Orange Ohio Rally

AC OFF, Sweating Like A Pig Edition

Did anyone else notice the Secret Service drogues forcefully seizing the Q signs from the crowd in the last 20 minutes before the rally began? Did it seem rather – 'thuggish' to you?

Why did (((they))) take the signs away, user?

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How is the LARPer going to rationalize that? Is the secret service part of the cabal now?

Secret Service noticed Q sign saying just the plan instead of trust the plan

Zig Forums and Q need to walk on separate paths.
No reason to talk about Q on Zig Forums whether it be friendly or in a manner that wants to "go after" them. A shitload of them are actually redpilled on the JQ and pro-white, but there are shills running the thing.
If you must interact with them, do it in a subversive manner.

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Because the secret service takes any and all signs?

How would it look if they abotrarily enforced the rally rules?


Yep, send them to /baph/ or /cow/, leave the rest of the useful idiots alone.

Why are they taking ANY signs? Free fucking speech involving politics is a thing.

Go to bed grandpa, you gotta be up early to fish with the boys from the bingo hall and take Darla to the medic, she is sick again.

But you're wrong here. They didn't take all signs. They only took "Q" signs.

Watch the video. It was rather aggressive, and shortly before the general announcement of "this is a private function and protest is allowed outside". (Right before they started the Village People Greatest Hits playlist).

Vox day is a qcumber?

They did it at the Duluth rally when I was there. The event says no outside signs/posters allowed. Just the rules m8

Link the video nigger

I get it, that's the issue. There shouldn't be any rules like that prohibiting that expression of speech. If you're worried about your camera shots, use a stage and platform for them.

So then why did they allow so many at Wilkes-Barre?

Are they trying to infringe on our rights? Why is Ohio different from Pennsylvania? Is it because the D O'Connor has surged 8 points in the past 2 weeks to a statistical tie?

They're just finding out "Lionel" (((Michel Lebron))) is a kike. Apparently there was some fuckery in his streams about WB.

It's nice to watch babby eat his first solid redpills, and Zig Forums will be there to burp them.

Seems like a pretty simple timeline.

Because Trump understands branding and optics and the kikes at the media are salivating at the thought of painting Qfags with the same brush they hit the Tea Party with and make them all a laughing stock.

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Fuck off (((Deep Kike))). And take your queer anime with you.

Alt-Right 1.0:
Hillary invests in Spencer and Duginism as the new anti-white group to take control of the scary Pepes. Rampent with pedos, Nazi-Jews, Civic Nationalist homosexuals and Jews, Stalinists, Canadian intelligence agents, and Alex Jones. This ties Trump to Russia shill planned out by Obama Deep State if successful. Rally becomes a false flag with Jewish criminal named as hit and run driver.

Alt-Right 2.0: The Siege:
Satanic pedos again, pushing for basic low IQ terrorism. Easily exposed because of cringe effect and shitty memes. Charlie Manson would of laughed at them. The introduction of (((esoteric))) threads in an attempt to tie Natsoc to "Luciferian alien Nazis living underground in Antarctica", when not flying saucers or running the CIA. One mod who is still currently here running (((Druid/pol/))) is still active.

Alt-Right 3.0 Q-user larp:
One that matches the early days of user-moose larp. Alex Jones is a key to promoting this, then mysteriusly turns on him. Zig Forums OP Sec is still set up with its own board. 4chan has endless daily threads.
Boomers begin to appear with free-tshirts from the Twitter-sphere promoting it. Celebrity Jews jump on the band-wagon. Obvious leads from actual CIA ops promoting this controlled opposition, the others are just larping low level agents.

What degeneracy will come next?

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Why is this Q shit being talked about more and more lately?

Why do you even bother posting then?

Just more infighting among the right

Q is no more real than the idea of /pol … both are user in existence

/pol should understand this and that interacting with them is a realization that they are shills. They have position to stand on. We are more free in some regard.

Q is a user frat
/pol is the user general republic

do you want to join the frat?

this complete idea is dead, we are alread split to extremes.

fuck off retard. his one post is way better than your shitposts

shitposts? I just said Q isn't even worth the discussion here.

The media started covering it en masse a few days ago. As if millions of media voices suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly concluding it was bogus, goy.

That is the dumbest shit I have ever read.