Daily reminder that we're going to lose BIG in November and 2020. Let's swallow a few black pills:

All of this is occurring and there is no sign that anything will be done any time soon to stop it. Even if we "win" in November, it will be by no more than a few seats, still not enough gain to get anything done for at least until 2020.

I already know what kind of replies this thread will get:

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Not my fault this road has no exits

You're right, the left is going to lose this election too.

"Hey guys we're gonna lose big this time, I swear! Look at all these things! No! They're not the same as the 2016 presidential election! IT'S DIFFERENT THIS TIME!" Get fucked share blue 2.0! Dems are advocating for removing ICE, hiring people who advocate for white genocide, and their biggest attraction right now are violent agitators in the streets. Have fun with that! There are teenagers transitioning to adult hood with aetheism+, gamergate, and hillary clinton to guide them as far away from that cause as possible. They're fucking white college girls in MAGA hats while texting pepe memes. Ha! Blue wave? Blue squirt is more like it faggot. Go bug chase a little bit and take your mind off the anal tearing that you experience physically and mentally while the rest of America begins its descent away from faggot garbage like yourself.

A bunch of reasons you posted in the OP is actually what is causing people to flip from left to right. And the left thought Trump was literally Satan BEFORE the election and now that he's in office it's basically the same shit as before. Why would they get off their asses now if they didn't before?

Hillary had a 95+ percent chance to win too.

Just removing ICE is enough to completely obliterate the Democratic Party.

It's pretty cool watching them commit suicide in a self righteous frenzy like this.

No man on man action allowed, keep your damn daughter asshole


I never cared about the elections in the first place
im glad my enemies are distracted by such trivialities

Doubtful. Think of who the democrat party is
None of these people care about ICE. They think resources are infinite.

Be honest are you guys even trying anymore? Sage.

I'm a former 2016 democrat who voted for obongo twice and is going to vote republican for everything I possibly can because I'm so disgusted with how fucking off the rails the left has gone with their rhetoric and candidates.

I think Trump will be alright in 2020 assuming he isn't assassinated

You think I am joking

You pulled all of my life away and called me a nigger

You commie faggots are going to get blown out so fucking hard and there's NOTHING you can do about it.

Attached: WINTER FOR LIBERALS.jpg (618x819, 195.16K)

I killed a man with a butter knife when I was ten

Fuck of JIDF.

Not even boomers will vote for them


You're not wrong. The only thing you're wrong about is that the future isn't written in stone yet.

Any user who doesn't want there to be a blue wave MUST spend every spare minute doing their utmost to volunteer and get the word out. All conservatives and Republicans must turn out this year - you must reach them. We must reach the normies and centrists as well, and either convince them to vote Republican or at least not vote for Democrats.

If you are not phonebanking, door knocking or otherwise volunteering for a political candidate you are setting us up for failure.

Even a good amount of legal Mexicans don't want to abolish ICE. The idea that this is a commonly accepted idea is crazy. This is a small slice of the leftist votership that's just magnified by the media. The left has and continues to dig it's own grave.

Good. Fuck all your deplorables and your retarded white president.

That will happen regardless of which party wins.

Repeal and Replace ICE is better solution.

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you have to go back

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Only if people that used to be up in arms around here, keep resting on their laurels from being desensitized to all the shit that's going on that could be used to mobilize normies.


The only blue that will be showing up in the 2018 and 2020 elections are in the faces of the depressed democrats after they fail again.

kek just because he didn't do anything pro-beaner border hopper, doesn't mean he didn't do anything.
pay more attention taco fag.

And the blueballs they have as we cuck them once again.

as a centrist and normie with Republican leaning political ideology, I will hold my nose and vote for Democrats this November.

I'm sick of GOP white grievance and white identity politics.

Not even a Jew, and it’s white people doing this to me.

I take it you're not white. That's fine. But are you a man?

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hi Zig Forums

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#I'mStillWithHer amirite fellow youth? We're going to #Resist not-my-president Blumph this upcoming election because #BlackLivesMatter ✊ and all those bigots that voted for Flumph last time are #Woke now. Just look at Dolan Qlumph's approval ratings, CNN says they're the lowest they've ever been. We've got this election in the bag, bro 😂👌! Wubba lubba dub dub!

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I guess I better pack up and leave

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting user.

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If you're going to pledge to go out and vote for the mid term elections and change the course of history post your face when you cast your ballet.

