Attack (((CNN)))?

Tweet CNN is too "white" and remove the Star of David from the CNN is kiked infographic, instead let jews name themselves. That would work, right? Catch the kike in a double-bind.

Is it worth doing? Kikes name themselves, unintentionally redpilling everyone.

Attached: 3d74a3_6322635.jpg (350x381 834.85 KB, 45.38K)

Other urls found in this thread:

That's actually not a bad idea at all.

Nice try to get this board shutdown FBI, but we don't condone terrorism here

woke idea

I tried to find the infographic without the Star of David. Does it exist or do we have to photoshop it out? Want to spread it via sockpuppets and be "why CNN have so many wypipo and hold a brutha down, mane?"

That's not terrorism, faggot. You fucking JIDF fags already trying to fuck this post up, huh?

Attached: bypass.PNG (688x456 148 B, 42.71K)

It's not trrrorism it's funny as fuck
Have a bump

Here comes the gigapilpuling kikes folks. You fags will not shut us down like you tried to with Pizzagate.

I'm humbly supposing that it fucking would.


No part of OP post suggests revealing personal information. Read it again.

Hey, guys. We need to expose Amy Schumer. She is a black man living in Qatar.
so criminal

Is that you again FBI lady?
I liked your glasses.

It's not a bad idea, but it'll be best to make a new infographic with the Sars of David removed from all the pictures.

Attached: c2d0500ad6d29e85f85165e5a36b6ad0fb2268d158f596212ccf2e5591394304.gif (375x375, 84.37K)

Looks like this post is a ringing endorsement to do it.

Fuck off nigger. You aren't fooling anyone.

Attached: 1454538030872.jpg (300x297, 70.72K)

I like it


This is an excellent idea, the star of david will have to be shopped out, however, thinking one step ahead: even dipshit CNN will figure out that we shopped the star of david out of a "white supremecist" inforgraphic. So the changes must go a little bit further than just removing the star of david. The image will have to be massaged a little more to differentiate it from the original image.

Make sure you mention the need for QUOTAS to redress this deplorable condition, so that they're forced to dump at least 16% or so of their spoiled cossetted kikenvermin brothers and sisters and hire a groidal of shitskins who after an initial period of a month or two of being on their best behavior will become inevitably more and more obstreperous, loud, obnoxious and demanding.

Once you get this rolling the luls will never end.

Jews always say they are white when it's convenient. Make them own it and they'll have plenty of evidence of their own words contradicting however they respond.

How about you start with updating those pics to the 2018 version?

This is true, but the real coup de gras here is that this time they are being forced to out themselves as jews when it's not convenient.

So the star of david needs to be shopped out and the image altered slightly so that a reverse image search will not turn up the original image iwth the star of david in it.

I would say for the image, remove any wording aside from their names and the CNN logo, and do a campaign by simply tweeting out how white the network is. Hijack hashtags that could easily connect to this so as to avoid it initially looking suspicious. (Not going to list any hashtags here since search engines would pick up on it and lead them here. It'll look better if you tweet it from sockpuppet accounts for black twitter, or any other non-white accounts.

If you don't already have an account, use this to make a temp one so you can verify the sockpuppet:

Use one these for when it invariably asks you to verify a cell number:

For best results, now would be a good time to boot up TOR from a junk drive.

Attached: ihasquestion.png (782x790, 199.1K)

*use to make a temp e-mail to verify

Exactly. We get the kikes to name themselves on our terms, not (((their))) terms.

Fire up the sockpuppets. No Stars of David and just say how white CNN is. Then have them double down and say it's (((anti-Semitic))), thereby outing themselves.

A double-bind.


Wow I haven’t really seen such obvious and blatant shilling in hot minute. That was incredibly low effort.

>(((Don't you DARE do it, filthy goyim)))
We don't answer to (((G_d's chosen,))) rabbi

Fuck this is tedious, I'm not even halfway done.

Attached: asdf01.png (1362x2900, 3.14M)

Great idea.

Is it Judo or Jiu-jitsu…one of those Japanese martial arts has ways to use your opponents strengths against them. With 'CNN is too White' on twatter we use the jew-created "White privilege' concept against a Jew fortress.

But how many of us have twitter accounts?

Still, though, even if only a few people do this, it might spread to the nogs and browns and go viral. I LIKE it.

Attached: merchant CNN DS.jpg (507x535, 154.25K)

It's looking good so far user. Keep going!

God's work, user. You're doing God's work.

Oh My Lord

calm your manboobs fags

Attached: cnn.jpg (1024x576, 80.35K)

JIDF shilling hard against this. Oy vey!


stut up and work 4 your Master goyim!

