A short history lesson. What does Reich actually mean in the German context? It was literally exactly like how the French number their own republics. But because we Germans like Ordnung we only had 3 Reiche, while they had 5 republics. The different Reiche are the Holy Roman Empire. At a certain time it was more centralized than even France, but with the religious divide any hope of Centralisation was forever lost. The second Reich was the first time proper Nationstate of the Germans. it was not a radical concept, because even after the HRE was defunct, they organised themselves through the German Bund, because they recognized their shared Nationality.
Now why isn't the Weimar Republic called the third Reich? Because it's actually a purely historical name like Byzantine Empire. The official name of the "Weimar Republic" remained "Deutsches Reich". Despite their being no Emperor. You know in the Germanic Language this is just our term for "Realm" or country basically and you can still see every other Germanic language use their equivalent of Reich in their language. In German France is still Frankreich to us.
But the Eternal Anglo wanted to rip the Prussian Heart out of Germany, so they started a De-Prussification campaign. They not only advocated for the harshest possible peace deal, which would lead to ALL of the eastern territories be annexed by Poland, even though there were signigicant concerns about making Germany lose the important farmlands in Silesia for example. They also made certain words "bad words". Like Reich. Imagine if Brits weren't allowed to use any words anymore which refered to monarchy. Like King, Queen, Realm, crown, etc.
The current BDR IS the fourth Reich and that fact alone isn't a bad thing. If you ever use fourth Reich as a bad thing, then you are either falling for propaganda OR you are actually laughin at the irony of all this, because it basically means that Germany shouldn't exist and maybe you are one of (((them))) who loves ironic statements like this. If anything we need a fifth Reich as a successor state to the current one. (and that's a good thing)
I quite like Germans but there are some really whiney fuckers here.
Ayden Powell
It's fine to just use the Jews to your advantage to manipulate the US to declare war on Germany.
What comes around … goes aroud. How does it feel to be the most jewed up country in Europe?
Jason Cooper
REICH MEANS REALM Don't let jews make good German words bad.
Kayden Scott
The Realm means under your own people's control and no foreign authority may instruct your own. It is the foundation of a True King who can never be controlled. Barbarossa could be said as having a Realm since the papacy did not control him nor could his neighbors control him. It is of great significance to the Germanic to place the King above all, especially men of the cloth, even the Romans write about the Germanic being fanatic in practicing this. Tacitus writes about the punishment for warriors:
This counting of Reich is merely a continuation of the unbroken tradition to continue fighting until ultimate victory or ultimate death, that is why victory is hailed and the widow makes the party. In a way the jews as a of group have to be removed because they stand in the way of us enacting this tradition, their mere presence is enough for their removal, the crimes they do above just existing merely burn the fuse faster. Simply put, we want to see to our own as we see fit.
Ian Reyes
Der Krieg, der viele Väter hatte, read it
Angel Stewart
It means
Every time propaganda tries to demonize someone, unusual foreign vocabulary is used, to let it look alien and obscure.
Sometimes foreign vocabulary is used as a sign how evil it is, like “verboten”. Despite the existence of the similar English “forbiden”, a homonym and homophone, basically exactly the same word, but hey the other one is German that makes it somewhat nefarious, no?
Ian Campbell
Mason Allen
People also say "gesundheit" after someone sneezes at least as often as they say "god bless you" and there are a number of German words of neutral or positive import that are at least as common as "verboten" and often considerably more so.
Not to mention all of the simple nouns that are in common parlance - bratwurst, sauerkraut, schnitzel, schnapps, etc. While I won't deny that many people use "verboten" in the way you describe, English - in particular American English - robs liberally from pretty much every language it encounters while giving nary a single solitary Fuck. Calling it "propaganda" is taking yourself too seriously.
Map is mostly accurate, but the Mexican flag in Chiraqi suburb area is counting all the Mexican illegals imported straight there from the 80s and 90s. The actual citizen Latinos are for the most part Cuban and Peurto Rican. But leave it to a city of corrupt leftists being paid by organized crime to allow the movement of a fuck-ton of illegals so they can drive their failing local econemy with some good old fashioned (and cheap) illegal slave labor. Once the illegals cemented themselves in a generation, now all the kids make that sad little Mexican flag blip in the middle of all that winning.