Londonistan: 'My leg was broken by bike robbers but I had to call Uber to get to hospital'
A cyclist whose leg was broken in a “bike-jacking” by three masked robbers was refused an ambulance and had to get to hospital by Uber minicab.
Paul Mullan, 32, dialled 999 in agony as he lay on the towpath beside the River Lea near Tottenham Hale after being attacked as he rode home.
But, in the latest controversy to hit the London Ambulance Service, he was told to hang up and redial the NHS 111 non-emergency helpline because his injury “wasn’t serious enough”.
He was eventually rescued by three police officers who carried him to their car and drove him home before he called an Uber cab to take him to A&E.
The attack came a day after no ambulance was sent to pregnant Malorie Bantala, 21 — so brutally attacked in Peckham that she lost her baby.
Police today appealed for witnesses as they issued descriptions of the attackers, all black. One is tall, aged 18-20 and wore a burgundy bandana over his face, another of that age had Afro-style hair and wore a black jacket and a short youth aged about 16 had a Somali appearance and wore a black bomber jacket and blue jeans.
Is he insured? If yes then why didn't they just send him the private ambulance?
Dominic Jones
Who is he going to wife up? Some brit skank who acts like a drunken sailor?
(((Feminism))) has made white women virtually undateable let along marriageable.
Jews have swiftly ruined a generation of young white women and sped up the race mixing process. I know 8/10 and 9/10 guys in looks who would never consider white women again want a Japanese wife. Granted they aren't rich but with youth unemployment rates of 40% in some EU countries and ridiculously low salaries that is no surprise…
Joseph Cook
Puh-lease. Even private ambulance have better things to do than bus some dying white dude to the hospital.
Jason Bell
degenerate race mixer. he will serve as an example
fuck off kike
Anthony Jones
So they find a man with a broken leg lying on the street and they decide the best place for him to be is at his home? Because he definitely has top-notch medical equipment and a gaggle of ready and waiting physicians stashed away in his cellar?
>learn Latin Spanish or Caribbean French for a year or so bet the operator won't know the difference between language the dialects in Latin America and you could claim your spic too
In socialist countries you don't see a doctor unless its a dire emergency. Got sick? You're better off just staying at home until you're recovered. Got badly injured? If it doesn't appear broken just stay at home and search up symptoms on the internet. Even in an emergency you're going to wait 4 hours in a hospital waiting room.
Sebastian Bailey
There distinction lies between "fuck the cops" and "fuck the establishment". Granted, in the modern day UK, the latter may well demand an even greater 'fuck you' than the former, but the ideal (in purely idiological terms) is what counts with regards to political allegiance.
Justin James
Yeah, but at least that man was not attacked by nazis.
Jeremiah Edwards
hey americans can you nuke london for us we'll be grateful
Owen Cook
as a german i enjoy it to see the britains suffer
William Ortiz
At least they're not speaking German, rite?
Logan Fisher
There is no such distinction.
Robert Campbell
The current state of bongistan: Soy-based race-mixers getting denied medical transport after packs of niggers assault them for their possessions, and it now takes three bongbobs to move one soyflake.
Shit like this works perfectly well if you tightly control your population. It stops working once you let in millions of stab-happy niggers.
Isaac Bailey
Found the screeching Britbongistani roastie. Your shitty island deserves a nuke.
Julian Rivera
Why didn't the cops take him to the doctors?
Ryan Ward
This is just more proof that asians are bug people. Why did he have to call an uber instead of getting her to take him him?
Noah Martinez
Look at the size of her face compared to his! Holy fuck, why would you race mix and throw away the gift of seeing yourself in the face of your children. He looks like the kind of pos who would still cry the mantra of "diversity is our strength". Fuck him but at least his story can warn others.
Has the US never joined any of the world wars then Britain would have had all of its empire still intact and everybody would be living in paradise today, literally and figuratively.
As if Germany would have taken over Britain, we're cousins anyway, what's the fucking point, actual blood kinship connects us, hell even the anthem was the same, or at least similar for a while.
Everyone simply got jewed the fuck out.
Cooper Long
granted, Britain took the deal that kicked that off, but as a German who is fucking pissed off and tired about "incitement laws", it takes two to tango. The 'inciter' and the guy actually doing it.
Nathan Thomas
Seriously? The British Empire had a quarter of humanity under it thumb, and they were rebelling. Their fleet and army was to keep their slaves in check, including, after WW 1, the German slaves. They were doomed to fall apart before WW 1, and German reparations was just a way to get more resources to keep humanity subjugated. As peoples go, the Brits are only second to the jews in being assholes.
Luke Edwards
Your kidding me, right? He is totally scared to death of her…she would probably gaslight him for months if she had to take time off work to take him to the hospital. Also, have you SEEN Asians in their native environment? They can run over 3 children with their sports car, not even pause and keep going.
Justin Taylor
How the fuck did they fit him in their car…did they strap him to the front like a deer or something?
Germany should have annexed England and given the rest to Ireland (along with Britanny) to form a Celtic nation. Anglo-Saxons are Germanic.
Brody Powell
he didnt have his NHS insurance loicense
Julian Sullivan
They're just like us! Hey OP, have you ever heard of paragraphs, or do you always double space after every single sentence? Do you know how annoying it is to read that way?
