Japan is fighting against feminism on college campus
A Tokyo medical school systematically cut women applicant’s entrance exam scores for years to keep them out and boost the numbers of male doctors, Japanese media said on Thursday.
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has made creating a society “where women can shine” a priority, but women still face an uphill battle in employment and hurdles returning to work after having children, despite Japan’s falling birthrate.
The exam score alterations were discovered in an internal investigation of a graft allegation that emerged this spring over entrance procedures for Tokyo Medical University, the Yomiuri Shimbun daily said.
From 2011, it said, the university began cutting the scores of female applicants to keep the number of women students at about 30 percent, after the number of successful women entrants jumped in 2010.
The paper quoted university sources as saying the action was prompted by a “strong sense at the school” that many women quit medicine after graduating to get married and have children.
Tokyo medical university cut women's exam scores to curb numbers
Next time use archive.is you fag
would be nice to have some hard numbers on this sort of stuff
Try not to think about the trillions lost (in actual and oppertunity cost) we've lost educating women why then were not productive neither afterward (by working) or during (when they could've been having and raising kids).
I like their thinking. Why waste time and resources in an investment that could very well not pay off in the long run?
I don't know about medicine specifically but this whole deal of Asian women (not just Japanese) entering the work force —or even just college— simply as a strategy to search for a potential husband and latter quit to become housewives the moment they've sunk their claws into him and gained access to his resources is something I've heard a lot about throughout the years.
Good going Japan, keep fighting the good fight.
wtf japan?
I mean.. All that happens when you let Women into the higher end of the job market is it creates more miserable Women and less opportunities for Men to fulfill their role as bread winner. And even Feminists don't pretend anymore that they don't want their Men to be the breadwinner - they just don't realize that everything they believe is counter intuitive for everything they desire.
Women are making themselves miserable - they should not be competing with men. It's maybe like 1/15 men who actually find ambition in Women attractive - the rest just see it for what it is, a boorish tainting of Femininity into some kind of perverse pseudo-homosexual monstrosity.
Expect a lot more poz in general to reach Japan during the next couple of years, the (((Olympics))) are coming, after all.
legitimate issue honestly, but people will kneejerk react to this and cry sexism, no doubt
The sheer butthurt from weebs will be worth it.
do you really want another country to get pozzed?
It's not a white nation so I don't care, my heart stands with the European peoples.
Natsoc ideals should be the goal for every country. If Marxism is flowing so freely that a 95% ethnically homogeneous country is still getting pozzed then it doesn't bode well for anyone.
Nah, the Japs don't deserve that brought upon them.
Also, from personal experience of having encountered a lot of weebs in HS and college, weebs don't actually care about Japanese culture in the slightest, for them it's merely a novelty, an attraction that they only indulge in the most superficial of levels, Japan could get a whole lot more liberal and progressive tomorrow and they wouldn't give a shit as long as they can still LARP as samurai/shinobi.
Ask any weeb about actual, significant events in Japanese history and they won't know what to say 99% of the time.
That's nice kid, may the nation-wrecking kike corruption be with you too.
Good. This also should be done immediately with any military. Women get knocked up to avoid their duties and reap the benefits of military scholarships for their meme careers.
Japanese women should stick to what they're good at, namely
Actually the reason they did it is because apparently Jap female doctors only practice medicine for a couple years after finishing medical school, then they get married and never practice again. They basically use the medical profession and its accompanying training as a vehicle for marrying another Jap doctor. Once married they just remain a housewife. So all of those years of training get flushed down the drain. So they take up slots in medical school that would have otherwise gone to a male jap who would have dutifully been a doctor his entire life. The reasoning is much more pragmatic and is indeed not """misogynistic""" at all. So don't get too excited about based Japs putting women in their places. It's simply a corrective measure to ensure medical training goes towards people who actually intend on remaining doctors.
Turning into rotten, curdled cheese post 32.
I’d immigrate, but then I would just be an immigrant.
That's some great foresight and they're right. It's the same at work here when women quit due to pregnancies, especially the unexpected pregnancies and leave guys hanging with all the work it causes complete chaos in the workplace and it's not just the men who suffer but the young women who have to take more of the work load left behind.
