Is this perhaps the only viable plan to secure the 14 words? In America at least. I've been reading up on their content for quite some time and I really have to say I'm impressed as to how well thought out everything is.
Northwest Front
Other urls found in this thread:
all bark, no bite
Its over Donner.
Not really. Ethnonationlism through nations working as neighbors is the way, not haplonationalism.
A lot of people say that.
North America is way too big to hold any sort of formal political revolution through democracy and "flag waving." As opposed to these guys who will probably have a much easier time then us retaking their country.
I'm not sure what you're talking about.
You know, like building a nation around a haplotype instead of an ethnicity.
You mean like an all nordic state or an all med state?
Part of the strength of white people is that they have the capacity and agency to follow a guideline and form a collective goal without needing a designated leader. Of course a good leader can make everything better but to build a structured separation from the jews right now only gives them something to infest and blight with their presence. Have white children, raise them well and keep your family strong. Don't bow to anyone and don't take orders from anyone who seems to be on 'our side'. We're not in a position where it does anything but invite weakness. Give the jews no place to root themselves in our efforts. In time maybe a good leader will appear. Until then, just be white. There's nothing the jews hate more than for you to be white and have white children, so they will continually push harder and harder to the point their schemes are visible to everyone.
Just be white.
That simply isn't going to cut it anymore. This system is rotten to the core.
No, I mean more like blending most whites together or something like that proposed South American EU equivalent.
That won't work in europe.
A movement without a leader is aimless. Even when the fat fuck was alive he was a piss poor leader. If someone steps up and can motivate the group to something serious, maybe then I'll believe in it. As it stands, the Northwest is extremely pozzed in and around the big cities, which is unfortunately where most of the very important ports are.
Oh well yeah that's what the Northwest front is about.
It's about taking the best elements of our European culture and combining them into a new indestructible alloy. Not one filled with shit and nigger music and tacos.
That's pretty funny coming from you.
American Whites are an identity. We have shared values and shared issues.
What is the benefit of balkanizing America around the different European nationalities when American Whites already constitute their own people?
I don't think that's what he's saying. I think he's in agreement of creating a new state of whites.
Yes it is. It's absolutely fucked to the point that video games, television and internet surfing are no longer placating the younger generations. Memes about wishing you were dead are extremely popular. The system is breaking. All we need to do is push pride in our brainwashed kin, show them how good life is when living well and the overton window will continue it's heave to the right. It is easy to be blackpilled about the state of the world but never forget your very existence is an affront to the jews. For you to reproduce and make white babies is anguishing to them. This is a war fought in the womb, a war of attrition. It takes patience. Forming a state or any other act of the sort only invites jews. Look at what happened to TRS and any other "white nationalist group". Just be white for now. Have patience. It is working, look at the rage induced by IOTBW fliers. Just keep coasting, pace yourself. We'll see our victory, all we have to do is hold ourselves to the white standard and continue.
We've been waiting a long time for that. Simply "being White" won't win us our freedom when America is 90% non-White.
But he said that
And then defined haplonationalism as White nationalism.
I agree with you that White nationalism is the only reasonable course to take in America.
Also, I don't think we need a new term for White nationalism. The LAST thing White people need right now is more wordism. It's a jewish trick to divide up people into little powerless blocks that hate each other over small differences.
We need a robust new method of thinking.
I am White, you are White. Therefore we must work together to overcome anti-Whites who want us dead.
Simple. Organic. Natural.
That's what I'm saying. Nor is it a good idea elsewhere in the end.
I'm not interested in "balkanizing" the US. However, I AM referring to how our founding fathers intended this nation for their posterity.
Blending multiple cultures together, regardless of individual merit, is not likelier to lead to a stronger united culture, but rather a dumbed down degradation of cultures.
I think that a state of combined whites might have some experimental value, at least, but that it won't turn out anything like ethnonationalism.
And if something were to happen tomorrow, we would be slaughtered in our homes.
I agree 100% with what you're saying, but can you imagine if what we took what you said a step further and moved to a region with other racially aware whites doing the same thing? That's how you build an ethnostate, user.
Agreed, over complicating things and making a million terms and banners is retarded. We need to keep our eyes on the prize.
If it's a new nation, there's most likely going to be a new culture formed out of the existing whites that made the move. It would be white nationalism. Our race, our values, our land.
Fair enough. I'm just saying that I wouldn't want the US as a whole to end up like that.
