Italy, nigger attempts to rape a young woman in a Milan train station
Italy, nigger attempts to rape a young woman in a Milan train station
Good, is he in prison? I hope they rape and murder the nigger in there if he is.
Not too exciting, OP, but it's one for the Italy folder.
I don't have a lot of Italy.
You must be new.
Prison? At this point, wouldn’t be surprised if they locked the girl up instead and wrote this guy a fat check as hate crime compensation.
I would have given free board to a dozen odd friends of Luca Traini. That would have sorted those rapefugees out.
This wouldn't even be a problem without jews. Kill the kikes first!
they need to start getting shot. i thought Italians were pro-gun
he was probably a phd brain scientist
yall racist
A pepper spray? Bloody hell, did she have a license for that.
Uh, racist much? He just wanted to ask her out for coffee and gelato.
ere in britain it's quuens ordas to take the ole bbc if you're a woman. it's how apologise for our skin color. these pizza cutters are racist bastards
A young woman in Sweden attacked her attacker with a key fist and stabbed him in the balls…women are learning…it is taking a little bit, but they are learning…next they will carry hammers and knives (when they become confident with using them)…IDK I am glad I don't live in Europe because I am never unarmed and if I did live in Europe I would have syringes filled with Drano and stab the mother fuckers with them…watch as a healthy serving of Drano ate through their bloodstream and they spent their last moments screaming in pain…
We needed a fucking thread for this?
He should have burned it down…with them in it. And taken the insurance money…it is going to be trashed anyway. They shit on the floor destroy everything and are going to probably make it impossible to recover from. At least if he burned it down they wouldn't be lose to rape in his community.
Are they forcing him to house those niggers
>The young woman - a 25-year-old girl - had just left the night club
I wonder what Aryan things was she doing at the night club
enjoying life and being a good person … things non aryan people wouldnt understand
people like you
why not just a knife … what are you even trying to do here?
Knives are deadlier than guns at close range and they have multiple uses for everyday stuff.
How is Salvini changing the situation in Italy?
When the sign tells you expressly not to enter, but you do anyway because you have to piss, and someone gets mad because you do what you’re supposed to do. They break rules, and check them.
I wasn’t requesting degenerates. I was in the zone and caught off guard.
These subhuman act this way no matter where they are even Italy and fresh off the boat. Death to all niggers.
Working. Though I get how a nigger could get confused about that concept.
I also met my virgin wife at a bar. She worked there with the guys, so you know she's understanding.
Just kill yourself now. They've existed for ever and it's fine. Wouldn't marry them as a man of good standing though.
If this isnt a reason to carry a gun idk what is.
All this makes me want to do is kill people who deserve to be killed
Why the fuck isnt anyone doing something about it?
How in the ever loving fuck does this sort of shit just seem to continually happen?
Is living in a white state really so comfy Im actually disconnected from the harsh realities of race? Fucking HELL
No shit sherlock the blade is only about 5-10 times the size of the bullet youd put in someone. The whole advantage of the gun is range and ease in execution. Holy fuck if I just went about commenting on shit stating the obvious Id feel pretty smart too but were not all so blessed to be that ignorant. Useless fucking "this"
This is how you "This."
Club whore, who cares. Shame she didn't get raped and murdered.
Thats someones daughter you window licking tard
Am I really supposed to respond to this bait? Why the fuck are you even allowed here ? What are you posting for? Like holy shit bro is this why everyone calls each other shills? At least try harder next time maybe you wont expose yourself so easily. What are you gaining from this loss? You dont get mad pieces of shit like this exist? You honestly, with a straight face, in front of god and all these witnesses- claim that it is a SHAME this woman wasnt raped and murdered. Really? Thats your shame? What a low bar to hit cause if thats the case youre infinitely experiencing shame with little hiccups. Holy fuck youre an asshole. You scallop looking cunt
If you wanna be a cunt you can always rub shit on the knife, make em go septic
More likely to poke yourself by accident tho mate
< women deserve raped because they're degenerates, goy :^)
Wow I'm confused? the way she was running in those heels, its almost as if she really really really did not want that bbc?
Holy moly, it's the first time I see this one. Do you have more?
She might be a bartender.
The government can take away peoples hotels and homes in the case of serious and urgent public need, the owner is also due fair compensation
Although in this case the owner was offered 7 euros per person per day, which is piss poor compensation for a 4 star hotel
Whats even worse was that the owner didn't agree to it, he requested information about the people who were going to be housed there and they instead seized his Hotel
Then it got filled to the brim with black adult male "asylum seekers"
The owner then fainted after all this due to the stress
you go Italy
Sometimes you get the impression the South is more relaxed than the North in Europe, but then you hear about cases like this.
Tits or GTFO.
