This poster is short, sweet, authoritative, factual, and meme-able.
Our Latest Meme

Attached: WPIT1.jpg (2550x3300, 234.33K)

Other urls found in this thread:


White people invented this and "white people are [ … ]" are shit because they beg for someone to post another sticker with something retarded like

__________| || SLAVERY | | || |__________

It will happen so quickly that the left will not be able to post stickers in time.
One could also manually type in the invention that the poster is being taped to (i.e. dishwasher, refrigerator, computer monitor, microwave, etc.) This would make it harder for shitlibs to deface the posters to advocate their own agenda.


Congrats, your suspiciousness level has just risen.
Try applying some more chutzpah, maybe it will work.



Attached: tuna box.jpg (600x600, 28.92K)


Exactly what I was thinking.

Why do people keep trying to REDTEXT in the SUBJECT field?

Because they're well-meaning newfags. They'll learn.

This propaganda is shit. It serves no purpose.

I still like "clean water is cultural appropriation" someone on Zig Forums said this the other day…totally my favorite.

The "white people are welcome here" is objectively better by several orders of magnitude.

I don't believe he is well-meaning at all. this propaganda can only backfire.

i don't know, it can be a good thing to do in some circumstances

For instance in Sydney, some jew went around putting up posters basically putting anyone by a white persons face front and center, then underneath it would say "Aussie"

And of course he got covered on ABC and elsewhere at the height of the corporate trolling and there's still places where his gay shit is still there. I still think it was just to stop people talking about the TPP and Obama and his friends being sadists.

so it would be nice to look around and see something else that makes a joke of it as you walk down the main street where everyone is 80% asian already lol


anyone but a white person's face

Stop Appropriating our Culture you stupid nigger!

Computers are White People's inventions. They are Our Culture, not yours.

Same goes for, spics, chinks, jew and other sub-sentient pseudo humans.

OP, your message doesn't carry very far, neither does this post.

Attached: US.jpg (387x406, 101.28K)

Do it

Attached: 1533254125121.png (240x210, 112.3K)

We need to make them in miniature sticker form as well So we can put them on literally everything invented by white hands.

Attached: 042184dc1afc6318464aa24d2f1076e69dfc652b1f23164db137773a754101dd.jpg (1024x737, 73.72K)


Smaller size sticker fits over the inventions.
Like tires, glass, concrete slabs, etc

The next "It's Okay To Be White" will be this:

Using the same fundamental theories as this:

inventors are very special people part of the .00000001% … we dont even put a percentage on these people because there is nothing average about them … they are special , live special lives and above all else never stop advancing our species.

There are black , white , asian handicap male female inventors. They take their time out to make something better and share it.

Most white people dont invent shit
Most black people dont invent shit
Most people dont invent shit

If we were to save one race it would be the race of inventors and everyone else can eat a dick

You are a dumb fag OP , you have done nothing with your life but invented a shitty thread. Who the fuck are you to talk about inventions and discoveries??? What the fuck have you ever achieved?

Real question mate. Prove you are worthy to discuss this subject

no sage, I want the board to know OP is a bitch

Why don't you get the ball rolling and start putting it up?
These threads never go anywhere because most anons wait for others to take the first step. Once anons began putting up IOTBW posters the campaign exploded. Threads are more fun when there are images that can be spread.

However, I think WPIT is inherently poor, as it relies on context to be understood. IOTBW works without context.

Whites are a world minority population and the vast majority of inventors going back thousands of years.

Niggers haven't invented the wheel autonomously, and their root tribes never will.
Kikes steal.

And you're likely a kike.

like everything else hear; let them discover it. guaranteed there is a band of autists armed with MS Paint and gimp-free that will find stock images available on the net that can be given a nice, professional label
>the (((US Media machine))) is doing a fine job of coming here to get its talking points

Attached: Deez Nutz.jpg (2426x2397, 1016.19K)

Keep crying

Oy vey! A shekel for this good goy.

Attached: 1533242770059.jpg (649x659, 59.58K)


You created many great things like parasites who are breeding you to extinction. Great job here have a cookie. Pathetic.

Reported and filtered.

You mean
I won't get behind this wimpy "people" shit. White MEN invent shit.

