The Last Bastion of Implicit Freedom

Is there anywhere left on the internet to bask in the ocean of 2008-esque levels of free speech?
Places unmoderated and we can talk about anything without having someone step in?
Apart from using TOR of course

Attached: 5224D09E-D6F5-4F2A-8743-C64297D71E62.jpeg (580x870, 98.27K)

Nope, not since 2005.


Attached: E7262C0A-76A4-49A8-93D9-3AE60486906B.jpeg (500x548, 135.67K)

I am looking to create such a service, completely free. I have boxes and can make a mini datacenter that could probably hold a decent amount of users (pol tier). I would like to know what country would be best to host the service, without strict internet pozzed laws about antisemitism and other stuff like that. of course I don't want to be vaporised so there can't be cp

Is there a problem with Zig Forums?

Kiwi farms, Enyclopedia dramatics, TheRíghtStuff, r/MDE, and 8can are pretty much the only places left that are completely uncensored.

pol is not uncensored nor unmoderated, it removes far more content than just shitposting bots and pedocp

I know right, TheRightStuff & AnimeRight are way better than this place or 4pol

Theres basically no reason to want to.
2008 was awful and free speech just results in Jewish botspam.

Can you give an example? I haven't had any problems since the roach removal.

Yeah, nah m8.

Those are all pure cancer.

The problem now is the reverse.
The roach banned everyone.
Now almost nobody gets banned.

One shitty extreme to the other.


Why is that a problem? Just call them out or ignore them.

Bump for interest. Clearly these places are compromised and full of sjw bullshit. Where to next?

those places are all utterly disgraceful, including this pigpen

animeright is OK for shitposting but its just a weeb hangout

Ham radio

2005 the laws regarding data infrastructure changed. It became mandatory for all component manufacturers to work within the guidelines set by the NSA regarding external and remote accessibility to all hardware.

Tracking what I am saying yet? It means no matter what software you’re using, if your device is connected to an external network, it’s activity can be recorded and monitored.

Like I said, I know more about this than most of you. I grew up as a nerd with guns.

I picked that spicy lady.

can you give some examples?

Pirate packet is something I've been preparing for after SHTF. I have a half-done TNC kit laying around here.

How convenient that they were pushing SSD upgrade kits that made you old iron a lot faster yet came with a new backdoor.

Well you are right but what is the best option available? Chinese hardware?

Because you need to lurk more or stop being dishonest.

Tell us more about your ham radio experiences, user.

r/mde censors the word nigger now or was that just a shitpost?


MW2 private lobbies with a headset

gtfo here. doesn't sam still control the sub?

sam is high and broke somewhere still wishing he would have a daddy, he checks in once a month at most on plebbit to make sure the fanboys keep paying for their subscription

Something I never understood was how Sam is actually Jewish yet many on Zig Forums like him but at the same time claim that there are no Jews who are helping the redpilling.

I wish the best for Sam. polite off-topic sage

we self-censor specifically because we "think" that just any millisecond, a group of masked, armed men will be knocking down the door because someone used "The N-word". This, while the Left uses public media platforms to say things the should get them dispatched immediately.