There are people browsing Zig Forums right now who think that Peterson is on our side.
>Peterson gave a keynote speech last year with his colleague (((Ezra Levant))) at a Zionist celebration of the Balfour Declaration centennial called "Canadians for Balfour 100" >Peterson's colleagues include: (((Ben Shapiro, Bret and Eric Weinstein, Ben Shapiro, Gad Saad, Norman Doidge, Sam Harris))) >Peterson agitates for war against Iran, in fact he's been doing it since before he became (((famous))) in 2016
Come one and come all Juden Peterstein fans and cult followers: Regurgitate your lobster rhetoric and have your arguments torn to shreds. You've been conned by a snake oil salesman and charlatan.
Expect heavy shilling. Juden Peterstein is a high investment (((deep state globalist))) controlled opposition psyop that was from day one directed at the demographic of White men that inhabit the chans. Later in this thread the early stages of Peterson's rise to fame and the way he marketed himself directly to us (including trying to associate himself pepe/kek) will be dissected.
Peterson pushes his weird version of christianity (christianity plus hyper-individualism) through psychology as a… I am not even sure… a moral and rational lifestyle, or ideology, or whatever. Just my opinion, of course. I would've had some respect for him, if he was honest about it at least.
Individuality as defined by peterson requires a post modernist or marxist foundation to your worldview in order to function because ultimately he finds it necissary for their to be nothing innate about your identity, persona, or characteristics it has to be shapable and malable to one personal will. The individual as he define it is a farce based on the subjective not the tangible.
Jeremiah Flores
Being a controlled opposition agent is not (((4d chess))).
That bingo needs an extra row and column or it's not B-I-N-G-O.
Adam Martinez
I dislike Jordan Peterson for a variety of reasons but I don't get all the hate directed at him either. He's just another fapid alt-lite retard. Personalities like him are dime-a-dozen and he's one of the less interesting ones.
Cooper Williams
This tweet:
From this moronic perspective, no "identity" is "earned", nor are your character traits, your intelligence, your work ethic, etc.
He clears a path for the sjw he claims to oppose. From such an understanding all individual achievement can also be dismissed, because the fact you control neither your environment or genetics means that the person you are is not earned–this is effectively the argument of the most extreme egalitarianism, which is why some people actually argue for handicapping intelligence (which is unearned). Equality of outcome is the natural endpoint of this kind of thinking. He is a subversive and nothing more at this point.
Also, JBP strikes me as the embodiment of the "tactic of counterfeits" explicated by Evola in his discussion of tools of occult war:
He actually brings up Jungian psychoanalysis as just this sort of distortion, in that this is actually more dangerous than Freudianism, because it was the same general effects in the end, but appeals to more intelligent people who are not satisfied with the crass Freudian stupidity.
It also fits with the fact that he has been given such wide prominence by obvious subversives. He is allowed to be portrayed as the borderline of acceptability and the overton window when he is as subversive as anyone else, when push comes to shove.
Peterson does not believe in God or Christ. In fact, his theology is masonic. He claims Christ is an archetype of personal transformation only. He is a false Christian and anyone who thinks he is "reviving Christianity" are delusional. The type of "Christians" Peterson is created are nu-atheists who are calling themselves "Christians" to be edgy.
It's also worth noting the irony of his followers rabidly attacking "identity politics" while leaning on Christian group identity.
sure. In one of his books he writes about how deception is the only weapon remaining for a resistance to have a chance at overthrowing a corrupt government.
he also spoke to me once, in private. I asked him if he's sincere about his controlled opposition job. he said he only does it because his life is threatened if he doesn't comply. but i still don't want to lose my job so I can't say much more
Jace Price
But I have always kept my room clean, even before hearing of this faggot.
Jordan peterson is just a traditional liberal. Some of the things he says regarding psychology are valid but his political views are typical leftist stupidity.