"It's okay to be white"
"Jews are not white"
It's not okay to be jewish

make sure to tape them above all water fountains, faucets, computers and electrical boxes.


Attached: a8b2ab5fe6485220128ea4dec9ce926639639b215d8318ddd47941d8fc1006b5.png (900x993 1017.24 KB, 424.88K)

comptuers wouldnt work without the microprocessor…invented by an arab.

there were just things as mechanical computers … but yes … individuals do great things

their race should not take credit because 99.9999% of them are lazy shitters

nobody cares, this thread is about white people, not filthy sand-niggers.

Attached: 16723465234532.jpg (500x436, 33.65K)

if we're to take the blame for our people's history, we'll take the credit, too.

Attached: 1509848631066.jpg (500x700, 69.09K)

I dont fucking know how strict you are going with the idea of nigger you piece of shit

are really a reatard and again are one of those people that cant do shit and wants to take credit for nothing they every achieved or even understand but here are 2 names:

1) julian percy: chemist
2) Jerry Lawson: electrical engineer

just look shit up retard, you are a really waste of anything good. Your mother should have been shot by your father for growing such a useless piece of shit.


Hey bro , im not taking away anything from what any great white inventor did. But I not giving you that credit becuase your mom sucked the dick of someone that had the same skin color.

As far has history. I say own that shit. We won we are better, fuck them. Its not like we can prove that throughout history it hasnt been the other way around. We know they will do the same shit. We better fucking teach our kids not be on this stupid ass "we are so smart … we will always be better" attitude.

That shit builds laziness and weakness

same shit dude, we can do this all night. You are and idiot that doesnt have a point. Stay with your meme responses. They entertain me.

Yeah, I'm not buying your bullshit.
Good effort, tho.

Attached: 1487253269339.jpg (332x484, 19.32K)

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Time sets in…

Attached: arthur what....gif (500x321, 480.69K)

Now it's vandalism too.

So fucking convoluted when IT'S OKAY TO BE WHITE is already PERFECT.
It, like echoes, can be used forever.

bad idea. they are just going to steal the fliers and post them to negative things. the media will then cover that.

something like its ok to be white is better because you cant spin it

IOTBW is already done because it was a) monetized and b) dipshits like TRS and RADIOTRVEAYRANRESISTANCE.COM vomited their their urls all over it, creating an association.
Also, you don't drive media outrage cycles by autistically doing the same thing over and over again.

Attached: 2 scoops.gif (333x396, 204.91K)


hey nigger, why do you still insist on being a slave to your kike masters?

Attached: jewsrantheslavetradeniggersBTFOd.PNG (595x424, 163.61K)

You are very obviously not tall enough for this ride.
No, It's done and gone and about as relevant as white genocide and mantra sperging.

I got a memeable quote for y´all:

If the accomplishments of the white man were to vanish from the world,
his detractors would not have the time or the means,
yes not even the concepts and terms,
enabling them to accuse and condemn him with.

Us it. Spread it.

Agree. It would come off to a normie as "white supremacy".

Something like "White children deserve a future too" would be much better. The MSM will melt down driving centrists, especially female centrists - right into our waiting arms.


White People Are Welcome Here

Honestly it's kinda shit. Stop rehashing IOTBW, come up with something original. IOTBW was great because it was a novel message with a novel presentation. This is just a lame rehash which isn't even as good as the original.


Attached: 1532291417270.jpg (570x754, 74.81K)

Attached: 1523213803942.png (2810x4096, 178.07K)

Agreed. The point of IOTBW was how raw and simple it was. It was pure statement that was ultimately positive in every regard. When leftists reacted as harshly as they did to it, it outed them as anti-white very, very hard.

Stuff like this is ambiguous - it's true, but truth doesn't cut into the normalfag hordes like the chimpout reaction to IOTBW. I think the next "normalfag awakening" is currently in the pedo hypocrisy shit that's sprung up with James Gunn and Dan Harmon - the amount of leftists apologists for pedo sentiments coming out of the woodwork is ridiculous, and a lot of onlookers are seeing how much of a doublethink bubble these retards live in.

Take pride in white accomplishments

what is this thread? Wouldn't it be quicker to talk about muh peanut butter and muh fireworks? We don't have to point out western inventions. Just take a few moments to find those not from Western minds. I'm not even sure of the PB based on how much I've witensed first hand the blacking of history. (No space program withiut 4 Black secretaries doing clerical work)

It should be "A white person invented this". That's just basic grammar you dumb nigger.

