Does Zig Forums ever hear a (((shitlib))) say that progress is inevitable and that humanity only ever gets more and more liberal (read pozzed)? I know that they do that to gaslight us but it got me thinking, has there ever been a time where humanity has become more conservative instead of more liberal? I know people say muh dark ages but that was just a minor point in history where (((progress))) was delayed slightly longer. I really want to stop the march of (((progress))), I dread to see the world 50 years from now if this shit continues like it has seemingly continued forever. Sometimes I wonder if all the work that we're doing will just be futile in the long term and be at best a minor setback in the eternal march of the poz.
Does Zig Forums ever hear a (((shitlib))) say that progress is inevitable and that humanity only ever gets more and...
You mean right now and the literal NatSoc generation Z?
What are they supposedly progressing towards?
death and destruction
Oh what you’re really saying is that you’re stupid and think they should come after me.
You remember what happened last time? I know who you are now.
I don't know who are what the fuck you're talking about, you got the wrong person bud.
What's with all the fucking cuckchan threads lately?
What Natsoc Gen Z?
You mean like when the later Roman emperor's established what was effectively feudalism?
who is running these studies and what is their definition of conservative? I'm pretty sure these kikes are calling anything to the right of Jeb Bush "far right" now
No, but my mom always says "All this racism will end when we're all mixed, and we all will be some day." She was a Latin teacher her whole adult career.
they believe that they are progressing towards a world where everybody is benevolent, including bug chasers, transvestites, islam, and satanists, and everybody is allowed to be whatever they want, except for a right-winger, a white person, a male, a non-transvestite, a straight person, an opponent of democracy, a person with a weapon, or a person that has more money than someone else does, a.k.a. liberal paradise
but, really, they're cheering on their own demise, and protesting against those that want to save them
oh, and they won't want to let people be Christians either, unless it becomes twisted into some awful subversion
anyone got that vertical illustration of woman going from mother of many children, to mother of a couple, to a pet owner?
cuck/pol/ went down for some time, so the retards came here. Some stayed.
Learn about the Weimar Republic, laugh, and call such people faggots.
These people are on a figurative rubberband, stretching the untearable fabric of objective reality. Snap. Zoom. Flung into oblivion.
Yes literally thousands of times, of course it would involve us digging into the subjective minutiae of thousands of minor political, historical and cultural events throughout the thousands of years of recorded history.
I suppose a prime example would be the way the Islamic world replaced the Pagan world in the Middle East. How the Christian religion would replace the Pagan religions in Europe - and yes this did involve gradual shifting in cultural values and norms.
I think to say that history has been going in one direction socially is an asinine and uneducated opinion that comes straight from the pages of "Progressive" post-Enlightenment ideology. It's just a dogmatic view of history that's hell bent on enforcing a rather ridiculous Hegelian dialectic into situations where the context is completely different to serve a cheap political point.
And I'm ashamed that you re-uploaded my original crop of that image with this gay OP.
Humanity will be turned into one global faggot cyborg and there's nothing we will do about it.
I think it is a little ridiculous to call Gen Z the "based fashy saviors of the white race" etc.
However, there are a lot of them, if evidenced by online content alone, producing very good commentary on our situation, and from that there is clearly a core group that are extremely cogniscent of the shitstorm we are in. We need a prime mover, so-to-speak, to give them a swift kick in the ass and give them a figure to rally around however. I'd like to think that figure is biding his time but perhaps we've seen him already, although I remain doubtful. I think the situation will necessitate him(or her, I suppose) rather shortly, the coming decade basically, but they still need time to accrue the resources to gain success.
I'd be interested in looking into the demographics of other reactionary movements based on age. Were /our_guys/ always young?
But back to it, I do think Gen Z is a potentially potent force as they are bearing the absolute worst of this degenerated world. It's in the eyes of their grunt class. But they, we, need an actual avenue for change, and I think it will have to be one of their number.
I suppose I couldn't have asked to live in another age. I am certainly doing my part.
Godspeed, anons young and old.
Well the Roman republic did turn into the Roman empire so there's that
Whenever times get tough society goes conservative. In Western civilization that's usually been about every 4 generations. It's the weak men bring hard times cycle. There are also nation cycles of about 10 generations or 250 years. Nations/empires start out conservative, then as they get richer become hedonistic and feminine then they are conquered by a conservative patriarchal culture. There's usually a remnant of the degenerates though that survive though.
I read some research recently on what it takes to make knowledge, culture, and ideas get lost or forgotten within a culture, and my take away from papers/books in anthropology and cultural evolution is that you pretty much have to go full illiberal to make ideas die: burn books, smash hard drives, and kill people that have the ideas, spread the ideas, or come up with the ideas. Some here that aren't full Zig Forums might find that distasteful, but there really is no alternative. We are probably in a worse off position now with respect to pulling this off, given the global nature of the left, the internet, and global academic/library networks. Best you can really do from a practical perspective (given our resources) is show their ideas are garbage. Treat it like you would if you lived under a religious or totalitarian regime by using persuasion, esoteric writing, samizdat, etc. Which is how many people here act anyway via red pilling persuadable normies (and likely why we make ground).
I never thought I'd be a member of the counter-culture but whoops- here I am. Clown timeline man.
Nailed it.
Weimar Germany???
"end of history" is a meme shared by all fanatics.
christcucks have it, mudslimes have it, communists have it etc.
the closest liberals/marxists got to their end of history was the Soviet Union which collapsed on it's own.
it's an issue of relativity.
in the 1970's a girl in a bikini would be considered liberal because christcucks dominated the right but in the 2020's a girl in a bikini is seen as something conservative because feminists dominate the left.
When stalin purged degenerate roastie femenists