However, like every other situation, we should support peterson where our interests converge and we should oppose him where they don't. The mindless progressive extremists never consider that sometimes our need for allies outweighs our need for docrtinal purity. They spend their days engaged in bullshit like this- turning some moderate liberal dipshit into darth vader and then attacking anyone that likes anything he's ever said.
These mindless assholes that are primarily concerned with making enemies are more dangerous than any moderate liberal. They are jew poisoners that kill from the inside.
Kek, OP said there would be shills. What a moron. Does he need an even bigger kiketube channel and even more acceptance from the System to be /ourguy/, you fucking disgusting newfag?
Sage because peterstein shilling should be an autoban rather than a serious bread. As always, the kikes are desperate to herd goyim away from truth and have lost viewership outside of the internet, ergo user:
The hate comes from jews. They want you to hate him so much that you're unable to listen in the times when he does make valid points. His political views are gay liberalism, but he makes a strong opponent to leftist identity politics. Things he's done like the Cathy Newman interview benefit us because he's good at exposing the hatred and stupidity behind leftist identity politics. Only the kike shills want to throw the baby out with the bathwater.
Sebastian Watson
To OP and the gang of incel plaguing this board! You are a bunch of fucking Idiot!
In the real world The JQ is still very much taboo. So while ignoring the JQ Peterson is royally fucking the postmodern programming that as plague western civilization for the LAST 50 fucking years!
Listen up faggot I have seen for myself the damage that the kyke programming as done first hand. I have teens at home and I have raise them right. They have ambition, jobs and they don't want to stick around daddy house like fucking looser. But I know how other teens and young adult are damage by the postmodern programming.
They don't want to take responsibility for anything, They are lazy and a bunch of whinny emasculate faggot! Peterson is helping by waking up the lost potential in those poor sucker. His method work. He is lifting thousand if not millions of young men out of the slumber.
Good luck with the fourth Reich when most young men are turn into video playing, dick cutting furry degenerate.
So yes Peterson is not going full Zig Forums like we would like but he is fucking up the kike plan big time! And for that I like him.
Debate me on any point of Peterson's ideology and rhetoric that I disagree with, just as I invited you to in the OP. I will eviscerate you you fart huffing reddit queef.
The eternal boomer comes to Juden Peterstein's defense.
Yeah, he's really fucking up the kikes' plans by indoctrinating another generation into holocaustianity, telling Whites their race doesn't even exist, and convincing non-Whites that if Whites think they exist it will cause another holocaust.
That must be why Fox News and Ben Shapiro invite him onto their shows so often, because he's such a threat to the kikes.
The trait you display that most clearly ID's you as a kike shill is the way you dismiss my actual criticism of peterson so that you can pretend that I'm supporting peterson when I'm actually attacking you for your jewish stupidity.
You're a fucking jew. Nothing you say is valid. The only interest I have in you is whether I could get your eyeball to pop out when I curbstomp you
Nathan Barnes
It's impossible to be in your 30s today and a boomer, because the "booming age" was decades earlier. You cannot be in your 30s today and get a part time summer job that buys you a used corvette. You cannot be in your 30s today and walk into any high paying job straight from the street after high school graduation. You cannot be in your 30s today and easily buy land and a house and have a family with about three children, two cars, pets a pool, etc without doing something incredibly exceptional, unlike back then where pretty much anyone had the chance on that. You cannot be in your 30s today and routinely go on vacation without getting into precarious job situations. You cannot be in your 30s today and retire early unless you're doing something exceptional and nonstandard to regular people.
But you can be a language poisoning bastard who tries to muddy the linguistic waters of "boomers" and the devastating effects they had on the current generation, as demonstrated by you.
Nolan Ortiz
Yeah man, triggering leftards is such an accomplishment.
Can someone explain that pic to me? What the fuck, is that really him? Did he really drunkenly paint a satanic picture and then just think nothing of it?
