Pedophiles continue to pressure Doug Ford on sex-ed curriculum

Reframing argument as muh cyberbullying

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It's important to teach our children about sucking dick and anal sex goyim.

Rope yourself you fucking kike, or I'll do it for you.

Went to private school, had to watch a woman give birth in science class in like 5th grade. Watching that alone is enough for kids to not get pregnant.

you are a fucking nigger.

Give me your address chaim, I'll start with you

I was taught about stranger danger and private parts being private long, long before anal fisting was put into the curriculum, you kike.

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We were shown that film, backward as well because our teacher was weird.

Also showed us The Silent Scream, which warned us about Molech worship, I mean abortion.

Ooh, we hit a nerve.

Well, you would know, AIDSboy.

I want to say I'm surprised, but I'm really not, thread must be in a good spot though if it's got the shills spooked.

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Hmm. Who is “us” in this sentence, user?

And it admits it, why don't you get the fuck out of here you glow in the dark so much we can see you from space. Pedos should all be killed.

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Burka and not allowing your female family members going out alone without male relative supervision prevents rape. Even in the most dangerous environment

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Who's the dude?

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Children should not be having sex.
At all.
They should be taught anatomy and "stranger danger."
They should be taught about STDs, the biology of pregnancy, and foundational knowledge on child raising.
They should NOT be taught techniques of degeneracy.
(((Modern))) sex ed is about normalizing and even encouraging degenerate sexuality.
That is not at all OK.
In a healthy society they would be teaching the children that degeneracy is horrible.

(((Modern))) "sex ed" has become a vehicle for degeneracy.
It has become about indoctrinating kids into degenerate shit.

Do you know where you are?
Most here are not the "religious right."
You may have taken a wrong turn on your way to Zig Forums.

Gas yourself.
A healthy balance between individuality and the need of the individual to operate in consonance with the Volk is not "collectivism."
It is, indeed, what American was founded upon.
It is, simply, Nationalism.
Proper Nationalism with "we the People" united by common blood and heritage.
As was always intended by the Founders.

Also gas yourself
Furthermore, islum is a child raping pedophile religion.
mohammed himself was a child raping degenerate.

Isn't that fucking rich.
You claim to be worried about kids "getting raped."
But the people that the kids need to be protected from is YOUR KIND.
Because what you ACTUALLY WANT is to be able to legally defile kids.

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these kids dont grow up with families … you are teaching "stranger danger" to a kid that only has one parent and lives in an apartment complex with 50 other people

thats like being scared of air.

these kids are poor and they are fucked mate. Just let them be gay and move to the suburbs. Its over for them. their parents wanted to be poor and dumb and hang with the black peple and have their coffee shops.

Now their kids are gay, their kids will not have kids. Seems like a win

kys jew

End your life. Painfully.

Rectal prolapse is a lifestyle choice, user, dontcha know?

I hope you are shitposting

My niece is starting grade 1 this year… the degenerate sex ed apparently started at grade 1
But last year she was in kindergarten that was mixed with grade 1 students
I think she's been spooked what are the chances


Hey faggot, I grew up a latchkey kid and was taught the difference between my neighbors and faggot pedo fucks like you. Children are like animals with an instinctive self preservation mechanism when it comes to predator recognition which gets diluted through kikery as they get older. They aren't scared of everything, just your rapey ass.

They can bring him to court all they want but the last premier added it, and this premier can take it out. Its one of the major reasons why he won this election.

The good old days when faggots were openly mocked.

The games of smear the queer in the playground. Such jolly times.

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Seriously kids don't have to be taught the details and intricacies of how they might be abused to avoid being raped.
How does teaching them that gays can marry and that they should get a sex change better help them avoid predators?

The pedo left is going apeshit over Ford. The faggot mayor of Prince Edward County is pissed off he wasn't invited to the Buck a Beer event.

They follow me around as well.

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Unless of course you don't count big brother raping his burka swaddled sister as rape rape.

The good old days of 1939 when all the Pepsi's in Montreal went about in broad daylight wearing swastika armbands because they wanted Hitler to win the war.

Why must adults corrupt the young and innocent, is it just them indirectly projecting their rape fantasies and desires?

They put the mayor in a concentration camp for sedition too.