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I'm serious, if you're legit, I don't hate you because you're not white and I don't wish anything against you. I want to know how we can get your support and I want to show you that we're more for your interests than the insane anti-male far-left.

If you're a man, and you vote Dem, you have maybe a few more months (at best) before they come for you just because you're a man. They're already doing it. They don't give a fuck if you're not white, they hate you anyways.

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Well duh. The only reason the Dems even lost the 2016 election is because they were dumb enough to make Hillary their nominee even though the vast majority of their voters preferred Bernie. Even with all the pissed off Bernie bros that voted for Trump (or Johnson, or didn't vote) he still lost the popular vote. We got lucky that time, but I don't see the DNC making the same mistake twice. We're almost definitely fucked. I too hope I'm wrong, but I really fucking doubt it.

Not a thing was done about the endemic voter fraud. Not a thing was done about cleaning up the voting rolls. Not a thing was done about Voter ID. I'm optimistic that there will be the same turnout from the R's as there was for the 2016 election- I'm pessimistic that it won't be enough.

and I personally hope that the veil of the failure that is this "democracy" is rubbed in every patriotic American's faceand they react violently when the D's are in control and everything fall the fuck apart

You didn’t offer anything

You didnyou see the 15 and presented nothing, so I don’t stop



I don’t date older than me

Shit that never happened

Sage this cuck shill thread fuckers are using to skirt their obligations

Not like I care. I'm far out of the party politics mindset and it feels good. Read SIEGE by James Mason.

user, that doesn’t count.

Don’t need to read seize. You can’t show me anything I haven’t seen before strategically

You should –be raped

Hey look, it's the same faggot who also promotes (((accelerationism))) and supporting democrats.

The exact same asspie who's shat up the "Midterm voting" threads under multiple IPs.

That’s gay

These three have kept the support for the POTUS high and will be the left's Achilles' Heel if it continues or gets worse. The average Joe and Jane (the normies) don't support this behavior, but have chosen to remain silent online over fear of being targeted.

Hey can you fuck off please we don't need another ImKikey loser shitting up this board thanks :^)

>promotes (((accelerationism))) and supporting democrats.
No, that was me, and I never changed IP. Just posted in your gay GOP shilling thread a minute ago:

Thanks for outing yourself as a shill, faggot.

The only shills here are the ones like you and imkamphy, hired by Kushner to shill for zionism and GOP.

Vote all you want. Be sure to bring ID.

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It's hard to predict.

Trump has failed to excite since he hasn't done anything.

He's a lame duck when it comes to anything other than Israel or pardoning jewish criminals.

but the left is pretty unhinged and everyone hates CNN so that's a big bonus.

I'm pretty sure he's done a couple of things at least. Working on his gold swing for instance.

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no one cares about north korea.

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It has begun, red blood will dry up soon. Nothing left but black. Blackpill or nothing at that point. Red turns into black.

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The House will be relatively unchanged, Dems might pick up a few seats but Republicans will still control the House. Republicans will also pick up 3 - 6 additional Senate seats. The Left is not as moralized as you think, they are in full panic mode. Between constant Neo-liberal taking points, spic-nigger-tranny takeover of the DNC, non stop shilling against Trump has actually demoralized many of them thinking nothing matters. By shilling against Trump, I mean they make him out to be Hitler and the KKK combined, but the world keeps turning as usual with no sign of stopping him. Seeing him made out to be evil, yet he always seems to be winning is very demoralizing for them.

Don't forget that most voting normalfags like Trump or are at least indifferent, as Trump has been normalized, and like him or not they accept him as the American President. And thanks to Trump and Qlarp the Republican base is moralized and will have a larger than usual turn out in November. Remember, for midterms R turnout is historically higher anyway. The psyop Trump has been running with Kanye and other FUCKING BASED! niggers means that a certain percentage of black will vote Republican offsetting some of the niggers they bus around to commit voter fraud. Speaking of fraud, Trump is turning the "muh Russia hacked our election" narrative on them and using it to justify safeguards like paper ballots, voter ID, and purges of voters who have moved states or are dead, so there will be less rigging.

OP is a massive faggot. Only the left are blackpilled right now.

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Weren't you the same nigger that went through 6 different IPs to astroturf your anti-action shit?