Cooper Sanders
Tell you what shlomo, you name another academic with a following that is publicly attacking postmodernism (a bigger threat to us than jews). That's the thing with you kike shills- you want to make enemies of anyone that can serve any of our interests, regardless of how useful they may be to us. Objective reality is meaningless to you. You're a cancer to any political movement
yet again placing your jewishness on full display. An entire thread and you have yet to make a clear argument defending your stupidity, settling on character assassination instead. You couldn't be anymore kikey if you tried shlomo
Lincoln Adams
It's a direct quote from his book 'Maps of Meaning'.
Actually I think he thinks quite highly of himself for having painted it. Here's another quote from the same book.
Thank you for explaining, now my only question left is why in the fuck is he dressed like he's attending a Rothschild orgy? Is that quote in that pic some sort of weird dream he had?
not surprising since we've had people thinking le rational skeptics and alt-right are on our side since forever. all of them are just older leftists that took to long to integrate with the current mainstream left. Peterson has admitted multiple times that he has been a left leaning person for almost his entire life. his views aren't even that conservative yet (((they))) keep calling him this right-wing conservative speaker. all he really wants to do is pull the left back by about 15-20 years. and thats not going to happen so the only other "solution" is to bring the minstreem right even father left. thats what all these meme conservatives are about. not hard since almost any common sense ideas are "extreme right" compared to where the left is now.
It's just a little mask work goy, nothing to be concerned about. Just like the life-size paintings of Lenin and Trotsky in his living room, it's all totally innocent with perfect explanations available to account for it.
Yeah, actually he said he had that dream every day for over a year. He considers it a "prophetic" dream about the end of the world, and he believes to stop that dream from happening he has to stop Whites from "being tribal again". He thinks if Whites "act tribal" it will create the nuclear apocalypse in his dream because "our weapons are too powerful now" (he said this on Joe Rogan).
It's impossible to be in your 30s today and a boomer, because the "booming age" was decades earlier. You cannot be in your 30s today and get a part time summer job that buys you a used corvette. You cannot be in your 30s today and walk into any high paying job straight from the street after high school graduation. You cannot be in your 30s today and easily buy land and a house and have a family with about three children, two cars, pets a pool, etc without doing something incredibly exceptional, unlike back then where pretty much anyone had the chance on that. You cannot be in your 30s today and routinely go on vacation without getting into precarious job situations. You cannot be in your 30s today and retire early unless you're doing something exceptional and nonstandard to regular people.
But you can be a language poisoning bastard who tries to muddy the linguistic waters of "boomers" and the devastating effects they had on the current generation, as demonstrated by you.
Adrian Williams
Obviously, if what you've stated is true, Peterson and I disagree on a multitude of things. Pleasu use me as a carcass for dissection because even despite those things, I don't find myself eager to condemn him.
We shouldn't let people come into our countries and take our money away, fucking OBVIOUSLY. If he really said that, that's retarded on his part.
Regarding his views on race and the /jq/, what would you WANT to see him discuss? Jews control the major media, but what can Peterson really do about it? He certainly doesn't seem like a war-commander type, who's gonna raise levies and storm Channel 4. It really isn't his place to hold strong opinions of race or creed. Basically, he's a psychologist and not a politician.
He's a psyop, you say. In his lectures, he makes reference to many of the old Disney films. I feel he's deeply affected by the meaning in them. How does retro-disney fall on your balance scale of good vs bad? How about the old Bible stories? Those seem to me to be a cornerstone for him. He also rejects both intersectionality and radical groupthink. Is this all just an elaborate act at the whim of the 'other side'?
What "side" are you even on? What is the jewish end goal and what role is peterson playing? Unironically mind you, I'm not trying to pick a fight man I just want to know. I'm only here cause i got banned from 4chan
Cooper Perry
so he's /x/'s guy then?
Joshua Davis
I must have missed that last time he was on Rogan's podcast, that's really fucked up. I don't see him as some sort of profound thinker or something but I found a lot of stuff he said at least interesting. No idea about all this shit, that's fucked up. That really just reeks of "nothing to see here" but it's important for the right people to see it. And whites acting tribal? What the fuck kind of thing is that to say? I'm going full tribalist if that's what the kikes are against.
