192 examples of white hatred from verified twitter users.
Yep. This is Going in my Anti-White Compilation
Other urls found in this thread:
do Jews get offended by all of the White-hatred on Twitter? …or are they only White when it's convenient to a narrative?
God I hate these backwards hypocritical retarded fucktards so much. I only hope justice will come some day.
Youtube is just as bad and reporting them does nothing, but if you dare to get a kike butthurt then you can kiss your account goodbye.
Oh cool, I didn't think this would be put together so soon. Saved.
These idiots started another Gamergate just in time for midterm elections. And we all know what happened in 2014.
literally who cares. are you that fragile?
Zig Forums became nu/pol/?
Fuck off back to tumblr.
We can see your nose from here, kike.
I think the Daniel Tosh one in the first pic was tongue-in-cheek.
I made the same thread over at halfchan, and unfortunately it's having a difficult time gaining traction. A few bumps would be helpful.
It's pretty rude tbqhfamalam to see all of the Antisemitic©®™ hatred against Whites on such a popular social media platform like twitter; and twitter does nothing about it. It's like twitter encourages Antisemitism©®™; this, after all they've been through, being persecuted for absolutely no reason
Its clearly applicable in this context. I could google a hundred things about my country and see hatred yet why entertain it? Its a bunch of twitter autists signalling to eachother for attention, so why give it to them?
That's some weekend homework boys. Dox, delete, fire, destroy as many of these cunts as you can. I need to setup a system where I reward people with Bitcoins for good works… what's that guy with the 'bounties'… not sure if he's still around or not… I can't remember the name… weresearcher! yeah that's it. I will be, mini right-wing Soros :D
I'm inclined to agree with you - but it's the double standard that is the point.
Trump's 'blight unto the nations' or the miracle of Hanukkah.
"I'm not White, I'm jewish"
Four more added to part 2/2
The point is that these are verified users, aka part of the twatter elite. This is for showing the double standard to normies.
because most of these blue checkmark niggers are probably jews and its a great opportunity to subtly redpill normies, normalfags, and boomers about the JQ. the new york times gook started the "conversation" and its a big deal.
nice, you did my suggestion, excellent work user have a bump
Are you the user who compiled that list? If so much thanks to you.
OP is a cunt destroyer. Great fucking work, user.
Yes it is a subtle redpill, and it would be a bit of preaching to the choir but they need to run this harder on outlets like FOX and WND, but probably will not simply because there are so many jewish fellows and gals with this rhetoric and people might indeed begin to notice. In fact, can we get a ratio of tribe members to goy on this hate whitey publicly on twitter phenomena.
So much better than spamposting all the fucking links. Can't you do anything right? The instructions are simple enough even a nigger should be able to follow them.
A lot of (((chosen people))) among those anti-White niggers, but i supposed it's (((pure coincidence))) as usual.
The white-hate remix…brought to you by the blue checks youtu.be
What we have to fight against is this (((progressive))) re-definition of terms such as racism; they have framed the issue of racism as one which in which racism = prejudice + power. We know it's bullshit and so does everyone else - but it's not being completely and utterly destroyed yet and because of this the twitter blue check crew are able to spread thier lies using it.
Fight back at this formulation of racism.
This move by the NYTimes was a significant advancement of this dangerous narrative. That paper is an accepted source of fact throughout educational institutions.
Nice work.
kike spotted. look kike, dead kikes hahaha
too many of our people were murdered by you subhman niggers you fucking nigger. apologizing wont save you or your people. I am looking forward to shooting nigger children just as much as I am looking forward to killing kike children. you are all the same and you are in the way of real progress. once you and your kike masters are removed, there will be no more barriers
did not mean to sage, bump. kill kikes
Nobody will do anything. Nobody will do anything because here we are NEETs who never leave their rooms, and alt-lite faggots and boomers are cowed weaklings who think violence is for fascist communists and still think you can vote these people away. Nobody will do anything, nothing will happen. In other parts of the world there would be daily bloodshed, but here, nothing at all. You will read the anti-white hatred and do absolutely nothing to end it.
What is the source for the claims from the fourth picture?
A literal fake news website.
Good ole Lena Dunham… she was always a great source of laughs on Twatter
impressive user
Actually, I bet the maker of that maymay has lots of friends and is a swell person. Lena Dunham's finger really has never been on the pulse of society.
This isn't about "being fragile" faggot, this is about a double standard. They attack any white person critical of a non-white banning and censoring them while letting non-whites make death threats towards our race EVERY DAY. It's not about being upset because some 80 IQ nog said "Fk white peepo n shieet" it's about the principal
found a nice compilation vid youtu.be
Question for older Zig Forumsanons, when did this anti-white kike garbage become mainstream? I'm in my 20s and I never saw any of this being said or printed in newspapers when I was a child. When did this open hatred of European people become acceptable? I see it reported on in mainstream media outlets. I never saw this as a child
It's been growing ever since Obama took office and really the mask has fallen these last few years with Trump winning and the left's total meltdown over it.
joogle rewriting reality
i think it's like this
feminism becomes mainstream.
feminism met marxism in university and had a baby called intersectional feminism
suddenly the man hating feminists became white man hating feminists
now business, education, parliament, who accepted feminism, are now made to accept intersectional feminism
what I am wondering is if there's any action to be taken here. seems like getting the word out hasn't mattered.
its started long ago but came to head when harvey milk was assassinated.
homosexuality is a slope all the way to satan. And the "white man" or any one decent as youll notice decent black people are called "coon" is anti satan , a true godly, faithful honorable moral culture.
So you get a gay as a leader, then you get gay marriage, then you get hatred for all things decent and hertosexual , then you get pedophilla then you get legal murder.
