But might be Worth a shot or might be shit. Given that we want to shift the overton window, we should push ideas and concepts into the collective concious. Alas, we cannot do it directly and openly just yet, but we might be able to go around.
What if we enrfoce the association between natzis/whites/ariyans and a fictional race? Naturally (((they))) and SJW will flip their shit, and attack, jsut like they attack pepe the frong shirtsm MAGA hats and OK hand-signs. The more we push them into attacking such things, the more poepel turn away from them.
So what I am talking about? Everyones favorite fictional race - the elves. They pretty much ARE the aryian ideal (especially if you follow tolkiens original) - blond hair, blue/green eyes, healthy, wise, intelligent, builders of wonders and civilization. They also have the prettiest women that subhumans want to fuck. They also care for their people the most and don't care about the rest of the world that much unless they butt in (basically, like Hitler) adn respect enviroment and Animals (like Hitler). Hell, even the entymology of the word "elf" means WHITE.
So if we mass produce natzi elves, and push aryian interpretation of elves everywhere, SJW's will get buttblasted and try to stomp it out.. and a LOT of people like to play elves.
While we can't openly go talk about white supremacy over the nogs, we CAN talk about elven supremacy over the orcs.
Dear Lord have thee forgotten that Elves are supposed to be a fictional race of immortals? This is a slide thread. Orcs are honestly tortured and mutilated Elves, bred with animals, and Goblins. What this suggests is not another tiresome US VS THEM argument, but rather a warning against miscegenation and greed. Thou art fool.
Connor Cook
Brandon Young
You are right! But of course, it means something different for Google.
They're dishonest but not lying, alp and alb and elves were also said to bring dreams and probably later on vilified by a "certain ideology", but it still means primarily white, gleaming, etc.
Albion, for example. Albino. Etc.
Albion is especially funny, imagine being an Anglo and into the aforementioned elf degrading doujins and co, while also being Christian while also being named Alfred (a name related to elves). It would be a triple whammy of ancestral power degradation for the price of one. …I hope nobody is actually in this situation, I wish the Anglos a swift recovery and a path back to their true roots.
If the word was a database I'd run a SQL query (and the world would run SQL because the world sucks). Probably need to LIMIT 200 and paginate the results.
Also, elf doujins probably aren't always degrading, it just so happens that everyone would want to fuck an elf. I bet you could find any fetish with elfes just because they're pointed-ears whites.
Adam Barnes
Since when does a tiny, loud and obnoxious minority constitute all of the chans? The elf hate is a stale meme anyway.
This. We already know whit women are most desirable, thus it is no wonder that elf girs - idealized white women - are also so popular.
Ayden Jackson
Elf might have come from Aryans encountering Thuleans. Think what it was like seeing a pure I1 girl who has never been out in the fields with yellowish undertones while Aryans had a more reddish one who's been on horseback for years– they would in fact glow in the bright sun.
Jaxson Rivera
Not fictionally. You're too restricted in your worldview by thinking fantasy human = white man and everyone else = enemy.
It would be more accurate to think of most fantasy humans as spics or poos, with most elves being ariyans.
Not to mention that you have settings with genocidal, fascist elves.
Elijah Ward
What are you on about Fictional the Asur/Asura/Aesir are real.
Elves are not human. Why would we pretend to not be human?
Parker Ortiz
To dehumanize ourselves and face the bloodshed :^)
Jack Lopez
dehumanize doesn't mean to dress up like faggots and roll 20s irl
Brayden Perez
But fuck I am human. And fuck you for baiting Zig Forums into the "let's pretend we're elves" trap when you know full well "elf hate" has become a meme.
Nathan Johnson
Reminder that elves are actually human/fairy crossbreeds
Not a bad idea, though I doubt most poeple will get it.
Depends on the setting. Sadly, (((they))) are even trying to pozz 40K.
It's called an ideal, shill-kun. Shitting on the ideal undermines the culture and the people, but I guess (((you))) would know something about that? Kikes can't stand anything pure and greater than themsevles. Don't be a kike.
Angel Baker
Elves ARE nord/gemanic folklore. They ARE idealized humans from their fantasy conception (Tolkien) They are WHITE heritige you demented kike.
Your obsession with a stale and stupid meme is irrelevant.
Jacob Howard
My people have no lore regarding elves. Ours is all fairies and other worlds along with their inhabitants.
Blake Sanders
Are your fairies evil, vile creatures that steal kids in the night (jews)? Or, are they good fairies that bring blessing to a house/person?
Sebastian Peterson
Feel however you do about them,but it is foolish and suicidal to assume fae are or represent humans.
All of the above and neither. Briton mythology is crazy. Suffice to say our best rulers and people stood alongside gods and went on merry adventures in other worlds. And one guy slept chastely with the wife of the king of one of these worlds. For a whole year. Which is apparantly well regarded by the inhabitants of said world.
these weebkikes are literally ruining this board with their /x/ discussion. This shit either belongs on /a/ or /x/ Just fuck off back to your schizophrenic shithole, you fucking faggots.
Not in fantasy. In fantasy anything goes. But, because Tolkien elves were the ariyan ideal and his work was used as insipration for all others, some of it can be seen in almost all of them.
Brandon Cruz
nice try heeb, your golems will never defeat our aryan elvish ancestors!
How about we don't associate with a fictional race of sexually-ambiguous wimps who, going by Tolkein fiction, are on their way out of the world.
Jace Sullivan
Elves need not die. Using ancient magic, we can eturn to Middle Earth and rule our own kingdoms. As for being sexually ambiguous wimps, I dunno about being sexually ambiguous, but Elves were by no means wimps. The Elves were great warriors and can be again.
Chase Fisher
I like your idea. It kind of reminds me of Horus the Avenger's White Rabbit Radio. He originally talked about "rabbits" in order to defuse the contentious subject of race. Everyone likes White rabbits.
Noah Martinez
Tolkien master race were the numenor actually.
Ethan Ramirez
Numenor were the greatest of the humans, blessed with increased longevity and vigor as a reward, but the High Elves were greater.
Elves in ME had beards
Not really. Elves are connected to the world (Arda) and never truly "die" or leave. They left ME, not the world itself. I guess you could argue that the Blessed Lands are apart from the world, but it's still a physical place, just made inaccessible to everyone by the Valar.
People have been saying that the Hylians from Legend of Zelda are Aryans. Ganondorf is even a theif king with a hook nose from the desert, this shit writes itself. The right has already sort of co-opted this a bit but all we'd need to do is push Link as a fascist and co-opt Legend of Zelda and the Hylians.
you ruined what could have been a ok thread, OP, great job
Ethan Garcia
That manga is actual, legit, not-meming, bolshevik propaganda. If you're still interested it's called Kutsuzure Sensen, but be warned that the MC is a red commisar and the qt elf only shows up every once in a while
Why is Siege even getting shilled, it's fucking literary garbage
Juan Ortiz
the irony of your post being below one discussing anime bolshevik propaganda lmao, just because undesireables hate something doesn't mean that something is invariably good (or that you aren't an undesireable yourself).
Zig Forumslacks of all people should know that outliners ALWAYS exist, but should not dictate policy for the majority. There's Japanese Bolsheviks, true, but so are German, British, and American ones.
Jeremiah Garcia
Reminder to the readers that the word "Elf" literally means white.
Adrian Hall
No need for silly bullshit when a kike US Senator is openly calling for genocide of all whites. This is redpilling even for normies.
US Senator (((Brian Schatz))) tweeted he agrees with Sarah Jeong, ie, that all whites must die.
This is a sitting United States Senator saying he agrees all whites must die.