It should be "What didn't white people invent?"
After all, there's very little that wasn't.

Why not just make a pie chart out of it?

Make it graphical, basic. Will certainly get the message across.

It's okay to be white is so effective that it even enrages the people who pretend to be "good memesters for the cause" in this thread.

Analysis in "Human accomplishment" by Charles Murray assigns 97% of significant scientific advancements to Europe and North America.

So, as i said: boil this conclusion down to the simplest graphical meme form.

Things invented by white men/Things not invented by white men.


Simple and compact enough to be printed out, in sticker form or made into grafitti.

That should trigger a cascade failure in certain people/demographics.

A specially spectacular coup would be something like this, painted in oversize onto a very prominently displayed surface, like on a campus tower or building facade by modified drones. Could be done mostly automated within a few hours and repeated over and over again.

Like so: youtu.be/WyPawWJj-U8


checked but learn to red text
go forth and attempt this but i don't think i'll be partaking while all of this pedo shit and white genocide is going on

How can that be the case when 0.00000001% of the world population is only 74% of a single person?

White skin is not a sin.

I think I know what you are getting at. Maybe this is an answer? Tell me if not. And please make a statement that makes sense.

while percentages might be small , the population of the world is large. So a small percentage of a big number can still leave you with a large enough number to make up the resources necessary. Also the group we are discussing the group of inventors is a small number in general.

there is no phase two

Attached: pence fixes fag gay cure 94c59df8.gif (575x602 864.4 KB, 285.43K)

it's also full of shortcomings
everybody knows white people created (and are still running and inventing) everything of value
you'll just raise resentment by claiming the past.
haters will go
remember they blame us for everything the kikes have done and are doing
you need a positive message about the present or the future
"it's ok to be white" is fantastic and it's about the present
it's great because of its barebone minimalism
you could try something like "white people are keeping all this together" which would get rid of your pointing at the past and at material achievements but would still suck because it is still a claim of exception
"it's ok to be white" didnt claim whites were any better than anyone
this was the real kicker
you just ruined all the strong points of it with your attempt
even bringing white PEOPLE introduces a stigmatization, a target.
"to be white" isnt "white people". "White people" is a target. "To be white" is a state, an identity, something anybody can be, anybody of your family, whoever you are. It speaks to you, the reader. Maybe your mind will go "i'm not white" but your subconscious will go "to be white" anyway. "OK to be white".
Your message just raises barriers and stimulates separation and polarization
the answer of a hater / resenter is obvious:

Attached: art bell voter Cww6JHvUQAAEvCW.jpg (2048x1536, 450.33K)

why felate the narrative we have to even establish this supremacy over shit races,It is pointless all whites know it all shitskins know it and deny reality just like jews this is kindergarten tier ….who are your targets of this tired meme do you even know

World population today is approximately 7.4 billion people.
0.00000001% of 7,400,000,000 is 0.74 people.

I've seen so many imitations of IOTBW. Most of them didn't even understand why "It's okay to be white" was much more effective than just saying something racist or pro-white. Have any of the imitations actually taken off?

why the fuck would you make small stickers for THIS shit; only to be embarassed when the (((media))) starts telling everyone that "white people" didn't invent these things (yes this will happen if you go through with this); instead of just making a swarm of IOTBW stickers and plastering the city with THOSE instead?!?

Attached: IOTBW_man.jpg (660x680, 101.62K)

