I have formulated five tenets for the project of building up Central Europe.
1. The first is that every European country has the right to defend its Christian culture, and the right to reject the ideology of multiculturalism.
2. Our second tenet is that every country has the right to defend the traditional family model, and is entitled to assert that every child has the right to a mother and a father.
3. The third Central European tenet is that every Central European country has the right to defend the nationally strategic economic sectors and markets which are of crucial importance to it.
4. The fourth tenet is that every country has the right to defend its borders, and it has the right to reject immigration.
5. And the fifth tenet is that every European country has the right to insist on the principle of one nation, one vote on the most important issues, and that this right must not be denied in the European Union.
In other words, we Central Europeans claim that there is life beyond globalism, which is not the only path. Central Europe’s path is the path of an alliance of free nations. This is the task, the mission extending beyond the Carpathian Basin which lies ahead of us.
Orban is a shill. He talks a big game, but the bottom line is that he will not leave the EU. Which means that Hungary will eventually be destroyed, as the EU further centralizes. His job is to misdirect Hungarians away from this reality. Same as the Jewish government in Poland. Until they are talking about leaving the EU and destroying it, they should not be taken seriously.
That's such an empty fucking thing to say, you coward. Christian culture is multiculturalism. Nobody believes you when you shill for your universalist cult. Fuck off and die.
What's the average income after taxes and average rent in Hungary right now in 2018? Anxiously waiting for your response dear distinguished respectable poster.
Austin Nguyen
Oy vey hwhite brother this is DC!!!! This is what mutts seriously think They suck the cock of every "hwhite" traitor because of skin color
Brody Rogers
Very bad. I know a Hungarian man in Germany who would rather earn 1100 euro Netto then send that money home to his 3 daughters and wife. That is how fucked up it is.
Andrew Reed
I dont know exact numbers, but in my country that is sort of similar average monthly income is about 1200-1500€. Monthly rent about 300-400€ for small shitty apartment in city and half as much in the rural areas.
I'm not a fan of this Pontiff, but they weren't until after Vatican II, and with that said, Catholics have a "mass" for anything and everything.
Nathan Brown
You are lucky if you earn 600eur in Hungary and the rent starts at 350eur.
Asher Lewis
Ian Young
Orban is a gypsy. He is not even White
Hudson Murphy
Worth it not to live with Niggers. I'd happily jump in a time machine back to 1930 and live the most ascetic of existences without any modern conveniences just to live my life with my volk.
Caleb White
fuck off fag, you've got nothing to prove here
Austin Nguyen
Shit pay is not a necessary sacrifice for keeping niggers out. All that money that could be is simply pocketed by kikes in leading positions, or spent on stupid shit like more stadiums. Niggers living in Hungary was never ever an option either, so it's not like we should have it harder to start families just to avoid that. Reminder that the average Hungarian is racist as fuck. Even the degenerate university students.
Christopher Martin
He was good right up until Fuck unions. Nations don't form jewish unions, they form treaties, which can be changed or dissolved.
Jayden Moore
But when I am in budapest, it seems that most middle class people do have more than 600€per month. Kids do have money for designer clothes and expensive phones. And tryhards can still but expensive cars.
another day that is not of the rope, another kike draws breath
Anthony Evans
Good luck Eruos. I hope Orban isn't being played but what really can he do? Naming the jew would ruin him so skirting the issue should give his people time to ready their defenses against all manners of attack to destabilize the sovereignty of the country.
I guess americans will never understand the situation in Hungary. You see him speaking out against new-age liberal shit and think this makes him great, because what I called new-age liberal shit is a problem in your country. It is not and never was in ours. It's not a problem of "what really can he do?". Orbán won't ever name the jew. FIDESZ is full of kikes. His original two best friends whom he founded FIDESZ with are both kikes.
Robert Lee
Kevin Ramirez
Hey D&C kike im an atheist myself, but retarded sheep need a shepard.
Landon Bennett
Playing your hand way to hard there Chaim.
Thomas Howard
and? they're pretty mild words. not advocating ill treatment for anyone. and not proposing violence as a solution.
you can feel that sooner or later some high level kike will openly tell what's actually at stake for them.
Sebastian Peterson
Why central? just say european this makes it an easy media target
Hunter Sanchez
Your goat fuckers ass licking faggot will never gain power, ya cunt.
Orban actually is a jewish shill though. That is not even debatable. He is also a crypto-globalist, which is why he refuses to leave the EU.
Colton Young
Pretty sure that's not the only reason we're not leaving the EU. There's just too much money coming from it that our politicians are pocketing and they don't want to give that up. Guess staying is a win-win for them. Shekels and globalism. Plus Orbán can keep shitting on it in all his talks and generate support for FIDESZ.
That's pretty much the definition of globalism, m8. Therefore, he's a globalist.
Christian Scott
Anti jew, Anti mudslime, pro Catholic - anti (((catholic)))
Anti jew, anti fag, anti trani, anti feminist.
Anti globalism, anti jew, anti IMF/WB/WTO etc.
Anti jew, anti UN, anti NATO, anti invader
Anti jew, anti UN, anti NATO, anti EU, anti internationalist clique.
not plebbit spacing for any D&C attempts. Separating distinct points of thought is how shit is written
Did I miss any anti*?
Samuel James
Maybe #2 Ari;
Literally is what (((you))) implied Orban didn't give. Oh right I'm replying to a kike. Okay; =='''ANONS FILTER AND REPORT ID: [2c76b5]
Logan Ramirez
Adam Gonzalez
Says nothing about race at all.
Isaac Cruz
The current (((pope))) is not the actual/real pope. Most Catholics don't follow and don't agree with (((Francis))) at all. That's why [2c76b5] expanded the (((Christcuck))) D&C to be all of Christianity.
