to be honest, in that moment I knew I was cheated. I felt very very hurt and even angry. I wondered why or how they could do this to me as much as my unexperienced mind could wonder until years later I realized they were being racist towards me, but that's impossible right? other people who aren't white being racist towards someone who is? they literally laughed in my face because a white person wasn't allowed to win at twister at a mostly latino party. they knew and intentionally cheated me out of a win that I rightfully earned.
eventually I came to realize that they were deeply and strongly biased and racist towards white people and it couldn't be allowed for a white person to win a party game fair and square at "their" party. I was never "racist" but I learned alot from that experience and I see the bias and the racism they have towards people like me now. I was a painful and shocking eye opening experience and I never thought it was possible.
I felt like sharing this with Zig Forums because I suddenly just remembered it for no reason even though it happened many many years ago. I wanted to say that It hurt like hell and I would have never thought of doing something so dishonest and evil to someone else. I really learned how the world works and it's because of things like this that I'm happy to post here on Zig Forums.
Zig Forums was always right about everything. I'm sorry I didn't trust you all sooner. God bless you guys.