal lone wolves.

Too fug to even consider it.


Yeah sure in Palestine. But not fucking Europe, of all places. Unless if he's talking about Poland, tons of Christian churches are being dismantled in Europe to make space for mosques.


Does this mean if I convert to Islam I'll become a victim, too?

Well, he's not wrong on that part. Nobody truly likes (((them))), not even other Semites.

so good at war they can't even keep their own fucking countries at peace when no one attacks them
history written by who ? bernheim ?

Everyday the muds make themselves the more attractive option.

Really hit a nerve with you, didn't it. You okay?

Daily reminder that Serbia did nothing wrong.
All you had to do was stand aside and finish the fight.

i think the question we need to put to pro-immigrant/refugee/multiculturalism side is do you want to become a muslim country?
this question must be put to muslims as well
any answer, non-answer or silence will be their end

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Um, WOW that's SUPER racist that you would even ask that question. Why can't People who believe in Mohamed Peacebeuponhim live in america too? Are you that triggered!? Huh!

Also like, what's wrong with Muslims? My friend Mohamed and his wives Mohamed and Mohamed are really nice to me and all believe in The Religion of Peace™ It's you bigoted Christian hate mongers that are the problem!

Attached: NOT JEWISH.jpg (474x474, 21.24K)

Islam, everyone. Not even once.

's ok guys. We're talking about a future that's never gonna come.

Be useful and part the fucking memri video

they were good at war when they could fill the moats with the corpses of their dead and put out the flames of byzantine greek fire with more of their dead soldiers and still have enough left over to overwhelm their enemy

Islam > (((Atheism)))