When will Zig Forums learn?
>That the (((capitalists))) they despise are our common enemy?
Perfidious Albion
Fruit of the same rotten tree.
When will Zig Forums learn?
Despise? You still think they believe what they say?
I think it would be short sighted to disregard people with a firm conviction who have endured in spite of opposition and ridicule.
Why not disregard them? If they are not white or anti-white then anything you might do for them gives them a platform which weakens your own position and only strengthens theirs. Let them take up arms against the "Nazi" and we shall let the carrion crows feast on their strewn bodies. Truly it is only great peace which weakens us and allows their theories for degeneracy to take hold.
as if leftypol had the ability to think and had any political conviction that is not linked to degenerate sexual behaviour, homosexuality transsexuality pederasty and horse fucking
Leftists are just the white foot soldiers (along with all the lumpen shitskins) sent by the jew to repress the working class. I don't even blame the "antiracism" conditioning anymore at this point. If you're still a leftist in 2018 you're either a coward or a retard or a boomer, and deserve the bullet.
What? They don't even hide their intentions. What the fuck are you own about?
Liberalism = Liberty = FAIR Social Justice
We're not so different.
White leftists have a pretty strong tendency of being useful idiots who are willingly sacrificing themselves for those who wish to destroy them.
Still think Subaru cares;
How an Ad Campaign Made Lesbians Fall in Love with Subaru…
"…1990s, and sales of Subaru cars were in decline…" "…Subaru decided to launch an ad campaign focused on lesbian customers…"
It's ironic they have nothing against soviet jew communists killing million of ukrainian farmers because they were standing in the way of the communist utopia but they are not willing to kill million of capitalist jews that are standing in the way of the communist utopia.
Lefties are psychologically groomed by jewish pedophiles. They find the emotionally vulnerable children in schools and universities by mass feeding groups of kids some tear jerking story, the ones who react are MOSSAD's new pawns. The also use the Holocaust Museum to do the same thing. They just match it up to the day, vehicle, teacher and student.
MOSSAD agents groom lefties by inducing NAZI-phobia, someone to hate. The boogyman, who can never be found, but lives magically everywhere, especially in the lefties' mind.
Lefties will never wake up until the boogyman is vanished or the boogyman becomes the jew.
Oh I wish I were that nieve.
Control comes from compliance. The leftists are control freaks.
If the boogeyman never exists they will run around chasing Phantoms until they catch him.
Phantoms of the mind. Lefties have trouble discerning reality with emotional fiction. Which is why Israel's MOSSAD/CIA keep changing the media scope to involve groups they hate.
"Sad, many such cases."
Zig Forums are traitors in more than one sense. They can accept all of the evils of jews, the millions that died for the bolsheviks to gain power, the multiple times communism has been tried, and still want communism. They will go as far as to even divorce the jews from it by ignoring everything but stalin - framing the discussion to avoid jewish involvement as much as possible. They will do the same to ignore all that died and suffered.
The lengths they have to go to insist they're not traitors or fools and defend the jewish poison of communism is a testament to how much they're willing to backstab and follow the jews. As unironically communist as they strive to be, they should be unironically hung from a rope.
But that's just it, they don't. They've developed their own philosophies, aesthetics and they have been able, at times, to sequester the might to perpetuate them. They're our natural allies, when removed from the (((influence))) of the Wizard of Oz.
They won't learn.
Also there's no context for your thread or picture and it's shit. Please don't be (((that guy))) who starts and bumps these garbage threads.
I see nothing wrong with this. You employed Jewish tactics yourself.
imagine being a commie materialist and ignoring biological evolution, human hierarchies, and in-group favoritism
these people aren't serious thinkers