WTF do you think I've BEEN doing. shit, I introduce IOTBW and you all act like you can't be bothered to DO it PROPERLY!
NOW you claim it's "not good enough" for you and claim it's "old and played out"?!? Fuck you then!!!
You only did it ONCE and just because it got on tv a couple times you think it's over? You lazy white-niggers never even got STARTED yet! We didn't even get to this part yet:
Not to mention that you jackasses continue to waste entire sheets of paper, like ignorant wasteful niggers, in order to display 5 words in skinny font? Where's your fucking brains? You QQ about wasting $ on niggers and then you squander entire sheets of paper when you could've made multiple copies and more covertly distributed those, with less exposure to yourself, whilegaining a larger area saturation ratio.
WHERE'S YOU HIGH WHITE IQ?!? Because I'm not seeing it.
The entire point was to saturate areas with this so that (((they))) couldn't NOT see it, every day, every week.
You don't accomplish this by pissing away ink and paper like a moron. You get your point across by giving up and then circlejerking trying to reinvent the working wheel. You are drowning in complacency and lack of initiative. You desire a "leader" but YOU DON'T FOLLOW THROUGH!
How is this much incompetance even possible in the 21st century?!?
If you can't saturate an area with at least this size, then you are doing something wrong. You can place these ANYWHERE and not get noticed. You'll be able to print up an entire pocket full for a fraction of cost as opposed to just 1 sheet taped to a pole somewhere.
Here's a reminder of the "rules" that were agreed upon. Notice how many of them WERE IGNORED from the start. THIS alone is why you are losing this "war". NOT PAYING ATTENTION is why why "le Cantwell" is skating on Fed-Cred while those other guys are fucked outta 10 YEARS of their young lives.
And you claim to give a fuck about "white people"? really?
DO BETTER! or die off already.

Attached: IOTBW_rules.png (612x408 85.82 KB, 27.95K)

*You DON'T get your point across by giving up and then circlejerking trying to reinvent the working wheel. You are drowning in complacency and lack of initiative.

Despite this, I think this is a good idea. This same type of vandalism could occur with IOTBW (eg, it's okay to be white- NOT)

So, in your mind, you think it's an advantage to allow idiots to continue to purpetuate the myth that "white people invented slavery"?!? really? REALLY?!?

I'll help you out here, the reason I wanted and planned ahead FOR the IOTBW to BE "vandalized" is because it couldn't BE debated. It's a simple statement of fact, and the only comments against it were irrational sperging out and emotional outbursts. For fuck's sake even Tucker Carlson figured it out. How have you missed this point?!?

If you think you can sucessfully spin the "white people invented…" meme (which you presume to be favorable toward you) to somehow make the phrase:

"white people invented slavery" into anything OTHER THAN NEGATIVE, then you're a bigger foolass than I figured originally.

Keep in mind that "white slavery" is a real thing that's being AVOIDED in historical discussions in academia, but (((YOU))) think that you can convince people that "white people invented slavery" is going to looked upon as "oh yeah, what a great contribution to civilization"?!?

I swear to God, if my sides wern't already gone and waiting for me in the afterlife, they'd be on their way there right now.

I absolutely concur, user. If anything the thread of Sarah Silverman "pleading" with 4/pol/ to "stand down" is an outright admission of guilt / complacency.
She didn't even TRY to react to the issue of child abuse, she went right for the typical "I'm a Jew, You're a Goy, Do as I say now" bit. Dan Harmon _deleting tweets_ and then a mass of others doing the same thing in the same relative timeframe?!?
The only thing these fools will do is cry "where's the evidence of any crime?" and even then they'll OPENLY MOCK the subject of Pedo-crime and Child Rape / cannibalism. It's an open slap to the face of America is what it is. This bullshit about "entertainment" (who the fuck is entertained by this) and "comedy" (who are the sick fucks laughing about this subject) is typical pilpul kikery. Plain and simple. You get enough normies to get weirded out about this, enough to openly boycott and take a public stand, then you've got something.

Here, if you want some material to meme with try these:
* "Child Rape is NOT Funny DAN!" *
[Harmon already on MSM doing spin control BTW foxnews.com/entertainment/2018/07/24/rick-and-morty-co-creator-dan-harmon-apologizes-after-offensive-child-rape-parody-video-resurfaces.html "a parody of Dexter" leads to "baby rape"]

* "Stop making excuses SARAH!" *
* "NO! We will NOT stand down, SARAH!" *
* "Eating children is NOT NORMAL!" *

you get the idea: make it personal and NAME THEM ALL!!! SHOW their tweets!!!
this is what they've been doing to other people to get them FIRED and run out of towns.
I'd like to think you can come up with more / better phrases to use, but if you can't figure out how to use IOTBW then I'm not going to hold my breath on this one either.
I can see a few anons who still have working brains here. I'm mostly speaking to you lot then. The rest can either follow in suit, or get the fuck outta the way.

