Polish Military Injures US Soldiers in Street Fight



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After having served with poles when I was in I can confirm they fucking hated us and wanted us to stay away from their women that niggers were always trying to fuck.

BASED news article commenting thread, such important topics. So glad these threads can fill the catalog up and have no action taken.

Zig Forums is for discussion of current events relating to politics, Moishe.

Did you get your pay docked for missing first post? Poor Jew.

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You seem triggered

You seem bothered about something.

Are you perhaps a member of the U.S. military, Schlomo?

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he's unironically right though, this kind of thread might fly on cuckpol but not here

division much, homo?

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sounds like the Poles don't want us in their country. I agree. Let's bring our boys home and never go there again.

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Zig Forums is not Zig Forums or Zig Forums just because kikefy turned it into that when he owned the board you negroid.

Wouldn't surprise me at all. Being stationed in Europe U.S. soldiers by in large are generally shit and act just as degenerate as you'd expect showing no respect to the hosts. The non-white troops are just far worse but whites are just as garbage in comparisons to European garrisons. The dumbest mistake Eastern Europe and the Baltics could've made was allowing them in your country.

I have no sympathy for any U.S. soldier that catches a beat down by the locals because first of all they shouldn't even be there. Secondly, I know exactly how they act and they deserve it.

I said in my first post I was so ah….. yeah

shit thread gas op

That's nice, dude. Get this shit off the front page for god's sake.

I wasn't responding to that post, or that ID, but good job outing your samefaggotry.

Opps my bad but to be fair you post links from sputnik news and in general act like a bitch so I guess we are even

lol@jew butthurt in thread.

Niggers and spics think they can approach our women and get paid for it. This was big in the news at the time so tensions between the "nationalists" and the soldiers are rising rapidly, but the Polish government suppresses the news. I actually though the OP is another attack that happened to a nigger solider two days ago (who, you guessed it, tried going full muh dick).

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Good, even as a Zogbot myself I am glad. The US troops get rude at times and what
said. Can't say the same for Germans, niggers are always getting their hands on them and knocking them up saw this one blonde haired blue eyed qt who got knocked up by a nig my platoonfeelsbadman

I just try to remember the atrocities committed by one ethnic european against another in WW2 and I shake my fucking head at how all of that is like a fairy tale compared to what you see now with real racial threats.

I mean where's that old school bestial torture that you saw back then against these people? Depressing to live in an era where the weakness is so prevalent across the board and everyone seems to just be biting their tongue.

I wonder who could be behind this post

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Psyops is all USA has. That's why its so important to immediately neutralize any and all news about the military being good for nothing but transferring tax dollars to whore houses, payday loan sharks, and other kosher establishments.

I hope you become a police officer after you quit zog and die by nigger.


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This isn't true, though. The work to be done should reflect the population. Our nations are beng managed like infinite growth coroprations.

Man, you guys really don't like hearing that your golems got their asses beat, do you?

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You are mistaken. I am going to kill your family with guns.

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Maybe I should start a streetfight with the Amis too, the next time I see them kek

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56 percenters want this shutdown

Why is America still occupying Poland?

Because if Putin wanted to he could kill Poland to the curb like Stalin did.

Because the poles, cuckolds that they are, asked them to be there, proving once again that Poles are completely retarded when it comes to foreign policy in particular, and everything else in general

US doesn't belong in Poland anyway.

B-b-but muh Vieenaaaa! Dirty KRAUT WAGECUCKS didn't save Europe from Communism either, we did it before them in the 20s too!

Based Prussian LARPer telling the sissy P*les how it is

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US is in every fubar NATO country.

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That is the city of Stetin on the German border in case someone tries to make sense out of the garble

*spreads ass cheeks*

Yep. Japan's pillow-fucking days are numbered.

Only niggers would be this obsessed over a supposed "eternal enemy" (krauts, who are simply superior to the white niggers called pollocks) who calls them out every time.
Seriously, when were and are you niggers on SOME forms of welfare?

And now you have streets fight with literal niggers and mutt occupiers.

*NOT on some forms of welfare

Stay mad. We border a war zone, go concern yourself over the warzone in your country and not our military partnerships.

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So, when will you end your negro mentality toward the mutts?notesfrompoland.com/2014/06/29/blowjobs-f-ups-and-the-negro-mentality-polish-politics-behind-the-curtain/

Regression to the mean is real. Especially for a subhuman race that thinks working hard will make them "losers" like krauts "are", while their women whore themselves out in krautland trying to pick up scrap from nu germans.

