"Tommy Robinson emerges from 2 months solitary confinement emaciated and unrecognizable"

"Tommy Robinson emerges from 2 months solitary confinement emaciated and unrecognizable"

If he was a tool they wouldn't have starved him like this.
He looks less of a kike summer camp attendee,and more like a victim of Lazar.

Other urls found in this thread:


He’s a zionist. Get over it.

without clicking the youtube link, would you remind me who he is?

useful idiots have their purpose

Attached: tommyrobinson.PNG (794x836, 1.41M)

I believe he founded the English Defense League

Wow, your thread got three different "one and done and don't forget to sage" Schlomo comments in less than 7 minutes.

I guess this means that even though Tommy won't publicly name the Jew, he's pretty legit.

Shitty leftist memes. You can always tell by the lack of humor or style.

every tommy thread does. the british people are like dry kindling just waiting for a spark so tommy is more heavily shilled against than any figure on the right aside from trump

Fake and gay

wtf? now the UK is fucking starving their prisoners?


Theresa May barred Tommy from getting food deliveries from family and friends, leaving the only food available to the shit that moslems were cooking for him. So he chose not to eat rather than to be poisoned.


Translation: His own in-group stabbed him in the back

Attached: Tommy Robinson is HOME!.webm (640x360, 5.68M)

the kikes love their controlled ops; that is until they turn on their own tribe. just a matter of time before he loses his kosher appeal. pic (((related)))

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He does look starved.

Good. He can join his starved ancestors

Attached: holocaust-bodies-mass-grave.jpg (480x345, 46.72K)

He looks normal.

We can use the kikes that bring attention to issues common to us; Simonsen on S. Africa, Lennon on Muslim hordes ruining Europe and Klopper on Circumcision; but they need to be reminded that they're kikes

Since when were jews in general NOT schizophrenic? They absolutely would throw away a useful idiot to the wolves because he's still a shabbos goy and that's what all shabbos goys are. Even the best of the goyium deserve death.

He's a victim of being a useful jewish idiot who didn't realize he was no longer useful to them and so they dropped the hammer on him to absolutely crush him. That's what the jew thinks of all you shabbos goy jew apologists out there. Tommy Robinson is your reward after serving (((them))) loyally and not your own people.

Attached: shut it down.png (752x529, 218.16K)

To any brits. Don't get lazy on your laurels. Remind people not to stop the Tommy rallies, keep that momentum going, now that he's free, with increased vigor.

yes this, they weren't fucking around with him. 2 months of solitary confinement I believe would legally fit the definition of cruel and unusual punishment. Especially for a crime that would normally see one enter a minimum security prison. Instead they send him to a fucking maximum security prison which is 70% muslim and keep him in solitary confinement for his "safety".

I guarantee that was the plan to kill him. Either he cracks and asks to come out and their pet sand niggers kill him, or he says in the hole and goes fucking insane and starves.

Man they fucked him up, he can barely walk. Raped?

He's a subversive kike. The UK is fucked if this is who they consider a hero.

gas yourself, he is a good tool to be used to break the minds of Brits away from their Orwellian masters

He is subversive for calling out muzzlehead rape gangs?

Why not? I mean, you're making the argument right now, yet you think they couldn't forsee that? Come on user.

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Some guy who was trying to report on a pedophile trial of Mudslimes in London.
London doesn't like insults to Islam.

USE HIM AS A VESSEL. You will not get another. You fucking imbecile.

A Zionist who was 'imprisoned', ostensibly for covering a rapegang case in Britcuckistan, but in actuality to improve his credentials in the circles of dimwitted philosemites who complain about radical Islam in Europe while ignoring how they get there.

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As a vessel, he will only corrupt that which he would act as a vessel for, leading tomsuc corruption being spread to those who imbibe from said vessel.

This place is full cuckchan now and this thread is proof. Kampfy's departure was all staged to increase PPH because of users leaving.

Okay, remain in your cuckshed and masturbate to anime and do nothing, you spoiled bum.

OR you could be out there AMONG the people at the rallies redpilling on how kikes are not allies or friends.