That's what ropes are for user.
Speak for yourself kike, my country's Navy fleet was formed in Tokyo, Tenno heika banzai anyday.
Stand with civilization instead of throwing away allies for retarded reasons. Our enemies are those that would destroy civilization, and we share them with the nips.
It is true. I know a guy and what he told me is that he has to stay very assertive all the time and never let his guard down due to this shit.
A true nationalist fights for the independence of all people, only this way it can be ensured that all nations shall live in peace with each other.
Especially Japan had been a major example of how successful such a nation can be. We have to go into the same direction as they went with their social policies, which is a hard stance against illegal migrants and those who do not integrate, which interestingly enough are most of the time mudslimes and niggers
it's the European woman that turns bad after 30. The Japanese somehow probably with the help of make up and plastic surgery can be fine as wine up until 40. It's rather strange how that works.
After being blue balled and black pilled for years now. I'm just going to find an Asian woman and then have her have eggs from a Norwegian woman.
Then I will have a huwhite son and further the huwhite race.
women in japan are materialistic as hell above all women of the world. only reason they join medical profession is so they can get a doctor husband.
Cannon fodders are the true beta males.
This will save Japan.
You defeat your own point, and not only that you want to race mix. And you are legitimately retarded if you think a Jap woman will let you plant another woman's eggs in her to make white kids, you should think about never reproducing or necking yourself.
Why would a low divorce rate be a bad thing, for any occupation to that point? It is one of the worst things to happen to the Western world and the nuclear family.
Except that mil marriages are absolutely toxic and have always been. Welfare whores with husbands constantly not home? Nigga…
It was an obvious shitpost to get (you)s, just filter and ignore.
They're good at not getting fat (until menopause).
That's what you get when everybody says "the jew fears the samurai" but there are no real samurai only hentai doujins and loli anime and jerking off in your hikki cave is not being an armored warrior cutting down the enemies of your daimyou.
Sounds like you've had bad experiences all the ones I've run into.
Sometimes the shitposts are hard to ignore user, but it is now.
Those browns will disappear in the shower.
Never was a ZOG stooge so I don't have any on hand experience here. Just pattern regconition and basic observation.
And it's not going to stop for awhile, grorious nippon still has one of the highest rates of politicians and educators that actually give a shit about the future of their country and are mind boggling going to make decisions based on that until their generation dies off.
I don't see the downside other than the lack of nurses and healthcare workers, but then again, the West wastes billions on fucking female-empowerment bullshit, abortion, Obangocare, and drugs.
That is correct. A nation of ronin. You can fit and wail all day and night, that is all you are made for. A vessel for the best born.
In the West, women doctors end up working about 66% less time over their lifetime careers than male doctors, due to time off for sickness, stress, pregnancy, and childrearing.
Basically, for ever 100 women doctors that graduate, you are really only getting in fact about 33 graduates.
This gives governments and health authorities the excuse that there is a shortage of doctors so we need to ship in pajeets and Muslims and nigger "doctors".
Jap doesn't do plastic surgery, that's korean.
Japs are big into the natural thing which is colagen.
Nips were entirely correct. Women shouldn't attend universities at all unless they are objectively gifted. To women, university is just a way of getting hooked up with financially successful men they'd otherwise never come near.
Now, let's not kid ourselves, plastic surgery exists everywhere, but yes, it's fairly and notably rampant in Worst Korea in a fashion very similar to how breast implants were in Brazil a few years ago (so much it made international news and there were actually implants shortages), not only accepted but very openly discussed and even encouraged.
I've heard at least a couple of stories of girls in Worst Korea receiving plastic surgeries as graduation gifts from college or even HS, that sounds fucking insane to me.
medicine is extremely difficult and time consuming.
Demokrator removed arranged marragies forcibly so instead of your parents finding you a spouse with good social standing now women have to partake in difficult courses that end up being a waste of time just to find a husband.
Japan was supporting my country's fight for independence without asking anything in return, eat shit (((goon)))
A Korean girl asked me if I wanted her to get an eyelid surgery to have more caucasian looking eyelids before she came to my country.