Brandon Garcia
You're the fucking jew. Christianity is the original Jewish subversion that wiped out the native faiths of Europe. How is this not the most cucked shit you have ever seen in your life. The modern churches even selectively enforce the teachings of the bible to maximize (((donations))) from women and expand by bringing in minorities, just like a compromized, zog infested and corrupt central swamp (that most white countries suffer now).
You argue with nothing but strawman and insults because you are a pilpulling kike shill, and I am going to enjoying gassing you when your historically failed system crashes down on you like Titus on Jerusalem and anarchy rules the streets. Take note moishe.
Joshua Thompson
>1. The first is that every European country has the right to defend its Christian culture, and the right to reject the ideology of multiculturalism.
Right fucking there. If you can't/don't see that as denying non Europeans into European countries as a whole then you're either a retard or (((you're))) intentionally missing it.
Oh and this;
Caleb Morales
You're an admitted jew bro. You're triggered by it being reiterated to you.
>Most Catholics don't follow and don't agree with (((Francis))) at all His statements all come directly from the Catechism of the Catholic Church. They are official catholic teaching, considered infallible through ordinary and universal magisterium.
rofl it's been well proven Jesus was not a (((jew))) but an actual Jew, the real fucking definition: a person of Jerusalem. Kinda exactly what Revelation 3:9 says;
Just like the vast majority of jews are not semites either but they fucking claim that shit. Just like jews aren't white but they claim they are until they have to.
David Allen
Nothing to do with race. Orban himself is a gypsy, not Hungarian.
Thank (((you))) for implying (((you))) aren't filtered to post in which I said (((you))) were filtered.
Michael Scott
Ian Morgan
Orbans actual 5 tenets: - Protect the kikes at all costs - Continue calling for an all christian country while having kikes in said country - Squash any legit rw uprisings - Continue selling off Hungary to the chinks - Sneak muzzies through the back door so no one notices
Gabriel Hill
He doesn't mention race. Christianity was the original globalist religion.
There's one side of this conflict that's very fond of "it's like we say and if you don't agree, then [place something ending with -phobe here]" Just sayan.
Justin Kelly
Be honest, how many of you are newfags?
Benjamin Williams
Tryhards are business owners and 6 of those kids live in 3 bedroom apartments to save on rent. You might have been 2 weeks in Hungary but you ain't a Hungarian. Also in most countries capital dwellers are a bit better. Go check out Debrecen or Pécs or Szolnok. t. Hungarian baszomalásan
Bentley Reed
I am in hungary quite often (not this year though). I absolutely love ozora and sziget festivals, but yeah that festival life is a lot different than day to day grind
and yeah I know that budapest has better standard than rest of the hungary and that they behave like they are better than other peasants
but its true, when I am there I usually hang with other tourists, most hungarians I meet are working there
Hungarian user here. Orbán is at best a civic nationalist. In reality he is a mafioso who uses civic nationalistic rethoric to win the hearts of people, but lives up to said rethoric TO SOME DEGREE.
Despite not talking about our "biological existence" however, his policies drive up the birth rates of white Hungarians, and slow down the birth rate of gypsies, not only now but whenever he was in charge in the past.
John Sullivan
What the fuck, user? The only other festival I can think of with a near equal concentration of pure degeneracy is Balaton Sound. Explan yourself.
There might be more and better job opportunities there, but it's also the city where most niggers, shitskins and all your favourite flavors of foreigners live. Is also incredibly crowded, and literally stinks. In comparison to my hometown, anyway.
Carter Collins
You're responding to a jew, pretending to be a based fashy goy, promoting the gypsy communist protector Orban, like they do here with every zionist kike puppet
Liam Morales
>his policies drive up the birth rates of white Hungarians, and slow down the birth rate of gypsies Another 'Hungarian user' claiming that Orban is just a civic nationalist. No he's a zionist employed fraud.
Also there isn't a single Hungarian unaware that Orban is a gypsy after one of the opposition accused him of being jewish he produced documents to show he is a gypsy.
What kind of 'Magyar' on Zig Forums wouldn't know this?
Actually no. I am from eu country close to hungary, where in recent elections populist right wing party leader won. Main problem with him that left had, was that he was too good friend with orban, and they see orban just as american left sees trump. Its like second hitler for SJWs in our country.
If America goes for broke and Zig Forums-types win the civil war, then we could reestablish this nation with the image of Our Founding Father's and Hilter's vision for a restored Nation-State. In this age of kikery, we could lead by example and ally with as many others as possible.
This seems to be a step in the right direction. However, what he NEEDS to be saying is HUNGARY FOR THE HUNGARIANS and EUROPE FOR WHITE EUROPEANS. All non-Whites need to GTFO of Europe. Europe is LITERALLY the racial homeland of Whites. It is where Whites EVOLVED. NO NON-WHITES SHOULD BE THERE EVER. Also, national self determination and government of the people of that nations. (AKA, NO JEWS) That is what is needed. Not "muh Christian values."
Hungarians are magyars. They are synonymous. I have often wondered what this passport that you shills keep posting is supposed to mean. "Magyar" does not mean gypsy. It means Hungarian.
Caleb Hughes
I can do it in two: 1) Gas the kikes 2) Race war now
Why is Orban getting shit on so hard here yet people still defend (((Trump))) who is a far bigger kike lover than Orban will ever be and has accomplished much, MUCH less.
Zachary Diaz
Kike free first post.
Kayden Sanders
(((Cuckstianity))) has nothing to do with Europe. "Christian", implied to mean 'non-Moslem White European', sure, but no unironic dead kike on a stick worship.