Australian nurses and midwives are being forced to announce their 'white privilege' before treating Indigenous and Torres Strait Islander patients - a move which has been slammed as 'racist to its core'.
Australian nurses and midwives are being forced to announce their 'white privilege' before treating Indigenous and...
To demoralize white people and embolden niggers. I suspect it may have a different effect though.
5months l8 m88
good to know it isn't memoryholed though
what i'm worried about is what i hear about students being made to 'acknowledge the traditional owners of the land' crap, that's also at official state functions
Why you Aussies putting up with this kind of shit? Thought you were tough like Crocadile Dundee
I'm seeing more of this type of content pop up on you tube. Things are changing.
no one gives a shit
Check out youtube comments. The redpilled comments are no longer coming from bored Zig Forumsacks on sock-puppet accounts.
They're coming from normies on their actual accounts.
It's good to see.
found the code
now to find the fucking faggot who proposed this shit
Tip for youtubers.
I don't want to stare up close at your millenial face for 12 minutes. I dont care what you look like, you're a man. Alex and Joe get away with it because they make goofy faces and are very expressive as comedians. But they also do a lot of cut-aways to keep it flowing.
Here's nine inches of white privilege right here mate.
In the director's cut of Crocodile Dundee, he blew one of the aboriginiggers and apologized for being white.
Good advice. Show us the product you're shilling to break it up a bit.
'Privilege' Definition:
Sorry I'm more special, and better, and white. Sorry that you're a pre-historic naked abbo too stupid to hide from our domince in caves like your Big Foot cousins.
not even a kangaroo but I feel pain for you aussie faggots
damn. they need a veterinarian, not a doctor.
found her
doesn't seem jewy, just worked with abbos
also, found another story where the same board wanted midwives to stop calling women women, and call them 'persons'
doesn't look like it passed
Too right you're sorry, you cunt. Try a little effort next time.
Same thing m8.
How in the everloving fuck could anyone take a single look at these things and think they're the same species as fucking anything, especially Europeans? Holy fuck, it's like the worst parts of niggers combined with the worst parts of pineapple niggers and actual orcs from Lord of the Rings. And their most well known contributions to the world are boomerangs, huffing gasoline, and molesting their own kids.
you cheeky cunts should spread rumours that rich israelis are making trips to the outback to hunt abbos like the most dangerous game. and when they make a kill they harvest the organs to sell for transplant. and this is why israel is #1 in the world for transplants per capita.
I saw this story months ago, the narrative on the left was that: a) it wasn't real (without argument; nevertheless, if you look their code of conduct, it is real), and b) that's it is merely being nice (which is a motte and bailey argument: push insane horseshit, and when called out on it retreat back to platitudes that everyone agrees with. "Why aren't you nice, racist?"). Of course, this is always the case with leftists, commies, and liberals. Point out their conspiracies? "You're a conspiracy theorist, but if it does happen it's a good thing." Point out their insane ideologies that they push in through the backdoor? "You're stupid and need to read more, but if it is does happen it's a good thing because it's about being nice and fair." There really is no more discussion to be had anymore. These people are beyond persuading. Everyone should be organizing in secret with their friends, family, etc. because one day years from now we are going to have to fight these fanatic sociopaths across the west because they want us dead.
For the comfort of the Aboriginal patients I think it would be preferable if they were where possible treated by fellow Aboriginals. I don’t know how many Aboriginal nurses there are, considering the fact that to my knowledge there is plenty of grant money out there for them I’d imagine plenty of them choose to use it in the form of scholarships, there are probably loads of Aboriginal nurses.
And if there aren’t enough Aboriginal nurses so as no Aboriginal has to be treated by anything other than their own people then it should be a priority to train some more up. I can see absolutely no reason why that would be a challenge in the slightest.
Why do white people help shitskins at all then? Why not just let them die due to their own stupidity? The niggers can rape babies, eat dogs and cats, and engage in cannibalism like they usually do to cure their AIDS and voodoo curses like they believe in and whatnot. It shouldn't be our fucking problem they're subhumans.
Australia is one of the most jewed countries in the world
I think your typical left-wing Wormtongue lacks any sense of aesthetics, at least as far as the human form goes. I think when they talk about nigger women being "beautiful" they really believe it. Maybe it has to do with not being able to see patterns? I think they sort of dimly make out the general shape of a person and then call it a day.