I said no.
If I'm to be honest, the whole "visible fold" eyelid fascination is something I've never understood, they're different, that doesn't mean bad. I certainly find them attractive in their own way.
Though I suppose there could be more extreme cases in which anything would be seen as an improvement, I don't know.
Which is probably true. I can understand this, the school wants to create people to save lives, graduates who will give back to the school, not feathers in a cap. Normally I would hate the doctoring of marks, but odds are the women had higher marks than they deserved because of preferential treatment in teaching (male and female teachers pay more attention to girls) and marking (I get a blowjow/cunny, you get an A) so even by cutting women's marks, you still probably have far more women in med school who actually deserve to be on the basis of their actual abilities.
Fuck off, Goon.
you wouldn't have had to waste time posting this if you had read the OP completely
When you're constantly reminded how not-white you look by the constant stream of Hollywood dreck pouring into your rice paddy, what are you going to do?
Can you imagine the weeb tard-rage when feminism suddenly infiltrates anime and manga?
How do, you do fellow whites?
Good lord.
That goes beyond "not looking white", bitch just straight up looked like a fucking man.
She probably scared off even the most thirsty of Worst Korean guys left and right, can you image looking at that thing in the dark or waking up next to it?
You're going to be more disappointed when you realize the Olympics meme is bullshit that came from LRD on cuckchan.
Gas yourselves.
Nah, unlike that other user I don't find the notion of a nation being wrecked by kikes amusing, especially Japan.
Said no one, fucking retard.
The kikes have been going after Japan for while now, the (((Olympics))) are the perfect opportunity to introduce more poz into the country little by little in the name of being helping the nips to be more "welcoming" to the buttloads of foreigners that will be arriving to their shores. The big cities, like in any other nation, are already centers of degeneracy, and this will only exacerbate that problem.
Also remember that the Olympics provide a great investment opportunity but one that only really benefits the richest involved in construction, housing, etc. for the events, precisely the kind of people that could easily have their screwed tightened, so to speak, by their (((international partners))) in order to have them show support for progressive/inclusive/whatever polices.
Think like a kike, user, if you're on this site you should know by now how they operate and what kind of avenues and openings they tend to take advantage of, something like a large sports event that will see thousands of foreigners arrive into a mostly homogeneous society, doesn't that just sound like an opportunity ripe for exploiting?
Makes perfect sense. Women are more likely to leave, that should be held against them. If your metric is a single points system, then deduct points for being female.
The exact same thing is done in Western counties, to White men, except the deduction is achieved by adding points to the non-White scores instead of taking them away from Whites. The arithmetical effect is exactly the same however.
No, because the Japanese case makes sense based on reducing their chances of defaulters, early leavers etc. For the greater good of the society, the medical community, the taxpayer and the patients.
In the Western case, no one benefits other than the jews and leftists who get a tummy tingle from fucking over White men, and the under-qualified non-White and female "doctors", who go on to be a danger to patients, to squander university resources and taxpayer funding, by depriving better suited, more capable, more dedicated candidates of their slot in a finite system.
Reminder that (((America))) forced feminism on Japan as part of their unconditional surrender in WWII. The USA has always been the biggest cancer on earth and the vanguard of global liberalism, and it must be abolished.
but that is putting women in their place
at home
making kids
The fuck, mods.
Thats a valid point.
This is what a late 30s Japanese woman looks like.
I want to punch that Bong's face.
Shes okay. The lube and gyrations help her mediocrity. She needs to show nudity
based nip males telling their uppity women get back in the kitchen BITCH!!
We can see why you're honorary Aryans.
Preserve your culture fuck jew bullshit.
tfw japs can use movies from the 1900s as a basis to revive the structure of their culture and you really can't.
the only basis they need is the destructive influence of rat jews and multiculturalism and mass immigration of non japanese.
Structurally sound based on facts.