James Bennett
My God you guy's are bad! c'mon at least try to be subversive. But it's OK I like my JDF shill stupid and over confident
I was banned from /v/ today for criticizing Peterson. Anons who asked why I was banned or said they agreed with my post (someone reposted it) were also banned.
It's called lurking for two fucking years you incurable moron. Just look at all the no-format 3rd world kike shills supporting this fucking idiot. Why would you support a candy-assed, mealy mouthed double talker (to quote David Lane, who I'm guessing you ALSO can't quote, newfag).
I had all of Hitler's speeches memorized when I was a fucking newfag lurking. Low-effort scum like you disgust me. You are not fit to be a NatSoc. We might as well "debate" race-mixing and White genocide by your kike logic.
Bullshit. This is an NS board, nigger.
Chase Allen
Jeremiah Williams
Thats true of many places online generally speaking.
Call them contrarians
Isaac Brown
Oh no I get it now. Oh noo. I didn't want it to be the case that Zig Forums/pol was an enormous revolutionary LARP. Anyone looking for allies would be less curt with their responses. Instead, you're content to let me walk away thinking it's YOU who's the squirrel here. That denotes that either you've given up or you simply don't care. I ask AGAIN: What would YOU be telling people if you had Peterson's place.
Gabriel Garcia
It was in the GamerGate thread and I replied to someone who brought Peterson up first. Actually I was initially banned for posting a Peterson infographic in response to some pasta that lumped Peterson in with being /ourguy/ within the context of GamerGate. I returned later in the day after the ban expired and made the post in the screencap in reply to an user who had continued the Peterson/identity politics discussion with some other anons after my initial ban. Agreeing with Peterson and accusing Whites of "playing identity politics" is apparently fine and won't get you banned.
I got banned by Mark, and he banned every poster in the thread that said they thought it was strange to ban me for that post. kek
For me /v/ is one of the comfiest boards of all time. It's only natural that the anons on /v/ would become extremely redpilled as time went on. They fucked with our vidya after all.
While /v/ is not up there in terms of decaying like pic related says about /a/ just yet, it's getting there little by little. Even they have to get tired at some point of complaining about the same companies and games over and over again. A lot "ironic" shitposting and back-and-forth shit-flinging that seems to become more prevent each time I go there. Also, yes, I did cap my own post.
That is a full-on containment thread for their faggotry, it's really like visiting /r_KIA at times.
Because the petershilling is real on Zig Forums and never seems to go away despite him being constantly outed by people like OP. Do you wait until your teeth are on the teetering point of decaying to brush them? No, you do it regularly to prevent that from happening,
Then the problem is that they still are on edge because of all the sabateours and enemies like revolt who thrived on identity politics. As for mark while he generally is good bo sometimes he on occasion makes really stupid decisions. And I have no clue why he interfered with the gg bread when he knows other than blatant rule violations gg kinda self moderates.
Matthew Lee
I will post it as long as the language poisoning continues.
It's impossible to be in your 30s today and a boomer, because the "booming age" was decades earlier. You cannot be in your 30s today and get a part time summer job that buys you a used corvette. You cannot be in your 30s today and walk into any high paying job straight from the street after high school graduation. You cannot be in your 30s today and easily buy land and a house and have a family with about three children, two cars, pets a pool, etc without doing something incredibly exceptional, unlike back then where pretty much anyone had the chance on that. You cannot be in your 30s today and routinely go on vacation without getting into precarious job situations. You cannot be in your 30s today and retire early unless you're doing something exceptional and nonstandard to regular people.
But you can be a language poisoning bastard who tries to muddy the linguistic waters of "boomers" and the devastating effects they had on the current generation, as demonstrated by you.
