If you want to make this happen, get on board the 4chan thread.
Bump it to high hell and keep people from changing the original message. If we do things right, this will work.


Attached: multiwelcome.png (794x1123, 82.83K)

Other urls found in this thread:


this is not as good as IOTBW, but has some real potential. way better than the dont apologize for your ancestors one
have a kike free bump

Bumping for irl activism

Attached: ba12dbab63aa77ff50eb52d5fc1393cb9b0fd30e99427d3cc638b11770a0f85f.png (746x1119, 899.43K)

Has potential, fuck it, have a bump

I'm banned on cuck chan because the entire board is jew cancer

I dont like this one very much, but whatever gets our message out there is good.

“It’s not okay to be a pedophile”

Bump because it will trigger Asian bitches.

There are plenty on Zig Forums to be triggered too.

bumping the only worthwhile thread on 8pol in nearly a year and it's a link to 4cuck lmao

oh sweet sweet irony

Attached: raw.gif (338x220, 1.48M)

Nobody cares about your stupid ALt-Kike missions, faggot. Tim and Eric are pedos. Make a thread and see what happens

Attached: 1416173814858.jpg (333x500, 114.4K)

TIM AND ERIC ARE PEDOS. Go do graffitti on a bathroom wall, FED

For opsec's sake, how do you propose avoiding the yellow-dot matrix?
Not that this posting is illegal in any way, but I've always been curious if there is a way to circumnavigate any identification being put onto printed paper.

The dots only identify what kind of printer was used. From what we know they don't use individual patterns for individual printers. In any case, your local cops don't have the technology to trace you down even if the FBI does, as they exist to stop counterfitters and not agitpropagandists. Anons that bring this topic up are more often than not just trying to scare people from doing good—concern trolling.

Also, the way it works it they identify the type of printer used, then they try and track down all the printers of that type bought in a certain area, then using credit card data, they can narrow down their search to fit the profile of the criminal.

Long story short, if you're that worried about it, buy your printers with cash.

inb4 "It's unnecessary to say White people are welcome here. Get the fuck out. Racists aren't welcome here."


this is better

now finish it off with a nice swastika

Attached: vapor swastika.png (1000x1000, 232.43K)

If you are worried about this, use a black and white printer. The indentification dots IIRC are basically for identifying forged currency.

That said, this campaign sucks.


Attached: avast1.jpg (1240x1754, 348.01K)

Oh shit here we go


Are there more of these?

Attached: 1484875024595.jpg (674x960, 206.91K)

We're fucking welcome everywhere you nigger.
This is exactly like black lives matter; if you have to assert that your life matters, or that you are welcome somewhere, it probably doesn't and you probably shouldn't be.
Fucking stupid slave morality bullshit

It's almost like the message was designed to say that whites never face unwelcome sentiments anywhere which is patently false. SJWs will say "White people are welcome everywhere, unlike [non-whites]!" like the message is deliberate opposite-speak to obfuscate the hatred being pushed EVERYWHERE towards whites.

I personally find this operation to be suspicious and, I don't think, I KNOW it will lead to exactly what I described above.

This is a far superior message: >>11953599

Attached: arms crossed and leaning.png (376x362, 44.7K)

kike spotted. have another kike free bump

This kind of IOTBW wannabe is getting old.

Get out and do real shit, IOTBW has fulfilled its course.

BUMP. This has the same spark as IOBTW: libshits will say they welcome white people, but the (((media))) will call it racist.

Attached: 0418b4ae00acf9a3de73608d52e8335a40d8a1336c83e498ebd4a05efc00bc04.jpg (500x381, 37.04K)

this is a good one

*printing 300 copies*

Ahhh, that makes so much more sense. Thank you kindly for pointing those details out, anons.

Disagree, could cause real infighting since there are safe spaces for POC

Put it up in historically black colleges

This seems like a good idea. Have a bump.

Attached: 212942E4-AB09-450F-8436-787B8EF1D655.jpeg (600x800, 74.27K)

This one is better.

Attached: a good sign.png (2550x3300 161.42 KB, 215.79K)

Not quite as good, but still infinitely better than all the other derivatives and the only one actually worth posting. Not bad.

I'm not a shill. I just don't think doing the same thing as niggers using soros idpol tactics is good for white people. like i said it's slave morality bullshit and will marginalie us

No it's not. "White people are welcome here" is %100 percent undeniable, and serves to show the racism against white people by the backlash against a harmless and good poster.
Not literally everything was invented by white people. The whole point is to remove any avenue of criticism or attack.

Is she white enough?

Attached: 0524C150-5A08-47EE-8B2B-673E73E18BEB.jpeg (749x1125, 225.8K)

How about a knock out game where we say IOTBW?

I get the opposite effect. Why would you make a poster to state the obvious? If what you said was true, leftists wouldn't have "refugees, illegals, Muslims, gays, etc are welcome here", because putting up a sign implies they are already welcome. Clearly they are not, or else there is no need for the sign. Same with White people for this sign.

this is all fucking stupid.
who controls the wealth, resources and military controls everything, including migration policy and the fate of races. get on it.
Do whatever you want. If you think this poster is a good idea, fucking do it. But stop wasting time.

Attached: img_7091.jpg (640x1114, 705.85K)

You have to go back, mutts aren't white

Don't like this idea? Check out this one:
THIS is the idea that will work, because rather than trying to show leftist intolerance in an indirect way (IOTBW and derivatives) it shows it in a direct and undeniable way.

It will work because it's the same technique used here to redpill people - screenshots of anti-white statements in mass media. If we bring those to the people, we can wake them up.

This is a concern of mine as well.
WPIT isn't significantly better though. As another poster said, causing butthurt alone doesn't significantly help our cause.

The power in the meme will be when the virtue signaling SJWs run around campus with a sharpie writing ^NOT between 'ARE' and 'WELCOME'. Be sure to leave enough space for that to happen.

We want them to vandalize these posters as much as possible. A hidden camera on a wall of them would make for good redpill footage too.

I'll stick to "It's okay to be white", the enthusiam of "creating a lot of these" right now is way too suspicious, and "It's okay to be white is 100% perfect and will work forever, because it literally is okay to be white.

Mentioning cuckchan is a good way to self destruct your own thread, numbnuts.

Completely untrue. White Men invented this will piss off feminists AND reverse racists. Get with the program. WMIT.

no second version

Here's how you use it. You fucking print it out. You decide where you're going to tape it up. You take a marker and fill in the arrow(2), then you tape it up. Here is a mockup of WMIT in action.

Attached: WMIT mona lisa.png (3840x2160, 3.51M)

* arrow(s)

maybe change it to WHITE MEN ARE WELCOME HERE

This one is better:

That e looks like an a

Stop bitching, and focus on the good op:

why not just convince black people they are really a majority an whitey only says they are %10 to hold them down

their board is archived, FYI

Interesting op. create it. have a look at this op: