White hating Asian joins the New York Times Editorial Board
White hating Asian joins the New York Times Editorial Board
there was a time when comments like these were laughable. Now that there is a full frontal assault specifically against Whites, it will be sweet justice when Asianiggers kill off each other. this cunt will get herself on the shit lists of enough people, to get culturally enrichged then burned alive
This is just gross. Fuck off NY TIMES
If she hates White people so much, why not go back to wherever the fuck she came from? People like her know secretly that Whites are the best kind.
Disgusting cunt.
A kike rag celebrating the birthday of a communist kike. Who knew?
I wonder if any of those old white men she enjoys being cruel to fought to save her country from communist rule?
This chink bitch sounds so fucking salty that she’s not White. Doesn’t matter how well you did in math class, you’re just a slant eyed fetish and diversity hire and you’ll never be anything more. Never pity these insects, they want you dead and your history erased.
Asians are more vile than niggers/kikes. They weren’t born with low IQ, and didn’t evolve from a pedophile merchant desert cult, they CHOSE to be evil. Definitely not Zig Forumss ally.
Plot twist: The OP is a White hating Asian himself.
He just wants to see who falls for the bait. Reality check.
what to call them? cuck doesn't quite fit here. new word?
I mea, twitter is the backyard that everyone uses to make black humour.
That place is full of people saying that they rape children or want to genocide something, even Donald Trump uses it for dumb purposes, so I am not surprised.
something else to bear in mind are the numbers of Caucasians that made her life easy street, and in this case specifically the internet v. insectoids that are only technologically advanced because they have high aptitudes in the theft of intellectual property and reverse engineering
There’s a trap in here. I can sense it.
When you’re White and people think you’re Asian because you’re you’re Scandinavian and so alpha you have well protected eyes.
When will Shitter burn already?
Oh yeah she's not Asian she's just Finnish lads.
I’m Danish actually. If that Asian wants to catch me, she can come catch me.
Not my fault you dudes are born with weak legs and no backbone.
What is your point? Why is Fry doing what I think he's doing?
Is Futurama is in the same pozz level as the Simpson
that's an insect. Any idea which Korea. We only have a huge fucking Army base there protecting the Asianiggers in a cease fire for a war that never ended; for the past 50+ years
"twiter name"? Is the insect attempting spell. twitter?
Leave this Korean comfort girl alone, Sarah only accepts skinless wieners.
Everything racial is because everyone wants to be white…
Yeah, that is 'cultural appropriation' but not of our culture. It wouldn't take much digging to figure out that she is a part jew zionist POS I bet.
The OP is literally within throwing distance of where I am standing.
This thread is a bad euphemism for homosexual Mexicans trying to pawn me off as if I were a twink, and you’re the trigger nigger.
Told you, earned the Dragon title weeks ago.
Take your meds.
She got pumped and dumped by some big white cock.
The real question is, are you having fun yet?
Another “based” chink who half the board thinks we should race mix with. Asians were never our friends, they look out for themselves first and foremost, but they’ll play nice to your face until you turn around to stab you in the back.
I don’t have any nigger. Nothing here worth eating. The quality apparently left.
email pic in OP and angry letter to:
1) NYTIMES: Is this what you stand for?
Fox, kikebart, anyone right of center.
Start a petition
And they aren't like us either, easternfags lack creativity.
Pic related, this is what the white men would be breeding with, shitty robots with lack of innovation.
Soon they may have to baste themselves just to find food.
Point this out to her, I'm sure she'll explode
Worst Korea is a feminist hellhole. I hear they are bring their cancer to Japan while pretending to be Japanese.
Hi Reddit.
Do it, faggit.
The CIANiggers took my lunch.
Internet and computers are White creations, let alone the websites that run on them.
Actually, I was just called a giant white cock tree nigger.
That should be the next campus poster tbh
What makes you think she's even "based"?
A poor victim of the Hyperwar.
She's a gook, not a nip, idiot.
Congratulations to Jew York Times for giving every White man that stood against wall protecting the Korean insects
He doesn't think she's based you retard, he's pointing out all the redditors who are all going "MUH DIK"
same shit race, both are yellow shit skin, both have fucked up eyes.
