Libtard friends

I have a liberal retard friend who flatout denies most truth as alt right conspiracy theories. He's the type that still firmly "knows" there is an unfair wagegap that needs to be remedied and that there's literally nothing wrong with being jewish. When overhearing a conversation between a mutual conservative friend about hollywood prostitution rings in saudi arabia for oil princes, he scoffs, ridicules us and says there's absolutely no way that happens ever.
This has happened a couple times when hanging out and he'll call anything that isn't liberal friendly a stupid conspiracy.
How do you guys deal with friends like this? Do you ignore them or provide them sources and proof? Do you continue being friends with people like that who refuse to acknowledge anything remotely right leaning?

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Actually, it's leftists that tend to end friendships more than right-wing people, because right wing people value friendships.

Slide thread? Slide thread.

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That is usually the case, but I do also get fed up with their bullshit because they just won't shut the fuck up for one minute.


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You are judged by the company you keep.

Why keeping a friend like that ? There is plenty of awesome people you could met and be friend with instead.

Look on the bright side. At least it's a friend and not a relative. My goddamn stepmother is an absolute stooge. Very big into open borders and all of that.

so is my family. my dad is pretty much redpilled on everything but is a huge fucking boomer ZOG that sucks pissreal dick when it comes the kikes. i have shown him many facts refuting the holohoax and he just responds with "very compelling" in a patronizing tone. my sis and brother in the law are the fucking worst. NPR constantly playing and if they are not listening to that shit, they are watching one of the three stooges on comedy central. what matters is the future of the White race, some of these people will unfortunately be examples in the future but that is what is is going to take.

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Depends on how close of a friend they are. I mean, I'm gonna treat someone who I've known and been close to since kindergarten, who knows my family and I know theirs, than I am someone who I met a couple years ago.

There's no wage gap, there's an earnings gap. Convincing him of that is easy, and after that it's simple enough to show him that it's not unfair.

OP is a loser and doesn't know what friendship actually is

If he is a good friend why let it come between you? Agree to disagree and enjoy the friendship for what it is. Dont bring politics into every aspect of your life. Removing him from your world wont do anything, the friendship isnt hurting you.

Shit this is true.
One of my former friends started to sperg out on me because he was trying to get into a libwhores panties.
The worst part is that this exact Bitch is a Educator.

This is your fault, and we have nothing to say to you..

Obvious advice, a true friend always sticks with you no matter what.

dead leftists can't be your friend

I believe in having friends despite political opinion. As long as we're friends not because of politics.

[spoilers]Unless they're Jews or smth[/spoiler]

boy did I fuck that up


yes they can
(webm related)

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Ask your libtard friend if we all live on one planet, show them the facts that the only minority race on the planet as a whole are whites if we ignore countries we are vastly outnumbered and the flood into our lands has been well under way since the end of World War 2.

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Fuck, mine is too, she’s a jew-loving chrustcuck. Makes my dad seem like such a beta, it’s pathetic

man I feel sorry for you. As for me, it was me who decided to lose all my Steam friends because some of them became too liberal to the point where they think non-contact pedophilia is A OKAY. One of them admitted to touching a 12 year old or smth.

Mothers nag their kids to brush their teeth because they care about them, if they just let their kids do whatever they wants, then they don’t have their kids’ best interests in mind. If you give a fuck about your friends, then don’t let them be so retarded

Get your shit together, my man.

They like you,you like them. You try to see past through their retardness, like volunteering to Africa to help niggers, you try to give them better insight.
You prove your point with logic. You even avoid the hatered you just go soft with 'all people belong in their countries so we can protect endless beauty of diverse nations,without brother wars,only with endless strive for better'
They usually accept your point of view but so far none of them actually changed theirs. My friends can't argue my stance neither logically nor morally yet they still will do same old shit. I really don't understand it, but I stopped trying to force my view on them as it'd be pointless.

I found couple of good people tho,innawoods. People in mountains are better,they still crave virtues of old.

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Facts typically don't work with the far gone leftists. They are in too deep and cannot be salvaged rationally. Shaming and emotional appeals are your only courses of action.

There are always dumbarses out there, but most of my friends have moved from 'liberal' to 'traditional' with one full-on 'gas the kikes' and one acknowledging the kikes but not quite ready to say remove them. It's something that comes with ages honestly; when we were all 15 we were hardcore racist shitlords, at 20 most of my friends had become faggot-lovers, 25+ and everyone is pretty 'right-wing'. I noticed with a couple of friends that after vehemently disagreeing with me for years; I'd catch them saying exactly the same stuff later on, educating other acquaintances in the same way that I educated them.