Not without Papa Covington
Well the founding fathers intended for America to be a White nation… though they had some serious flaws like not being anti-Semitic enough and having black slaves. Let's ignore this for now
You define "haplonationalism" as "blending most whites together"
Which sounds like a critique of the American White. American Whites are mutts in the sense that they're much more blended than the various European groups.
The American mutt is an unavoidable fact. However it is not important because American Whites generally view themselves as one people.
I think that a state of combined whites might have some experimental value, at least, but that it won't turn out anything like ethnonationalism.
Ethnonationalism isnt a thing in america, racial nationalism is.
Then what do you think the best way forward is?
Other people are just following their programming. 'Hispanic' and black birthrates are going down. Jews are marrying outside the tribe. It's a long game to be sure but I've got a great deal of hope. We've done a lot to influence people without falling to kike plots on this board. I just think it'd be a damn shame to build something only for jews to come in and shit all over it by weaseling into a higher position. I'd say if anything is done, it needs careful planning to assure there is no position of power a jew could root themselves into. This is extremely important for anything to succeed and not ultimately damn the whole effort.
Hell of a lot of us have home defense covered. All of us should. One consideration is that we as whites are the only reason the places we live in are still nice. For us to uproot and build elsewhere means the decay only grows worse. The farmland we work will be depleted and destroyed. Forests burned and not replanted. Our existence is essential in all beautiful places because of our maintenance. If we do uproot and plant elsewhere, it would be an enormous blow to everyone's morale to see their old homes be absolutely shit on in the worst way. Never forget what the sacred river Ganges looks like today in the hands of the people who hold it.
covington was just a spokesperson, not the leader
What is your ideal North America?
Covington admitted he wasn't a leader and was waiting for someone to show up that could take the reins and propel the NWF to the next level.
Good. We can leave the USA to its (current) fate, regroup, and then take back the whole pie once we're formally organized in our own nation.
Yeah, he wasn't all that important.
BTW, why do you guys hate WLP so much?
Give me a picture of 15 or more NWF guys together, who live as neighbors, and actually practice what they preach.
This is irrelevant when millions of parasites are imported every year. We will still be a minority in 2050 if current rates continue.
Will Hitler 2.0 arrive by then?
I do admire your optimism. However, we've been planning and planning and planning as individuals. And every time we die, our plans die with us. The jews planned openly in the secure knowledge that it didn't matter what the Goyim thought. They were 'subhuman' and the jews would work together to hire each other and steadily take over institutions.
WLP called him a obese, costumed larpfag back in the 80s.
We need to join together as THINKTANKS FOR PSYOPS. This is the only way. We must join together to perform acts which gain publicity and push the overton window. No violence necessary! THIS IS THE ONLY WAY!!
Primarily British-white USA and a Canada with a seceded French population.
Start using the internet to supplant the Jew controlled media, and stop selling out to them.
TV is already feeling the pressure of those that have forsaken it, to get their news and entertainment off the net. This weakens the Jew, as more and more people follow suit.
But it bothers me that there are no Aryan alternatives to things like search engines, video upload sites, wikipedia, etc.
You should not be overtly Aryan, just build and keep sites better than theirs, and don't let the Jews in the door. Keep the degeneracy mild, or nonexistent, and follow Zig Forums guidelines for morality, white pride, self-improvement, and all that the Jews have corrupted.
To be honest, I think the general population is fed up to the point of vomiting with the ceaseless immorality and degeneracy they've been feasting on. Kind of like being forced to smoke an entire box of cigars to make you sick of smoking, I think the general population is ready to push themselves away from the degeneracy table.
A new alternative would be welcomed.
With an army of autists and geeks, how is it that Zig Forums can't find those who have the knowledge and concentration to build these alternatives? Leave the promotion to the rest of us, we will make these sites go viral, even among the normies, if they be Zig Forums-tier sites.
There are a lot of Italians, Germans, Nords, and Poles in the USA.
If you want to stick to people within your own subgroup and keep their culture the same within the new nation, that's fine too. Let's just get the damn thing started.
Historically speaking, this has never been the case.
See: Berlin before the great depression
Was that not true? Harold himself said he was fat and admitted the uniforms were costumes.
Seems like nobody liked Harold.
BTW, what is Comrade Donner saying here?
He is saying that since Pierce was smart enough to launder the money he got from Bob Mathews, he was a fed.
Berlin during Wiemar is a great example of what I mean. The NatSocs marched into that (literally) god-forsaken pit, and proceeded to clean house, with no one really trying to stop them.