In 2013 I became aware of the TPP and all its ramifications despite the secrecy used to conceal it. To all appearances it had no opposition as nobody except for a few activists were even aware of it. At that time I said to myself: "whoever stops the TPP will become the hero of the age". Then suddenly Trump declared his candidacy and against all odds he won. One of his first acts was to shit can the TPP. I was astounded at this impossible feat being accomplished.


No shit mate, boomers hate commies the most. It's millennials and non white gen z who that might fly with.

qualify and with evidence , also compare to "our" side. Are they twice as much , 3x as much???

when has this not been true, this is not new or doesnt seem to be anymore stronger than it was 2 years ago

also true, but I dont think this has changed either. Can you give stats comparing their street walking frequency today to 2 years ago. Is this an upward trend?

Very prejudice belief, there have always been white racists and black racists. Tensions are higher than normal but this blanked statement is not really wrong or right. I dont think its going to effect elections. I dont think black or brown people get energized to vote because "I hate white people so much im gonna go vote for this other white person". But if that is your argument, please qualify and give a trend to why this is significantly different from 2 years ago.

constantly is not true, but yes liberals are douche nozels. These extreme anecdotes might be a telling indication of something. But these examples are so extreme I cant really tell you if they show weakness or strength. I could argue that these outburst are a sign of them losing lots of power. But more has to be researched. These stories are symptoms more than causes of anything.

I cant speak for the world mate. Are you talking about blue wave in america or the world???? you are all over the place and just really vague. America is not the world. We have guns Britain does not and many other simple things that we can juxtapose to tell you that this comparison is not significant and the rest of the world does not dictate american politics.

yes so what? Not our problem

This is a lie "every" aceademic institution is not doing this, or at least not as a core of their curriculum. Individual liberal arts teachers will do this and it is fine. I mean fucking grow up and learn that not everyone thinks like you or likes white people. When did white people get so thin skinned that they needed to be liked. Stop carrying about what they fucking think and win. Dont be a shitty ass liberal arts major, learn a skill and dont go to liberal colleges. OP you have to take some responsibility for your life BUCKO.

You are right in some regards … but the meme "If you only knew how bad things are" really does apply to SV. That place is a shit show, you do not understand what is going there but its basically mafia union workers rights 2.0 (no pun). Its not about funneling taxes to politicians and meritocracy gets in the way of certain individuals getting their quotas. A big reason behind tech and liberal agenda is that there is money incentives. Think H1-B … now think that idea applied to many different peoples. It goes deep and many in the california economy are involved.

More to your question, there is a lot of technology all over the US. And there is even solid non crazy left companies in CA. Dont let a few bad apples taint the entire batch.


TLDR; Qualify how any of this will bring in a "Blue Wave" … much of it is just as true today as it was 2 years ago. And that got us trump. We have seen many scandals with the left in terms of FBI hearings. That seems like it would rally the base.

As for huge marches indicating a Blue Wave, remember the big Woman's March on Washington after Trump was inaugurated? The Pink Pussy toques?

It was hilarious to watch you tubes of viral journalists going through the crowds and asking one simple question of all those strident virtue signaling er.."ladies"…

Did you bother to vote in the election?

Answer; No.

Fuck off, Republikikes.

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Speaking of which where is that big beautiful wall on our southern border? In Israel?

Not everyone needs to like whites. But if people feel safe saying so in public, then your grand multiracial society is about to come crashing down.

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Republikike astroturfing thread.

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Unironically based and redpilled. Also, Le Blumpf’s rallies are massive, he’s shitting on every possible falsified claim that his ratings are low and the words he’s saying are gospel.

Go ahead and vote. Voting is 100% worthless. I'm just telling you that it will never translate into real political change, just as voting for Trump has changed nothing.

And I have never posted on multiple IPs. We just out umber you shills, since you kushner bots weren't able to chase off every real Zig Forumsack when kamphy turned the board into a republican party echo chamber for you.

None of that is happening. You idiots fail to understand that Trump posting shit on Twitter does not equate to legislative action. Because you all have low IQ and don't even understand how American government works. It is also why you fall for Trump 4D chess rationalizations, because you don't understand that Trump could have exercised a hell of a lot more executive power than he has. Instead, he only used his power to extend DACA in a boneheaded decision that retards here believed was a brilliant chess move. Turns out it wasn't, and Trump really was just a complete retard.

user, I…

Yeah, we all know Blumpf is a civic nationalist who married his children to kikes and loves Israel. You don't have to believe in Qlarp to see that Trump is actually accomplishing his most important promise to "drain the swamp" and rid our government of it's most cancerous and traitors members. How many Senators and Congressmen just out of the blue decided not to run this November? How many CEOs have quietly stepped down. Zuckerkike and the Twitter CEO are both on the verge of collapse, and there's what 50,000+ sealed indictments? How many Jews are kvetching and crying "shoah!" daily at Trump's actions. Without first smashing the den of vipers he can accomplishment nothing. People aren't going to jail and probably never will, but they are being removed from power, which is really the most important thing right now.