The Racism card doesn't work that much in Italy. (((RAI))), our equivalent of the Fake News Network, constantly tries to sway the public's view towards that, but they had so many massive boners throughout the years that barely anyone believes them or sometimes they get convinced of the complete opposite.
Let me give you some insight: the nigger trying to culturally enrich that woman was already being sued for a similar attack - in fact he didn't even have a permit to stay in the country, but the Jail system in Italy is almost as bad as the Jewdicial one (and this is a fact that Policemen know full well, to the point that they'll try and stall an arrest for as long as possible because the court system has plenty of soyboy leftist judges who "believe in integration and rehabilitation of the prisoner", but since most coppers are right wing they'll wait for a leftist judge's term to end just to get one that sends them to the slammers in, which sometimes can take even months) so he got to walk freely. The woman was recorded on multiple cameras being distressed, meaning that she didn't plan to attack the nog but merely reacted to his own attack. The nog was also already stopped outside the metro trying to culturally enrich the same person, so he doesn't even have a dindunuffin alibi. The spray was non lethal and the woman didn't attempt to hit him again once he ran away, meaning his (((lawyers))) can't sue for reparations. Basically, (((RAI))) is trying to hide the news to make Italians focus on nogs being killed or attacked "unjustly", but no one believes them.
To let you understand how much of a fuck up (((RAI))) is, let me give you some more:
>They paint Salvini as a savage monster and M5S as a hopeless grassroot movement throughout the election, giving (((PD))) the center left party as much time to talk on whatever issues they want as possible
>Matteo literally slays them and they've got nothing to do but keep on showing (((PD's Martina))) complaining that Salvini is a racist, homophobic, uncultured, unjust politician
Just because that one Nigerian was a rapist doesn't mean that all niggers are useless rapists. As long as there is a remote possibility that one nigger is not a useless rapist, Italians will have to keep getting killed and raped. It says so in the Bible.
Her sex is relevant to the topic, you mong.
I used to have to travel in and out of the city as a teenager for work and I started carrying various weapons that I could hide in sleeves and pockets. Used to slip a knife up my sleeve when I walked at night to the station and eventually I bought a "paperweight" (pic related) in another state since they are illegal in mine. Heavy but they slip on and off easy enough in a pocket. It's worth dealing with some bullshit weapons charge as long as I can turn an attackers' face into mincemeat and save my own life.
I always thought violent negroes were a meme. Since we got our own here in germany since 2012, I get where the memes are coming from. Almost HALF of them are guilty of a misdemeanor or a crime. Even when they attack, their expression doesn't change. If you didn't see them attacking personally you would think they are some harmless bystander. As if violence is just a part of life for them. But even if you catch them red handed they blame innocence and/or don't see anything wrong with what they did. Stealing may be just a port of life for them aswell. A lot of them even take PRIDE in being unruly… You can't make this shit up. They are PROUD to be ignorant, agressive or lawbreakers.
And why don't they know how clothing works? They don't seem to like wearing shirts. They wear Flip Flops instead of shoes (even in public) and have no idea how common decency works. They are using public parks like some private hangout. Bringing tables, chairs, grills and whole palletes of water! In a public park! With loud ass music. They also don't seem to know what a trash can is for or how to clean up after yourself
They are savage animals, user.
Knives are overkill. A key strike to soft tissue such as the throat or eyes is not only effective but also allows easier identification of the perpetrator due to unique wounds.
i'll have 4 kids you faggot and ther's nothing you can do about that too
Why did none of the based Italians intervene when the Dindu was after her? He should have had his legs broken at the least.
Kill the nigger pizza bros and any sympathizers too
According to a pizzafren living there, that station is often empty, especially in some dead hours in the morning and afternoon.
They intervened outside of the metro. Also, you gotta keep in mind that metros are nogland, you can tell your country is infested by them rather than having a few of them just by looking at public transport. How many niggers do you see camping around or waiting for buses? The moment that number rises over one, that's it, game over, you need to gas everything
Why not just call her a fucking toddler and be done with it?
25 is almost middle-aged for a woman, proven biologically by the fact that she's already lost 50% of her eggs by 25.
Tiresome. But the white knights of Zig Forums lap this shit up like soup.
Watched the video, looked like an attempted robbery.
But of course, women will always try to reduce everything to their most valuable possession, which is not their purse, but their VAGINA.
This is a cinch to answer: rape hysteria empowers women, at the group and the individual level. It is also a sure, tried and tested way to recruit the support of white knights, who also view the golden vagina as a sort of unobtainablewhich it is, for most of them artifact of immense holy power, a bit like the Grail of legend.
Cue fantastic whiteknight reveries of intervening, smashing the nigger's skull in, saving the "pure and innocent White girl", earning sex, and finally losing virginity.