By the time they were done, the streets were clean, they were being cheered in the streets, and their headquarters was a former brothel, now sanitized.
People can only take so much.
What the fuck are you even doing? If you like the NWF and want to join it, quit your job at the soymilk factory and move to eastern WA. Otherwise, stop wasting time with your LARP fantasies.
It is also funny because HAC lionized Matthews and The Order in his books, but I guess getting money from them is a big no no.
Ethnic nationalism for the numerous European nation states.
White nationalism for the Greater United States (USA and Canada).
(and no kikes)
It already is, though.
Most White Americans are a mixture of multiple White ethnics.
Except only about 25% of the Whites in the USA are even majority British.
There are as many majority German Whites in the USA as majority British Whites, and nearly as many majority Irish Whites.
However, there are few "pure" ethnics of any of those groups in the USA.
Most USA Whites are a mixture of White ethnics.
Whatever your intentions, what you are describing is D&C among White Americans.
White America already has an identity. It just needs to be reawakened.
andy donner is the op, he is trying to recruit because members are probably quitting in droves
I have never met Andy Donner nor any of the real party members in real life. I'm simply a guy who recognizes their message to be true. I followed the stunts pulled by the "alt right" all the way up to Charlottesville. It was really the nail in the coffin for me, we are NOT going to gain power through democracy.
cool, so are you actually quitting your job and making plans on moving to WA? Or are you just virtue signalling about how cool it would be to LARP in the woods with a bunch of dudes?
Heh, this is kind of funny. I'm a Germanic/Celt here in the U.S., reading this thread, and listening to Wardruna, Nordic tribal music.
I'm Northern European. I cannot claim any one specific homeland in Europe, but all whites are my kin. I care about them all, and I'm active in politics, trying to steer my crooked government in a direction that will help whites and thwart Jews.
The black pill looks tantalizing, the desire to just quit and give up, but my ancestors endured a hell of a lot more than me, and they never gave up and faded away. I will not, either.
Many good ideas here, and not the least is improving yourself, readying for war, if necessary, and living a decent life with a white wife and raising many children. All of us can do this, and the greatest monuments are built with single, basic stones, like the family, which is the single most important component.
Non-white immigration must be stopped in its tracks, across all white countries and regions. And we must rebuild our population, and rebuild our morality and discipline.
The Jew must be pushed out of our lives, and out of our countries, he is the core of the carbuncle, and it must be lanced.
the north west will be full of fags … you need to be south east and heartland (except florida) to make shit happen
Well since 8ch isn't quite as cucked I can tell you what I'm gonna do.
I'm going to finish my schooling at this local community college while saving money and working a few jobs here and there. My plan is to then go to a University in Washington where I can get my B.S degree and then live there working a full time job.
My goal is to raise a healthy family.
Godspeed, brother.
better homeschool m8
This guy knows what he's talking about.
Listen, we should be living in the same area, our children should be growing up with people that look and talk like them.
Have you guys ever seen modern day city white children? The parents really don't know what they're doing.
Oh God I would not in a million years live there lol.
This is what most White Americans are. I personally think that there has been a ethnogenesis amongst most Americans of Euro descent.
We were well on our way to developing our own unique culture and people before (((they))) came along in the late 1800s.
Without Covington the NWF will fade into obscurity, even more that it was with Covington.
Harold was a living legend, to me at least, this Donner is literally who, just a robotic voice.
I suspect the FBI or CIA murdered Covington, but i got nothing to back it up.
Isn't that the point of NWF?
You'd better freaking believe they did. I highly suspect foul play.
Exactly. Responsible and healthy whites living in the same area.
Official jewish government stats show whites are at 60%. Those census numbers don't account for the 30-60 million illegals. Even if whites are at 50% and not below yet, which is probably accurate with a conservative number of illegals, there is no chance–zero, none–that whites will do anything but decline rapidly in proportion to shitskins in the country. No chance–the idea that somehow whites can somehow have enough children to catch up
is completely mathematically impossible.
Not only that, whites aren't even on board for that. More white deaths happen than births. But again, even if whites started having children, they simply cannot catch up. Never forget our own government pays beaners via a tax refund to have kids
You are completely delusional, stupid, or a shill for pushing the "no drastic action is needed, goyem, just have children" line. That is completely mathematical bullshit and an invention to pacify whites who are probably a minority right now.