It's incredible how low-IQ so many of you are, when you make a kike a hero you give a kike power and influence, he's going to use it to fuck you in the ass.

yup. i know how it sounds but the larp board is honestly more fit to post than this place.

MSM is flooding it with traffic. perfect opportunity to name the jew.


Counter sage stay mad

englishman who was imprisoned for livestream reporting outside a child rapegang court proceeding

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i have spent some time locked up and after seeing those webems of him getting punked in jail (sorry, I couldn't find them to repost) I would say he most likely spent those two months in solitary voluntarily. nobody forced it on him, he made a choice to do it so that he would survive. when I was locked up in juvenile hall when I was 12, I chose to stay in my cell the entire time. I did not mingle with the general pop because I was scared, I admit it. so was tommy

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Ultra kill yourself, yid.

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I'm talking about the energy and momentum from the rallies. You go there and you redpill. You don't have to talk about Tommy at all. These people are ripe for redpilling. He's just the excuse that allows us to actually proselytize in public.
In the end the rallies should be shifted towards being about immigration and anti-shitskin, not Tommy. Subvert it.
Nothing will ever be pure, and you're just using it as an excuse to do nothing and discourage people from doing anything.

If he wasn't a tool, he would have been murdered by shitskins.

How many prison deaths have there been related to National Action?

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You have to remember that there is more than one faction vying for control.

Attached: Multiple Groups, One Unified Goal of White Destruction.png (1211x393, 25.74K)

I got that image from a holohoax exposure site

There isn't any kind of "faction" targeting him, this is the best thing that's happened to him in years. Before this stunt, his popularity had fizzled out and his reach was limited to Rebbe Media subscribers.

How stupid does someone have to be, to think that T. May and Tommy were ever in the same in-group? Or better yet, how stupid does this kike (who doesn't get a (((you)))) think Zig Forums readers are?

The Holocauset Happened

Of course there are. Regressive politicians and Mudslimes both want him dead.

The real story: his handlers thought him coming out all emaciated would be good for his image as a martyr, and were right.

If they really did, he'd be dead.

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We have plenty of those sand niggers posting here as well. They don't want us talking about muslim rape gangs.

Who brings the mudshits in to begin with? The same race that Tommy protects.

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MOSSAD demon

Zig Forums banning people to defend him….. Mossad killed JFK and did 9/11

Attached: ben-gurion-jfk.jpg (640x428, 116.54K)

why? because Zig Forums supports tommy? I don't think so.

Look at those mongoloid fucks. How.. just fucking HOW are native Brits not grabbing swords and halbreds and going to work…

If any of you still think that jews are stupid, then you should take note of how the "oy vey" meme is being used lately.

They're not dumb enough to notice that we are doing the opposite of what they want us to, and so the next step is to do and say things we do want, so we do the opposite of them.

The kikes will be happy if we just sit on 8ch all day "naming the jew" over and over and never organize or do anything about it, or affect the real world. Yes, goy, the entire real world and everything in it is a controlled op by us jews.

Controlling every single thing that we ever see and making sure nothing slips through the cracks is hard. Inhumanely hard, impossibly hard. Simply logging into 4chan and shilling about jews controlling anything that's opposed to them isn't hard, in fact, we already know they attempt to shill here all the time.

Hahaha, shut up you glow-in-the-dark double-nigger.
I'm not gonna use your Zionist cuckold for anything but an example of someone not to trust, and demonstration of the UK being a shithole.

Pick one and only one.

Yes, there is absolutely shilling to paint the jews as monolithic and unbeatable, but there are also kikes like you who try to pilpul and gaslight people into thinking that a zionist who modeled his group after the jewish terror organization the JDL isn't really controlled by them.

Oh look, they let the jew out early.

Judging by all the shills screeching their little brains out ITT I'd say he's more than legit.

"Christian Bale emerges from the set of The Machinist emaciated and unrecognizable"

If he was a tool they wouldn't have starved him like this.
He looks less of a kike summer camp attendee,and more like a victim of these dubs you faggot kike OP

Attached: christian-bale-the-machinist.jpg (480x300, 62.21K)

maybe you're the one who's full of shit.

these were the people protesting his release outside of court today

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You'll call everyone a kike. The only non-jew thing to do apparently is just sit at home posting on 4chan, calling all the other users jews all day.