It's all so pathetic.
This was a fucking robbery attempt. Young to middle-aged niggers have no problem at all getting sex from White girls, in Italy, Britain, France, Sweden or any other W. Euro nation.
Money is what is hard to come by, pussy is basically free, especially after the woman has absorbed decades of jew social engineering which basically teaches her that fucking niggers is practically a holy act, a way to ensure redemption in the neo-religion of cult-marx.
Good nigger. This will only hasten their inevitable expulsion.
I do feel sorry for her, but with that profession not as much as the other average rape victim.
Oh, and before anyone chimes in with "only W. Euro girls give it up to niggers, BASED slav girls are too busy dancing in wheat fields whilst wearing traditional costumes"
Nice fairytale, now go and Google SIMON MOL.
That was surprising. I hope Italy removes the filth.
This is untrue. Bullets have something called hydrostatic shock which can damage flesh and organs within a considerable area around the entry wound, causing internal bleeding and organ disruption. There is no such thing as "stopping power", what there is, though, is the rather horrific sensation of being shot, which is often enough to immediately incapacitate. It is actually rather difficult to incapacitate someone with a knife in a tense situation when adrenaline and possibly drugs are in the equation, and if you don't hit vitals or a major artery they have a decent chance of surviving.
There are certain scenarios where it would be preferable to incapacitate or kill someone with a knife since it draws much less attention, but that kind of implies that you are the aggressor. Guns are always preferable in self-defense situations.
I fucking hate those kikes, Tg2 in particular is rage inducing, soviet-style propaganda only focused on niggers and faggots
hope DiMaio is truly going to purge the (((shit))) infesting those channels like he said.
Go take a "shower" kike
5kikes leader only cares about bullshit issues.
whiteknights ITT dont want you to think this.
Thankfully something like this could never happen in Britain because possession of pepper spray is a five year stretch
Not really. A gun can more easily fuck you up.
Don't they have plastic caps for syringes
Maybe she's a slut, maybe she's an honest woman just trying to make a living. The fact that she's traveling alone suggest the latter.
The hotel owner in the video actually signed a contract to house refugees in his hotel in return for compensation.
It's just that after signing the contract, he realized he couldn't make ends meet due to the compensation being utter shit and wanted out. He failed to renegotiate with the local government and then thought that refusing entries to the refugees was the way to go.
Of course he's gonna get forced to comply by the police at this point. He let greed get the better of him and signed away his rights without even doing a cost-benefit analysis.
Black on Black violence. Black blood pumps through every spaghettinigger's veins.
You missed the first post by a mile, Mordecai.
You can only truly appreciate the inferiority of the negro once you have endured his presence.
Free pdf and mandatory reading for anyone living around nogs: Negroes in Negroland
Mainly a compilation of quotes from people who traveled Africa (explorers, missionaries, etc.) detailing all they observed in their time there, it's one of the best overviews I've come across. It covers everything from their thievery and nakedness to ritual sacrifice and their penchant for cannibalism.
Yo post us the articles about the nip one becoming anti Korean, racist and depressed in less than a day and the Russian one saying she wants Stalin back and that gays must be persecuted
This guy is right, they're doing a lot of reforms that will help the country and its people in the short term but they're not long term solutions like throwing away the filth that is taking up jobs and money out of honest Italians, also Di Maio still too light on Mafia.
Reading it is completely unecessary if you lived around them, it would be just confirming what we already know.
You are wrong there, user, it was written in a time of people uninfected with today's culture and public schooling, by superior minds, rhetoricians and oratists. They are excoriated and put to the verbal sword by minds belonging to those such as Thomas Jefferson and many others of his generation both European and American and it is an education, a pleasure and a delight to read.
Tell them that Salvinis proposal is the law in Germany for over 100 years and so far no Wild West vigilantes have been seen but are in urgent need now.
…but isn't stopping rape racist ?
Why didn't she shoot him with a fun?
Italians don't believe in guns, only spicy meatball.
This makes my blood boil, I fucking HATE niggers
I was in an attempted mugging by a filthy iced up ape a few weeks ago walking out of my apartment building. As soon as I heard him yell at me I had 000 on the phone, he tried luring me down a driveway and the look on his face was like a fucking animal about to kill its prey. I ran screaming help at the top of my lungs as he chased me until people came out of their houses..
Police only managed to catch a few of his iced up friends down the street and nothing else was done.
I now carry spray paint or hair spray in my bag because self defense is illegal here :^)
Sami here. Pocket knives, save lives.
Maybe, except for the state putting you in jail if you're found with one.
Put enough rhinestones on ice picks and all of a sudden raping niggers everywhere will be getting stabbed to death.