But fuck it, the DNC sent me a fucking mail survey. Let's fuck with them, lads.
What a dumb thing to end a motivational letter on, people are looking for leaders not the guy huffing on dice before throwing them at a brick wall.
Text of Section II: Personal Priorities (choose three)
1. Protecting voting rights, restoring the Voting Rights Act, and maximizing voter participation
2. Raising wages and restoring economic security for the middle class
3. Securing universal health care and reducing prescription drug costs
4. Fixing our broken immigration system
5. Enacting commonsense gun safety legislation
6. Securing reproductive health, rights, and justice
7. Combating climate change, building a clean energy economy, and securing environmental justice
8. Guaranteeing lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender rights
9. Protecting Social Security and Medicare from privatization
10. Protecting and strengthening public schools and making debt-free college a reality
11. Reforming our criminal justice system and ending mass incarceration
12. Overturning Citizens United and fixing our campaign finance system
13. Ensuring that our democracy is free from Russian interference
14. Other
god damn, the are pure evil. I get pissed off doing the GOP surveys 'cause they try to trap you into anti-Russia/Iran/Nork shit and they've changed the questions to try to get more people to vote anti-Russia/Iran/Nork (for example, they used to have a question, "if Norks nuke us, should we invade them?" and then after awhile they changed it to "if anybody nukes us, should we do something about it?". also because they removed protecting 2A from priorities and replaced it with "muh safe schoooooooooooooooooooools" after Parkland. but at least there's some decent shit in there, even if the cuckservatives are never gonna do anything, the dem survey is all pure evil.
Which international issues are most important to you? (choose up to three)
1. Russian aggression and increasing global influence
2. Protecting industry, infrastructure, and government from foreign cyber-attacks
3. China's increasing economic and military strength
4. The nuclear missile threat from North Korea
5. Global climate leadership and protecting the Paris climate change agreement
6. Defeating ISIS, Al-Qaeda, and other terror groups
7. Humanitarian assistance to the civilian victims of war in Syria
8. Supporting the nuclear agreement with Iran to cut off pathways to a bomb
9. Advocacy for the rights and opportunities of women and girls around the world
10. Commitments to NATO and European allies
11. Improving relationships between the U.S. and Cuba
12. Other
[X] Other: Removing all jews from the USA
[X] Other: Nuking Israel
[X] I am not troubled by the policies of the Republican Party
[X] I don't find the Trump presidency disturbing
[X] Other: Dismantling the (((DNC)))
(1) for everything
(1) for everything
[X] Other: gassing jews
[X] Other: Zig Forums
And for your "contribution", send 1 monopoly money.
Section 3: The Republican Agenda
Which Republican policies do you find most troubling?
1. The repeal and replacement of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)
2. The unconstitutional ban against immigrants from Muslim-majority countries
3. The deportation of law-abiding immigrants and building of a border wall
4. A federal budget that increases military spending by billions of dollars while cutting funding for Medicaid, education, and other programs that help working families and seniors
5. Defunding public schools and creating "voucher" programs for private schools
6. Attacks on the civil rights of LGBTQ Americans
7. Dismantling of EPA regulations that protect our clean air and water
8. Tax cuts that benefit corporations, billionaires, and millionaires while doing nothing for the middle class
9. Opposition to commonsense gun safety measures
10. Loosening restrictions on Wall Street and big banks
11. I am not troubled by the policies of the Republican Party
Wew. So, these cunts besides profiling you and baiting for some extra cash, plan to expend 10m to do something based on what we did for free. And they still can´t grasp what it is. Lul.
I just want to take a moment to point out that they couldn't even remember to put queers in their first pronoun mentioning
KEK, do something like this OP.
That or a fossilized turd or something similar.
This is REAL?
Dont name Zig Forums you spaz. Name vice or cnn. Maximum kek.