You really think they're scared of someone doing this? That's exactly what they want, you moron.

< saging

kike detected.

Yes, you kikes mindfucked him and betrayed him, as kikes are wont.

If it makes the part and looks good on him of course they will. they don't care, the kikes would have thrown him in a cage for a week and tell some story of how he was so disciplined or some shit. all the normie faggots hear about it and go talk about how a great dedicated actor he is.

I'm sure that most, if not all, celeberties are really like animals in a zoo.

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And these were the people protesting for his release.

Or maybe just not being an avowed zionist with jewish backers who travels to Israel?

This is the fakest shit I've ever seen.

kike trick: pictures shadow play

Note the complete absence of discursive. It's someone using shill automation software.


Hi triggered leftist.

oy vey how terrible

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If he would have died in prison, I could see that as a possibility, but all they did is elevate his status higher than ever before.

Who bankrolled the protests in Tommy's support? The Middle East Forum, a zionist thinktank founded by the CFR jew Daniel Pipes.

Mossad training camp.
Why does he have a sun tan?
Why did the "pits and hollows" on his face vanish when he got home? Washed the make up off with a nivea pad?

I don't buy into the conspiracy theories but this is hackneyed. Trying desperately to replicate the Mandela fake movement.
I'm not dying in your sectarian struggle against Islam on the behalf of secularism.
The burgers on the board will lap it up due to their superficial understanding of the problems facing Europe.
Seriously, fuck off mi5. You have no info on me. I don't have a facebook.

No we won't you awful cunt.

Attached: Doctor Jew.mp4 (1280x720, 3.12M)

why would they put such an ugly creature on tv

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Come at me. Claim I'm a Muslim. I haven't thought about Islam in over a week. It a globalist universal religion and it promotes a grievance culture, but more importantly I find it boring.

He's a kike is one of the most effective tools they have. Someone being productive? Kike, ignore him fellow goys.

Hm, it's almost as if they're terrified of this idea of this event spreading far and wide. Guess I know what I'm talking about with my co-workers tomorrow.

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Typical MIjew acting like the traitors they are. Never a day goes passed where they aren't trying to fuck over Whites. They are scum.

He's likely MKultra'ed now.

the audio is absolute kaka

I stand with anyone who attacks groups of grown men rape children and groom them to be sold as sex slaves, beaten and abused. So, yes, productive and the only people who wouldn't support him calling them out is a greasy goat fucking muzzlehead scum of the earth who feels it's okay to fuck kids and America patiently awaits getting the call to exterminate.

Even when they stand with Talmudic pedophiles the way Tommy does?

Out of curiosity, do you think all the jews behind Tommy are the mythical "good jews"?

Mini Satan made the most important post ITT. Pay attention, gullible newfags and lurkers. The whole world's a stage and the kikes are writing the show.

Attached: PAYATTENTION.png (336x282, 66.99K)

Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon (born 27 November 1982[3]), known by the pseudonym Tommy Robinson, and previously as Andrew McMaster and Paul Harris,[4] is an English far-right activist[5] who co-founded and served as spokesman and leader of the English Defence League (EDL),

As I wrote, I stand with anyone who attacks those who rape kids and sell them into slavery to be raped, beaten and killed. Kids safety > all. The motherfuckers abused millions, he called them out, fuck the rest for now until those kids are in good shape.

To answer your other question, to be totally honest I really never paid much attention to the guy as I never gave much of a shit with what was happening in the EU due to thinking they made their bed by allowing the scumbags in. However, when it comes to the abuse of children I don't see how anyone wouldn't be okay with what he did… unless the kids were nigs as they don't count.

This is a distraction.
They're probably dropping Brexit and hope that this will appease the populace.

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Late night Mi5?

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good for him , now he can get a job and become a useful member of society. He has paid his dues, let the man live in peace.

But if he tries that shit again he knows what will happen. The world knows.

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blah blah blah … fuck you too … midget satan can suck my midget cock

you cant deny he got cucked. Do you think he will come back stronger like a white mendela or do you think hes had enough

hes had enough , hes a bitch that wasnt worth shit ever