Any group that dependent on one man or one group of men, is not functional, anyway.
Sounds more like a cult.
For a viable country, you need to make sure your people are loyal to something more than just men. An ideal, a set of beliefs, a morality.
Men come and go, but a people can continue forever, if they're all disciplined and strong enough.
That's not what he'[s saying.
He's saying we need to focus on continuing first, but that does not preclude other actions.
And remember, our enemies, the Jews, have always been a minority, but through ethnic nepotism and the takeover of the right social control points (media, movies, publishing, the law, academia, etc.) they have taken over entire countries using nothing more than lies.
why could we not do the same, using the truth?
White ethnic nepotism is an idea whose time has come, it is needed now, more than ever.
No chance–the idea that somehow whites can somehow have enough children to catch up is completely mathematically impossible.
Unless of course we take the elements that keep their species growing exponentially out of the picture.
You see, a man that publically advocated for bombing jewish lawyers, sniping feds and shooting every nigger in the 4 states is totally not a threat for the stablishment.
He never managed to go as far as he wanted, but it was for a lack of resources and staff, not for a lack of will.
Covington was a true terrorist, in the sense that he wanted to fill the system with dread and purge that part of the USA.
What are the chances, a Fed agent was ordered to break into his apartment and kill him with one of those heart attack guns, they are alledged to own since the 70s?
Can we really trust Andy Donner's words that he just fell dead at 64?
How do we know he is not hiding something BIG?
For all those fucktards that said Harold was an informant, if he was murdered, that is the ultimate proof of so.
Also the leader of the NWF in Canada was murdered back in 2010 or 11 by the Canadian Police, totally not a coincidence.
I mean that he was legit.
Is that why he ran everything from an earthlink email?
Well the University of Washington is in Seattle, as are most of the jobs for people with college degrees, so…
He had contacts by the internet, he was ultimately an internet persona, as everyone who is shitposting here.
But he tried to be as secretive as he could about what happened inside the NWF.
We don't know anything about his group, besides of him and some voices on his Radio show.
He was spied and monitored by the Feds, that is sure.
Chances are they most likely poisoned him to make him shut up. They call it Ricin. It's a poison that's completely untraceable. They could have forced him to take it or perhaps done it silently. I bet that's what happened, but I don't want to draw any hysteria or anything.
Checked. Yep. Democracy doesn't work. The people saying to stay the course and just have babies are ignoring reality. Everything is systemically and societally stacked against whites surviving, and that includes democracy. The reason is democracy has already been manipulated by importing anti-white voters, and there are so many that they are now using democracy to vote for politicians who will permanently protect them. Democracy enabled all of this.
Democracy has to end, and a pro-white dictator has to be put in power who takes all necessary steps to eliminate non-whites, or whites are going to be wiped out in this country. It's not a pleasant reality, but we either have to do what's necessary or we'll get wiped off the map like the Rhodesians and Boers. We cannot let it get to that point, or it will be too late–time is a major factor.
He was dead for a couple days before anyone knew. There was no group.
Damn. Washington looks like a great place to live but I'm not sure Seattle would be my strongest suit. Maybe I could start my own business after I graduate.
Desperate times call for desperate measures, yep.
Arent they supposed to be autonomous cells, that dont contact each other often tho?
Donner said he died on the bathroom, which implies he was vomiting, that poison according to wikipedia causes vomiting.
It matches up.
Fucks sake, we should make this known.
Im 70% sure Covington was indeed murdered.
Everything is hush hush with them. For good reason, too.
They had a news letter? Honestly, i barely know anything about the NWF.
They never went that far as becoming a violent group, all their activities where legal as far as i know, so in theory (((they))) couldn't do nothing
about it.
I guess the mail with paper is better than the internet or cellphones for that purpose.
The Yellowstone supervolcano will erupt in the future and I don't think it's a good idea for the future of the white race to be sitting right in the death zone. The entire northwest front will be royally fked when it does erupt.
My Grandparents were around when Mt. Sainthelens erupted. Turned the whole freaking country cloudy and ashy for two years. Nothing grew, they told me.
If Yellowstone errupts, we're all doomed, not just North America, the whole world.
But it's okay! We can defuse yellowstone, even though it's set to blow in 100,000 years, we can still easily defuse it with the right technology.
we will learn how to contain and harness the energy
Can you even begin to image the amount of Geothermal energy that could potentially be produced by Yellowstone?!?!