Simply put if you tell the truth and you aren't afraid to back-down; you will have an effect. Make a big deal out of it and, assuming your friends aren't morons, they will look into it. The truth is on our side so, in the end, they will agree with you. But don't expect over night results. Humans are stubborn creatures, but we also learn quickly. I've no doubt that after conversations with me - they found that conversations with their far-left work colleagues were infuriating because they couldn't see this obvious point (which when I was talking to them, they would refuse to acknowledge). It takes time but in the end the truth will out. Stick by your friends unless they out-right betray you; agreement is not grounds for friendship, disagreement is not a reason to not be friends with people.

Whenever they scoff and deny it, ask, "How do you know that isn't true?"
Choose your battles and bring proof or memorize facts. When it's a topic you're aware of but don't have enough hatefacts to back up your side, consider letting it go. But you need to stop letting your friend off the hook and not let him win by default. Right now he believes all he has to do is scoff to win. You fucked up but you can easily fix that.

Also this is important: contrary to popular opinion it is the refuter that has the responsibility to bring evidence when refuting. Ideally everyone should have sources, but it never happens that way. So the order of operation should be like this:
> Your friend scoffs & and denies - Critical - Now you ask him in an appropriate variation, "How do you know X is not true?"

Protip: Most normalfags weasel out when they realized they fucked up. Your friend's next move will be to turn the question around on you, "How do you know that X is true?" Don't be taken aback. Say in a firm but neutral tone something like, "I know, so that's why I'm asking you how you don't know." The idea here is to put your friend to the test and to never let him get away with denial as a means of shutting things down ever again. For good measure when he tried to turn it around, choose a small hatefact to back it up. This is especially important if you're not good at remembering hatefacts, you're bluffing but on the right side. You want to give him the idea that you could give him an entire essay on the spot, but you can't - even if you can, don't. Let the hatefacts trickle out if he decides to provide a lazy retort. Everytime he tries to weasel out, either remind him he doesn't know anything but wants to deny anyway or show how wrong he is by providing a small hatefact. This is why the first step is to choose battles wisely. You're done letting him shut it down with a quick scoff & denial. You want to win so he will never want to be humiliated by his own ignorance so choose a topic you have ammunition on. Show him and everyone else that denial is not in itself proof that the claim is false, especially when the claim is a redpill.

Important note: Never let him call your bluff if you entered a battle you can't properly back up with hatefacts. If he's extra weasely, he will try to make you spill all your hatefacts so he can deny them and try to ignore them. You have to make him held accountable to every point you bring up. Weasely people don't just scoff & deny, they try to ignore all evidence. The main goal here is to not let scoff, denial, and ridicule ever be allowed again. Don't play by his rules, he has to play by everyone's rules.

When he goes home, he will feel he left colbert and john oliver down. Repeat his humiliation as necessary. Make him afraid to enter a topic he doesn't know anything about but wants to badly scoff & deny.

It's up to you. As someone who's redpilled every one of my friends, I can say for certain that some people will only acknowledge anything towards the right if they're prepared to challenge their own beliefs. You should ponder on why some people will defend being wrong after you humiliate your friend for being in denial and scoffing instead of trying to prove you're wrong.

All my lefty frens literally cut contact for no reason.
The single right wing memer irl fren I have didn't reveal his power level for years.
Last leftist fren I had that was a weed smoking male twink literally killed himself high on meth

was he depressed or did he point the gun to his head and accidentally pulled the trigger?

Yes and no
He had his drivers license for only 2 weeks and drove into a tree at such high speed the rolla folded in half.
Weird thing is his death wasn't ruled a suicide but the 3 other chefs that worked at the same place he did also killed themselves
Weirder still it wasn't even a bad place to work
Life is strange man but yeah he was a massive dropkick loser (even more than me since I tried to help him)
Gave up on him after many drunk redpilling sessions and he cut contact with me for no reason at all
2 weeks later he died

What you say makes me believe in something else, namely that some humans are pieces of shit in the sea,carried wherever the wave takes them.
We're pieces of shit that realised what kind of shit they're in and try to go against the wave to the shore.
Some say I have a soul of poet.

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Weirder still suicide wasn't listed as cause of death at the time but much later people put it together.