Remember that really hot Antifa chick? She was in the media for a little bit, then she disappeared. As soon as the first kike in charge of promoting her got the idea to shove her into pornography, he did it, and that was the end of her. If she had been on our side, she would have gone into the pantheon alongside Taylor Swift as an example of incredible genes.
yep its disgusting.
Australia is fucked brehs
we do lol its only bigger hospitals that put up with a regular influx of dumb abbos (city abbos are like your ghetto niggers)
Lots of remote abbos dont even have a hospital 1000k+ away thank fuck so they just die out
Yes this is a real ad
Watchu talkin bout white fulla? There's plenny of noonga doctors yew raysis.
I am not sorry.
I also haven’t lost my title. You can’t take that away.
The same reason why Americans aren't using all of their guns to shoot all of their traitors and those who wish the whites dead.
Who would believe jews sell bush meat m8?
I seriously thought Aussies were some of the last remaining tough whites who didn't take shit generally. This is disappointing.
Only up north. Southerners are Sweden 2.0.
Aussies have been deeply cucked and pozzed for a while now. Just look at all the video games they ban alone.
We've been pozzed much faster than anywhere else.
Only right wingers (aka centrist or right of center) are literally Chinese and rural autistic neets like me (not those ausneet soy fags)
Everyone is leftist
Farmers gave away their guns
Every small country town has niggers in it
All politicians are leftist no right wing parties to oppose them at all massive corruption
This God I hate southern Australia can't wait to get out go north
Wow. You got to turn that ship around son.
I'm heading north fuck the southern states
You should see some of the shit they teach in our schools and universities.
Taylor Swift is a useless social parasite spreading retardation with her "music". she should be killed alongside you
Besmirch Tay again and I'll strangle you with your stolen foreskin collection.
Shut the fuck you cultureless americunt faggot. Your filthy music is poluting the world
How do half-Abos even exist? Look at these things. Who in their right mind would ever want to procreate with them?
News report was last March. But it was mostly bollocks and it turned out nurses didn't have to do that.
This is literally the state of aus right now
a better question is which of the parents was the abbo
>Cultural safety was developed in a First Nations’ context and is the preferred term for midwifery and nursing. Cultural safety is endorsed by the Congress of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nurses and Midwives (CATSINaM), who emphasise that cultural safety is as important to quality care as clinical safety. However, the ‘presence or absence of cultural safety is determined by the recipient of care, it is not defined by the caregiver’ (Congress of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nurses and Midwives, 2014b, p. 9). Cultural safety is a philosophy of practice that is about how a health professional does something, not [just] what they do. It is about how persons are treated in society, not about their diversity as such, so its focus is on systemic and structural issues and on the social determinants of health. Cultural safety represents a key philosophical shift from providing care regardless of difference, to care that takes account of persons’ unique needs. It requires nurses and midwives to undertake an ongoing process of self-reflection and cultural self-awareness, and an acknowledgement of how a nurse’s/ midwife’s personal culture impacts on care. In relation to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health, cultural safety provides a decolonising model of practice based on dialogue, communication, power sharing and negotiation, and the acknowledgment of white privilege. These actions are a means to challenge racism at personal and institutional levels, and to establish trust in health care encounters (Congress of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nurses and Midwives, 2017a, p. 11). In focusing on clinical interactions, particularly power inequity patient and health professional, cultural safety calls for a genuine partnership where power is shared between the individuals and cultural groups involved in health care. Cultural safety is also relevant to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander health professionals. Non-Indigenous nurses and midwives must address how they create a culturally safe work environment that is free of racism for their Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander colleagues (Congress of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nurses and Midwives, 2017b).
meant to quote
What's with the "e" in front of the s? It should be "stupid immigrants".
This is how sjw Australians sound
T. English Aussie mutt
and this is how they look isn't it
they should be sorry … for helping black people
whats their problem?
Not this shit again. Every time I see this I want one of the somalian faggots to just release an outbreak of grade A+ poz and infect the entire fucking city of melbourne.
I hope you don't bring the sjwism with you to the Northern Australian. The Melbournians are actually trying to change the Northern Australia.
what's the source m8?
need more of that brat! it's excellent!
Don't worry o fucking hate how pozzed the south East Coast ha become
No idea got it off the /b/ thread
There is a simple solution for the nurses and midwives: don't treat the niggers as long as this rule exist.