Camden Russell
You can't honestly believe anyone will look at this and think you're anything but a butthurt boomer bitch that got outed and is now screeching her head off; on a Vietnamese basket-weaving forum, no less. If you're trying to make anyone mad you're not succeeding as far as I'm concerned, you're just giving me an excuse to browse through my Rina folder, that always puts a smile on my face.
It's impossible to be in your 30s today and a boomer, because the "booming age" was decades earlier. You cannot be in your 30s today and get a part time summer job that buys you a used corvette. You cannot be in your 30s today and walk into any high paying job straight from the street after high school graduation. You cannot be in your 30s today and easily buy land and a house and have a family with about three children, two cars, pets a pool, etc without doing something incredibly exceptional, unlike back then where pretty much anyone had the chance on that. You cannot be in your 30s today and routinely go on vacation without getting into precarious job situations. You cannot be in your 30s today and retire early unless you're doing something exceptional and nonstandard to regular people.
But you can be a language poisoning bastard who tries to muddy the linguistic waters of "boomers" and the devastating effects they had on the current generation, as demonstrated by you.
Jayden Cook
Peterstein SPECIFICALLY opposes White solidarity. He specifically opposes any movement to stop the ongoing genocide of White people. He goes so far as to claim that "White people don't exist" which is, itself, an early stage of genocide. He specifically opposes any White homelands existing. He specifically opposes Whites having any pride in their ancestors or in the greatness of their people. He also practically worships kikes despite kikes being the most tribal people in the world while simultaneously teaching his followers to never be part of a "tribe." He is WORSE than a CivNat because at least CivNats believe in shared IDENTITY and CULTURE even though they deny the critical importance of race. Peterstein is an enemy. Whatever useful "self help" material he may have put forward does not excuse his implicit support for White genocide.
Check'ed This.
Peterstein denies that the White race exists. He opposes any White solidarity, let alone White nationalism. He is not, in any way, an ally.
I doubt you even read the posts. Gas yourself.
So his plan is to support the ongoing genocide of White people because he has murdery dreams? Seems like someone hasn't properly cleaned his room. His mind room.
He could tell the truth. Or he could say nothing. Instead he chooses to spread disinfo SPECIFICALLY in order to poison the minds of partially-redpilled Whites and discourage them from opposing White genocide and having solidarity with their fellow Whites. What is the end goal of the kikes/ petersteins masters? White genocide. Global racemixing. Kalergi plan. Jews controlling everything as the undisputed rulers. A combination of "1984" and "Brave New World." In other words, a total shithole in which everything good and decent in this world is extinguished.
Their greatest fear is the rise of a powerful redpilled White nation that overthrows ZOG and adopts traditional White values and Volkish Nationalism. This is why they have spent billions on crushing the spirit of White countries with degeneracy, "frankfurt school" marxism, feminism, and similar mind viruses. Also on importing millions of shitholers into White countries in order to genocide Whites via racemixing, anti-White-fertility drugs and propaganda, constantly decreasing real wages so Whites can't afford children, and so forth. Once the Whites are weakened enough they will label us terrorists and marginalize us more and more until we are dying in the FEMA camps. This is part of the reason why we need White nationalism and reestablished White homelands. Nationalism is about SEPARATION and SURVIVAL.
Aaron Barnes
Bumping based thread.
Jonathan White
Is that a man?
Isaac Morgan
How many times are you going to make the same failed thread and spam the same (((OC)))
2nd pic infographic is the laziest connect the dots I have ever seen.
He's good for young men who are so depressed or arrogant that they need a father figure to tell them to get off the internet and clean their house. A lot of man-children, especially leftist man-children, think they are above stuff like that. It's pathetic. But beyond what I just mentioned, Peterson is useless. It's not that he doesn't want to talk about the jewish issue, it's that he does and he uses his stature to discredit it in any way he can.
Luis Brooks
Stop shitting up the thread with unrelated crap. Post a peterstein meme or piss off
peterson is basically just repackaging christianity for cynical millenials/xers. btw: people don't realize the extent of christianity's role in making the west vulnerable to jewish parasitism.