Sebastian Martin
Nicholas James
People got 911 responses for cats stuck on roofs when these countries were 90+% white.
Nigga he white. Black and Muslim gang member always get top priorities over him.
Michael Thompson
who cares? Should of dialed 911 instead
Owen Butler
Couldn't he have at least found himself a cute asian girl if that's what gets his jollies off? Even back in her country (she looks Korean to me) men would be lining up to NOT date that… thing.
Brody Gomez
would go gay for the one in the middle
Noah Cooper
the absolute state of Cuckdon. you fucking idiots are not lifting your finger when you have yourself and your own white people fucked, raped, humiliated, killed, beaten up, defamed against. what will it take for you retards to do something ? you sincerely deserve what happens to you
Chase Russell
Oh fuck off. I'd rather marry a fat white slag (who at least can lose weight and repent her sins) than a plate faced gook.
Josiah Wright
UK cops should be considered traitors tbh.
Brody Gonzalez
KYS pedo.
Evan Rivera
i'm 15 so it's ok
Juan Allen
Enjoy Tyrone's sloppy seco-make that fifths or sevenths.
Bentley Martin
checked, this is their punishment for WW2 and the Boer wars/genocide
Joshua Harris
This. Them and all other shitmasons.
Julian Lopez
This is how badly they need to pretend these attacks don't happen.
England is dead.
Levi Carter
you forgot
Kayden Reed
checked, and also their involvement in ww1 and their support for international jewry. they will pay the full price, and they will not even try to defend themselves. how ironic
Owen Cook
Have you ever read of the alleged Boer prophet, Nikolas van Rosenberg? Supposedly, he prophesied the rise and fall (complete with how the world would mourn his passing) of Nelson Mandela. He also prophesied a lot against the British. If he's the real thing, then yeah, God really does hate the Brits and is punishing the ever loving daylight out of them until they basically mo longer exist as a nation.
He also prophesied that the Boers would go through a very, very dark time when it looks like all is lost and there's no hope, but this will reforge the Boers into a stronger, more faithful people that will eventually retake South Africa from the niggers and then turn it into the literal new world capital of world Christendom that Westerners of many different nations would flee to while their home countries get overrun by nonwhites.
Basically, God is pro-white. And it's easy to see why, considering whites have made the best Christians through the ages.
Logan Parker
Not where I live. My state has a (violent) crime victim compensation program ; the bill would be comped.
Jacob Powell
generous of the jews to think of you this way.
Charles Ramirez
Not even a single action butter knoife to protect your bollocks? Blimey.
Jaxson Green
Correct. The establishment makes the laws and the police (and the courts/prison system) enforces them.
Ryan Flores
Disgusting. somaliniggers still deserve the rope though
Matthew Hill
checked, yeah, he was a legit prophet. The Boers were close to being Christian Identitarians, if not completely.. Did he prophesied any details about the fall of Mystery Babylon?
Henry Hall
T-t-that's shopped, i-isn't it?
Ryder Martinez
No sympathy whatsoever.
Lucas Price
sort of, it's for British Pedal Car Grand Prix race
Christopher Moore
Cost savings to lower taxes. "Why my car stopped, its not because i want to save on gas so i bought it less?".
Ryan Richardson
So exactly like the U.S.?
Nolan Stewart
How many of these are roasties, and how many are feminist cucks?
Has nothing to do with a corrupt judaized version of "socialism", mass migrants, or elites in power using a mixed economy of capitalism and all its flaws along with the most retarded variant of socialism an anglo could come up with to ruin the economy and create a complete totalitarian slave state though, right?
Wee, American history. You are aware many nations today want the British to come back, right? The people who wanted to be liberated were without exception trained in the West from a young age with the explicit purpose of destroying the Empire. They were armed, funded and given instructions from the (((Americans))).
Further had the US not intervened in either war the terms would have been favourable. In WW1 we can assume Germany would have lost, but without US pressure the peace terms would have been VERY fair. It was the US and French who wanted to 'punish' Germany leading directly to WW2. Even if WW2 did happen, Britain would have been forced to relatively fair peace terms. It was US intervention that led to a continuation of the wars which led to massive hatred, huge death tolls and insane war debts… Which would bankrupt and destroy both Britain and Germany with only the likes in the US coming out profitably.
Sebastian Stewart
and national health care strikes again … this shit doesnt happen in america.
We pay our doctors and they do good work.
America only place not a shit hole
Christian Taylor
The 'catholic king' prophesied to take back Europe from the hordes of today will arise out of a retaken South Africa.
Nathan Cruz
He was a cyclist. His wife is Japanese. You can ride a bicycle in Japan without ever getting jumped by rabid niggers and you can also call an ambulance that actually comes.
Chances are she doesn't have a drivers license nor can even imagine stuff like that to happen.
Guys insulting her looks: C'mon who do you think goes to racemix? Women who are considered undesirable or girls having tons of high status guys lining up for them?
As long as they don't create rootless hapas I don't see the issue. I'm German and I'd never touch a British woman. They're foul mouthed landwhale dykes with nasty attitudes for the most part + all laws encourage divorce so why would you even have kids if you aren't on welfare to begin with.
The world is going down the drain either way and the only survivors will be low IQ hillbillies that hopefully will regress back to the mean.