Never. We are niggers. Piss of cumskin Westoid.

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Because Poland killed 6M jews.

Don't be mean, Андрей.
You're such a nice young man…

Niggers Being Niggers

Hey, I am Andrei here.
Not him. Get your fact straight, subhuman.

So poles beat up some welfare queen shitskins. Who cares?

KKKrackers gonna hate.

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It was probably a polska jew starting shit because he knows US guys won't fight back under orders. They only beat the shit out of each other on base. Civvies or other soldiers puts their dick in a sling.

Dubs confirms. Its another case of uppity nigs being put in their place

hue hue hue hue

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Remember folks! If a Nigger didn't steal your culture he'd have no culture at all!

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Why is there a midget in the US military?

If Americans abroad are anything less than pillars of civility to allied people's they deserve to be curbstomped, and then dishonorably thrown out of the service.

Bring back death by firing squad for rape too

America is a worthless nigger country that should be violently expelled from every corner of the globe it infects beyond its shores.


Having been stationed in German I 100 percent support this statement.

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Why would anyone listen to the opinions of a person taking the time to post here?


I agree is was. I'll sage too.

There are far more Mexicans than negroes. Besides, America hasn't been a country since 1913. The USA is now a farce run by Internationalist Jews.
Won't happen until all of the "countries" it supposedly infects are no longer run by Jews.

Damn these KKKraut mods sure are mad.

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Shut the fuck up, nigger.

I added one.

In a group
Go after the niggers.
After you are done, tell the Polezei that the American Niggers can't handle the German beer.

Also former American Soldier that had been stationed in Germany
I got one and got married to her and have children with her.
She is the best

British psychiatrist's Polish ex-partner kidnapped their four-year-old daughter to raise her in her home country - and UK courts are helpless

Islam Heliel is fighting for his daughter Kleopatra to be returned to Britain to him


I really hope the pol solider called some black solider nigger and beat the shit out of him.

It would be some kind of karma that hate crime laws arent international and do not effect the best fighters

but fuck pol , america is the shit. He got lucky fighting one of our shity guys

Brilliant deduction.

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Badass poles, I applaud them for standing up to the 50-IQ ZOG army.

Hope it was a spic/nigger american

t. mad krautie

56% and Polaks beating each other up on rightful german clay.

Nice shill meme. Maybe you should be trying to save your alphabet agency before the Poole's Closed, CIAnigger.

stopped reading there

Can someone translate this? I don't speak Hebrew.

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The US is terrible at war. Just go full guerilla, hide out in caves and sewers, and let them to waste their Jew bucks.

this thread makes it sound like soldiers are not allowed to fight for fun, damn pussies

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fuck amis

>poland enriched by sandnigger span in addition to all the actual nigger spans of polish lasses
based pooland

Shame the ZOGbots didn't die in the process.

the pole shouldnt go to jail. Our troops are bitches and need to get the soy slapped out of them. also was probably a shitskin anyways

Let me guess, nigger/spic zogbots were causing problems overseas as usual and got delt with?

The problem with guys deployed in Poland is that they think all polish girls will jump on their dicks just because they are americans. They get beaten much more commonly even by civilians in bars. They also think that they are immortal and can't be beaten. This time it get to media only because his injuries were serious and he got to hospital.

US troops are in many places in Europe. At least in PL there aren't as much troops as in Germany or other countries. Also brits, romanians, canadians are also deployed here and no one bats an eye.
Beiong deployed in other NATO country to train together and exchange experience is a part of military life. Just like polish troops deploy to other countries.

krauts today are hippie immigrant-loving cuckolds. Their pacifist generation is so lousy that lot of their military members are foreigners.
Once when I met some falshmirjaegers on some shitty competition for NATO troops most of their officers were speaking polish. Usually they were children of polish immigrants.

Sad news is in polish military when you have any problem with the law, even a small crime its the end of your service. Assault charges are the thing that ends his career immidiately.

Thanks Gaymany.

Good. (((US Soldiers))) deserve to be killed

Wow jews hate us, news at 11.


O kurwa, how hard is to install langauage pack. Do they have any corrector hired?

Aaaaaaaand kikes calling Poles jews swarmed the thread.

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They are getting faster