The Mueller investigation is a coup. It’s not an investigation and it was only an investigation when they thought they could get Trump impeached. Since October, 40,000 sealed Federal indictments have been issued. Every month there are more indictments and the press is silent. The usual number of federal indictments is under 1,000 per year. 40,000 sealed indictments is unheard of.
The 40,000 indictments keep piling up, but none of them are prosecuted. The reason is because they intend to prosecute all of these indictments at the same time. They are going to charge those 40,000 people with some form of conspiracy. Now that we know how thoroughly the deepstate has infiltrated the DOJ, CIA, and FBI, we know those indictments are for us.
Right now the FBI and DOJ are identifying and indicting every single Trump supporter in the nation that has been outspoken online as a Trump supporter. When they pull their coup, federal agencies nationwide will be kicking doors and carting Trump supporters off to concentration camps. There will be a news blackout on it in the MSM and deep state social media. Sites like 4chan will be shutdown.
The public will be told by the MSM that the DOJ uncovered a massive spy ring connected with the Trump admin. They will be told that all the Trump supporters being arrested are foreign agents. They will arrest all Trumps business partners and associates in Washington. Congressmen like devin nunes and jim jordan will be arrested as part of an allegedly criminal conspiracy.
The right needs to start organizing and preparing for the day when the conspirators try to pull their coup. We need to openly address this threat and begin openly making preparations to resist. We need to have lines of communication set up since the internet will be controlled. We need to have local defense forces prepared so that we can offer armed resistance to the attempted round ups. Mueller & co need to expect heavy armed resistance from the public for any attempted coup.
Right now the deep state is using legislative pressure to prevent Trump from ending the Mueller investigation. If he ends it, they will just attempt the coup sooner and use his ending of the Mueller investigation as the excuse. However, it’s still in his best interests to do so. He can’t allow them the luxury to set their own time table.
If Mueller & co succeed in the coup, they know that the majority of the population will be opposed to them and they will know that they have no chance of changing their mind via their control of the media, since no one trusts the media anymore. If they are successful, they will consolidate control using brutality. Trump supporters will be rounded up and hung for treason. Executions will be televised, people that kill Trump supporters will be lauded as heroes on the news. . .You’re only chance for survival will be to have a gun and resist federal agents violently when they come for you. If you’re taken into custody- you’re done. You’ll be offered no chance at justice, you’ll be stomped on as an enemy of the state.