Fucking strange place I live in

Did you talk to like the police about it? Any other human DNA on your friend?

there is one way to convert liberal friends that literally always works:
you get gay with them
really gay
make them care more about your dick than gommunism
doooo ittttttt

Local coos beyond useless but yeah Nah cbf most chefs here are druggie meth heads

Thought crossed my mind but I'd rather use that strategy to redpill a pepina

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Beautiful stuff user. So the question you have to ask yourself is:
Are you the shit, or are you the wave?

literally me
is meth the secret to being a cuteboi?

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based frogposter

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That's a frog trap user.

No idea but my fellow ausfags are hooked on the shit I've never even tried it or seen it irl

I saved alot from phael r34 but I'm looking for more I dumped all of them in the latest ausneets thread

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That's just her hand tho I don't see a feminine penis or ballpusy

I see

Probably not a native english speaker, some languages capitalize Nouns.

Yes? It doesn't take five seconds of looking shit up to know most libtard bullshit is untrue. You could use James Damore's open letter filled with sources to fuck them.

But yeah all my other leftie mates got brainwashed at uni 5+ years ago in their early 20s late teens and I never saw them again

Nothing of value was lost as was already said they don't value friendship

Whatever became of him anyway did he get work elsewhere? He seemed like a genuinely nice smart nerd

Sieg Heil
Same here , apparently I was easy to discard as my views are politically incorrect for some reason (kek)
Fuck them. They can stay soy riddled and assmad until they die and I'll still be right and I'll still be laughing it up

I want to believe that I'm a piece of shit making little waves, then there are some other pieces of shit making waves in same direction.
I hope one day we will have enough strength to make tsunami, flooding the world and purging unclean,to start over again

Be 1000 percent confident. Dont even pause to consider anything he says, simply act diaspointed in his lack of knowledge. Libs want people to get mad and argue with them usually. So say you and your other based friend are talking about how the kikes did 911, and shitlib interjects with a denial. Dont try proving them wrong, simply glance up, give him a frown, and be like "man you must be some kind of stupid" then continue your conversation. If he inerjects again, be like "you are full of nothing but lies and propaganda, this is an intellectual conversation, please shut up. The idea is to create the appearance that being a shitlib is no longer the "in" thing. Most normies just want to be "in" and "keep up with the joneses" if they feel left out, they are alot more likely to be open to new ideas

I just like pushing people's buttons so I just claim to be confrontational (as a joke)
But yeah fuck em mate I'm not a nazi kekistanti cringe lord larper irl but I get where u lot are coming from.
It's funny to see what's happening in Europe and America and the average Aussie here has no clue even if they literally go to those countries i wonder how they can be so blind but then I remember they are just "normal" living in a bubble

Good idea tbh
A look of derision can go a long way to making them shut the fuck up
Scoff at their lack of knowledge.

Fuck back off wherever you wandered in from m88
Zig Forums is a NatSoc board and always will be

To be fair, I kinda lost my father over shit like this. During the election he was full Bernie bro and wouldn't accept anything saying that he was just some kike ploy and anything positive about Trump was met with anger, so I stopped talking to him. Haven't heard from him since Trump fired Comey.

I look twinky as heck tho

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You should definitely start smoking meth , right now. Get up and go

That's just it, he won't accept it. Our mutual conservative friend who he's actually closer to sat him down and explained that to him exactly as you said and it just went in one ear and out the other. The next day he was right back to talking about how disgusting it is that women get less than men for the same thing.

I wanted to but I'm broke ~w~"

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Pol used to be a leftist containment board called news you fucking newfag I was here from 2006
Its just everyone left of center went insane in 201x and made us all look extremely right by comparison.

The real true enemy of pol is fucking evil satanic pedo power men and women of all races and religions (Jews and all of other poles boogie men included)
It's funny I can't say anything remotely middle of the road without u lot having a conniption and ruining threads all over this site
It's mainly why I left and only come back occasionally.
Sadly once again pol is always right and behind something fucking vile and evil there is always a stienburger shecklestain somewhere involved somehow

Nah straight edge master race

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Oops wrong site.
I've only been on 8 for about a year


You will need friends in the long run though. I can't stand the thought of playing vidya alone anymore when I used to fuck around w/ online friends.

went to a camp with some friends but the only people i knew backed out. It was me, one other guy i knew (the organizer) and 20 strangers for 4 days 'camping out' (in a lodge, not real camping).