Attached: Senate passes bill to enshrine -38-billion military aid package to Israel into law - U-S- News - Haaretz-com.png (893x877, 571.3K)

all buildings that cnn uses or staffs should be Mcveighed

go on..

Attached: ZOGNALD.png (680x677, 478.85K)

Attached: Juden Raus.jpg (730x686, 117.71K)

Attached: Drumpf Vey.jpg (332x152, 20.84K)

Attached: Inspired.jpg (1000x562, 237.42K)

OC 10000 milliseconds in MS paint

Attached: cnn-too-white-people.png (1362x2900, 3.34M)

Attached: High Energy.jpg (700x512, 70K)

What should the text say? Or should I just crop it?

Attached: asdf02.png (1362x2900, 3.13M)

excellent idea

getting awfully sloppy, aren’t we JIDF?

Attached: 00FEA2DD-0A78-4ECC-ACB8-74CF566D9D6B.jpeg (1176x1200, 243.18K)

pic related: Top "senior" (((advisers))) to (((((POTUS)))))

Attached: ddd.jpeg (275x183, 8.55K)

Not a bad idea at all. Although when this specific topic was brought up 14 months ago, imkampfy killed all threads related to this and subsequently banned numerous anons who bumped those threads. This could be quite fun if you're actually on board and not trolling
Will spread.
Finally, some Quality Content.

Those threads were up for fucking weeks.

I'd advise going further and scanning the current entire board down to directors and prominent news anchors and including actual white people in as well. For this to work correctly you need to have the take away being that "whites" have a disproportionate voice in the company. This is easy when you are pointing out all the kikery within the high ranks but it’s a different argument when you are just pointing out that “whites” make up a majority when they should demographically.

It’s a dirty secret that the boards of most of the fortune 500 are almost exclusively “white” in general. I’m not sure how many cryptos are make up those ranks but the project might work better if it were targeted at areas where cryptos exist in the greatest numbers of what is seen to be a white hegemony.

Crop the stuff below. Say something about lack of diversity.

Are you high?

Leave CNN logo and put it lower towards their pictures. At the bottom put:

"Notice anything?"

Leave it completely open ended.

Agreed. Even if they replace the lot with crypto pets its a massive step down in iq and ability. This would also force shitlibs to advocate for the same thing since they're all muh based poc!

Say what they say user
Dear White People

Fuck off, niggerkike

Attached: cry me a river.jpg (420x420, 38.07K)

Should we be using any specific #?

stay mad kid

Another idea: Have a huge infographic for the whitest network on tv. Then advocate for the replacement of all white workers especially the ones running the show. If they refuse: "Are you saying we always need a white masta always in charge?"


Attached: cnn-too-white-people2.png (1362x2900, 3.25M)

Hijack relevant hashtags but one of our own choosing to be the main one. Something like:

why would you bother hiding them?
much more effective to just show people the jew.
god damn, that's some weak shilling op.

Use non-white rather than PoC people of colour since it allows them to say "but we are non-whites goy!"

no it wouldn't stupid jew.
how do you faggots really think you blend in at all?
jesus christ, you're idiots

Attached: asdf05.png (1362x2365 3.27 MB, 3.3M)

The beauty of using the term "Dear White People" is when Trump calls them Fake News people will associate them as a racist network too, so if they call him racist - people will remind them of their own 'diversity'.

All are pretty cool. The middle one might actually be objectively best, but I have little faith in the average leftard to understand what its trying to say.

God's work user.

I'm not the one kvetching over revealing CNN, kike.

Attached: sanseikitty.png (600x788, 369.34K)

Is this strictly confined to social media or could this also be a great poster opportunity?

I'd stick to twitter and the like, save posters for the simple white and black text stuff.

Use An image when suggesting hashtags. Again, you don't want search engines to be able to pick it up and lead here.

Attached: glowing tie.jpg (516x516, 39.6K)

this thread is gay and very clearly doesn't help whites at all. why wouldn't you just share jew infographics?
the end result is very clearly helpful to kikes. you're attacking white people on their behalf, and helping them cover up the fact that cnn is kiked from top to bottom, and all undet the guise of 'tricking' people. why even trick people to begin with? the truth is on our side. only the jew would use deceit so readily, because he has to constantly lie and cover up.
newfags, always look at the end results of what others are suggesting.
if it looks like it helps kikes, then don't fucking do it stupid.
thread is full of kikes. literally most of them in here are jews larping.

here's clearly a jew, and he likes what another user is doing by altering the cnn infographic to remove the kike stars.
sage this gay thread

Attached: 1485898977364.gif (347x244 871.4 KB, 3.56M)

You're right, my fault.