the DNCtards will just go to cuck/pol/ and get triggered
Section 3.2: Which aspects of the Trump presidency do you find the most disturbing? (please choose four)
1. His erratic temperament and judgement
2. His early-morning tweets
3. His attacks on women
4. His reckless and dangerous foreign policy positions
5. His admiration of Russian President Vladimir Putin and refusal to recognize Russian meddling in our elections
6. His offensive and hateful rhetoric
7. His dangerous rhetoric on North Korea
8. His opposition to women's reproductive freedom
9 His decision to pull out of the Paris climate accord and dismissal of climate science
10. His refusal to release his tax returns and eliminate conflicts of interest
11. His efforts to repeal Obamacare
12. His attempts to interfere in the investigation of Russian election meddling
13. I don't find the Trump presidency disturbing
Section IV: The Democratic Agenda
With the Democratic Party as the minority party in Congress, which legislative goals do you believe should be our highest priorities? (please choose three)
1. Protecting workers' fundamental rights
2. Protecting and improving the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)
3. Protecting reproductive health and rights
4. Blocking appointments of extreme right-wing Supreme Court justices
5. Protecting civil rights for LGBTQ Americans
6. Ensuring the wealthy and corporations pay their fair shares of taxes
7. Reining in Wall Street and fixing our financial system
8. Protecting Social Security
9. Enacting universal paid family and sick leave
10. Protecting and strengthening public education
11. Fighting for equal pay for equal work
12. Providing tax relief to the middle class
13. Protecting the Paris Accord and working to reduce climate change and global warming
14. Fixing our broken campaign finance system
15. Fighting against economic inequality
I think I'm going to tell them to push Hillary in 2020
Isn't the DNC in huge amounts of debt and growing? Who's funding this?
I don't fucking know (kikes)
But I really don't fucking know how all of these Dem party leaders DON'T USE THEIR OWN FUCKING SHEKELS
I mean, we can take the numerous amounts of shit in this questionnaire to do something, but I've been up for 20 hours now and my mind isn't working
They use the most official sounding language they can muster but I just can't get the feeling of this shit being screamed at me by a (((MSM))) drone behind a desk or some blue hair with a protest sign.
A pile of worthless Soviet currency.
Send 100 trillion dollars to support progressivism and LGBT rights!
And racists say that Africans don't have architecture!
Send a survey with the stupidest most batshit insane answers you can think of. Like say, biggest priority should be stopping Russian interference. For section 5 question 2 the DNC should definitely prioritize training activists, investigate in research and polling and maintaining volunteer strength in urban and suburban areas.
Just circle the options that puts them on a guaranteed track to lose.
They don't need to listen, they need to produce a gazillion survey results and polls showing that Drumpf will loose 110% just like in 2016.
btw OP you should scan the documents and let people print them out and make their own troll versions to send
They have your address because:
a. your address is public knowledge stored at your county court house
b. your county sells that data to companies for money
Or run for office and change this, whichever is legal.
Absolutely loving this point.
There's this old joke coming from within the Iron Wall:
Anyway, no mention of Jewish, Arabian, Chinese influences all under "free from EXTERNAL interference". You need to realize it's all about Russians, citizen. Russians = threat. They are the enemy. Fear them. It's their fault.
Gof fucking dammit.
I'll do it in the morning
Be sure to check
It cost the DNC a lot of money to send out physical letters.
These surveys are horribly rigged, as you point out, but why did you vote Democrat >5 years ago
Dubs solidify this. Send them a jenk nugget.
Look at the writing on the envelope
you do not belong here, from the earliest part of my youth I always was an antisemite, racist and had ultra extreme right ideas. anyone who ever was a leftist are never to be trusted, and will switch sides whenever they feel like it. ever being a leftist is a sign of extreme stupidity and lack of consciousness and ability to think for oneself
If you want to fuck with them, go full "Russian Collusion. How dare people still refuse to admit that drupmf is literally working for putin this very second." Shit like that. Say you get your news from CNN and something like vice "but mostly twitter or facebook"
I was voting absentee due to college and some cute girl told me she'd go out with me if I voted for the Democrat
The opposite happened to me user, a girl I knew well in class back in 2012 asked me who I voted for. She said "I voted for Romney" with glee, I said "I voted for Obama", and the look on her face suddenly became one of disgust, she then went away talking to her friends about what she heard and I didn't really get many words to her after that. Even worse both my mother and father agreed together they'd never vote for a "negro", and were upset of my decision to vote for him, my mother even stated while I was filling out my absentee ballet the night before, "I can't believe my own son would vote for a nigger". I've changed a lot since then.
Tell them the biggest issues are trans nonsense so they alienate themselves even more from the average voter.
Wouldn't voting Democrat 5 years ago have meant you voted for 4 more years of (((King Nigger)))? Either that or you shat on some midterms in your state. Either way:
Is no good excuse to knowingly betray your ideals. It's illegal for anyone to meddle with your vote, and depending on where you live: to watch you while you're at the booth.