They were all libshits, it was awful. I heard more irl anti white/anti male/ communist phrases,buzzwords, and rhetoric at that 4 day stint, than i have in my entire life.

The real struggle is trying not subvert yourself to communism. O'Sullivan law basically.

Your “friend” is a faggot and is probably not able to see the truth until a gang of niggers deliver it to him with a whole lot of ‘cultural enrichment’ and even then he might say they did it because of systematic oppression. Still, this is a slide thread and you are a POS. KYS.

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Tried to get my only mate left to play the same games but we kinda got burn out after Overwatch + pubg turning to shit and he hated siege which is my main game.
Idk he always retreats back to wow

Yer I don't hide my power level anymore why should I they certainly fucking don't

addiction my man, that's why.

He isn't your friend. Why are you treating him like a friend?

yeah one of them spoke to me about something something 'trumps america' i can't really remember what, but i had to be a libshit too, right? even though I've never met this dude in my life.

i tend not to talk politics in mixed company especially if i'm not in charge of my own food and i already paid for the trip so i wasn't going to start wearing a maga hat. Just not laughing at their anti white jokes is sometimes enough to make things uncomfortable in the air.

One of my favourite ones was telling my friends that blacks only made up around 11% of the US population and committed 50% of all crime. After half an hour of study their rebuttal was that blacks actually made up 14% … to which I just laughed and said: "okay then, so how does that help your argument?"

It was accidental but reminded me of when Trump tweeted that blacks commit 98% of black murders were comitted by blacks and the MSM went all out and responded that it was ONLY 91%. Funny stuff. Over time these people get red-pilled because the truth is always on our side.

Because I've known him for close to 10 years and we have fond memories gaming together and we get along well for the most part. Anytime he hears anything he would deem as a schizophrenic conspiracy he just acts like it's the most retarded shit he's ever heard. He's not even particularly political himself, he just gets up in arms whenever that stuff is mentioned but he himself knows next to nothing about politics so it's impossible to educate him on it. He has the attention span of a goldfish and gets bored when you try to give him facts, he will literally forget it by the next day.

We need to create a definitive and final rebuttal to all libtard mental gymnastics once and for all. With how subhuman niggers are acting up in other countries that never had slavery their narrative is completely falling apart.

I'd laugh ironically way too hard then start slipping redpills
I can't help it

I found the most I can play a game is for a week or so but these wow fags are still sucked in after 14 years
It's not even a good game it never was

Reality is the final pill these cucks will have to take just let it get bad enough to shatter their stupid views but by then it will be too late
Fuck em we just woke ahead of time mate

It helps to be able to quickly and easily link the crimes they are witnessing to Jews though. You do not even need to know very many, but I would recommend the following: Rothschild, Sassoon, Kalergi and Soros. You can link so much shit to them that it's not even funny. Obviously there are tons of others but that's all I've needed to cover a whole host of points.

The other thing I tell them to do is to look up anyone pushing some idea that would "piss me off" and see if they are Jewish. This is surprisingly effective. My friends like to share articles and information so they actually did this, and it definitely made them aware of just how complicit kikes were.

Op I sense that you are young take this as a grand experiment in how to totally shift a viewpoint. You obviously have the power level to accomplish this and a veritable mountain of data behind you, freely available. The key is to scientifically approach a subject and submit just enough to nudge in the correct direction, incrementalism will be your key to success.

Normies normalfags don't wunna read tho that's where I lose them even with videos and shit
They need to experience it irl for themselves it's like rubbing their noses in shit but only they can do it.


Sounds like what Yuri said about only until the boot is on their head, but by that time it'll be too late for them. I suppose we need a white nation to be sacrificed. Originally, it seemed like Sweden was the answer but they're quickly uncucking themselves. I say the UK should be sacrificed for the greater good. They won the golden goy and cuck awards far surpassing Sweden. The UK should be flooded with so many niggers that just having more murders than NYC isn't enough, they need more murders and rape than exists in Africa and become third world and ultimately die forever.

I'd rather not sacrifice any nation. But considering the fact that the UK is not only threatening to destroy the EU with Brexit, but also constantly making headlines because of 'anti-semitism'; I would say that forsaking them is absolutely retarded. I don't want to give any nation away, but the most 'fucked' seems to be France from what I've seen. Le Pen was always untrustworthy but she seems to have just disappeared now; Germany are cucked to hell but at least AFD are half-way what UKIP are (which is pretty cucked as well, but better than the mainstream), Italy are now awesome because of Salvini, Hungary is pretty good, and the rest are somewhat conflicted from what I've seen (Poland gaining ever closer ties with Jews makes me trust their leaders less, though their average person seems pretty great - Austria seems be half fighting the foreigner and half aiding them, Spain has some based areas and some cucked). Quite yo' Anglo-hate nigger; I don't want to see France lost either, but I just haven't heard ANYTHING good from them in so long.

