Who is Phil Scott of The Advise Show?

In light of the troll thread that spammed videos from a YouTube channel known as The Advise Show, I think it would be worthwhile for anons to do some digging into him and his potential handlers.

Phil Scott is the man who hosts the Advise Show, and the channel, despite regular antiwhite diatribes, is monetized on YouTube and his account is checked and verified.

On one hand, Phil Scott appears to be your average low IQ angry fat nigger, however, just from some quick searches that a novice could do, he has had a few appearances on Steven Crowder's channel for "debates," the same with Jesse Lee Peterson. Both Crowder and Peterson are alleged to be agents part of the alt-right psyop, with it pretty much guaranteed for Crowder. Phil Scott also has been alleged to have conned out niggers who follow him of money for various "donations," such as Hurricane Harvey relief. Furthermore, some of the terminology in his video descriptions (haven't bothered watching a full video of his yet) look like winks to alt-right terminologies.

So, is Phil Scott simply an obese nigger lashing out at White Americucks who will never do anything to him, or does this flat nose possibly answer to a crooked nose?

And, if it's worth mentioning, Phil Scott lives in Houston, TX (goes to show how useful texcucks are) and supposedly has a Mexican wife and halfbreed daughter.

TL;DR why is he being monetized and promoted on YouTube while pushing for antiwhite racial warfare, and does he have any puppet strings?

Other urls found in this thread:


Sliding hunt threads?

dude this is like any "right-wing" Youtuber. Except for Johnny Gat.
Actually Jesse Lee is trying as hard as he can to help white people. but alas, he's a zionist

Eat shit.

saging a hunt thread, moshe?
This thread could potentially get an antiwhite nigger exposed and financially crippled, point out Alphabet's antiwhite hypocrisy, or even expose any handler(s) he might have.

Certainly put more effort into it than the kike did compiling a yidder hit list. Have a bump.

Why is there an uptick in these sorts of faggots lately who insist we can only read one thread and only one type of thread should ever exist at once. Most annoying shit ever.

Didn't there use to be a pedogate general? why do we have so many threads on pedogate now?

Gee, that's a stumper.

This is actually the first "exposure" thread I've ever made and it was only in response to that thread. Here he is with Crowder. I'll see what else I can find.

He's a fucking pet nigger with nigger opinions.
Who gave him the show? Who's behind the nigger?

On his TheAdviseShowTV youtube channel he hosted a debate between Cynthia G (another radical nigger) and an America's Got Talent comedian, Alycia Cooper.

Because it's the easiest way to keep slides up. Claim it's for the children.

That is the point in digging, user. Questions to be answered.

Here is his Patreon, with 1,834 patrons as of now:

Also, this video is what I'm talking about in how it feels like his videos are often signaling to 4cuck threads, like him laughing about how Google Images won't show actual white couples when looking for 'white couple'.

Instagram: instagram.com/advisemedianetwork
Twitter: twitter.com/AdviseShowMedia

The Twitter profile says that the Advise show is all about Traditionalism while also advocating for Social Justice.

Most ecelebs will be signaling at least some form of chan/forum. They are marketing.

Attached: 429d0c8f5f027b8c684a9e7f12c0a9d0[1].gif (352x193, 2.68M)

But do every last one of them browse chans? Or is it some higher up giving this to them?

Probably both. Some are doing it for their own shekels and are starting on their own so need to do it all themselves. Others have teams feeding them.

In fact, he has a content-aggregating website:
Here is where you can sens messages to him, supposedly:

Phil Scott does not seem like a smart enough person to do digging on his own and I would bet on him having a team.

Come to think of it, he might be a convict-turned-actor, maybe even doing this as part of a deal with certain higher ups in law enforcement and tech-media. Tariq Nasheed supposedly murdered a man in Detroit in the late 90s and that was allegedly covered up.

He also seems to get off on domination, almost like a power fetish. I genuinely wonder if he's a child abuser.

And sorry, but that's all I can think of for now, aside from linking more videos. If there are others more skilled at this, your help would be much appreciated.

He is just making himself a bigger target for spics

Is it an open caller show? maybe prank the shit out of him on air, the kind of shit that drove TCR ghost nuts.

the kind of shit that drove TCR ghost nuts.
or this

hmm, Zig Forums isn't doing much with this. i guess they love niggers too much.
would /baph/ work?

A fat, extra retarded nigger with such descriptions, is a monkey in front of a jew holding a camera. 100%.

Crowder is Benny the jew's butt buddy. He's sucking jew dicks for shekels without question.

Old negro Peterson looks legit. He's been saying the same shit for a good fifty years and his life hasn't change and he's almost dead.

Is Jesse Lee Peterson an Israel-shill or not?

If this were 2010 channers would be all over this like flies on shit.

on balance; being a Zionist is like pissing in a wet-suit. It gives a nice, warm feeling, butt no one notices and nothing changes. It's the Zionistas in D.C. (mostly) that are the biggest threat. Just because someone "says" they're a Zionist, it doesn't mean fuck all to the larger equation

All I can tell is that he's too retarded to be as big as he is without some (((outside help))).


There are a lot of militantly anti-white niggers on youtube and they keep coming up in unrelated suggestions and videos. Why is this, Zig Forums? Would be great to dox them.

Small Antiwhite Niggers List, you can help add to this list
The Advise Show/Phil Scott
Tariq Nasheed (might be an FBI agent)
Sa Neter
Black News 102
CynG/Cynthia G
Yvette Carnell (might be FBI)
Shakka Ahmose (literal LGBT black nationalist faggot)
Brother Polight
Sara Suten Seti (freemason)
Robert Perkins
various Hebrew Israelite channels
ad nauseum