Back to the kitchen bitch
Go home Anglin
I don't know if I necessarily disagree with their logic. I sometimes look around my male-only workplace and think to myself
These men don't generally encounter women in their daily lives, and the dynamic is always supposed to be the man makes something of himself at which point the women comes and attaches herself to him. How else do you expect the women to perform that task? Especially in Asia where the men are stuck at work 14 hours a day every day of the week, but to a lesser degree here too. How are the women supposed to find the competent men to marry? They have no choice, they must go into the workplace themselves to find them, or they'll never find a mate and never complete their natural task of raising the next generation. I cannot see this as something to hate them for, they're trying their best to marry and become mothers but they've (possibly correctly, and definitely only subconsciously) worked out that only way to do so is to go through the workplace.
Obviously it's a colossal waste of money. The government would be better off funding community events designed for singles to meet each other. It'd be a heck of a lot cheaper than shoveling money into uselessly training women for jobs they won't do.
I know for a fact Hitler would not agree with your bullshit. Because he didn't. Don't forget what nations comprised the Axis.
I actually wouldn't be surprised if this is true. He's also been doing the same thing on our /a/ for years now.
>Also remember that the Olympics provide a great investment opportunity but one that only really benefits the richest involved in construction, housing, etc. for the events, precisely the kind of people that could easily have their screwed tightened, so to speak, by their (((international partners))) in order to have them show support for progressive/inclusive/whatever polices.
Dubs, and this is what happened in Hongcouver.
For killing cunts/kikes such as yourself?
Of course she/it wants it to get pozzed. She/it's a kike.
torfag promoting his favourite jewish archiving website so he can burn unwanted memories as he did for 2000 years.
Supporting this pracitce is a losing position, you fag. Artificially lowering the nr of women is not the same as countering feminist affirmative action. What they did is simply wrong - it is the same as what jews, cunts and niggers are doing to men in the West.
If their concern is that women fuck off to have kids too soon (which we should support, white genocide, right?), then mandate that you need to work some nr of years as a doctor or face repayment of resources wasted on your education. But holdng women who pass the bar without any advantages (assuming this is true) to a higher standard is not defensible unless you're a white sharia type of faggot.
We can collectively end feminism tomorrow. What we have forgotten is that rules, laws and morals are all dictated by force, and that is the domain of men.
(((NO U R TEH JEWS!)))
Kikes have an ethnostate, borderwall and sterilization of niggers so by your logic I shouldn't want to any of those things in my country because jews do.
(((GOYYYYYYIIIIM! Don't you dare, or you'll be just like shitskins)))
I HATE this woman…!
The biggest cocktease after Denise Milani.
now, personally i'm against this kind of stuff. even more so because it was done covertly.
it's like an inverted affirmative action and quotas.
yes i know that forming a doctor is very expensive for the state, that women generally speaking work less than men and so they repay the investment less, still…
Not to seem like 'that cuck' but this is med school we're talking about, not social studies. People study their asses off just to get in, and flunking out means ruin for a lot of them. Japan is a hard society already, and flunking applicants artificially is quite morbid. Heads will roll for this, this is a huge fuckup.
That said everyone already knows that women never 'marry down' and many professional women do go childless.
Who let these fucking cucks post in Zig Forums?
Let's see how far acting "righteous" takes you, naïve motherfuckers.
She doesn't do nudes and never will.
If you happen to see any, they're 100% fake, although I've seen a couple floating around that are really, really good and totally convincing.
we can't wage war on our own women, just the jews and other non-whites. Doing so creates horrible optics and will come to bite us in the ass even if we take our societies back. But that's just my cuck opinion
Yes it's a cuck opinion and no amount of tongue-in-cheek rethoric while "acknowledging" the fact will change it.
Tell me, do you think we should allow women the right to work in the first place? It should be pretty obvious to anyone here on Zig Forums what a disastrous occurence that was.
I'm sure one day they'll begin to see reason and accept the fact they're better off as housewives if we just explain things to them, yeah that ought to work just fine.
Of course.
ohhh, my goodness
What's the point in investing so much money for a woman to work in the medical field to only have her reduce her work load when she becomes pregnate?
Why should a employee pay for maternity leave when he will end up with a employee who's way less capable?
I wonder if women working and falling birthrate are related. It couldn't possibly be that university and employment keep women away from raising children? Let's pretend women in the workforce is somehow beneficial instead.