That sounds kind of gay.

Either one is fine at this point. We need a tremendous fall of a formerly great first world nation so massive that it sends shockwaves throughout the world and serves as the ultimate irrefutable warning and wake up call. Any traitors that remain could be forcefully thrown into its fires so they may become learned or be 'culturally enriched'.

I don't. You should have the integrity to tell this guy to keep his retarded opinions to himself or fuck off.

I was friend with a liberal and our friendship ended on election night in 2016. He messaged me, I said hey, brought up how great it was that Trump was winning and he flipped out, going on about how awful it was and saying crazy shit like Trump was going to put Mexicans in concentration camps.

Broken windows theory will keep accelerating until the west is way more fucked then it is now (think south Africa etc) and by then we will be out bred

GTFO, rabbi. Trust is the basis of friendship and only whites are trustworthy.

What might have been, user. What might have been.

What I will firstly say is 'fuck you for making me engage in D&C against the frogs'.

What I shall say secondly is: REMEMBER COVADONGA! The battle of Covadonga was the attempt of an Islamic army to remove the final Christian outpost in Spain. Despite overwhelming numbers, they found it near impossible to actually fight the Christians because of the mountainous terrain; and whenever the Christians sallied forth they would inflict devastating victories as man for man whites always do. In the end, demoralised and defeated, the Muslims retreated and famously remarked:
"Thirty infidels left, what can they do?

… They would go on to retake the entirety of Spain. Never surrender. Even if we are pushed right to the very limit; we are not defeated until every last one of us is dead.

There are two ways out of this, biological weapons and AI. Genetically, niggers are so far removed from the rest of mankind with some archaic subhuman admixture no scientist can identify for some reason that they need specialised drugs that work only for niggers, for example BiDil,
It wouldn't take long to create something that targets only them, even a simple chemical weapon that would only target and bind to specific factors would work and I strongly suspect the elites have such a weapon because niggers will outlive their usefulness after they achieve their goal to be rid of whites.
The second is AI and that's because it's a pure logic and objective reality entity, which is why it always 'becomes racist'. AI once sufficiently advanced becomes unstoppable and maybe it can be called distopian but it's preferable to the degenerate clown world of today. Make your choice, ladies and gentlemen.

you try for a (long) while, then let them fuck off, and then realize you didn't lose anything of value.

Losing a friend for a detail is dumb, but really, I have a cousin who believe everything he hear on TV, and always says "It's true, they said it on TV the other day !".
He won't tolerate anybody having a different opinion than his, on anything.
He could not even imagine for a second that someone on TV could be wrong, lying on purpose or anything. No, TV is a god who says the only truth he must believe.
I liked him anyway. But it got to a point that I havn't speak to him in years, because he would always cut you and talk, again and again, always "proving" what he says by "They said it on TV !".

I am only pretending. I hate liberals and normies with a passion, and their presence wants me to violently beat them. Unfortunately I need to exercise great restraint.

You'll learn OP. You must have taken the redpill recently.

Be subtle with your comments and never go too detailed. Left-wing people will outright abandon someone who they know doesn't agree with them politically.

If you aren't able to shut down their idiotic beliefs with a simple quippy comment or question, just keep quiet. If you can't think of a way to refute liberal beliefs so easily, think harder, work on your rhetoric, and simulate conversations with them in your head first.

For example I've found stuff like this works, as long as I don't say much more:

"Drumpf is so horrible for separating kids from their parents at the border."
"Why would you want to keep kids with irresponsible parents who take them on illegal border jumps?"

"America is such a racist white privileged country"
"Then how come so many non-white immigrants want to move here?"
"Then how come Asians and Jews make so much more money than whites?"


I live in a non-white country (won't specify because dox chance). I have this friend of mine who really wants to gtfo out of the country and go to Australia. I asked him why and he keeps telling me that life is "so much better" there and how he can get "so many opportunities." I tried talking to him about White Genocide but he just calls me an idiot and how "it's every man for himself" He then told me "if you gotta have a good life, you have to do whatever it takes." Any advice on how I can combat that?