Attached: IOTNC.png (1317x1877 59.59 KB, 969.82K)

The Avengers meets Portlandia


Attached: gang.png (796x529, 804.95K)

I don't think we'll be able to capture that magic again tbh
Kikes are wise to its effectiveness now and will sabotage every thread with shilling and fucktarded ideas.

Why not just put up more IOTBW posters?

I remind you, user, that NOT putting any marks on it and NOT associating it with "le racism" was well established BEFORE it went out. Just like the kids crying " b-but the left will deface it and throw it away and write on it", I'll say THIS:
I expected the KIKE SHILLS to attempt to co-opt it and spin it for SHEKELS in THEIR pockets. It's HOW i was able to get those greedy bastards to out themselves ON THE RECORD for us to ba able to recognize them for who and what the ARE.

The FACT that antifa, the "education administrators" and (((TRS))) / (((FEDwell))) / (((MILO))) ALL tried to either bury it or PROFIT from it is definative PROOF of their GUILT. period.
It was an expected reaction and delivered the results as calculated. precisely.
(((They))) are reactionaries, nothing more. You either give them credit where none is due, or underestimate the amount of resources they've stolen and horded for things just like this. (((They))) HEAP materialism upon themselves and claim it as "wealth", only because they don't know the ture definition of the word. Their own God came and told them to their FACE their error and they refused to hear it. Some of you anons are making a similar mistake, assuming that you aren't (((them))) to begin with of course. Turn away form this false pride and turn toward the ture path and simply walk it. The "pride" you thnk you are after or deserve doesn't even come until AFTER the VICTORY is SECURED and the enemy is eliminated from being a threat.
Stop trying to jump to the end of the match when it's only the 2nd quarter.

Attached: pol_drives_them_crazy.jpeg (500x650 47.15 KB, 116.64K)

Had a similar idea a while ago (when it was still possible to use twitter without getting banned within an hour).

Attached: thankwhitemen car.png (1527x1077 2.65 MB, 1.53M)

Attached: thankwhitemen toilet.png (1615x1077 2.83 MB, 1.36M)

When I see a person post "White people have no culture" or see a nig claiming that whites stole all their inventions it makes me livid. European culture is the greatest the world has ever known. The fact that little spoiled Gen Z shitheads can even whine about white people on their smartphones is because of what white people have done with technology, nearly everything they own is somehow related to European invention

Attached: this is what white people do.png (1208x941, 981.29K)

Now, if only you could make this into a webseries, or a comic, or something.

They are a proud and stiff-necked people and learn NOTHING from their previous errors. They only rehash the same old tactics over and over again as a matter of "tradition".
We SHOULD be putting IOTBW up. But use it to mark out territory and see who reacts to it. Another round is expected this Halloween (1 year) and could be done in a fashion to "le Devi's Night" (The Fire Rises). Personally I'd do it on the following dates ANNUALLY:
Entire month of JUNE
Halloween ( Little slips of paper come in handy for this one )
Christmas ( Slipped inside of cheap Christmas cards and left around town "secret santa"-style )

this should be enough for now at least. IF you can manage to do this on a consistant basis, THEN you'll start to see a REAL reaction.
You have to commit to a punch and follow through with it. Never hit the target, hit PAST the target with your chi.

The rest of the year is free-for-all. But If you require a set of dates to assume to congregate this meme upon, then I've given you a list.
"To Meme, or not to meme?", that is the question.

Attached: 135888493312.jpg (300x300 23.61 KB, 14.4K)

bretty good

Can you even NAME the "white men" who invented these things? If not, then stop; because you'll get your shit pushed in so fucking quick (unless your a faggot who enjoys that sort of thing).
If you can't back up your propaganda with real proveable fact or maintain a neutral-stance that forces the other guy to flail about and falter, then you've already lost before you've begun.
Re-watch this scene and LEARN the subtext of what Bane is telling Batman.
remember, if they hadn't healed him in the PIT he would've been stuck there forever.

Attached: BP_victory_has_defeated_you.jpeg (1280x720, 55.31K)



At least get an 8channer to post this 4chinner.

Attached: icantwhatino.gif (499x356, 193.38K)

I have no idea what you just said, take your meds you schizophrenic fuck.

Attached: american slavery jewish 2.jpg (850x1100, 162.59K)

Thanks Pat.