Finally. It's about time Asians started shitting on whites instead of trying to be them. The sooner the eastern world recognizes their obvious superiority the sooner Amerikkka falls and socialism goes global.
Jews and Muzzies alike are Black Cube worshiping cults. Maybe the planet needs to remind these cousins that it's time to mature, to come to the table, and to make amends; or maybe Russia, China and the US will ally on the single issue of "glassing" the middle east
These criminally unchecked digits.
Good. I hate it when Whites cuck to Asians because of their "higher" SAT scores. Now I can disseminate this gook's hate and show that yellow is only a lighter color of brown.
I said eastern world moron. That means more than just asian. BTW russia pwned everyone in both wars the nukes were entirely unnecessary. As for living in primitive conditions Honk Kong and Tokyo are easily more advanced than any western city. Just give it a few more decades and it'll be slums from germany to cali.
user… the japs didn't follow through on capitalism well until the 90's when the american federal reserve system saw that japan kept up the exact same economic system as they did under the imperial government, a system where the banks would develop public and private enterprise for the good of the local/native economy… SOUND FAMILIAR?
At this point hating straight white men is really the only requirement to be a "journalist" for any left-wing media outlets.
Found the chink.
I knew she looked familiar.
I fucking hope so, you niggers have been blue-balling me with this shit for 2 years now.
I'm not asian. And I did counter your arguments. I wasn't using semantics you're just not literate. Anyhow I'm chalking this up as win for me. I have better things to do you inbred maga chud.
"Sarah" is etymologically jewish, user. C'mon, do your due diligence.
Nothing queer about fucking women in your own race.
She knows how to find me
Prove it
But you didn't counter his arguments
Like jerking off to your cuck porn collection and watching children's cartoons created by riceniggers?
Need to start going after these bastards who think it's okay to demonize whites. They are indoctrinating the morons who read their shit and if whites lose majority control it will be South Africa soon after with whites being killed and fucked with constantly. America is literally the last bastion at moment and needs to stand up against this up in a hardcore way.
Well if they actually are "us white people"ing the japs, then it might be important. Remember, Japs were allied to Hitler, and still are.
dead gooks can't join jewpapers
She has a name and she has an address.
true, but what do you think will happen ? You point a gun at her head and there won't be any clickbait on the New York Times anymore ?
I say make her chairman of the board, sounds like she really knows how to make a business fail.
>>>/gamergatehq/330874 about NYT editorial board member Joi Ito and associates
With the Disappearance of Malaysian Airlines MH-370, Jacob Rothschild Became the Sole Owner of 'Freescale Semiconductors' Patent - Company Sold for $16.7B
There sure are a lot of coincidences around these people.
I don't know how much more of this I can take
user, I was being sarcastic, as user at pointed out.
WTF is that shit? Please tell me you didn’t make that garbage yourself.
If you weren't some fucking 4cuck refugee, you'd realize that image has been around long before you were even a twinkle in your dad's eyes.
it's a picture user
No, I didn't, now go be a newfag somewhere else
Sage for off topic
Didn't NYT just have to sell half the floors of their head office because they weren't making any money? They more they keep listening to Marx the better.
Nah I would be able to tell apart a gook and a nip in 2 seconds, I'm 100% sure they can too.
No white guys want her or she got pumped and dumped by white chads.
Figuring out rabid azn women isn't hard…
This is what she actually looks like.
Stay away from crazy hair color women and you'll be alright…
No surprise that jews promote her though.
The end game is South Apefrica 2.0 with jews enforcing (((diversity))) quotas so high that most white guys can't get jobs anymore.
jews are white
deal with it
Only when it suits their ulterior motives, kike.
You don't belong here, hebe.
Even with the surgery?
I will just put his here.
>teleprinter shitposting
Don't forget tyrone's favorites:
Multiply by Nordic, Germanic, Slavic, Balkic, Italic, Hispanic, and other Celtic populations throughout time and you get:
Dumb gook probably thinks she's different from the japanese. Pic related.