Don't forget about the Cascadia subduction zone
No one is safe from the forces of nature, user. Take a look at the Hurricane that hit the South just last year.
Most people survive hurricanes. Being close to Yellowstone when it goes off is not survivable. Personally I'd much rather live in hurricane country.
Yellowstone going off will doom the whole world. But like I said above, Volcanoes can be defused.
citation needed
You just need to throw virgins in them
Well it's really simple-
It's simple, I believe Elon Musk was actually proposing this idea.
You know how the pressurized air inside of a ballon can be released without making the ballon explode? You can take a small pin, make a small hole and let the air slowly leak out. It's the same concept really, Scientists propose to drill a hole into Yellowstone to relieve it of its pressure overtime.
We're talking about dozens of cubic kilometers of rock though, if not more
Crazier things have been done by mankind.
FBI is too loaded up with pozload faggots and Boomer Patriotards and Crooked Hillary voters to be capable of assassinating Covington.
besides, we all know how FBI works, from 50 years of their declassified and leaked files documenting their debacles.
assassination isn't FBI's style. FBI's style is to see any potential "terrorist" and to recruit them,
then give them bombs and guns, and help them plan Happenings. FBI gets its tiny peen into a raging hardon if that terrorist isn't the usual goat fucker towel head ISIS losers they get stuck with babysitting, but instead is a mythical White Nationalist, a type of worthy foe whom the FBI has been salivating since the 90's to manufacture so they can take down the Nazis in a grand standing press conference.
FBI wants domestic terrorist Nazis to exist because the FBI are such mega cuck that they have brainwashed themselves into believing in White Guilt and shame over the great J Edgar Hoover doing what needed to be done against the Black Nationalists in the 60's and 70's, so the FBI thinks if they can manufacture the next Hitler and arrest him, this will be their pinnacle moment to Virtue Signal to the American people "see? we here at the FBI are not racists at all, we hate white people just as much as you 40 million Mexican invaders do, and we here at The Bureau work very hard to prove to all of you illegal immigrants and gibs taking niggers that we will work tirelessly to dismantle the White Supremacy which acts as the only foundation propping up whatever is left of America."
Far more likely is that Mossad whacked Covington.
I'm about half way through this new book "Rise and Kill First: The Secret History of Israel's Targetted Assassination", and it's pretty clear that the Ziokikes in Tel Aviv believe they have the moral duty to assassinate anyone who could become a threat to Israel.
by the way, if you have any interest in knowing what the Mossad really fucking does, then you better read that book.
and what would be an even bigger threat to Israel that a combined military threat from unified Arab states or a new Palestinian Infitada or even an accidental false flag strike against Russian troops in Syria, provoking a nuclear response from President Putin?
the worst thing the kikes fear is losing their puppet master death grip over the ZOG of America, and losing their tens of billions in shekels from America, and losing their media
monopoly and its vast appendage of propaganda to influence the influencers and brainwash the masses to support Zion first, America second.
if Israel ever lost control of its American host, it would be game over for Zion–The Jew would be immediately cast into the ocean. Israel is simply physically, economically and militarily unsustainable without the 800lb Gorilla of America to back it up.
So i could see the kikes poisoning Covington to prevent his silly little idea of the Northwest Front from ever mirroring the same process the Zionist state used, and taking hold of the minds of Goy, and inspiring them to claim settlement territory in the Pacific NW, and slowly expanding to seize the local Govt and the local economy and building out a military defense to then eventually win complete political autonomy.
Covington is different. White Nationalists have always been treated as a different threat. Why? Because we are a real threat to the power structure of (((America))).
Truth be told I think you're right. Or more so that people won't resist as much if some people actually come in and try and change things. An economic decline would hasten, or necessitate it though.
I'll give Donner some credit for trying to modernize
I see your point, im not very aware of the insides of American soup letter agencies, but truth be told i haven't ever looked it up.
But big if true.
So the Jews are killing random Nazis that they consider dangerous, or did they specifically target covington because they tought that if his ideas ever took off it would be an existential threat to Israel?
He said it himself, "im not dangerous, my ideas are".
He was onto something, but i bet he never saw it coming if it is what happened.
The Mossad has a method, and a reason to kill Covington.
Is there any information anywhere about wether Covington owned a weapon of sorts, to defend himself from an intruder?
Im talking about this because if he was force fed the pill as some user sugested, it would had been far harder, than if they slipped it on his food.
There is no signs of violence as far as we know, so my guess is number 2.
Do the math.