Even if Trump is 100% successful in fulfilling every promise, there is nothing to stop the inevitable breakup of the US in 2040s or 50s along racial and political lines, as there are already tens of millions of mexigoblins in the Southwest, millions of uppity niggers in the South and Midwest, and a growing Chinese colony on the West coast. Even a completed wall and mass deportations won't stop the damage that has been done. And even if the US was white only, the different ethnicities still have much different ways of organizing themselves, the biggest example being the the Civil War which pitted mostly Anglo-Dutch against the Scots-Irish who were basically already living in separate nations and still are.

What Trump can put us in a much better position for when it happens.


Good catch.

The left are going around and attacking their opposition like retards which is being recorded to show them as violent savages which they are. Let's not forget the recent eventswhere some antifa were getting crushed by fucking civnats truly demoralising.

That didn't stop brexit or the election of trump no matter what you think of him.

Children rebel this is common. Force something on someone and the chances are it will backfire.

Still hasn't stopped the population from getting passed at their governments for doing this.

Which shows the left as scumbags and shows the right as the more moral side.

You'll be surprised at what user can do if they cooperate. Fuck sake cuckchan /mlp/ blew leftist news sites about their show out of the competition.

Which gets people over to Zig Forums's cause.

That was my point. Shills on Zig Forums want us to believe that Trump merely tweeting something makes it the law of the land.
Completely and provably false. The swamp is running his entire administration.
This is false, and their troubles have nothing to do with Trump. They are being pushed out by the left because they didn't crack down on free speech fast enough in 2016. This actually proves that Trump is not in control and is not draining anything.
This is some bullshit only repeated by literal fake news like true pundit or conservative treehouse.

Trump could single handedly drain the swamp with one stroke on a pen. Fire every single person in the FBI, CIA, etc. Then do not replace them. Problem solved. This is 100% within his constitutional powers as president. Until this happens, the swamp is not being drained. Until the unemployment rate in Washington DC and north VA hits at least 50%, then the swamp is not even close to being drained. Until former bureaucrats and federal employees of DC are living in carboard boxes and cooking ramen noodles over a bic lighter, the swamp is not close to being drained. Trump has the power to make this happen immediately.

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I don't think this is the year whites lose. I genuinely think the gop will either keep what they have or gain a little. It's likely to stay business as usual.
That said, while I also think Trump will be re-elected and that the gop will keep control in 2020 as well, I also believe that we will see the first loss in the midterms of his second term.
My reasons for this course of events is as follows:
How the remaining white react will be the real test of our generations. Trump is the final white people party before we slip toward a dystopian future where we lose all political agency in a country our forefathers built. That's the real blackpill. 2018 and 2020 are safe, it's what happens after when we'll start to see a real fight, or the slow decline toward extinction.

Fucking kikes.

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Fuck off you soy injecting cuck fantasizer. This thread should be about explaining how the left and juden commonly exploit shit like anti-voter ID policies and ways to identify who's being bussed over from other states to vote and rig the ballot. But no, you just want to sit there like a Zig Forums bernout and pretend there's nothing that can be done?
Fuck off. Just save the trouble and jump headfirst.

Attached: bernie no refunds.png (500x566, 142.65K)

Here's the upgraded version of that image that I made.

Attached: Bernie sold out2.png (890x594, 799.13K)

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dead dems cant vote or hold office

The Republican party is blatantly anti-White and Trump is merely neutral on Whites.

But didn't you know, the dead always come back miraculously in time to vote for Democrats. They did for Hillary.

These are the same mistakes conservatives made in the 50s. They are lagging indicators of power.

They don't have a coherent message so this doesn't hurt us. Again, censorship is a lagging indicator of power. they'll go down hard if their platform is abolish borders, which is why they are backing off of that.

Retard detected.

Reminder that you lose nothing by voting.

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OP: loser


jews lews