It's not tricking people if you don't call them white. It's true there is lack of diversity among those CNN kikes.

who the fuck cares? just share the kiked infographic. it works much better, because it exposes the jew outright.
the one you're suggesting just lets them hide behind white people.
best to just expose the jew.

Attached: DeML3sIWkAA0SBm.jpg (1174x1200, 546.18K)


CNN will not want to replace any of it's jews with niggers so they'll either have to say there's nothing wrong with being white, or come out and say that they're all jewish. Normalfags are the type that see "jew" and think "oh it's those fucking nazis again" and immediately turn their brains off. I am hoping this way, they'll be on board with the infographic and when the bomb is dropped that all those "whites" are actually jewish it will finally get through to them. But, we'll just have to see.

Attached: hestiasmug.jpg (774x720, 395.2K)

This thread is absurd. There is no chance in hell that CNN will publicly declare themselves Jewish. Most likely they would ignore whatever meme. Otherwise, they will say "yes we are white but we will diversify" and probably change nothing.

Sage negated nigger

ever considered killing yourself for being a pathetic weebkike?


Attached: 1422766682091.jpg (400x266, 23.16K)

We can't lose, every possibility will be good for us

Remember, jews say they are white when its convenient. I don't want to be a blackpilled faggot, but I could see (((CNN))) hijacking this psyop if not, behind this psyop. All they have to do is hire token pocs at (((CNN))) and they'll accomplish both demonizing whites and promoting (((diversity))). They don't have to correct they are jews as the implication they are white will stand.
To fuck over jews, understand the pattern they follow when defending their ethnicity:
To entice (((CNN))) to expose themselves as jews, promote a CNN treachery or offer a gain. Trump has promoted the former with the fake news meme and (((CNN))) still hasn't outed themselves, so that leaves offering a gain. Think of a gain that would be accessible to anyone but jews at (((CNN))) and they'll go apeshit.

exactly. it just gives them a chance to hide behind white people. a direct attack is always best. show people the media infographics with jews.

i know exactly what's going on, schlomo, and you don't like that.

Use these infographics and fire up the sockpuppets. Let's get this going! Time's awastin'.

Spread infographic across black Twitter, etc. Keep it non-1488 and don't name the jew, just name wypipo. Let (((CNN))) do it. Let's go make the jews live up to their own rules!

Kike spotted.

they wouldn't and you're just letting them hide behind and attack white people.
use the infographics of jews in the media, it scares the shit out of jews because it's inarguable. jews hate being exposed, and the best way to expose them is with that meme.

was just about to say the same thing about you, yid.

Or you retards can just post the truth?
You consider Jews white?

use pic related to redpill. and think about the reasoning behind why anyone would want to obscure jew control of the media.
it only ever helps the jews to hide them.

Attached: C47qQBwWAAIWPL1.jpg (1850x2834 54.5 KB, 1.75M)

Ever consider killing yourself for being a kike nigger?

Attached: CW9e74WWAAERqzb.jpg (600x600, 48.76K)

Keep it simple, what about: CNN too white. That's what they said about the (((Oscars))) a few years back.

These niggers would have you believe that jews won't try to hide behind the non-white tag if it means covering their ass and avoiding hiring Tyreese and Al Abim to 'diversify' their station. Also implies they won't predictably post some washed up 'we love niggers and goatfuckers' on their social media.

Y'all ever wonder if Q is Hillary?

cnn wouldn't give a shit less about hiring a bunch of niggers to read off a teleprompter that they write.
no, you're just enabling kikes to hide behind whites, and not providing a good enough reason.
truth is our greatest weapon, because it's on our side.
best just to redpill by exposing the jew, as we have been doing very effectively.
nice try tho, schlomo.

It's both. A -do is a "way," a -jitsu is an "art." Usually arts are based on battle, whereas the ways are toned down a bit. Aiki schools fit in there, too, as well as different versions of weapons arts. Balance arts are strongest with weapons, which is what I like about them most.

Why can't shills ever format their posts? Do you not capitalize in your desert tongue?

Kek. Stay mad. CNN is going to get gassed and there is nothing you can do about it.

That pic already exists and will continue to exist. We need to do something with it because it hasn't BROKEN CNN, you moron.

how does this let them hide behind whites? they either go along with it, and maybe we get a bunch of faggots directing their anti white hysteria at them, or they kvetch until every normie knows how jewish they are. Where's the downside? Anyone who will be swayed by pointing out they are all jews is already swayed. This might sway the ones who see the original infographic and just think 'it's those nazis again'.>>11965532