How to get /loli/ deleted?

How to get /loli/ and other such board deleted? It is obviously drawn child pornography which I hope offends us all, and afaik there was a ruling recently in some US prison that makes drawn child pornography illegal as well (maybe only in some states, but details don't matter).
Is there a moderation board here? Let's get this done.

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You must be new here.

hello very new friend

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No, I have been posting on Zig Forums for a year now.

Why are you posting this on Zig Forums?

obvious bait thread
kys OP

Drawn child pornography is OK if it's not coming from someone that keeps talking about fucking children on social media.

You can't, this site is run by pedophilic jews.

Kill yourself. By doing so, /loli/ will be deleted from your mind.

Fuck off moshe.

Pedos sure triggered. Burn in hell.

Hell is a construct created by semites to force obedience by terror in the gentiles while they can have a good time raping babies and selling underage girls to sex slavery. The reason why their kind fears lolicon so much is because their evil cannot subvert true goodness.

No, you are the pedos.

Piss off OP, drawings are no more of a "crime" than half the shit on pol's first page. You wanna ban one for "thought crimes", then you better be ready to ban all of them for thought crimes.

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Go back to your containment board, faggot

/loli/ and similar boards are full of sick, degenerate freaks, but you clearly are not from around here, and so you should piss off.




I don't care that it exists so long as it's contained. It's obvious that they want lure anons over there from Zig Forums. 'Sinful Anime Candy' is a very telling phrase.

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unless it is a depiction of a real person it is not illegal

kys. The only reason Zig Forums has a place is because the other worse shit has a place here. Also, wouldn't you rather those fags go on about their anime lolis than any real kids?

Go back to half Chan if you're so easily offended

How do you tell the moralists who only wish to appear virtuous from the people who actually care about protecting kids? This is a prime example right here kids.

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Zig Forums is not bad, fascism is the light of the world. Righteousness and wickedness cannot coexist peacefully, all wicked boards should be purged, starting with the most wicked.
I want them not to exist, no compromises.

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Came in here to post exactly this. Fuck you Christcuck OP, go crucify yourself.

oh so you are new here

This has bothered me for some time but we should consider their board a vector for IP analysis and tracking. Lets not pretend the NSA doesn't have EVERYTHING out there. Personally, I want them all thrown in a fucking meat grinder and then an incinerator. I want to shoot pedos in the head. All of them. They all get the rope. I pray to God they become purged or that we can purge them. The pope just "banned" death penalty within the catholic church… I
I just wish the world were normal.

end yourself.

Well, I've been on halfchan since always.

That would be a desirable outcome. Unfortunately the whole US governmental apparatus is kiked to the core.

Jesus Christ, learn to differentiate between fantasy and reality you fucking mental defect.

You don't. That's how.

It's actually a place to study parts of the human mind. If used properly you can identify a lot of things going on with people. Know thy enemy, Zig Forums. Just be careful for obvious reasons.

They also make a great canary. Gas yourself, OP.

I don't think you're ready for the adult world user, do some growing up, then come back.

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Ah moralfags. They're okay with sexualizing real children, drag and child sex trafficking… and screaming 'bigot!' at everyone who points out their hypocrisy, but nooo, 'Those who enjoy drawn works should be given the death sentence because they offend me so!'.

There's no giving me, I have all of the loli I will ever need. You and I were never united enough to divide, Christians burn with kikes because they are exactly the same.

No, I want to make them go away.

Like clockwork.

you are sick in the head if you don't find this attractive

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until jewish american feminists pushed for age of consent laws, most girls married around age 12, which roman law dictated as the minimum legal age for marriage. You're the one whose not normal

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japs need to draw better faces

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As if that's any better? That's still the mentality of a naive child.

just message codemonkey you fucking nigger stop wasting threads here

Please leave Kushner

I'm not looking at there faces

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stylized vs. realism.
In terms of skill forms of art can be compared, but is one objectively better to look at?

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i just dont like it, when artists draw realistically shaded bodies, but then use simplistic unshaded faces

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OP is probably a pedo under investigation for having 20 TB of CP on his hard drive. He thinks that making a thread about how anti-pedo he is and printing it out to use as evidence that actually hates pedos will help his case.


Like kikework.

The name of the game is cute user, humans aren't cute. You know what is though? Puppies, so take their features (large head, big eyes), add some human proportions, and boom, you got a loli.

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shes a big girl

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Hey, OP, how'd ya like to suckle on these sweet pussy lips?

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not all girls are tumblrwhales, user.

Funny thing is that moe anime style descended from Disney's Bambi. The oversized eyes that have been part of the design of Bambi and his critter friends became the basis of the iconic manga eyes. So yeah.



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There are two kinds of men: those who totally would bang a 13 year old girl, and those who lie and pretend they would not.

Lolis are adorable and a shining symbol of free speech. Gas yourself, OP.

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this whole thread is fucking hilarious tbh

This turning into a loli thread

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There are two kinds of men: whose who would indiscriminately murder random people for fun, and those who do the same in in the form of digital media, but lie and say they wouldn't do it for real.

See, I can do it too.

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You might want to go back

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We built this place, get fucked kid or loli, whatever the fuck you zoomers are calling yourselves nowadays.

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And reported.

There's easier ways to try and handwave/discredit someone user, and they actually make your dismissal a bit less retarded

Would you really say no to that?

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Can you really call Satania a loli? I don't think she's one.

That's a teen not a loli

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also i prefer girls with noticable breasts

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Catholics aren't Christians.

Dude, seriously, it's a fucking cartoon.

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Remember to report & hide anime porn posts on Zig Forums.

I see they hired a new guy and didn't even teach him anything about our site.

Wait, this is Zig Forums?

definitely sick of seeing the ads for that shit on here.

If I were a kike shill I would be pro-pedophile, like all the other kike shills in here.

Good effort, but not quite, keep trying

Where did the lolis touch you, user? You got in the van for the rock CDs, didn't you?

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Loli weirdo? I thought I was a furfag user? If not effort, at least stay consistent.

but that's what got us into this mess, user

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One of the people you just called a pedo said the site is ran by pedophile jews. Whats your angle?

He's a christfag. Their kind cannot separate reality from fiction. Don't be so harsh on them, though. They're bred to be that way.

So you are telling me that this drawn child pornography can't be questioned because it's fictional? This shit fucks with your head, proof enough is that you always go out of your way to defend it whenever it's questioned. You are perverse.

way to make yourself look like a retard.

Damn this thread kind of proves a whole sector of the Zig Forums user base are legitimate pedophiles.

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Semite peons cannot think for themselves. Anyone who dares to speak against their ranting is automatically designated as the buzzword of the day and 'condemned to hell'.

Nah, just the paid shills.

Im Christian as well, dumbfuck.

That's the argument weebkikes use to defend this degeneracy.

They are just vocal minorities bent on subverting this website like horsefuckers and muh russia shills.

Then there is no such thing as "merely cartoons". Every sin committed in your mind is a sin almost as grave as the real thing.

Judging by all the shills promoting pedophilia im starting to think that was the real point of this thread. Start a thread that seems legit enough (if you discount the clues that op is new) as a guise to open a door for tje pedos to interact with real Zig Forums users.

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