Most journalists are retards with no understanding of basic science who write clickbait articles for shekels and to scare goyim into submission. This (((Computer World))) article is no exception. He is doing the standard feat of the charlatan by lumping several different “brain scan” technologies together and mixing up the results of different articles so it supports his thesis. He first mentions EEG then shifts to MRI, and I'm pretty sure there is even a MEG study he references.
Even our most powerful fMRIs under ideal conditions cannot associate brain activity to behavior particularly well, despite the references to the “word association” studies. These tests were done under extremely controlled laboratory conditions where participants were coached (they have to be to understand the test they are taking) and probably lead on by experimenter. That is assume the results weren't tweaked to support their hypothesis, as the replication crisis has hit psychology and cognitive neuroscience particularly hard, with word completion tests being one of the worst offenders. Remember, neuroscientists can find meaningful brain activity in a dead salmon. using the same statistical analysis and interpretation of brain activity used in “normal” human imaging studies, they demonstrated a frozen, quite dead salmon was emotionally aroused when viewing certain images,. The researchers had decided to use the dead Salmon for calibration of the scanner, but when they analyzed the data, it “showed” activity.
Most of what we've learned from from fMRI studies, we already knew from other sources (e.g. brain lesion studies where someone damaged a particular part of the brain). Since an MRI is a giant nuclear magnet, it cannot be used outside of a controlled lab, and this is the best technology available. As far as 5G, microwaves, and ultra-sonics, there is just too much noise in a real world setting, and even if you isolate a bad goy in public, there is still too much minute brain information, and we've barely scratched the surface of brain activity. Our computer algorithms can isolate activity for analysis down to 2 x 2 mm for statistical analysis, and that's still WAY too big to get really accurate information, not to mention, yet again, the inherent statistical fuckery of modern neuroscience.
That's not to say we shouldn't be concerned, as these devices can function like mass x-rays, allowing CIAniggers to see inside of everything. There were rumors that they started testing ultrasonics in airports during the W Bush Era. Another bigger problem is face reading technology. Face detecting technology is actually pretty advanced, and linking facial movements to thoughts (or at least broad emotions) is probably already in every airport and casino. This is how the EEG brain-to-face technology he references works, but you don't need to slop on green jism and wear suction cupped electrodes all over your cranium to do this.
tl;dr most “brain reading” technology is useless, but physiological readings are real and should be feared
user is correct. The greatest and most cost effective mind control is and will always be the MSM, social media giants, and the enforcement of Marxist social standards.
EEG in this situation will basically only tell you if the worker is asleep. I'm not sure how they plan to associate brain waves to any real world work application, and how they plan to deal with the interference from using wireless electrodes at long distance. Under proper experimental conditions they would be sitting still in a comfortable lab, I just really can't see how they're going to get valid results in the real world. I know China is going full ant dystopia, but this hat technology is retarded. They're Chinese, so the scientists will just lie and say it works
Attached: salmon.jpg (650x650, 77.9K)