There are a few, but they are rare. They are the ones that won't look for racist outages. Instead, they are trying to prove they can do something. Usually will find them in the country towns.
Next issue about your grant money. They do get alot of it, but they still choose their tribal ways. So the government gives the money to the elders to share withing the community or whatever.
But the elders tend to use that money for their own gain.
You can try help them, but the majority of the time they don't help themselves. They can attempt to play the race card, but the large portion of aboriginals know the reason they are in that mess, is because thats the mess they choose to be in.
The Government bends over backwards for them, in the end they have to choose to help themselves.
Easy solution: DON'T fucking treat them.
Yeah don't treat them. Refer them to a vet..
Good disown any traitors.
The yanks reading this thread should be aware that they're jewing the shit out of us Aussies because we're a pretty small population compared to you, much like Euro countries. Even New Zealand with about 3-4 million whites (as many as South Africa) is getting pozzed to the max. A completely irrelevant island at the bottom of the world and it's getting targeted for ethnic cleansing of all whites.
All the white diaspora, the western European "powers", we are all a canary in the coal mine to you gun-owning Americans. If you think that tough minded resistance will get you through, or voting and elected officials, point to Australia and then South Africa, because we're some of the toughest white fellas out there and even we are forced into a hopeless situation. You have in your 2nd amendment, right to self defense, etc., a barricade against the complete destruction of your people. The reason it's being forced on you is because you refuse to assert your identity and back it up with the business end of a rifle, and the powers that be have realised you probably aren't going to threaten them, ever, so they've pushed this further and further.
My wife is a nurse and is sitting right next to me telling me about how refugees are being forced into rural communities, and how some of these nurses don't even speak proper English, and let me tell you that if that is the case and IF at some point the white man decides he's had enough then there will not be spot fires of conflict but a vicious wildfire all across this country.
But if the rednecks with guns won't defend themselves when they have the ultimate means to do so, why would the average normie? Why would the divorced father of 2 get up from his desk job? Why would the farmer drive out from his fields into the thick of the degeneracy to stop it? There's an election coming up and it's well known that the deciding factor is immigration - just watch as 15% of the votes go to anti-immigration parties - but Labor/Liberals don't even address it except to say there's nothing wrong and immigration needs to continue, Australia needs to keep being multicultural because that's the new paradigm of our society and even though there's no evidence to show that it's a good idea (and plenty to show it's not) it'll totally work this time guys. Just like those African immigrants are working.
All according to plan. We can't defend ourselves and most people won't until they see someone stronger do it first, and that's the USA.
Oh my dear!!!! Why did you post that for? It's damn disgusting.
Up next:
Are dogs privileged?!
Yes they are very privileged and a lot of white people have them.
If you search for "racist dogs" there are hundreds of people asking why their dog keeps barking at black people.
We got cucked hard by the apathy meme.
For all of you who can't comprehend this, take a look at this pic.
Now take a look at the flags at the rear of this pic.
All Union flags.
I got no less than 3 emails from the fucking QNU inviting me to attend the blockade and sign a change. org petition.
This garbage is being pushed into nursing from within by the Unions themselves. Why? White women. However many Filipinos, Indians, Chinese and Africans have entered Nursing hasn't changed the dominance of the Unions by white women willing think up this garbage and push it into policy.
I pay my dues for indemnity insurance and to fight for better pay and conditions, not this shit.
So it must be done when they are young and the face is going the other direction.
Aussies are really committed to this trolling of the ages thing.
Dogs were selectively bred to be protective of their tribe and group and to identify outsiders. Now we're so indoctrinated that we forget this - but they haven't found a way to brainwash the doggos yet. Who would think I would live to see a day when our dogs are more intelligent than the majority of the western world ??
Thank you for subscribing to Abo facts.
Watch to the end
Truly apes
I was just about to make something to eat…
Fuck you.
It's a nightmare to look at it.
It's a shame that the death punishment is abolished long time ago.
pure gold
I'd love to find the source
Really makes ya think
How can such a turbo cucked country produce such elite shitposters?
presumably a parody of the inability of some non-native English speakers to correctly pronounce an "s" sound
Probably for that exact reason. Their shitposting abilities are a product of their exposure to highly-concentrated doublethink