Own up to your mistakes and don't blame them on women or external influence. Your decisions are your own, and I don't want to start a conflict. We all make mistakes and change but don't blame others. That's a big redpill for you.
lucky you have racist parents
Could we print off the envelopes themselves and just let the postage costs overwhelm.
Hey OP, can you just scan the survey so we make thousand copies with all the pro gun and pro border answers to send to them? Ok, tnx :*
Printing the envelope
We can make this backfire
Yeah but it has a registration number. They will reject it and possibly track you down and fine you.
t. not burger so maybe I'm wrong
I've regretted it ever since. I have no one to blame but myself. I knew she was a degenerate thot, but my dick wanted it.
We could forge them, no? I don't know how the mail works in detail.
Does anyone know how the mail works?
People seem to be making something out of this thread, so let me just finish this by saying that: not blaming others for your mistakes is the first good lesson any addict to anything will learn. Even if it's heroin or women. Blaming someone else for that vote tingles me assmad enough to respond to myself and hope someone else learns their lesson before acting irresponsible again.
You're responding like you're OP, but your ID changed. The first letters literally say
Doesn't change your shifty IDs and confidence in bumping your thread. Let someone else bump it. You can't really think it's productive arguing with me. I'm glad if this is real. Learn to sage if you're responding to a prick.
You're a faggot. All lefties extremist are anti-israeli because muh palestinians. You want to make DNC kikes kvetch here:
[X] Other: Removing Israeli influence from the USA.
[X] Other: Solving the Israelo-Palestinian conflict which injustice is the root of all modern international problems.
[X] The constant pandering to the criminal state of Israel.
[X] The will to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of an apartheid "Jewish state".
[X] Other: tries to outlaw foreign political lobbying with Israel in mind rather than Russia, as the Israeli right, in power, is one of Putin proxies.
1 - Closing tax loopholes for (((special interests))) and fighting (((Wall Street))) greed. 10 on everything else (how the fuck did you miss this).
1 - Organizing around the expressed concerns of communities of color. 10 the rest.
[X] Other: watching out for Israeli lobbying.
[X] Facebook .
That way you're causing as much kvetching (even more) BUT you've actually got the profile of a democrat voter and not being moved from the survey list to the commissar hit list.
This is the smart thing to do, drive the wedge in between the different groups in ther "alliance". There is already tension between the jews and muslims within the DNC.
Try to make the most horrifying communist opinions seem mainstream, so they run loser campaingns forever.
If you start ranting about jews and shit make it seem like you got that way from cnn. Would be hilarious.
I still don't get why they are pushing muh Russians so hard. No one under 50 hates Russians, or even thinks about them all that much, really.
and thanks to putins Russian model ad campaign, most younger men lust after Russian women
Have a couple more
If you fill those envelopes with a ton of trash mail, they have to pay for the shipping by weight. It's a great way of getting junk mailers off of your back, since it costs quite a bit of money, and an already cash-strapped DNC is already begging for money to ship their letters back to them.
You don't even have to put anything inside it that tells them who you are. Just use all those shitty coupons you get in the mail.
But can we get other to anons to print out the envelope and do the same. Just one guy doing it doesn't break them.
Hell, we can even just spread the survey itself and screech about how the DNC didn't include the fucking long string of letters in the alphabet parade
Something tells me, you’re a kike.
4. – I don't think it means what they think it means. There's way too fucking much immigration.
5. – I don't think it means what they think it means. Commonsense means protecting people's right to arm themselves with everything the government has access to. If it's bad for the people to have a particular weapon, it's bad for the govt to have it too.
6. – I don't think it means what they think it means. Men's reproductive rights are not respected in any way and this must be fixed.
Not sure if next level supreme sarcasm or d/c.
If the first, sorry but that doesnt work through text on the internet. if the second, well, you really did earn that filter
ALL JEWS, kike.
So the protocols of zion should be included.
I'm going to mail them the Google Manifesto, the Incel Manifesto, and a printout of every 2016 article saying Hillary would win.
"Russians" is a code word for normal White people.
That might fall under mail fraud. Don't send it from your house.
11 is the only one I would even consider on their list of nonsense but 14 is the best option.
14: other being "Recognize the second amendment as written. The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. "
You do realize the snowflake who inputs your survey is going to be seriously triggered.
Are you willing to be responsible for someone getting PTSD?
That's because they in all likelihood are some blue hair with a protest sign and this is their best effort to make themselves sound like professionals and not screeching tumblrtards
Same but holy hell has the DNC went bonkers.