Yaxley Lennon released on bail


Whether he be an Irish controlled-opposition friend of Israel or a genuine English patriot; Tommy/Stephen is out on bail for now. Will be interesting to see if it was all a stunt to make him into the 'leader of British nationalism' so that we can be directed away from der juden and instead take out all our frustrations on the muds, probably creating Greater Israel in the process; or if he genuinely is a rogue agent and will therefore be squashed by an establishment who will now be enraged with the people who still remember just British law and are actually trying to enforce it for once.

Attached: Broadside_titled_'The_Battle_of_Trafalgar'.jpg (550x1336, 132.85K)

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I guess his MI5 handlers pulled some strings.

There's no chance of that. Even the protests were openly organized by a zionist organization.

archive nigger. dont give them the AD revune

The volume of kike shills in every tommy thread clearly indicates their fear of him. A white guy that'll fight is a strong motivation to the bongs.

wow great

Attached: tommy robinstein.jpeg (800x844, 185.37K)

Robinson is England's Mandela now.

< nazis who call the kike a kike are shills
kys newfag

A Mossad-trained anti-White agent of jewry?

So what, still waking people up. I only see good from him being a mini martyr.

updated it for you

Attached: 0cdcb484023db04ca91a2ac7f86a910dfbc7410cd86113b996de3d4f07c018e7.jpeg (800x844, 206.14K)

agreed. he is a useful idiot

Thats funny, and quick on the draw.

You guys push tommy = jew so hard. His arrest was good because it shows the absurdity of England tyrranical government. How is that a bad thing? How is it mossad orchestrated?

Answer that, and I'll post your infographs all over imageboards for you.

It is a jewish publicity stunt

He is literally jewish and works for mossad, by his own admission

I'd rather kill you. Someday soon we'll be curbstomping your toddlers while you watch shlomo

That's the way these kikes roll. Just like the msm doubling down on lying since 2015. when you call out a kike on their lies, they just lie more.

Do spastics still believe he UK government is trying to have him killed? He's been imprisoned what, 3 or 4 times now? And each time he's either come out totally fine or been in minor altercations. Do people not see the massive retarded contradiction between thinking the state is powerful enough to indiscriminately kill anyone it dislikes but yet still fuck up 4 times with this guy?
Lmao, they could have killed him in an "accident" years ago. Argument is they want to incite a race war? They could have sent a group of pakis with a knives to stab him years ago. But no, the argument is they've had him unjustly locked up 4 times with only to fail each time in an environment (prison) in which the have totally and complete control of. Fuck off. His popularity increases massively with every fabricated "I an enemy of the state" stun he's involved in all the while he literally suffer very litter hardship as a result. It's extremely transparent.

Real smooth, kike.

Holy shit.. He is a fucking tiny hat man?! HAHAHAHAHAHA