You dont notice it because you dont see how the implementation of breaking down a system is done on multiple fronts.
A good analogy is that of chopping a tree. You hit one side .. then another … then another , and eventually the tree collapses trying to hold it selfup with a weak foundation. This is why child indoctrination is so important.
I made a video of this.
I'm hoping someone can tweet it in the original tweet threads by @meme_america, who got this started.
Here is a pastebin of many, but not all, of these tweets with archives:
Oh hey, I made a better version of that. Let's try not to see the JPG shit one ever again.
fertile, gentile, pale-skinned, english-speaking, upper-class, handsome, young, credentialed, able-bodied, heterosexual, european-origin, white, male, masculine.
infertile, jewish, dark-skinned, ESL, poor, unattractive, old, illiterate, disabled, lesbian, non-european, black, female, masculine.
She's a black/jew mix butch dyke who moved in from the third world and refuses to learn how to speak fucking english, she cant read her own language either, she's living on services with her white girlfriend (a dumb purple-haired bitch who hates me for being right), and she's been genitally mutilated, so I'm guessing she infertile now. and i know all this about her because her lobotomized "partner" told me, also, they are vegans.
I'm telling you, real life is a dark parody at this point.
Bump, been posting this on twitter where ever I can.
The last time I saw this thread it was just a bunch of archive links and I suggested screencaps with archive links stamped onto them flooded to a tag like #VeriifiedHate and that tag wound up trending with said archive-stamped images so either people listened to me or had the same idea.
There were plenty of kosher civnat cucks on the tag crying "racism toward anyone is unacceptable! muh individualism!", but also so many people were on the tag naming the jew as the predominant source of anti-white tweets and this had the (((SPLC))) "hate tracker" kvetching over the #VerifiedHate tag. The tag was trending at some point, but I'm certain they shut it down since they definitely can't have normalfags seeing all those blue checkmarked kikes screeching about how much they hate whites and want all whites dead. Too big of a redpill to swallow for the general populace and it did seem to be reaching otherwise naive people who were generally unaware of the scope of hatred toward whites from verified accounts.
each and every one of these fuckers needs to be doxxed
The best part is most normalfags don't know how to hide their identity online so they use their REAL NAMES on their twitter or they use an email or username associated with them and easily can be found out. If you threaten violence you should be exposed see if their boss thinks it's cool they want whites to die
Michael Eisen: A piece of shit who studies flies.
This can't be.
Racism isn't allowed on Twitter.
Only kikes would be so hypocri–
Now 237 instances of white hatred from verified twitter users.
The hypocrisy can not be overstated.
These are all THREATS to the president from verified users.
Hey mods can we get this one pinned? I think it is highly important considering all of the conservative censorship going on and how it exposes the lefts hypocrisy. Thanks!
i'm running out of patience in pretty much every area in my life. you show this to people, they just see it, disagree with it, but don't do anything about it. they keep watching Jewflix. they don't workout and become healthy. they don't do fucking shit.
checked for truth
post kikestein dox and we will meme him cancer
Explaining that the power+prejudice wouldn't make sense on hebrews and gooks since they are already influential and nobody ever saw a hebrew/gook hobo would be worth the afford?
What can a man do? You can lash out violently, maybe kill a few niggers or a jews if you're lucky, but then you lose your chance to create children and build up another generation of racially-conscious whites, which is the number one thing the world needs more of.
You agonize so much internally while the rest of the society keeps plodding along in a daze of electronic kikery and high fructose corn syrup, not even caring that they're being lied to, slowly killed, and coralled into a pen of mental, physical, and spiritual serfdom. You keep waiting for an opportunity, a sign, anything. But nothing comes except for more slander and lies about you, your people, and your history.
In a slightly less shitty reality we'd have our own Hitler to show us the way, but you do not get two messiahs in such a short period of time. Instead, we struggle alone in a miasma of anxiety and anger.
It's more than enough to make you lose your sanity, but the white man still marches on.
If you wanna go An Hero, go for the big ones like jewdges and jewriffs.
user, by himself, could probably never take out anyone of true importance. Then again, somehow Bush's doctor got drive-by'd by a fucking bike rider.
247 examples
11/10, am spreading everywhere. Thank you so much for the heavy lifting
Wew, fucking hell m8, more apt words have never been said
Eventually it'll match the number of kike expulsions.
I've noticed a number of twitter verified journalists having deleted large amounts of potentially controversial tweets in the past few days. Especially dealing with white hatred and certain (((coincidences))). If you're interested in archiving any particular twitter users you should consider doing so now. You can easily search a person's twitter feed via google, for example
"term you wish for search for" site:twitter.com/username
Check if google has a cached version if the tweet is already deleted.
See…! I was right!
I got called a Kike for calling this hypocrisy out.. "Libtard Privilege out Twitter" before the Leftards came and then fucked off like little bitches.
David Brock already has his nerd virgins™ on the case. This is a big problem for them, as each tweet is archived and easily proven authentic.
We also have MSM outlets scrambling to post articles with tutorials on destroying the evidence.
They cannot refute this, keep hammering it. Spread the 3 collage images anywhere you can.
Image three updated.
Excellent. Uploaded image links for circulation updated:
Fuck anyone who hates whites.
Great work faggots. I have nothing to add so have a bump.
Here are some QR codes for easy distribution.
SPLC hatetracker is on the case!
Keep pushing #VerifiedHate. They are scrambling to delete everything and cry harassment.
Should definitely print posters and bring this operation into meatspace so even normalfags without a Twitter account can see the hatred toward whites from the verified Judaeo-Marxist elite.